Worst save file loses... :cry:

Every save of this entire generation. Period.

Somebody broke into my house one day and stole my PS2, GC, and Xbox (with memory cards all in them) so I had lost all my saves. 600+ hours of PSO, about 300 of Morrowind, Smash Bros. GTA's, Zelda's, everything.
When he broke in the second time (in which I was home) I managed to catch him, all that we recovered in working order was the Xbox (which is still being held as evidence 16 months later.)
Sad thing was I recognized all my memory cards at a pawn shop but they couldn't claim them because I couldn't physically prove they were mine.
Only a few things I can think of, playing Syphon fliter getting to the last boss, quiting for the night. Only to find in the morning that you haven't saved the game since the 2nd level.

Also I was playing RE3 for about 12 hours straight when my cousin tripped over the power cord.
This thread is so old, I actually forgot I ever posted my own save loss stories. I saw mine a page or two back and was like, "Did I write that?"
Gauntlet Legends on N64, me and my brother and a friend were doing the campaign co-op. All of us are about level 90, and nearing the end of the game. Boom, save gone.

Red warrior is about to die, indeed.
This thread brings back bad memories. My sister and me had come a long way on completing(Not to mention my ingenious car designs :) ) Lego Racers for N64. It used the little memory card in the controls. One day when we tuned the game one all the saves where lost. My sister and me both started crying. I remember my mum asking me what is wrong, but I couldn't speak. A bit sad but also funny to think of this today.

My sister also deleted her SSBM save with over 1000 vs battles :bomb:
In Saint's Row I had finished the Carnales levels and was near the end of the Rollers. My roomate was playing his character, and he went and saved it and handed me the controller. Without even thinking, I thought I was on the load screen, and over-wrote my saved file :whistle2:(

I started a new file, and even made my guy look like Chuck Norris, but I still havn't gotten back into that "mood" to play it again.
Hmm lets see...first one ever was Donkey Kong 64. I had basically everything in the game then it was deleted. I think I was maybe 40 hours in?

The next one is for Gamecube. I had about 4 years of saved files on it, including almost every trophy and every char in smash bros melee, like 5 shines left in Mario Sunshine, beat Luigis Mansion about 10 times gold in everything, Paper Mario beaten, Super Monkey Ball everything unlocked every bonus map completed and hard mode etc, Pikmin 2 I had every pink flower in challenge mode and everything available in that game, Beat Viewtiful Joe (Found that game boring too so I cant beat it again), everything in Mario Party 4 and 5(all the minigames and most of the presents), umm everything in Crash Wrath of Cortex, oh and I Was working my way to 100% in Tales of Symphonia. All this was deleted in 1 day, man I Was ticked off but I got over it pretty fast.
This is why I never let anyone else touch my memory cards or leave power chords hanging around, except when I'm playing Guitar Hero.
The one that affected me the most has to be when my little step brother erased most of my saves on my PS2 memory card. The worst one was my Max Payne file. I was in Part III, and a few chapters in, so the ending was near. It was hard holding myself back and not beating him into a coma.
Recently I ran into a glitch in Prince of Persia where I can't get any further in the game. I was by a bridge type thing and the girl that you follow around and stuff was out over the pit just floating there, didn't really think much of it. Get to the next room and save it, after I save it, it says she died and now I'm stuck in a loop whenever I load it she dies.

Back in the day I was curious about the "DO NOT REMOVE CATRIDGE WHILE GAME IS ON" warning so I tried it.....with Earthbound, erased all the saves on the cart. Worst part it was a friend of a friends game.
My Pokemon Gold after finding out that everybody elses carts just powered down.

I lost my 411 Special DEF Blastiose. Alon with others such as my Steelix and
all those hours spent wasted down the drain.

Thats it the ultimate game file loss.
Man, these stories make me glad I don't play RPGs...

Mine is from last year, in my dorm. I had been playing between a game in my GC and one in my PS2. Transformers for PS2, I was a decent way into it, woke up one morning to turn it on...save file was corrupted, had to be deleted. Annoyed, but not enraged, I decided to switch over to the GameCube, in which I had been playing Mega Man Anniversary Collection.

