What What, in my Tradelist. You know you want to look, in my Tradelist!

I'd bid, but you might or might not get as much money as if you sold on ebay. However, I would still bid on BoF at the very least, and maybe FF:Origins.
I don't expect as much as Ebay, but minus shipping I would hope to be within $5-10 of the difference. I don't mind losing a little money as long as it goes to the CAG community as compared to Ebay and some of the idiotic problems I'd have to deal with on there.

Looks like a pretty positive response so far. I'll check tomorrow and see if there are a few more interested and if so I'll have at the very least the PS1 lowball up by Friday/Saturday. I'd love to have a lowball for all my stuff but I work a 40+ hour a week job and have a 1 year old daughter, I don't think I could handle everything in a timely matter so I think I would have to have multiple sales with a smaller amount of items.
You'll get close to ebay. I'm straight scavenging ps1 rpgs right now. So... I will be basing my bids on the ebay auctions/ half.com / amazon / etc... DO IT! I'm wanting quite a few of those games.
Well that's a pretty positive response so far. Sounds like I'll be starting with a PS1 Lowball and depending how successful that is then maybe I'll move on to bigger and better lowballs.
Haha bigger and better lowballs, I have one piece of advice for you, but it looks like you already caught on. Breaking items up is the right thing to do, because I had one with a lot of items, and trying to keep cags updated on price amidst other obligations was a total bitch. Have a few smaller ones to keep it more manageable. The only downside is that someone might want a few cross platform deals(PS1 game, PS3, game, and a dvd, for example) and you would lose that money saved from shipping everything together. So maybe have your smaller lowballs, and have your trade list available, and encourage people to make offers on non-lowball items as well? One other thing, you might be able to trade 1 for 1 on some of your current-gen games. I'm thinking about putting my copy of Demon's Souls in an upcoming lowball, but I'm sure I could find a 1 for 1 swap for Borderlands, one of my wants. I hope that makes sense, I'm really tired. Good luck!
Awesome, that sounds great guys. I'm glad I'm getting such a great response to this, I wasn't sure if it would be worth it or not but sounds like there are at least a few people interested. I'm going to go ahead and work on getting the images and everything up tonight, the Final Fantasy games are about done. Hopefully I can start this thing in another day or two. I'll add a few other items to go along with the games I mentioned as well, stuff that relates, like guides, etc.
My early bids are as follows:

$40 on Lunar 2
$5 on FF VII guide
$5 on FF VIII guide

I might return later if these bids get topped...
[quote name='elessar123']I hate you.[/QUOTE]

Sorry. I just fail to see the point in $1 increases along with low ass bids on rarer stuff. :roll: Plus it saves me the hassle of coming back in and going over someoone by $1 over and over and over on something that is rare and that I know will not go cheaply.
[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']Sorry. I just fail to see the point in $1 increases along with low ass bids on rarer stuff. :roll: Plus it saves me the hassle of coming back in and going over someoone by $1 over and over and over on something that is rare and that I know will not go cheaply.[/QUOTE]

lol np, it's because I came to bid $20 and $25 on BoF3 and BoF4 respectively, and you beat me to it =P
[quote name='elessar123']lol np, it's because I came to bid $20 and $25 on BoF3 and BoF4 respectively, and you beat me to it =P[/QUOTE]

Friendly bidding wars are fine by me. Just don't cost me too much money. ;)

BTW: Got the package today. Thanks for Super Paper Mario :D
[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']Friendly bidding wars are fine by me. Just don't cost me too much money. ;)

BTW: Got the package today. Thanks for Super Paper Mario :D[/QUOTE]

lol np. And I wrapped the FF7:CC UMD case in the paper, hope you didn't throw it away lol
[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']Sorry. I just fail to see the point in $1 increases along with low ass bids on rarer stuff. :roll: Plus it saves me the hassle of coming back in and going over someoone by $1 over and over and over on something that is rare and that I know will not go cheaply.[/QUOTE]

Breath of Fire III - $26
Breath of Fire IV - $26

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You guys are already at my limit for the BOFs. Bummer. Maybe two paychecks down the line, I will just buy them off of half.com or ebay.
Bids should be current up to post #592, I will be on and off tonight to keep them updated. Also I will get the pictures of FFVII BL & GH fixed later tonight.

The Breath of Fire IV case is in excellent shape as is the instruction booklet. To me the disc is also in great shape, all I can see on the back by looking at it from all different angles is a very small scratch/scuff no longer then maybe 1/8 of an inch or so. It looks to be very light, just a surface scratch and very small. If you want I can attempt to take a picture of it but I'm not sure how well it will come out. Otherwise it is in perfect shape.
How long before payments are due? My only reason is I am strapped for cash, but want to bid. I will probably have enough money in time, I was just wondering WHAT IF. i could also probably do a partial payment at the time of auction's end, so you know I'm for real? I just wanted to bring up this point because there is a SMALL possibility this could happen, if I bid.

Oh, and I won't bid until I have an answer, just in case.
bread's done