White PSPgo $150 shipped at Dell

[quote name='au7oma7ic']god, I knew I should have held off on the green 3000 bundle...could have gotten PW, the pspgo, and the three free games for 10 dollar less than the psp3000 bundle[/QUOTE]

You did it wrong, you should've bought it from K-mart. :eek:

Free copy of MGS4, the PW bundle, and $25 off future purchase of PSP games or accessories. I walked out the door with the bundle, MGS4, a new case and a $19.99 game for $220 and I was happy. The go is still not on my "to purchase" list simply because there really isn't any ability to play the older UMD-only released games. I can't play Jeanne D'arc so I'm not currently interested. Plus there's no way to trade or borrow software with the go. Sad days.
[quote name='ArQuesta']You did it wrong, you should've bought it from K-mart. :eek:

Free copy of MGS4, the PW bundle, and $25 off future purchase of PSP games or accessories. I walked out the door with the bundle, MGS4, a new case and a $19.99 game for $220 and I was happy. The go is still not on my "to purchase" list simply because there really isn't any ability to play the older UMD-only released games. I can't play Jeanne D'arc so I'm not currently interested. Plus there's no way to trade or borrow software with the go. Sad days.[/QUOTE]

But Jeanne D'Arc is on the PSN store. Unless you meant that you already own it and can't play your UMD copy on the GO? Otherwise, the GO can play Jeanne D'Arc just like any PSP.
[quote name='chopper731']That is a ridiculous statement. The PSP is not a dead platform and the Go is just a PSP variant.

I thought the point of this forum was to communicate different prices and sales (deals) from retailers... There seems to be so much opinion in these threads lately. If someone wants to buy a Go, let them buy one without being harassed.[/QUOTE]

Actually the numbers do seem to show that the psp is a dead platform in NA. It survives because of it's dominance in the east. But in the west it is basically non existent. Of course even in the east the pspgo is still routinely outsold by the PS2.
I'd be all over this if I didn't already own like 60 games on UMD, including Peace Walker.

Also, deal is dead: price is up to $169.99.
[quote name='AwRy108']I'd be all over this if I didn't already own like 60 games on UMD, including Peace Walker.[/QUOTE]

This is what interests me about PSP2. There is pretty much no way that UMD will be used for that machine. And you know that sony will not want to include a UMD drive in there because sony will want a sleeker device.

So what happens? Do they go back to the drawing board on those failed UMD to DD download plans somehow? Do they put a UMD drive in even though we know they don't want to? Do they just release one of the first totally non backwards compatible machines in a long time?

I'm interested to see what they do.
[quote name='BWQ3A']Man...if E3 wasn't next week I'd bite for sure. Waiting to see what's goin down. Still holding on for that dual analog PSP 2 as well.[/QUOTE]

Aren't we all :whistle2:?
[quote name='brianace']No big surprise here.
Create a handheld with fewer features than the generation before, and expect people to pay more for it? No thank you.
My guess is, if you're reading this, you are probably not one to want to pay retail. Imagine paying retail price on everything. What if you bought a PS3, and had to buy every game from the same store? Like only one store sold PS3 games?
Before I get too down on Sony, I bought the PSP 3000 about a month ago, the last time Dell was selling them for $129, and I have not regretted my purchase one bit. Huge library of great games, and the comics reader is cool, too. Unless you're in Canada, sorry Canada.[/QUOTE]

I have a PSP 2000 and absolutely love it. But yeah, the GO concept top to bottom was awful, and Sony knows it.
bought a 3000 about 3 weeks ago at (ugh) retail because i was hours from getting on a long flight. it's amazing, absolutely love it. going to kick myself in a couple days when psp2 is announced, unless the psp2 is far more expensive. but for now? jeanne d'arc!
shouldnt sony be releasing psp9000 by now? i mean psp4000

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