Where can I sell my Magic the Gathering cards?

[quote name='JSweeney']I don't know about that. I'd say that Meloku, the Clouded Mirror is likely the third best blue creature every printed (after Morphling and Psychtog.)
Keiga is a beating as well. If they manage to kill it, it often cost them thier best creature.[/QUOTE]

meloku i forgot about him.. just added him in a non chant online scepter deck.. wanted to use the genju but they were too slow.. and nothing really is match for a morphling or tog deck.. but ah well I also forgot to mention Twincast.. gotta love fork.. i guess i just wasn't interested storywise for the sets..

if anyone wants to start a CAG MoDo clan.. we really should.. even though there won't be very many of us but it'd be kinda cool.. anyways..

magic is still fun.. but if you judge online drafts as any idicator, MD5 was replaced by Rav Rav Rav draft and the only time people CBS draft is when there is nix tix and that is really just to open jitte or needles.

EDIT: and the rares i was talking about was 9th edition.. the blue cards in 9th really really suck..
[quote name='Odenat']I remember winning a Type 1 tourney with my accelerated blue deck couple years ago. Some guy went like 3x mox dual land Juzam first turn. I go okay tap my island force spike my turn wasteland your dual tap island sol ring tap that powder keg sac it. so my 8 dollars worth of cards destroyed about 1k of cards :)[/QUOTE]

i have that beat.. i was playing a guy running a illusionary mask deck.. and i was playing suicide black.. he went first.. dropped lotus, mox mox duel didn't tap the moxes or use the lotus that turn (i mean why play them unless you got something that turn)

my turn

swamp, dark rit.. keg (and wastelands are about 8 bucks now and sol ring is about 20 and kegs are around 6.. but i guess you were going for stuff at the time) if you take mine.. free for a swamp, dark rit probably a quarter for the most common version and a keg for 6 mine cheaped out more then yours.. but yeah good play though.
Wow, its like you guys are talking in a different language. I have absolutely no idea what the last few posts said. :lol:
bread's done