Wisconsin's Official CAG Deals, News & Discussion Thread


18 (100%)

Got any new information about whats happening in Wisconsin?
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Any Crackdown sightings around Madison?

I've got nothing to do tonight (except homework....) and really wants me some Crackdown.
I called one place this afternoon that I was thinking of stopping by and they informed me that they would definitely not be selling it until tomorrow.
For anyone still looking for 'em, Best Buy on the Eastside had about 10 Wii's in stock and plenty of nunchucks in stock. As well as about 10 or so Classic Controllers.
[quote name='psunami']I called one place this afternoon that I was thinking of stopping by and they informed me that they would definitely not be selling it until tomorrow.[/quote]
Yep, nowhere had it, and EB said tommorrow.
Figured that they wouldn't last too long.

I'm going to be hitting a few stores today. I'll let people know if I see them anywhere else.
I'll save you guys the trouble-- there is nothing at the East or West BB for the $1.99 sale. I went to both yesterday and only found one copy of Valkyrie Profile.

Unless they pulled them for tomorrow, I don't think there'll be anything there.
Thanks, Apossum. If anyone goes to one of the "area" Best Buys, like Janesville, or if they do restock for the sale, I'd pay double for Mario Party 7, Chibi Robo, Advance War & Pac Pix, and would pay an extra $2 for Karaoke Revolution GC as well.
after looking at the list again, I think I did see 1 copy of Tomb Raider PSP at the West Side store. meh
Sounds like the employees cleaned the places out.

Oh, well. No huge loss. More games I wouldn't have played. hehe.

Thanks for running out there last night Apossum.
[quote name='psunami']Sounds like the employees cleaned the places out.

Oh, well. No huge loss. More games I wouldn't have played. hehe.

Thanks for running out there last night Apossum.[/QUOTE]

No problem :)

where the fuck did all this snow come from???! I was hoping for a blizzard this morning so I wouldn't have to go to class.
[quote name='Apossum']No problem :)

where the fuck did all this snow come from???! I was hoping for a blizzard this morning so I wouldn't have to go to class.[/QUOTE]

You saved me a bunch of time, too, apossum, thanks for the head's up. Kind of disappointing, since there was so much good stuff on the list, but not that surprising.

The snow is indeed madness.
went to price adjust VP at the westside store today and saw 2 clearance games as of 3pm-- Fire Emblem Sacred Stones gba and Capcom Mini Mix gba.

There were other clearance games like boatloads of dynasty warriors advance and Ace combat advance, as usual. and generic xbox and ps2 titles (pinball, random no-name racing games etc.) so, there wasn't anything worthwhile, in other words. I asked around and they said some people were lined up, but they left empty handed aside from a game here or there.

ma, much respect for the pavement custom title! quite possibly my favorite band ever :)
Anyone try to hit the stores again to see if they had anything else out there?

I might try to run by them tomorrow evening to see if they are putting things on the shelves as the week goes on, but my guess is that I missed out.
I went to Best Buy yesterday for the crazy DVD sale, and I didn't see anything of interest in the DS or GC racks. (Oh, wait -- Monster House for $5! Anyone want that?) I also headed out east for a Barnes & Noble sale and checked into BB there, and, again, nothing.
Hey guys. My bro went to the Best Buy around Mayfair and Southridge and says he saw a couple people with lists too.

He ended up getting Tomb Raider (PSP), ATV Offroad Fury (PSP), Spy Hunter and Super Sprint or something (GBA), and Dragonball Z (DS). Seems like there wasn't much there at either and he got there around 10:30AM or so.

Anyways, seems like it was cleared out mostly.
I live in Milwaukee and am dumping my Dreamcast with 5 or so games, 3 memory cards, 1 controller and a light gun. all for 60 but i will negotiate.
I went to the Janesville Best Buy. They had about 10 games total for the sale.
I managed to pick up Halo 2 Collectors Edition for 9.99.
I picked up Pro Evolution 2007 for the 360 for $12 bucks at the East side Target.

I was stunned by that as the game came out 3 weeks ago.

Sadly it was the only copy there. Maybe the West side store might have something too.
[quote name='psunami']I picked up Pro Evolution 2007 for the 360 for $12 bucks at the East side Target.

I was stunned by that as the game came out 3 weeks ago.

Sadly it was the only copy there. Maybe the West side store might have something too.[/QUOTE]

Since the West side Target was remodeled, I've never even seen an electronics clearance section. Where is it?
The clearance section where I've found things over at the West side store is at the end of the aisle where they have the keyboards and mice.

That's where they put the games and such. They had the Zelda shield things there for the past few weeks, along with the Tony Hawk skateboards and such.
They still have those Zelda toys? those should be pretty darn cheap by now.
I can't say for sure that they still have the Zelda toys, that's just where they were when I was there last. They sure had a crap load of them when I was there though a week or so ago.
Circuit City (Westside - Madison) has plenty o' copies of GRAW 2 in stock. $49.99 a pop, which is $10 cheaper than everywhere else. Remember when all new games were only $50? Get it while you can.
Thanks for the info. If there was still a $10 off of any game over $39 coupon around, I'd probably take advantage of that... but I stopped playing GRAW online pretty quickly... and don't know if I'd get into it again with this one.
I hit the Eastside Circuit City (Madison...of course) this morning. The $16.96 games are pretty picked over. They did have 1 Contact left for anyone that is interested. I was looking for Grandia III, which I'm pretty sure was sold out at both CC stores well before it hit clearance.
[quote name='heybtbm']I hit the Eastside Circuit City (Madison...of course) this morning. The $16.96 games are pretty picked over. They did have 1 Contact left for anyone that is interested. I was looking for Grandia III, which I'm pretty sure was sold out at both CC stores well before it hit clearance.[/quote]

Didn't even know it was on sale, I'll have to go check it out tommorrow morning. Thanks.
Just a little FYI for those in Madison. Pre-Played (Eastside) had GRAW2 mislabeled as GRAW in the used 360 section for $29.99. Fantastic price. You may want to check it out...it certainly will disappear sometime today at that price.
Was it a new copy or a used one?

