Win 400 MS Points Free

I won 1 out of 2 weeks (iPhone on AT&T), hoping to get win this week again so I can get Perfect Dark on XBLA for free when it comes out Wed. :p
[quote name='iowaholdem']Roughly what time to they text the winners? It's only 6:11 AM here, so I'm not expecting it terribly soon, but just curious.[/QUOTE]

Around 2pm est.
[quote name='sickle']i was texting every day lol - didnt know you only needed to do it once a week. thanks for the info![/QUOTE]

Well that certainly won't hurt your chances.

I've been doing a text every day just in case it does improve my odds. I just go into my outbox and resend the last text every day, takes 5 seconds maybe? Considering I've won 3 times already well worth it.
[quote name='dmzauk']Wonder if the time change has anything to do with it?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but we went forward an hour. So wouldn't it actually come an hour earlier if that was the reason?
[quote name='Zachbeast']Yeah, but we went forward an hour. So wouldn't it actually come an hour earlier if that was the reason?[/QUOTE]
or it should just come at the same time, taking the time change into account. i dunno, i guess we can just wait and see.
Last week I entered 3 times for shits and giggles... and I won! Woohoooo! I will send the text from 3-5 phones a week now! Thanks OP!
Yep, I won on my personal phone (Verizon). Entered 4 times on 2 phones each, I think.

I think I've got some mates with X360's so I'll toss the points their way.

EDIT: Points given away to a friend I do some PSN gamesharing with. Hopefully he'll return the favor by buying some PS3 games in the future.
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[quote name='retail sucks']I've won two weeks in a row using a TracFone :applause:[/QUOTE]

I have entered almost every day since this started and still no win. Shucks!
bread's done