What time is your bed time?

Between 12 and 1. I get up quarter to 7 so I'm not getting enough sleep during the week, but enough to get by. I usually have one night a week where I come home from work and go to bed like an hour later and just sleep through to catch up.

Not the best plan in the world, but it works for me.
Midnight Here.

I get up at 5:30 AM twice a week and 7:00 AM the other three days.

On the weekends it's closer to 2. I'm a night owl stuck in an early morning job.

Also: Napping is key, that often pushes back my bedtime.
Normally right after the colbert report. which is at midnight here on the west. If I'm in a good session of gears of war or something else on xbox live maybe around 2-3AM. Even though I have to wake up at 7:30AM for work. I normally only get 6 hours of sleep at the most a night.
I try to be in bed somewhere around 9:30pm but I often find myself awake as late as midnight... No good since I try to get to work before the traffic gets buts and leave home around 7am.
bread's done