What's the Nerdiest/Geekiest thing you've ever done?

[quote name='Dead of Knight']I really think this wins the thread.[/QUOTE]

It also makes this thread useless without pictures.

Show us your tentacled visage, knave.
[quote name='jPoD']I never heard about the Tunak Tunak Tun video and Daler Mehndi guy. I just wiki'd him and watched the video. Hilarious shit. When was this a phenomenon?[/quote]

I'm bad with dates but I'm going to say about 2000. That's when I first heard about Daler from someone.

[quote name='munch']Spent an hour of my life listening to two guys who are way too old to be playing video games talking about video games.[/quote]

Is that a veiled diss on the CAGcast? ;)
1. best friend and I waited in line 21 hours for tickets to a movie marathon in Austin. Biggest reason was to see Lord of the Rings, which we saw two weeks before the regular release.

2. best friend and I followed ilovebees ARG, got to play Halo 2 a couple weeks before the game came out.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Which morning show, and how long ago was this?[/quote]

It was on the buzz. Probably 1.5 years ago. They were giving away a trip to Las Vegas which included a stay at the Hilton (where the museum is). They were laughing about it so she called in and they laughed at me.
I used to wear a Super Mario Bros shirt when I was in second grade.

I have like 300+ games or so. Along with a ton of anime. I also have a import copy of Street Fighter 2 that I got way way WAY back in the day around snes launch which also made me cool since i had the game for the longest time.

I also intimidate Dan Hibiki type speech patterns to greatly annoy my adversaries and I always interject nerd speech with MANG SPEECH.
And I used to think I was a nerd. You guys are so bad that you make the Brady kids look like badasses.
Hmm, here's a couple off the top of my head:

- I listen to video game music.
- I waited in line at TRU for an hour just so I could have the exclusive rare Mew Pokemon. Not only that, but I went back since it was only limited to one per person.
- During the 2006 E3 Nintendo press conference, I went to the Nintendo World store to catch a glimpse of Reggie on TV. I stood outside for 10 minutes watching since the store was packed with fanboys.
[quote name='Rags']Did you mean to put "Tshit" and was saying the shirt was crap, or was that an accident?[/QUOTE]

yea i ment T-Shirt...sorry
[quote name='smaaug']Totally agree... The books were way the hell overpriced and the Tshirt was mediocre at best.

What the hell was the kid going to do with that many Tshirts/books?[/QUOTE]

maybe give them to friends or ebaying them?
oh yea,

back when I got the soundtrack to TPM, I cranked the volume up high and played Duel of the Fates and singing along with in my apartment :)

Sometime later when the movie was released, me and a few other animators started having lightsaber duels around the animation department, going room to room until one of our sabers broke :(

not what I did, but what I saw, just prior to the midnight showing of AOTC, some kids got up infront of the screen and started dueling, driving the crowd nuts, until one kid's saber broke and the crowd went "awwwwwww". Damn those sabers are cheap.
[quote name='Strell']It also makes this thread useless without pictures.

Show us your tentacled visage, knave.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, but there's just no way in holy hell I'd do that. I escaped that fat little kid a while ago, and I have no desire to revisit him. Thankfully, I'm marginally more atractive now. And by "marginally" I mean people don't run in the opposite direction any longer.
Well, most of the time...
I guess the nerdiest thing that I ever did was start to collect the game systems that my family wouldn't let me own as a child and purchased most of them around my 18 birthday but in recent years I got rid of most of them to focus on newer games and systems.
[quote name='umcthomas']It was on the buzz. Probably 1.5 years ago. They were giving away a trip to Las Vegas which included a stay at the Hilton (where the museum is). They were laughing about it so she called in and they laughed at me.[/QUOTE] Bah. I can't/couldn't stand Efentra.

Reality's Fringe;2249425 said:
Sorry, but there's just no way in holy hell I'd do that. I escaped that fat little kid a while ago, and I have no desire to revisit him. Thankfully, I'm marginally more atractive now. And by "marginally" I mean people don't run in the opposite direction any longer.
Well, most of the time...
Now they run toward you? With pitchforks? And torches?
[quote name='Paco']I used to wear a Super Mario Bros shirt when I was in second grade.

I have like 300+ games or so. Along with a ton of anime. I also have a import copy of Street Fighter 2 that I got way way WAY back in the day around snes launch which also made me cool since i had the game for the longest time.

I also intimidate Dan Hibiki type speech patterns to greatly annoy my adversaries and I always interject nerd speech with MANG SPEECH.[/QUOTE]
This didn't make your list?
[quote name='Dead of Knight']There's so much nerdy shit that Paco has done that you don't even want to know about.[/QUOTE]
:lol: That is pretty ridiculous.
I had a dream last night where I was running around the city trying to find a Wii on launch day. The oddest part about the dream is that I don't really even want one all that bad.
[quote name='Kayden']I had a dream last night where I was running around the city trying to find a Wii on launch day. The oddest part about the dream is that I don't really even want one all that bad.[/QUOTE]

you sure you were looking for the device made by Nintendo?
[quote name='ITDEFX']you sure you were looking for the device made by Nintendo?[/quote]

Was that supposed to be a penis joke? Like I had a dream I was searching for cock? Har!