Should be able to get $25 to $30 in credit on that one at EB or Gamestop for the next few weeks, so that would work out to be a cheap rental.
I was just checking to see if anyone knows if there is anything left at the westside Madison CC for their clearance. I am mainly looking for Contact for the DS. I have a DS copy of Full Metal Alchemist for possible trde/return.
Any info would be appreciated.
[quote name='nectarsis1']I was just checking to see if anyone knows if there is anything left at the westside Madison CC for their clearance. I am mainly looking for Contact for the DS. I have a DS copy of Full Metal Alchemist for possible trde/return.
Any info would be appreciated.[/QUOTE]

No Contact on the Westside. They have quite a few PSP games left (UGNG, SFA3, etc.) though. They just moved most of their clearance games to a table next to the cash register.
I hit the west side Madison CC. found a few good games. If anyone is interested, whoever priced the games screwed up big time. Instead of the 1st Phoenix Wright, the 2nd one is clearanced!!
I hit CC west today and found no Phoenix Wright 2s and 2 Phoenix Wright 1s, of which I snagged one. Although the sale isn't signed at all and the prices are all in the central CC computer, so I don't understand how PW2 could be on sale in Madison if it weren't on sale everywhere.
Any Wii sightings around Madison? Brothers looking for one now and theres none around where he lives (Fond du Lac).

Best Buy East had Wiimotes, Nunchucks, and Classic Controllers but no systems.
Please help - I'm looking for a game for my daughters bday this weekend. She wants a dancing game or a karaoke game for ps2. I will be shopping in Madison, can anyone advise me the best place to look for the best price? If I get the karaoke, I need a microphone too.

Also, we could use a memory card. My kids lost the last one, so I don't want to pay alot for that either.

I will be VERY grateful for any help you can offer!
[quote name='Mattte']Any Wii sightings around Madison? Brothers looking for one now and theres none around where he lives (Fond du Lac).

Best Buy East had Wiimotes, Nunchucks, and Classic Controllers but no systems.[/QUOTE]

I'm looking for a Wii as well. My nephew is getting one for his b-day but my sister can't find one anywhere for him.

Came here to post this:

An Xmen 6-player arcade for $1100. There are some things wrong with it, so I bet it could be talked down a lot :)
[quote name='fatheramo']She wants a dancing game or a karaoke game for ps2. [/quote]

The best price I can think of for this type of game on PS2 is Karaoke Revoltion Country music edition for $20 at KMart. Problem with that is closest KMarts to Madison are either Portage, or Janesville.

Good Luck
I was at the Stoughton Walmart last night. and they had at least 2 Wii systems in the case... just letting anyone know, the small drive may be worth it:bouncy:
[quote name='nectarsis1']I was at the Stoughton Walmart last night. and they had at least 2 Wii systems in the case... just letting anyone know, the small drive may be worth it:bouncy:[/QUOTE]

Ha! I'm from Stoughton -- I should be a more reliable reporter.

I definitely need a Wii soon, but I think I can wait a bit longer, so I won't be seizing one of those.
Checking in as a local Wisconsin CAG border line NW side of Milwaukee and eastern Waukesha...... Cool to see there is a thread made for us.......
Picked up Guitar Hero 2 for the 360 at the West Side store and when I tried to get them to price match CC's deal with the free MS points they said that they only match prices, but never match a deal like that.

I don't remember that being true in the past. I'm planning on calling their 800 number to complain about it.
On another note. The new Phoenix Wright game is $19.99 at the South Madison Shopko.

Also, they had a Elebits plush toy for $3.49 on clearance. I decided to pass on that.
At the west side Savers, for SNES: Mario Kart (complete), Starfox (complete), DK Country (cart only) and Tiny Toons: Buster Busts Out (cart only), all $4. There's also a couple of cart-only N64, one of which is Star Wars: Rogue Squadron.
[quote name='psunami']Where is Savers at?

I haven't seen it before. Seeing complete SNES titles there is a pretty cool find.[/QUOTE]

Savers is where Cost Plus World Market used to be -- beside Gander Mountain and Best Buy.

I know I was excited when a friend got Mario Kart, cart only, for $10 awhile back, and my inner CAG knew I should pick up these games, but I decided to only get Super Mario All-Stars, for my kids. I kind of wish I had gotten Donkey Kong Country, too -- maybe I'll go back today.
Local Milwaukee Kmart on 124th has a new rack of clearance games if anyones interested:

some titles I recall were:

Cold Winter $9.99
Timesplitters: future perfect $9.99
Bards Tale $9.99
Capcom Fighter Evolution I think $14.99
Various others @ $9.99-14.99

Sprung $9.99
Various others @ 9.99-14.99

GBA,Xbox,GC various titles marked $9.99-14.99

Good luck might be able to get yourself something you want for under $20
bread's done