Who here is on Zoloft?

I was on Zoloft about 6-7 years ago. Helped a good bit, also helped that I got out of the rut that was my life.

Couldn't end it all...had too many games coming out at the time that I'd miss.
It's kinda wierd. My older brother and one of my twin sisters have to take medicine. He has ADHD and she has ADD and some other stuff like depression and shit. All I know is that I don't want to be near neither of them when they aren't on their meds. Then me and my other twin sister don't take any meds. We always joke and say we're the "normal" ones. But the sister that is "normal" also has some kind of psycholigical problem with saying she's wrong, no joke, I've honestly never heard her say she's wrong in all her life, and I'm not sure either of my parents have either. Me, I think I have slight anxiety disorder cuz I'm always thinking something's wrong or gonna happen. Say my Mom checks me out of school without telling me she's going to, then while I'm walking down the hall to the office, I'm thinking all this crazy shit. Like maybe my sister died, or something else terrible happened so she's checking me out. And I usually can't go a car ride without thinking of different ways we could crash everytime we turn a corner.
[quote name='XboxMaster']It's kinda wierd. My older brother and one of my twin sisters have to take medicine. He has ADHD and she has ADD and some other stuff like depression and shit. All I know is that I don't want to be near neither of them when they aren't on their meds. Then me and my other twin sister don't take any meds. We always joke and say we're the "normal" ones. But the sister that is "normal" also has some kind of psycholigical problem with saying she's wrong, no joke, I've honestly never heard her say she's wrong in all her life, and I'm not sure either of my parents have either. Me, I think I have slight anxiety disorder cuz I'm always thinking something's wrong or gonna happen. Say my Mom checks me out of school without telling me she's going to, then while I'm walking down the hall to the office, I'm thinking all this crazy shit. Like maybe my sister died, or something else terrible happened so she's checking me out. And I usually can't go a car ride without thinking of different ways we could crash everytime we turn a corner.[/quote]

Believe me I know that feeling. I got into a really bad wreck about a month ago and have not been fully right yet.Its scary as hell driving a car after what happened to me.

The wierd thing is, is that it almost happened to my mom the other night about 2 miles from where I had a wreck.
[quote name='CaseyRyback'][quote name='XboxMaster']It's kinda wierd. My older brother and one of my twin sisters have to take medicine. He has ADHD and she has ADD and some other stuff like depression and shit. All I know is that I don't want to be near neither of them when they aren't on their meds. Then me and my other twin sister don't take any meds. We always joke and say we're the "normal" ones. But the sister that is "normal" also has some kind of psycholigical problem with saying she's wrong, no joke, I've honestly never heard her say she's wrong in all her life, and I'm not sure either of my parents have either. Me, I think I have slight anxiety disorder cuz I'm always thinking something's wrong or gonna happen. Say my Mom checks me out of school without telling me she's going to, then while I'm walking down the hall to the office, I'm thinking all this crazy shit. Like maybe my sister died, or something else terrible happened so she's checking me out. And I usually can't go a car ride without thinking of different ways we could crash everytime we turn a corner.[/quote]

Believe me I know that feeling. I got into a really bad wreck about a month ago and have not been fully right yet.Its scary as hell driving a car after what happened to me.

The wierd thing is, is that it almost happened to my mom the other night about 2 miles from where I had a wreck.[/quote]

Yeah, it really sucks. My sister called the house today crying (she lives in the dorms) and wanting to talk to my Mom. Naturally, my mind ran wild, I thought she had gotten in another wreck (as she gets in many) or her boyfriend died. Turns out she lost the key to her dorm room and was crying over the five dollars you had to pay to replace the key. My mind also makes me criticly skeptical about my appearance. I always thought I was real ugly and girly-looking as I have long hair and my Mom's smile. Not to brag, but lately I just got a hott as hell girlfriend :wink: that's made me think otherwise.
I don't understand why there's a stigma associated with anti-depressants. They aren't sedatives. In my case, my brain simply didn't produce nearly enough seratonin. Nothing I could help, and turns out it was genetic (depression stemming from low seratonin production often is). After a year of taking it, I was done. And much better off for it.

I always like how crazy people try to explain to the "normals" that they're not REALLY crazy, just kinda off a bit.

Like if someone says "Hey, I was watching this moving of two guys blowing each other....but I'm not gay" Yeah you are, straight guys don't watch man on man porn and sane people don't have to take pills to do things that most other people do normally.
[quote name='XboxMaster']I always thought I was real ugly and girly-looking as I have long hair and my Mom's smile. Not to brag, but lately I just got a hott as hell girlfriend :wink: that's made me think otherwise.[/quote]

A sock puppet with a wig made out of hair you collect from random girls on the bus is not the same as a "girlfriend"
[quote name='JimmieMac'][quote name='XboxMaster']I always thought I was real ugly and girly-looking as I have long hair and my Mom's smile. Not to brag, but lately I just got a hott as hell girlfriend :wink: that's made me think otherwise.[/quote]

