What's the longest you have ever left on anyone of your systems?


In terms of Gamecube, I have left it on for about half a day and then the entire night. The reason I left it on was because I wanted to get Mewtwo in SSBM without having to play through 24 hours, though later I would play that much and more. I did that because at the time I was in a rush to get every character just because the game was so much fun. At first i was hesitant at doing so, but after reading about it online and in magazines that wouldn't harm your GCN, I let it go.

Recently I left my PS2 on for an entire day and half because at first I thought I would be back in an hour, but ended up staying the entire night at the place I went to.

I've also gone through playing a single game on anyone of my systems (minus my portables) for upwards of 6 to 12 hours at a time

I've never really had my Xbox be on for a long period of time if I wasn't playing, then again, it's the least played of all of my systems.
well my friend left the sega master system on with Zillion on pause from 9am to 7pm.....we were on 8th grade and the teachers in the morning were absent ,so we went to his house to play sega (back in the day was sega , since it was the first sega system in the U.S.!) .we left for school about 12pm, so the system was on until he came back to his house and then continued the game to finish it >he called me at around 7pm, telling me he had finished the game!
Halo 2 LAN parties for 7-11 hours, depending on how late everybody stays. When I was younger, I would leave my NES on (accidentally) for a long time sometimes.
I left my Dreamcast on for 2 days when I didnt have money to buy a VMU and didn't want to start all over.

I left my PS2 on for almost 2 days when I just completley forgot it was on.
As far as my Cube goes I have left that on for a couple of days cause I didn't have a memory card to save this one game plus my roommate loves to play SSBM all day.
I've left systems on for days and days before.

But the longest I've ever played a game without getting up is around 16 hours. I owe that session to PSO for Dreamcast.
me and my friends used to ditch school get drunk and play marvel vs. capcom on the ps2 for like 8 hours straight, once we were so fucked up we dint turn off till we woke up like the next day, ahhhh high school was the shit!
I used to leave my Genesis on for days and sometimes even weeks on end. Joe Montana 94 quit saving game info after being powered down so I just left the thing on for three weeks. God I love that game.

64 for four days or so when WCW/NWO Revenge first came out. Don't know why really looking back but yeah.

PS1 and PS2 are probably at around 16 or so hours each a few times. I don't generally play RPGs a few hours at a time I like to make them into long timesinks and play through a lot of them at a time. Oh wait come to think of it I left Blood Omen on for 19 hours plus because I played it through after renting it straight because I was so hooked.
PC was probably around 3 days

Dreamcast I left on while I slept to get points in MvC2 (It didn't work if I remember correctly)

GC was left on for about a day to unlock Mewtwo as someone else said
Back when FF7 first came out I left my PS1 on for about a week. The memory card I was using was one of those "mega-block"cards and it stopped working. I had already put about 10 hours into a new game in 1 day and didn't want to lose that. I didn't get around to buying a good card until later that week, so I left the system on and kept playing every day until I could save.
I went on vacation and left my PS2 on, hoping I would return to find my VF4 AI character had turned into an unbeatable juggernaut. I also left my GameCube on for a good 24 hours once to build up Vs. game time to unlock a new character. I imagine I've played games on a console for upwards of 9, 10 hours.
[quote name='ViolentLee']I went on vacation and left my PS2 on, hoping I would return to find my VF4 AI character had turned into an unbeatable juggernaut. I also left my GameCube on for a good 24 hours once to build up Vs. game time to unlock a new character. I imagine I've played games on a console for upwards of 9, 10 hours.[/QUOTE]
thats cheating on super smash bros, i did that time limit with pure match time
I remember falling asleep playing FFXI one night after a long session. I woke up the next morning at like 3 in the afternoon, face-down in my keyboard. Good times.
I've left my computer on for months at a time. As for consoles, my housemate borrowed my PS1 and left it on running for a few days. I estimate a few days because he had gone home for the weekend, and I saw the system still powered on when he wasn't there. Long story short, I turned the game off and took the system back with extreme prejudice.
I rented a PS2 from Blockbuster back in the day with a copy of GTA3. Of course no memory card, so I basically left the damn thing on for the entire week I had it. ;p
I once noticed my PS1 was turned on but hadn't used it in several days, at least three. I turned on the TV and set the video input to show what it was running and sure enough it was the last thing I could recall playing. It's possible one of my nephews was at the house without my knowing and played on the unit for a while, then neglected to tutrn it off but I suspect I just turned off the TV and forgot about the console power.

The longest I ever left a machine on purposely without playing was for Ys IV on the SNES. It had a sort of bug that let you stand in a certain location and kill a never ending series of bats for experience points. If you had an autofire controller and put a weight on the button it would keep going until the character was maxxed out. The game wasn't very hard but it was fun for it's own sake to do the cheat.
[quote name='Ozzkev55']thats cheating on super smash bros, i did that time limit with pure match time[/QUOTE]

I think "cheating" is a little harsh, Ozzkev. I just wanted the character, and I didn't ever play multiplayer.
My Saturn has now been on for I think about 3+ days with Dragon Force in it. My fucking memory card died / not working, and I can't find any of my spares in any of my boxes. I will continue looking though ...
[quote name='coolieman2001']I used to leave my SNES on every night so I could let my City and Money grow in Sim City 2000[/QUOTE]

Did you ever get a Megapolis in the SNES version and get the statue of Mario? I could never get that damn thing no matter how much I built. I would always fall like 80000 population short or some crap. Pissed me off real bad.
I left my Playstation 1 on for around 6 days because I had no memory card and I had unlocked maniac mode in DDR Disney mix and gotten AAAs and Ss on all the songs on maniac and wanted to save it.
bread's done