Or are you just saying you find it hard to believe I don't want a Wii on launch day?

I can top my dream though, my GF bought a huge can of Nacho Cheese-ish substance at Sams Club and she was putting it into little bags to freeze them. Upon picking them up, the felt oddly familiar... So I had my GF come over and I put two bags in her bra. She looked at me like I was crazy and then proceed to squeeze her zesty implants. She concurred; nacho cheese in sandwhich bags feels a lot like a breast.
[quote name='Kayden']
I can top my dream though, my GF bought a huge can of Nacho Cheese-ish substance at Sams Club and she was putting it into little bags to freeze them. Upon picking them up, the felt oddly familiar... So I had my GF come over and I put two bags in her bra. She looked at me like I was crazy and then proceed to squeeze her zesty implants. She concurred; nacho cheese in sandwhich bags feels a lot like a breast.[/QUOTE]

your post is NOTHING without pics of said items :p
[quote name='ITDEFX']your post is NOTHING without pics of said items :p[/quote]

I don't think we need to go through that again.
That never tends to end well.
I once beat The Legend of Zelda (( ..well, i reached Ganon )) without picking up any swords....



...i guess that's pretty nerdy. 'Took for fucking ever.

Vietgirl> Haha, 'loved reading your DDR confessions. I went through a similar phase quite a few years back :)

I wear Gears of War dogtags everyday.

Failed 4 out of 6 classes in 11th grade because of Phantasy Star Online for Dreamcast.

Didn't go to my Senior Prom because I got a Gamecube with Star Wars Rebel Strike.
-Cosplayed at Otakon 2002, 2003, and 2005. 2003 was the best costume, it was Bomberman
-Hosted a Japanese Wrestling Panel at Otakon 2006
-Own several Dreamcast systems
-Own over 100 games
-Bought my DS Lite at the Nintendo World Store
-Own a Japanese Ceramic White PStwo
-Built my own computer
I earned a B.S. in Computer Science.
Multiple years, and thousands of dollars for a document that screams: "I am a geek".

Sure, there are other things I have done that could be considered nerdy and geeky, but I doubt they rise to that level, being isolated incidents, or lasting on the order of minutes, hours, days or months, rather than years.
[quote name='Spades22']LOL you missed your prom for video games! Wow..[/QUOTE]

After I found out the girl who I asked out to the prom had a boyfriend, I decided to instead use the money to buy a new PC that I built :)
[quote name='Spades22']haha hey didn't turn out to bad then I guess[/QUOTE]

yea there are better things out there then prom...wait til you get to college :p

Proms are only memorible to the girls that go..we guys have other things that we consider more memorible.
Ya I really didn't care much for mine at all...although I did have an alright time with my friends lol. I graduated so now I'm first year in University. (Canada)
[quote name='ITDEFX']yea there are better things out there then prom...wait til you get to college :p

Proms are only memorible to the girls that go..we guys have other things that we consider more memorible.[/quote]

Yep. The only reason I went was that my date had asked me if I'd go with her, and paid for my ticket.
[quote name='Radioactive_Man']I wear Gears of War dogtags everyday.

Failed 4 out of 6 classes in 11th grade because of Phantasy Star Online for Dreamcast.

Didn't go to my Senior Prom because I got a Gamecube with Star Wars Rebel Strike.[/quote]
I can top this in two ways. One- I didn't have a senior prom because I went to college for highschool credit. Secondly, on the night of both my prom and graduation, I was home playing Diablo 2.

...I also have Diablo 2 running in the background and will be playing it again in minutes.
[quote name='JSweeney']I earned a B.S. in Computer Science.
Multiple years, and thousands of dollars for a document that screams: "I am a geek".

Sure, there are other things I have done that could be considered nerdy and geeky, but I doubt they rise to that level, being isolated incidents, or lasting on the order of minutes, hours, days or months, rather than years.[/quote]

Oh, come on -- that's it? I have one of those too and I didn't even list it.

For all we know, you could be one of those "cool" people who had a social life that didn't include other nerds, who didn't enjoy spending time in the computer labs, or who ditched physics classes to play sports.

I can't really think of any really nerdy things...

Well, I dabbled in electrical engineering when I was a kid, and like a month ago there were these two hot british girls staying at my house and I stayed up until 1am playing Nintendo 64 with them... And at midnight on my 20th birthday I was playing Mario Kart.

That's kind of nerdy. I guess I'm not really a nerd though...
bread's done