Wii $250 - Nov 19th - The Nintendo 2-Day Press Event Thread!




That is dangerous.[/QUOTE]

if you open up the system, you will see that it's secret powers are derived from minature squirrels running furiously through the circuitry
to anderson: Thats actually 100 Canadian more probably for me, plus the added tax, = around 115$ more. And for a student with a minimum wage job, thats like...3 days of work since I dont work often, gotta study, so it really is a lot. Especially since I'd only work 1 day a week during school year, so thats like a month of work.
I'm with Anderson on this one. $50 isn't changing my opinion or my excitement for Wii.

The release date is the thing that saddens me. Although I didn't think it would happen, I was sincerely hoping for an October release.

EDIT: November is going to kill me. I plan on picking up a PS3 for $600, a $250 Wii with possibly two $50 games, an estimated $40 on random accessories, and Black Friday soon after both launches! November will be the most expensive month I've had in a long time!
The date isn't surprising. The price might be, depending on what comes with the game and console.

I don't understand this, though, and I don't know if I give it much credence right now. Why bother to schedule a big press event if you're going to sneak off the night before and reveal the most anticipated information of the event? And you reveal it over the phone? To a man named "Seth"?

I am cautiously disappointed at this point. Let's see what happens tomorrow morning in NYC.
Instead of complaining about price we should be figuring out some type of EB/Gamestop credit exploit. Even at this price I'll pick up 2 units(1 for the giveaway I ran) and 1 for me just to play Zelda in the superior WIDESCREEN format. :EDIT: Release on a sunday?

I'll place bets now that Nintendo is in for 3rd place again but this time they wont tail MS half as close as the did the Xbox with the GC.(this comment only valid if the article is correct information)
Wow. That kinda sucks. I was really hoping for a $200 launch. I know its "only" $50 but 50 bucks is 50 bucks. Being in college- money is not unlimited. I was hoping to pay $300 at launch (Wii/Zelda/Metroid) plus an SD card to save on but those are cheap. For some strange reason $250 seems like more. Well, I'll wait until tommorow to find out for sure. Anyone have a feed of the Japan press conference?
[quote name='Michaellvortega'] :EDIT: Release on a sunday?[/QUOTE]

yeah thats really fishy to me. Nothing comes out on sunday. I also sense street date being broken if it comes out sunday.
As long as that $250 includes two controllers "as advertised" in the name of the system, I think it's a decent price. Hopefully this isn't actually official and it's at a lower price, but I always felt $250 for the system, two controllers w/ nunchuks, and Wii Sports was a very perfect, affordable all-in-one package.
If true, I think Nintendo has made a mistake with the release date.

Their whole strategy has been to create this incredible buzz within the market and hope it catches on with people outside of gamers.... where do you think all that buzz is going to be ONE WEEK (EDIT: SORRY TWO DAYS fuckING CRAZY/SUICIDE) after PS3 launches?

Every news outlet will have headlines of "PS3 Rush", "Sony Releases New Game Console" so on and so forth. By not releasing before Sony, they lose a lot of buzz in the media and at retailers. Nintendo is doing exactly the opposite of what they want to do in the market.

By waiting out the PS3 launch they now appeal to the niche market... those who were going to get a Wii in the first place, no matter what. On the other hand, people who want a PS3 are going to get it someway, somehow, and they're not going to spend the $500-$600 they have on the side for the Wii.

The market for the consumer who must own every game system as well as the consumer who already has a Wii purchased (in their mind of course :)) is a niche market. To appeal to the broad market they would have to release before the PS3 and grab the attention of the broad market they're trying to reach before the PS3 grabs it all.

Their "expansion" now all depends on Sony's showing. Looks like Sony does run the show after all. Not the way I'd do things if I was in charge, but maybe that's why my 2 cents are on a message board and not at an exec meeting at Nintendo :)
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']yeah thats really fishy to me. Nothing comes out on sunday. I also sense street date being broken if it comes out sunday.[/quote]

The DS came out on a Sunday. Actually, I think a couple of Nintendo's systems have come out on Sundays
It's not a bad price compared to the PS3. I'll get one eventually but not at launch. October, November and December are all going to be expensive months.
[quote name='allout1986']The DS came out on a Sunday. Actually, I think a couple of Nintendo's systems have come out on Sundays[/quote]

Including the 'Cube
[quote name='allout1986']The DS came out on a Sunday. Actually, I think a couple of Nintendo's systems have come out on Sundays[/QUOTE]

I guess the non Christian's will have a leg up waiting in line.
Not suprising. Still a decent price point imo. The release date on the other hand.. sucks.

