Who in the hell declared Xbox the system for fighters?


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They got 5 fighting games coming out, less than a month apart(towards the end of september and beginning of Oct. mainly) and ALL have live play.

SVC Chaos
Street Fighter Anniversery collection
DOA ultimate
Mortal Kombat

personally I do not see how the Xbox can sustain this many fighters, exp with 4 of them coming out less than a week apart if the release dates stay as they are.

I am not trying to system bash, but this is not the early 90's. I think that as good as all these games will be(aside from SVC Chaos which blows) they are going to cannabalize each others sales.
I don't think it's too much of a problem. I don't bother with fighters myself but I've noted that the franchises often have highly segregated fan bases. A lot of Street Fighter fans detest Mortal Kombat and vice versa. Other than the common element of two people beating the crap out of each other the differences in gameplay can be huge for the fans.
I know that everyone has a series they prefer, but you also have to include the new KOF game and CAPCOM fighting game coming out in Nov.

thats a good 7-8 fighters coming out in a short period, when there has only been like 4 on the system worth mentioning for the first 2 and a half years.
In which case the publishers are perhaps of the belief there is massive pent-up demand.

If I were of the fightinggenre adherents I'd feel thrilled by the sudden embarrassment of riches. There is a swarm of RPGs due for Xbox this Fall. They'll still be there waiting when price and available time coincide to make them mine. It will likely be well into 2006 before I've obtained them all but then I've still got plenty of existing titles I'm waiting to find at the right price such as KOTOR and FF X-2. Hell' I've still got PSone RPGs to play.

Puiblishers can flood the market all they like. THe top products will prosper with only a minor loss of their revenue potential while the mediocre will be sent to the bargain bins in a couple months for CAGs to sweep up,
GGX2 for xbox? didnt know that. I can understand the point where they would cannabalize each others sales, but i think fighters aren't made in very large quantities seeing as the market for them isn't what it used to be, so the companies are probably just banking on those who already enjoy fighting games to just continue buying them.

Also, those games are very different for the most part and cater to different fighter preferences. People know what they want and probably wouldn't buy MK if they're already getting GGX. I still have a hard time finding someone in real life who actually likes both SF and KOF.

As to the xbox thing being the fighters console, I hate to admit it but its the smartest decision for the publishers because of the online competition provided by xbox live. I hate to admit it not cuz i hate the xbox, but because i cant afford an xbox and a ps2 at the same time. If PS2 had a strong central network for online gaming damn, fighting games would be much more interesting for me. Controller really sucks for fighting though.
I wanked it to a picture of GGX2 #Reload last night.

It was good. $20 for Guilty Gear X2 #Reload... with better graphics, sound, more gameplay features and fucking online play. Ohh sweety jesus that just makes me bust a nut.

Seriously though, I can see wtf the beef with Xbox as fighter console, although it's something different than a sales issue. It's more like, OK and your controller just doesn't work well for fighters. At least it doesn't seem to work that well for DOA 3... bu tmaybe I just need to get used to it more.
Aren't most if not all of theses going to be online enabled? I think some publishers will make that a selling point. I personally love fighting games, especially 2D ones. When they flood the market, prices drop, and I win. I won't buy street fighter until it's really cheap as I have the SFIII half of it on Dreamcast, and the mega mx of SFII doesn't excite me enough to warrant a full price purchase. All these games also give me a reason to bust out the arcade sticks I bought for Soulcallibur II.
GGX2-Yup. GGX2 for me. :D I just wish it supported 720p or 1080i for res. I mean let's be honest here. The ARCADE hardware for the game is a Dreamcast therefore I don't think it would be too hard to up the res. without having to worry about sacrificing the graphics. Who's with me here?
SVC Chaos-MIGHT pick this up or wait. I was originally gonna just pick this up but I'm hesistating about it.
Street Fighter Anniversery collection-This game I DEFINITELY have to pick up since it's the oldie and it FINALLY has online play in the U.S. no thanks to the bastards at Capcom USA though. X-(
DOA ultimate-THIS game I may sit on. I'm mad it's DOA2 with the DOAX Volleyball engine and not just DOA3 with the DOAX Volleyball engine and I basically mean this in terms of characters. However I do kinda still want this because the original DOA is on it. -_-
Mortal Kombat-This I like but might wait for. I found DA appealing but don't think it's worth paying $50 for but on the other hand I'm starting to think FEW games are now worth paying $50 for.

Those are just my .02 about this whole issue and proves that not all people that like fighting games are just gonna buy one or the other although I guess my response could say SOME cannibalizm is in order, potentially on SVC. ;-)
Seriously, how can you hate several fighters coming out at the same time when they all fulfill diffrent niches of fighting? Plus fighting fans are so rabid, they'll buy anything in a good series.

