What System You Going to Go With Next Time?

It all depends on Nintendo for me.

If they come right out and say they are fully supporting online gaming and have a platform similar to Xbox Live and are still the cheaper console, I will most definitely go with them.

But if they remain hesistant with online gaming, like they have in the past, I plan to wait for the first rounds of price drops and get the Xbox 2.

Because of Sony's severe lack of hardware dependability, I won't touch a first-gen PS3 with a 10-foot pole.
I'll still be in college, and still be poor. After a year or two and a price drop I'll look at Nintendo then Xbox 2, but I may not even get one then. I'm spending less and less time playing games. I won't get a PS3. Between PS1 and PS2 the only exculsives I give a damn about were FFT, SotN, and DDR Max 2 (which isn't even really exclusive anyway). I've fallen in love with so many N64, Gamecube, and Xbox games in that time, but I haven't seen much on PS that's ever interested me.
[quote name='CrimsonGeist']Im definetely waiting on the PS3. My thing had disc read problem and I bought another one. I really regret doing that.[/quote]
I'm probably going to get a PS3 first, then i'll pick up an Xbox2 at some point down the road... hell i dunno. i just got my xbox.. i got a lot of games to catch up on!
id get all at launch cause im someone who dosent really care how crappy the system launch is id just want the new systems there in my house.
I will probably get them all, but will try to hold out for the first price drop. I will most likely get the ones that have backward compatability before the ones that don't.
My first choice is Revolution GameCube 2

Second i thought was going to be xbox2 since the xbox is my 2nd, but it is coming out first of all the systems and unless it hits it off great(I don't think so if Sony and Nintendo are waiting) im going to go with PS2 as my second choice or my second purchase.

The xbox is going to suck if it comes out first, because it will be the worst system, Sony and Nintendo will make their systems lots better with that extra time, where as Nintendo and Sony have to work to make their systems better than they think eachother will make theirs. I don't think Microsoft is capable of taking the headstart and making a killing with it the way PS2 did.
PS3, the PS1 and 2 have served me very well so the first system I will buy will be a PS3. Now if the Xbox2 and Revolution show enough promise I'll probably also pick them up.
i will probably wait until the consoles drop down to about the 150-200 area before buying one...but i will probably buy the PS3...i think it will be the "Xbox" of the next gen since it will come out later and most likely have the better hardware...but who knows? if xbox2 is backwards compatible, i may get that...
If Nintendo's 'Revolution' screams Virtual Boy, I'll go with the PS3, but only out of desperation. If I get Nintendo's, I'd wait till the Revision B or C PS3 and pick that up (hopefully after price drop) and lastly, I'd get the Xenon, only after serious price drops and discounts. Probably used as well.
I'll probably buy one at launch price. Which one depends on the game selection at the time. I'm mostly an RPG player so whoever brings out a must buy RPG first will be what I get. After the first price drop I usually pick up all the remaining systems.
I will wait until the price drops before even thinking of buying any of these. I also want to see them in action first.

Of the current generation, I bought the xbox first when it dropped to $199.
I'll most definitely be getting a PS3. I only use my Xbox for multi-platform games because of the hard drive and the graphics are better. I don't like Halo 2, so a sequel will not interest me. About the new Nintendo console, I'll get it eventually because I like the exclusive games. However, I only bought one GC game last year (Twin Snakes) and I bought RE4 this year. PS2 has all the things I need right now, and if I had to drop Xbox and Gamecube, I would.
Xbox 2, easy. I have XBOX and GC, and XBOX definitely gets the most use. I'm just praying the XBOX has backward compatibility (then I only have to lug one system to college). I might also pick up a PS2, to catch up on those games I missed, and take that to college.
bread's done