World of Warcraft

Nah, I'm saying Blizzard is greedy because they add a little $15/month and blindside people who can barely pay their apartment rent. If you wanna play a game, you shouldn't pay for it monthly. That is one of the dumbest ideas I've ever heard. Blizzard: "6 million people. 1 world. $15/month." Translation: "Pay up to 15$/month to waste all of your time! It's fun, because you can talk to people that you don't even fucking know!" And to the guy with the avatar blowing his hair up: if that was a sarcastic comment, Blizzard actually does tell you that you made the Peon cry, and it gives you reasons of why to re-join WoW. It gives you a list of reasons why you quit, and all of them are game related, nothing like "I figured that I have a 3 year old son living in the same house as me! I also found out that I am married! Wow, it's great to have a life!"
[quote name='Full_Throttle'] Blizzard actually does tell you that you made the Peon cry[/QUOTE]
He's right. You guys are making jokes, but what you fail to realize is that a lowly Orc is being exploited by those bastards at Blizzard. And then they have the nerve to make us feel responsible.

[quote name='Full_Throttle']Nah, I'm saying Blizzard is greedy because they add a little $15/month and blindside people who can barely pay their apartment rent. If you wanna play a game, you shouldn't pay for it monthly. That is one of the dumbest ideas I've ever heard. Blizzard: "6 million people. 1 world. $15/month." Translation: "Pay up to 15$/month to waste all of your time! It's fun, because you can talk to people that you don't even fucking know!" And to the guy with the avatar blowing his hair up: if that was a sarcastic comment, Blizzard actually does tell you that you made the Peon cry, and it gives you reasons of why to re-join WoW. It gives you a list of reasons why you quit, and all of them are game related, nothing like "I figured that I have a 3 year old son living in the same house as me! I also found out that I am married! Wow, it's great to have a life!"[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure if you are joking, or serious, but if Blizzard actually listed those reasons, (1) I found a 3 year old son living in the same house as me. (2) I also am married.

Teh intraweb would come down a lot harder on Blizzard than if they joked about account cancelling. Now if you say Blizzard makes cancelling difficult, that would be a viable reason to be pissed off. There are a ton of other companies out there happily taking away your money and time that make it rather hard to stop paying.
But I am sure you are well aware of all of them...
bread's done