I plan to buy GG on ship date, Wait on Dead or Alive, Rent Mortal and purchase it when it hits $25 if I like it and probably pass on SvC until it hits $5 bucks at CC. I still don't know what I'm going to do about Anniversary. It fucking has Third Strike in it and I may just have to do some trade ins to get enough cash to purchase it. Most people have plans to do about the same or spend more.

Alot of people I know are switching to the Sex-Box because of the onsuing fighting game rush.
I agree with you. More misguided marketing from publishers who don't seem to understand the market or the failure of their timing.
[quote name='Sarang01']GGX2-Yup. GGX2 for me. :D I just wish it supported 720p or 1080i for res. I mean let's be honest here. The ARCADE hardware for the game is a Dreamcast therefore I don't think it would be too hard to up the res. without having to worry about sacrificing the graphics. Who's with me here?
SVC Chaos-MIGHT pick this up or wait. I was originally gonna just pick this up but I'm hesistating about it.
Street Fighter Anniversery collection-This game I DEFINITELY have to pick up since it's the oldie and it FINALLY has online play in the U.S. no thanks to the bastards at Capcom USA though. X-(
DOA ultimate-THIS game I may sit on. I'm mad it's DOA2 with the DOAX Volleyball engine and not just DOA3 with the DOAX Volleyball engine and I basically mean this in terms of characters. However I do kinda still want this because the original DOA is on it. -_-
Mortal Kombat-This I like but might wait for. I found DA appealing but don't think it's worth paying $50 for but on the other hand I'm starting to think FEW games are now worth paying $50 for.

Those are just my .02 about this whole issue and proves that not all people that like fighting games are just gonna buy one or the other although I guess my response could say SOME cannibalizm is in order, potentially on SVC. ;-)[/quote]

Up the res? You know what that would entail? Redrawing all of the sprites! That's a lot of work. This ain't no 3d fighter, where you can scale the resolution as needed. These are individually drawn sprites. There's a reason Capcom hasn't upped the resolution on their fighters. Personally, I think hardware is getting to the point where you could have vector-based graphics, and you could scale the resolution all you want, but that would entail at least one re-draw of all of the characters.
I don't think Xbox is the system for fighters at all. Pretty much all of them are on PS2.

PS2 has:
KOF 00/01
Capcom vs. SNK 2
Marvel vs. Capcom 2
MK Deadly Alliance
Soul Caliber 2
War of the Monsters
Tekken Tag Tournament
Tekken 4
VF4: Evolution

coming soon
GG Isuka
Capcom Fighting Evolution
KOF 02/03
SF Anniversary
Tekken 5
KOF: Maximum Impact
Mortal Kombat Deception

Xbox has:
Capcom vs. SNK 2
Marvel vs. Capcom 2
MK Deadly Alliance
Soul Caliber 2

coming soon
GGX2 Reloaded
SVC: SNK vs. Capcom Chaos
KOF 02/03
SF Anniversary
Mortal Kombat Deception

I think I see more fighters on PS2.
but the new CAPCOM fighter is coming to both and will be online for the Xbox only, as well as SF AC

My point really is that there seems to be a shift to supporting fighters on the Xbox that there was not before, and they all seem to get extra options, such as online play.

Also I agree with redgopher, the Xbox controller flat out sucks for fighters. I could not even play CAPCOM vs. SNK 2 for more than an hour due to the controller
I think SCEA is the one who decided that the Xbox is home to fighters.

2D anyway.

SCEA has always been pretty hostile to 2D games, with the exception of big name developers...
Look at it this way Street Fighter AC is the only Capcom title to be on Xbox through the end of the year. And capcom plans to release some more fighters this year so they don't get everything it would seem.
Isn't there a law that says every platform inexistence must receive a Street Fighter of some sort? Therefore, the Xbox is overdue for its token entry.
[quote name='epobirs']Isn't there a law that says every platform inexistence must receive a Street Fighter of some sort? Therefore, the Xbox is overdue for its token entry.[/quote]

nope. both the N64 and GCN have not recieved an official SF title.
eh i heard a lot of that "coming soon for ps2" list had been canceled due to Scea cutting down on the number of 2d games released for the system. And none of those have online play.Since when is War of the monsters a fighting game?

Any how.

Capcom Vs. Snk 2
Marvel Vs. Capcom 2
Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance
Dead or Alive 3
Soul Calibur 2(bettah version then the ps2 one)
Tao Feng
Kabuki Warriors
Bloody Roar Extreme
X-Men Next dimension
Kakuto Choujin
coming soon

Guilty Gear X2 Reloaded
Street Fighter collection
King of fighters
Dead of Alive Ultimate
Mortal Kombat deception
Snk Vs. Capcom Chaos
Possibly tekken 5
probably more.