Why not release a week before Sony, and capitalize on the market. Either way.. november is going to be an expensive month.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']alright I was wrong about the Sunday, but 2 days after the PS3 is just boneheaded[/QUOTE]

I can't really figure out what happened. Nintendo had all that great positive buzz going for them and now it seems in one fell swoop, that its all gone.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']alright I was wrong about the Sunday, but 2 days after the PS3 is just boneheaded[/quote]

Unless your one of those that stand in line all night and fail to get a PS3...now you got $600+ burning a hole in your pocket for a Wii60
Update: The Seatlle Post-Intelligencer, who was originally hosting the NYTimes piece, has taken the article down. Did they run the story a bit too early?

The article no longer exists?

Either it was released too early or it's misinformation.

Obviously I'm hoping for the latter.
People keep comparing this price to the PS3/360 and saying it isn't bad in comparison. I think you're wrong.

Take the $50 Wii Sports price off and you're still left wtih $200. Now, this didn't sound too bad to me at one point, until you take into consideration that the Wii HAS proven to be not much more than a slightly more powerful GameCube, at least so far. The interview with the developers of Madden were bragging how the game had a lot of the effects and looked as good as the regular XBOX version (and hinted towards the 360 in some areas). Well, the XBOX was never all that much more powerful than the GC. It wasn't even an XBOX to PS2 comparison. And the game pics so far have backed up that this system is pushing just about XBOX level graphics, or maybe slightly above.

Well, I can buy a new XBOX for $170 with game, or GC for $100 with game. I feel like I'm mostly paying this extra $80 or so for the new controller and online service (which I may not even use much). It just doesn't sound like that great of a deal.

Sure, the games look fun and all, but for that price? I mean, the PS3 looks like its games will be fun, but the price is a sticking point. If this info is true, I will basically be paying $50 more than I paid for a GC at launch, five years later for essentially the same hardware. At least the DS actually is significantly more powerful than the GBA.

I don't know. I think Nintendo may have just lost a lot of launch sales. I may pick one up in a year or so, but then it might be too late as 3rd parties start jumping ship. I hope I'm wrong though.
[quote name='slimpip']
Every news outlet will have headlines of "PS3 Rush", "Sony Releases New Game Console" so on and so forth. By not releasing before Sony, they lose a lot of buzz in the media and at retailers.
I agree. One week is not a big enough buffer against the PS3 frenzy.

The question now, I guess, is if the Wii can avoid anonymity for three or four quarters and manage to make an impression on the general public (especially given this "blue ocean" or whatever-it-is strategy). It's going to take a big effort to get non-gamers to ignore PS3 distractions or to prevent non-gamers from typifying the Wii as nothing more than a lesser PS3 competitor.

Launching the Wii so close to the PS3 shouldn't help distinguish the Wii from the PS3 in the minds of non-gamers, I'd think.
1:34 a.m. EST: [update 6] Prices for virtual console games! 500 yen for NES games, 800 yen for SNES games, 100 yen for N64 games. Pay by credit card of Wii points card. Wii will play three MSX games (from Gemaga)

1:38 a.m. EST [update 7]: Famitsu reports 30 Nintendo games and 30 PC Engine/Megadrive (Turbo-Grafx/Genesis) games before end of year. Ten new virtual console games every month!
[quote name='Calamityuponthee']Not suprising. Still a decent price point imo. The release date on the other hand.. sucks.

Why not release a week before Sony, and capitalize on the market. Either way.. november is going to be an expensive month.[/quote]

I don't think you capitalize on the market by releasing a week before Sony...people are going to hold out for a shot at a PS3. It is getting too close to the PS3 launch to jump in before them. Most people that want a Wii will get one whenever it launches, others will grab one when they can't get the system they really want.

In that case, this makes perfect sense for Nintendo. They have a new system on the market within a day or two of consumers not being able to grab a PS3. What does gamer mom or pop grab; last years 360 or the fresh on the shelf Wii with the family safe Nintendo name on it? Nintendo is competing with MS for Xmas sales...
[quote name='allout1986']The DS came out on a Sunday. Actually, I think a couple of Nintendo's systems have come out on Sundays[/quote]

The DS did not come out on a Sunday. I don't recall the exact date, but I do not buy things on Sunday and I remember buying the DS on launch day.

EDIT: Checked on the release date, and You were correct it was November 21, 2004 which was indeed a Sunday. That's so weird because I remember buying it on launch day...maybe I got it on Monday.
The VC pricing brings me down the most.

I mean... there are cellphone games that are cheaper than that.

Top that off with the fact that many DS titles are getting released at a $20 price point, I'd rather have 1 new game that I actually own then download 2 N64 games that is stored in the magic of flash memory.

