Which D-Pad is Worse - X360 or PSP?


26 (100%)
So I just finished playing SF: Alpha3 Max on my PSP and the calluses on my thumbs reminded me of why I stopped playing (uppercuts are torture). Anyway, this issue got me thinking, which D-Pad is worse the PSP or the 360?
PSP. that thing is flat, unless you have the ceramic white one.
360 by a mile. I can at least play my fighters a little on PSP. On 360, DoA4 and all 2D fighters are almost completely un-playable, due to the atrocious D-pad.
PSP by far, my first reactions after finally tracking down Street Fighter Max and Dark Stalkers was fuck I can't even play them!
PSP I hate the playstation style broken up pad to begin with and this one is flatter and worse...but I can play Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max using the nub instead of the D-pad. The 360 d-pad sucks for general movement like quick right left up down movements for something like Pac-Man but oddly enough it works well for me for Street Fighter.
Other, Gamecube has the worst D-Pad. I had to buy one of those SNES-style Hori controllers, cause it's barely possible to play the Mega Man Collection games with the GC's D-pad.
I'd rather have my pad be a little too stiff than a little too loose. Hence, I like the PSP digital directional pad over 360's.
[quote name='tangytangerine']Other, Gamecube has the worst D-Pad. I had to buy one of those SNES-style Hori controllers, cause it's barely possible to play the Mega Man Collection games with the GC's D-pad.[/QUOTE]
Agreed. Why did they even bother including the d-pad? It's useless the way it is.
[quote name='ViolentLee']I'd rather have my pad be a little too stiff than a little too loose. Hence, I like the PSP digital directional pad over 360's.[/QUOTE]

I'm the exact opposite. Both could use improvement, but at least the 360's doesn't hurt my thumb or cause me to think twice about buying games that I would normally play.

Why's it so hard to get these things right? A digital input with 8 degrees of movement should not be this difficult.
[quote name='mtxbass1']I have zero problems with the 360 D-pad.[/QUOTE]

Have you tried playing a fighting game with that thing? It's a joke.

I actually don't mind the PSP D-pad because its so similar to the PS2, which I enjoy alot. Also why is there a other option? You might as well have made a thread asking "Whats the current worst D-pad?" Just sayin.
[quote name='javeryh']I hate the 360 d-pad. The diagonal sensitivity makes just about any old arcade game unplayable.[/QUOTE]

Quoted for the fucking truth right here... They need to pull a nintendo and just release a classic controller.

Both suck pretty hard really, but the combination of not being able to play fighters OR retro games (the only 2 types I enjoy with a d-pad) effectively with the 360's d-pad makes the 360 a little worse off IMO. Plus when you have stubby fingers/hands like me I think the 360 d-pad is slightly more uncomfortable to reach.
I love the 360 to death but it does seem to suck for fighting games. however my PSP really ticks me off at times as well so this one is a tricky one.
PSP D-pad is far worse. The 360's is awful, but there are diagonals. The PSP's d-pad is completely useless... particularly for anyone who's a fighting game fan.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Also why is there a other option? You might as well have made a thread asking "Whats the current worst D-pad?" Just sayin.[/QUOTE]

Because I wanted everyone to have a voice in this poll, even those that did not agree with the main point of the OP/Poll.
The PSP's is worse because the 360's is only bad for certain games - fighters in particular. The PSP's is just terrible.

The Gamecube's is shit, and the O.G. XBox pad's is pretty lackluster as well. But I didn't want to THROW MY VOTE AWAY.
bread's done