It may have more, but remember that the ps2 had a freaking year lead on the x-box. But yeah.. Online play is important.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']
...will be(aside from SVC Chaos which blows) they...[/quote]

whoah, whoah, whoah. since when did SVC Chaos Blow. It has all the best 2d fighting characters in one game with more nostalgia built into it than a can of retroness can bring. (ok... that did not make sense). Not to mention it is the most fun i have had playing a 2d fghter since SF Alpha 3. This was one of the many reasons why I picked up an Xbox last month.
But hey, i guess it dosnt float ur boat.

Anyhow... the way i see the Xbox's fighting game lineup is this:

Xbox is the King of Online Fighting vs. PS2 is the King of Most Veriety Available

also, different companies tend to favor diff systems for their fighting games usually

Tecmo/Team Ninja (DOA) = Xbox
Namco = PS2
Sega = PS2
SNK/Playmore = Wants to do PS2 but is forced into Xbox by Sony (Grrr....)
Capcom = Usually PS2, but almost even between PS2/Xbox

so yeah.... i dont know why i brought that up... i am a fighting game freak... :oops:
blah, the dreamcast is the king of fighters, This is just a glut and considering this is CAG, I thought a glut of games is sure to mean quick price drops and everyone loves quick price drops. Minus the poeple who must have a game the day it comes out.
I could not get into SVC Chaos. I actually liked the graphics (crappy as they were), but the gameplay was just subpar IMO. Then again you also said you liked the Alpha series, which is by far the SF series I like least
[quote name='BigNick']Sounds like someone want a xbox.[/quote]

if they stick Virtua Fighter 4 online then yea I will pick up an Xbox.Aside from that, Mark of the Wolves online would be another that would make me put some money down on one.

Considering that it would cost me close to 400 dollars just to play some fighting games on Xbox(console, warranty, and arcade stick). I think I will pass for now.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I could not get into SVC Chaos. I actually liked the graphics (crappy as they were), but the gameplay was just subpar IMO. Then again you also said you liked the Alpha series, which is by far the SF series I like least[/quote]


I guess we're polar opposites when it comes to fighters. oh well.... :p

So anyone here excited about the SF anniversary? it's a sweet package...

[quote name='CaseyRyback'][quote name='epobirs']Isn't there a law that says every platform inexistence must receive a Street Fighter of some sort? Therefore, the Xbox is overdue for its token entry.[/quote]

nope. both the N64 and GCN have not recieved an official SF title.[/quote]

In the GameCube's case Nintendo actually turned down a Street Fighter in favor of other Capcom exclusives that have sold so poorly Capcom has already exited the deal.
[quote name='epobirs'][quote name='CaseyRyback'][quote name='epobirs']Isn't there a law that says every platform inexistence must receive a Street Fighter of some sort? Therefore, the Xbox is overdue for its token entry.[/quote]

nope. both the N64 and GCN have not recieved an official SF title.[/quote]

In the GameCube's case Nintendo actually turned down a Street Fighter in favor of other Capcom exclusives that have sold so poorly Capcom has already exited the deal.[/quote]

lol, i can't remember a day when Nintendo actually had a good 3rd party fighting game (oh and even though Super Smash brothers was a 1st party, I still dont consider it a true fighting game... more like a platform fighter). Even SFII on SNES was not as good as the Genesis version. Oh well, nintendo's curse i guess... :cry:
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']How do figure that SF 2 was better on Genesis. The controls ruined it, playing on the Genesis sucked cuz you only had three buttons[/quote]
Well, if you ran out and bought a Genesis 6-button controller it was okay. Though I personally preferred the SNES version, anyway.
Tao Feng
Kabuki Warriors
Kakuto Choujin

isn't it funny how xbox has the 3 worst fighting games ever? Not to mention that all 3 are xbox exclusive.

Out of all the coming fighters I'll definatly be picking up MK:D, GGX2: reload and maybe SF2: AC. As for sales canabalism - I believe this coming xmas season will play a big part in killing off the industry (or at least a big part of it) think what happened to rouge ops, BG&E and countless others, now times that by 2. Why? because there's twice as many games coming out this xmas then there was last xmas.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Tao Feng
Kabuki Warriors
Kakuto Choujin

isn't it funny how xbox has the 3 worst fighting games ever? Not to mention that all 3 are xbox exclusive.


Kabuki Warriors is laughable but you need a copy just to laugh at it.
Kakuto Chojin is bad but is far from the worst fighting game I've ever played, same goes for Tao Feng.
You should have mentioned Stake. Stake is HORRIBLE. You need to play it to believe it, or just check out gamerankings.com. Stake is the worst fighting game I've ever played.