A sock puppet with a wig made out of hair you collect from random girls on the bus is not the same as a "girlfriend"[/quote]

I really miss that show. It would be, like, the only reason that I would stay up until like 3AM on a schoolnight even though I would skip the next day. Those were the days.
I always like how assholes try to explain to the "normals" that they're not REALLY assholes, just kinda off a bit.
[quote name='PsyClerk']I always like how assholes try to explain to the "normals" that they're not REALLY assholes, just kinda off a bit.[/quote]

Update your score card, I am an asshole and I never say other wise. Ever. Go take a pill, put on a tin foil hat and have a nap till Dr. Phil comes on.
Yup, you seem just like the kind of moron to walk into an AA meeting and say "those idiot alcoholics! Just quit drinking, problem solved!" You don't have to post JUST to be an asshole you know.
Now you're way off.

What I was talking about was how people on pills try to rationalize that they're not that crazy.

What you're talking about is that I'm trying to say that people should just stop being crazy.

Two different things there.
People on pills AREN'T necessarily crazy. That's my point. Unless your definition of crazy is a lot broader than most. Then there's always the 'what's normal anyway?' cliche.

Your first post is akin to making 'cripple' jokes to someone in a wheelchair. Tasteless and unwelcome in an otherwise serious/semi-serious thread.
Like if someone says "Hey, I was watching this moving of two guys blowing each other....but I'm not gay" Yeah you are, straight guys don't watch man on man porn and sane people don't have to take pills to do things that most other people do normally

No doubt that the tape of the two guys blowing each other was from your personally collection .
I think that anti-depressants are getting a bad vibe these days due to their prevalence. In cases like psyclerk, where they have a genetic deficiency that is made up for via pills, that is unfair to criticize.

However, I'd guess that cases like those are not the majority... especially given that the fastest growing group of anti-depressant users are PRESCHOOLERS. I mean, holy shit! What do they have to be depressed about? Square peg won't go in the round hole? When I connect the dots it doesn't look like a pig? Can't color within the lines?

Blatant abuse of the meds by useless parents certainly can't help the credibility of the drug, eh?


Personally, I think that these meds shouldn't be half as prevalent as they are. It seems to me like people are afraid of facing themselves and their own reality (granted, it's a difficult thing to do), so they hide behind band-aid cures like drugs. Life sucks? Change it. Look inside yourself, find what you like and don't like, and make a concerted effort every day to mold yourself into the person you want to be.

That's my two cents.
[quote name='MorganWebbLover']
Like if someone says "Hey, I was watching this moving of two guys blowing each other....but I'm not gay" Yeah you are, straight guys don't watch man on man porn and sane people don't have to take pills to do things that most other people do normally

No doubt that the tape of the two guys blowing each other was from your personally collection .[/quote]

No, he was one of the guys on the tape.
[quote name='"PsyClerk"']I don't understand why there's a stigma associated with anti-depressants. They aren't sedatives. In my case, my brain simply didn't produce nearly enough seratonin. Nothing I could help, and turns out it was genetic (depression stemming from low seratonin production often is). After a year of taking it, I was done. And much better off for it.

I know exactly how you feel...I take Remeron for my depression and I dont tell anyone besides people im really close with or else they will think im crazy and am gunna kill myself if i dont take it...I mean I almost did kill myself but I got help and have been "normal" ever since.
All the pill poppers are slowly gathering to plot my downfall with thinly veiled homosexual innuendo. I could panic or I could just wait until they all have to go was their hands for 45 minutes then check the stove before turning off the lights with their right hand.
[quote name='JimmieMac']All the pill poppers are slowly gathering to plot my downfall with thinly veiled homosexual innuendo. I could panic or I could just wait until they all have to go was their hands for 45 minutes then check the stove before turning off the lights with their right hand.[/quote]

That's what we call Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Not Depression asswipe . Try cracking a book every now and then maybe you'll learn something.
[quote name='WildWop']However, I'd guess that cases like those are not the majority... especially given that the fastest growing group of anti-depressant users are PRESCHOOLERS. I mean, holy shit! What do they have to be depressed about? Square peg won't go in the round hole? When I connect the dots it doesn't look like a pig? Can't color within the lines?[/quote]
holy poop, that was great. seriously funny. disgusting that poarents subject their children to this though.
I had an interesting conversation, it actually stemmed from Donnie Darko, if anybody is familiar with that movie. anyway. we were talking about how society labels people crazy becuase of the altered reality that they live in. Its interesting to think about what they know , maybe theyre "in-tune" with things we arent. maybe the "normal" people arent normal, maybe thy just have "blinders" on that dont allow them to see certain things.
anyway interesting thoughts.

