Win a Season Pass for the Walking Dead Game

Thanks for the opportunity, OP.

[quote name='B:L']The tweet seems to be too long, but entered anyways.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's one character too long. I just removed the period at the end.
[quote name='RAY16']Thanks for the opportunity, OP.

Yeah, it's one character too long. I just removed the period at the end.[/QUOTE]

Fixed it! Thanks for letting me know.
When you go to forums link it says, basically, under construction. That page then gives you a link at the bottom and one of the buttons is another forum link. That button spells forum "fourms" :D simple mistake but I thought I'd let you know.
[quote name='jakejaws']When you go to forums link it says, basically, under construction. That page then gives you a link at the bottom and one of the buttons is another forum link. That button spells forum "fourms" :D simple mistake but I thought I'd let you know.[/QUOTE]

Thanks! I can't find it because I finally updated it haha, but I'll keep my eye out for that mistake. Thanks for letting me know. Forums now work btw!
bread's done