There are worst fighters out there outside of Stake, but im too lazy to do the research atm. PSOne had a few.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']

There are worst fighters out there outside of Stake, but im too lazy to do the research atm. PSOne had a few.[/quote]

Like Iron & Blood: Warriors of Ravenloft? I had it at one time as part of D&D game collection. I feel bad I might have to buy it again one day. ;)
The worst fighter I can recall is the various ports of the original Street Fighter AKA Fighting Street to home computers in the late 80's before SF II set the genre on fire. There was this design flaw that allowed you to defeat the entire slate of characters just by continuously low kicking.
well, casey...at least us ps2 owners get ONE online fighting game...MK:deception...although not the best one to be online, it will still be good i guess...

are there any other online fighters coming to the ps2?
Dreamcast is the true fighting game system, then maybe the SNES and then Xbox/PS2.....

Capcom vs SNK
Capcom vs SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001
Marvel vs Capcom
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Street Fighter 3: Double Impact
Street Fighter 3: Third Strike
Plasma Sword
Power Stone
Power Stone 2
Tech Romancer
JoJo's Bizarre Adventures
Virtua Fighter 3
Mortal Kombat Gold
Guilty Gear X
King of Fighters 98-2002 (I might be mistaken)
Garou: Mark of the Wolves
Last Blade 2

Almost every Street Fighter 2 (except SS2 Turbo)
Mortal Kombat 1-3
and they have the best 16-bit fighting game (Japan only) Gundam Wng: Endless Duel
From what I hear the SF Anniversary Collection is only goin to retail for 30, how can u say no to that if you are a SF fan. I know u cant, because u must defeat my dragon punch to stand a chance
[quote name='m0rningbreakfast']Dreamcast is the true fighting game system, then maybe the SNES and then Xbox/PS2.....

Capcom vs SNK
Capcom vs SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001
Marvel vs Capcom
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Street Fighter 3: Double Impact
Street Fighter 3: Third Strike
Plasma Sword
Power Stone
Power Stone 2
Tech Romancer
JoJo's Bizarre Adventures
Virtua Fighter 3
Mortal Kombat Gold
Guilty Gear X
King of Fighters 98-2002 (I might be mistaken)
Garou: Mark of the Wolves
Last Blade 2

Don't forget the Bleem! version of Tekken 3.
[quote name='m0rningbreakfast']Dreamcast is the true fighting game system, then maybe the SNES and then Xbox/PS2.....

Capcom vs SNK
Capcom vs SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001
Marvel vs Capcom
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Street Fighter 3: Double Impact
Street Fighter 3: Third Strike
Plasma Sword
Power Stone
Power Stone 2
Tech Romancer
JoJo's Bizarre Adventures
Virtua Fighter 3
Mortal Kombat Gold
Guilty Gear X
King of Fighters 98-2002 (I might be mistaken)
Garou: Mark of the Wolves
Last Blade 2

Almost every Street Fighter 2 (except SS2 Turbo)
Mortal Kombat 1-3
and they have the best 16-bit fighting game (Japan only) Gundam Wng: Endless Duel[/quote]

5 fighting games, only 2 of which are totally original, make the SNES number 2?
[quote name='KingDox'][quote name='m0rningbreakfast']Dreamcast is the true fighting game system, then maybe the SNES and then Xbox/PS2.....

Capcom vs SNK
Capcom vs SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001
Marvel vs Capcom
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Street Fighter 3: Double Impact
Street Fighter 3: Third Strike
Plasma Sword
Power Stone
Power Stone 2
Tech Romancer
JoJo's Bizarre Adventures
Virtua Fighter 3
Mortal Kombat Gold
Guilty Gear X
King of Fighters 98-2002 (I might be mistaken)
Garou: Mark of the Wolves
Last Blade 2

Don't forget the Bleem! version of Tekken 3.[/quote]

I third the DC love. I recently got an ASCII controller and I'm in gaming heaven. Now if I could only track down a friggin' copy of SFA3 and another ASCII...
I jsut wish they'd make a VF4 Xbox version with XBL compatibility. That game is so tight.

That said I'll probably pick up the Street Fighter for nostalgia's sake and if GGX2 Reloaded is cheap I may pick it up and get my ass kicked.

MK Deception may also be ok...have to see the reviews before I go there tho.
GGX is 20 bucks. SFC is 30...
so they're both practically budget titles..

DOA and MK are more mainstream and have their own core bases to fuel sales. DOA and MK people are pretty much seperate camps from what i've seen

so that really only leaves SVC to suffer sales wise with it's 50 dollar price point fighting against the much better deals of the 2Ds GGX and SFC.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']Also I agree with redgopher, the Xbox controller flat out sucks for fighters. I could not even play CAPCOM vs. SNK 2 for more than an hour due to the controller[/quote]

I disagree there. I find the Xbox controller S to feel a lot like a Dreamcast controller, which I found to be excellent for fighters. I prefer the Xbox's D-pad over the PS2's or the GC's, which is the reason for me getting Soul Calibur 2 (the only fighter I have for XB) for XB over the other two consoles.
bread's done