on the other hand one of my brothers, just turned 18, was the picturesque child, great in school normal amount of friends played sports, bla bla bla. over the last year a lot of problems have come out, alcoholism, eating disorders compulsive lying, completely random depression, just lots of stuff. Hes now very very different from the first 17 years of his life, its like 50% is a person none of our family new 50% is the same brother as always. anyway I used to think people who had these types of problems brought it on themselves in one way or another, or could control themselves or their actions if they wanted to, but that is definately not the case.
im not on anything, but im begininning to think i should be. i recently concluded i have add, possibly adhd, and im randomly depressed, for no reason whatsoever. ill just be sitting there and suddenly be very sad and tired.
Everybody gets depressed now and then. The real problem begins when the depression is prolonged and starts to conflict with your daily life. Also with ADD and ADHD, I think the US is the only country that classifies it as a disorder. It could be something that is cultural rather than biological. Give it some time. If your depression doesn't resolve itself or appears to be chronic then you should probably seek help. Try counseling or attending a therapist before you consider taking any kind of medication.
[quote name='paz9x']I had an interesting conversation, it actually stemmed from Donnie Darko, if anybody is familiar with that movie. anyway. we were talking about how society labels people crazy becuase of the altered reality that they live in. Its interesting to think about what they know , maybe theyre "in-tune" with things we arent. maybe the "normal" people arent normal, maybe thy just have "blinders" on that dont allow them to see certain things.
anyway interesting thoughts.

on the other hand one of my brothers, just turned 18, was the picturesque child, great in school normal amount of friends played sports, bla bla bla. over the last year a lot of problems have come out, alcoholism, eating disorders compulsive lying, completely random depression, just lots of stuff. Hes now very very different from the first 17 years of his life, its like 50% is a person none of our family new 50% is the same brother as always. anyway I used to think people who had these types of problems brought it on themselves in one way or another, or could control themselves or their actions if they wanted to, but that is definately not the case.[/quote]

That's funny becuase I just finished watching Donnie Darko and was laying in my bed thinking that most people are very scared of anything different or anything that challenges their views. Maybe Donnie was one of the rare few that saw the actually truths of the world .
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']im not on anything, but im begininning to think i should be. i recently concluded i have add, possibly adhd, and im randomly depressed, for no reason whatsoever. ill just be sitting there and suddenly be very sad and tired.[/quote]
You are probably just suffering from teen angst.
[quote name='MorganWebbLover'][quote name='JimmieMac']All the pill poppers are slowly gathering to plot my downfall with thinly veiled homosexual innuendo. I could panic or I could just wait until they all have to go was their hands for 45 minutes then check the stove before turning off the lights with their right hand.[/quote]

That's what we call Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Not Depression asswipe . Try cracking a book every now and then maybe you'll learn something.[/quote]

I was talking about OCD, not depression. And look at that, the guy telling me about OCD is "MorganWebbLover". Now, what I'm unsure of is if that's irony or if it's just a coincidence.
[quote name='paz9x']I second that, it seems the answer to everything these days is a drug of some sort.[/quote]

I don't believe in just prescribing drugs. Even if it is absolutely necessary, there should be some therapy involved. Drugs just cover up the problem. But that's my opinion. [/Psych major]
[quote name='moiety'][quote name='paz9x']I second that, it seems the answer to everything these days is a drug of some sort.[/quote]

I don't believe in just prescribing drugs. Even if it is absolutely necessary, there should be some therapy involved. Drugs just cover up the problem. But that's my opinion. [/Psych major][/quote]

my thoughts exactly.
[quote name='MorganWebbLover']
That's funny becuase I just finished watching Donnie Darko and was laying in my bed thinking that most people are very scared of anything different or anything that challenges their views. Maybe Donnie was one of the rare few that saw the actually truths of the world .[/quote]

yea my thoughts were along those lines. That movie is absolutely great.

If you have any desire to, PM me with your thoughts on the movie.
I have seen it numerous times, and still cannot come up with a 100% theory on it.
JimmieMac here is your answer straight up. I'm not on pills but my mom is and your bieng a real ass and you need to go fist yourself.
I was on Zoloft for a few years. I went off it about a year ago, partially because I felt like I didn't need it anymore and partially because of side effect issues. (It was screwing up my metabolism or something. I was hungry all the time.) But I'm glad that I was on it when I needed it.

[quote name='WildWop']However, I'd guess that cases like those are not the majority... especially given that the fastest growing group of anti-depressant users are PRESCHOOLERS. I mean, holy shit! What do they have to be depressed about? [/quote]

I'm not crazy over giving anti-depressants to little kids because they haven't really done a whole lot of studies on its effects on them. That said, I have to argue with what you're saying about "what do they have to be depressed about?" Clinical depression is NOT necessarily caused by a depressing situation. It is a neurological medical problem. If someone is depressed because something bad happened to them, then they need to resolve their issues, not just take pills to make them feel better. (Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against people taking Zoloft while resolving their psychological issues. I just think that if you have a problem that needs to be solved, you shouldn't use medication as an excuse to ignore the problem.)

But if someone is depressed for no reason, then medication can be a wonderful thing. Hell, I was thinking about killing myself when I was a teenager. If you had asked me then why, I wouldn't have been able to give you a rational answer. There was no reason for me to hate my life, I just did. My brain was screwed up by a chemical imbalance, and it was destroying me. The medication saved my life.
bread's done