With any luck the article is mistaken... Maybe there's gonna be two packages.

Fact is, I'd rather have a component cable than Wii sports. But I don't get that option. So now my Wii purchase is about $300.

Little disapointed.
[quote name='Strell']Wtf.

The article no longer exists?

Either it was released too early or it's misinformation.

Obviously I'm hoping for the latter.[/quote]

Interesting... Going to agree and hope it was misinformation.

Damn, need to get some sleep, but something new keeps popping up.
[quote name='tilcfast']The DS did not come out on a Sunday. I don't recall the exact date, but I do not buy things on Sunday and I remember buying the DS on launch day.[/quote]

From Wikipedia

"Nintendo released their Nintendo DS handheld game console first in the United States on November 21, 2004,"
i knew it was going to launch on a sunday from the N64 to gamecube now wii all on a sunday but i wish it was in october 2006
[quote name='afedock']1:34 a.m. EST: [update 6] Prices for virtual console games! 500 yen for NES games, 800 yen for SNES games, 100 yen for N64 games. Pay by credit card of Wii points card. Wii will play three MSX games (from Gemaga)

1:38 a.m. EST [update 7]: Famitsu reports 30 Nintendo games and 30 PC Engine/Megadrive (Turbo-Grafx/Genesis) games before end of year. Ten new virtual console games every month![/quote]
That's SEXY good pricing!!! Much better than the $5-10. 100 Yen is about 85 cents.

Unless of course that's a typo and you mean 1000 yen, which is less Sexy good because it's $8.50.

$4 and $6 are a titch high for NES and SNES games too. $2 and $4 would have been solid winners.
The Times also re-confirmed that the most anticipated game for the Wii, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, will be available by the end of the year, as will Excite Truck. However, the first Mario game for the console will now reportedly not arrive at retail until 2007.
Source: http://www.gamespot.com/news/6157572.html?tag=breaking_news;link

Well, looks like playing Twilight Princess on the 19th with our new Wii isn't going to happen.

I was really hoping for a $199.99 price-tag, but I guess it's only $50.00 more. I just wish the pack-in game was something a bit more interesting.

[quote name='Blaine']That's SEXY good pricing!!! Much better than the $5-10. 100 Yen is about 85 cents.[/quote]

So about $4.25? They will just round it up to $5.00. That is really, really disappointing. I was hoping for at least less than $1.00 for NES games. Come on, Nintendo.
[quote name='afedock']1:34 a.m. EST: [update 6] Prices for virtual console games! 500 yen for NES games, 800 yen for SNES games, 100 yen for N64 games. Pay by credit card of Wii points card. Wii will play three MSX games (from Gemaga)[/quote]
Which, coincidentally, works out to $5-$10 (assuming the 100 yen for N64 is actually 1000 yen).

Sucks, I was really hoping this wasn't true...
[quote name='Blaine']That's SEXY good pricing!!! Much better than the $5-10. 100 Yen is about 85 cents.[/QUOTE]
maybe a 1000 yen for n64 games.... and $5-10 is what will be paying for these downloadable games
Good! I'm glad that site isn't found anymore, once again hope for false info! lol...I was hoping I could get a VC game for like 3 bucks for N64, and 2 bucks for snes...canadian...I guess thats a little low tho.
1:36 AM EDT: Virtual Console pricing revealed! 500 yen for NES games (around 4 USD), 800 yen for SNES (around 7 USD) and 1000 yen for N64 (around 8.5 USD). You can pay via credit card or a "Wii points card". Stay tuned!

I don't want to pay $4 for an NES game I already have!
[quote name='oleander']Which, coincidentally, works out to $5-$10 (assuming the 100 yen for N64 is actually 1000 yen).

Sucks, I was really hoping this wasn't true...[/quote]

Yeah. I also don't think were gonna get the benefit of currency exchange. They'll probably land stateside at a round $5, $8 and $10 a piece.
[quote name='oleander']Which, coincidentally, works out to $5-$10 (assuming the 100 yen for N64 is actually 1000 yen).

Sucks, I was really hoping this wasn't true...[/QUOTE]
Yeah, the VC games are a terrible place for Nintendo to make a cash grab. Seeing as how the some of the games are over 20 years old, the simple conversion of these into a ROM for the Wii emulator (not to mention the machine-specific DRM) doesn't justify the price, IMO.

I could see charging extra for new levels/worlds/substantial material, but this just don't seem right.

Throw in no Zelda at launch (or immediately thereafter) and I've gone from very excited to lukewarm for the Wii launch.
bread's done