I had beaten MM1-7, and was on the first stage of Wily's Castle in MM8 (fucking hoverboard). So, I turn on the game.......data file corrupted. That was when the rage kicked in. I IMed my roommate, who had been watching me play Mega Man, who responded with "You know, I'm starting to think there is a God, and that he hates you." I wept inside and passworded my way back to victory.
Lost From PS2 Memory Card Failure (Go 1st Party!):

Suikoden 3: 140 Hour Save (100% Complete w/ Special, Hugo-Based)
Suikoden 3: 70 Hour Save (75% Complete, Geddoe-Based)
Suikoden 3: 65 Hour Save (70 % Complete, Chris-Based)
Disgaea: 330 Hour Save (100% Complete, Laharl and Etna with 3 Maxed SR Suits and Maxed Yoshitsunas apiece)
Time Crisis 2: 30 Hours (Everything Unlocked)
Time Crisis 3: 30 Hours (Everything Unlocked)
Crisis Zone: 25 Hours (90% Unlocked)
Dark Cloud: 60 Hours (70% Finished)
Dark Cloud 2: 110 Hours (80% Finished, Many Bonuses Unlocked, Weapons Far Too Powerful for Current Areas)
Virtua Fighter 4: Lost 5 Good AIs
R-Type Final: Lost Complete Hangar...boo.
Dynasty Warriors 3: Lost Maxed Out Game
Xenosaga: Don't Ask

...and that was only part of the card. It was very painful to shrug and just do a reformat but it had to be done. Goodbye, long-lost hours...
[quote name='Kapwanil']Lost From PS2 Memory Card Failure (Go 1st Party!):

Suikoden 3: 140 Hour Save (100% Complete w/ Special, Hugo-Based)
Suikoden 3: 70 Hour Save (75% Complete, Geddoe-Based)
Suikoden 3: 65 Hour Save (70 % Complete, Chris-Based)
Disgaea: 330 Hour Save (100% Complete, Laharl and Etna with 3 Maxed SR Suits and Maxed Yoshitsunas apiece)
Time Crisis 2: 30 Hours (Everything Unlocked)
Time Crisis 3: 30 Hours (Everything Unlocked)
Crisis Zone: 25 Hours (90% Unlocked)
Dark Cloud: 60 Hours (70% Finished)
Dark Cloud 2: 110 Hours (80% Finished, Many Bonuses Unlocked, Weapons Far Too Powerful for Current Areas)
Virtua Fighter 4: Lost 5 Good AIs
R-Type Final: Lost Complete Hangar...boo.
Dynasty Warriors 3: Lost Maxed Out Game
Xenosaga: Don't Ask

...and that was only part of the card. It was very painful to shrug and just do a reformat but it had to be done. Goodbye, long-lost hours...[/QUOTE]

You win!

I had a similar experience when my Saturn battery died and the GameShark I was using for back-up crashed as I was restoring the internal memory. Every game I'd ever played...Mystaria, Guardian Heroes, PD Zwei, etc...gone.
Lets see, worst one in recent memory was I complete finished SSX tricky and realize I had two saves on both of my memory cards. I thought they were the same so I erased the one on my #1 memory card. Stupid me, that one had everything completed and the backup was when I saved it with only half of the stuff done. Anyway, I grind through the game again over two days and opened everything up again.

After that experience and other horrible game save erases, I invested in an X-Port and now I back up my saves on a regular basis to my laptop. Best fucking investment I have made to keep my gaming sanity.
I think I blocked these out of my memory.

I'm sure that it's happened, I remember the infamous "You didn't save your brand new game on File A RIGHT?" conversations with my younger brother growing up... but for the life of me... can't remember an example.
FF7 i was at th underwater submarine level where you fight that emerald robot and one day i decided to do some memory card cleaning and erased the wrong FF file and lost that save point. i was so pissed off by it i quit playing the game and never beat it.
Perfect Dark on the N64. I was a few months into trying to earn the 1-Perfect ranking in multiplayer and my memory card went to crap. I think I had a 7 ranking at the time and I never recovered after that.
I remember a storm killing my FF4 save on Snes, at then end, while I was playing too. Man I cried good after that! I also had a FF6 Snes save where I did the uber Relm Glitch. Keep in mind I had no idea of what I had done, so it was amazing to have my characters all with Ragnaroks and every spell. I don't remeber what happened to that save, but I know I deleted it one day, damn that was dumb of me.

My absolute worst save loss is my Silent Hill 3 file corrupting. I had that file since SH3's launch, and loseing it was a huge personal blow for me...very sentimental and it's been gone for about 2 years, still pissed about it. 2nd would be Legend of Mana 75+ hours in. I think I just got rid of it via dexdrive without thinking. God I spent a whole night just blacksmithing.
Well the first time I lost something important (DK64) I was so ticked off at my "friend" more like familys friends son, since they annoyed the crap out of me, that I was yelling at him calling him names and my parents had to drag me to the bathroom LOL. But I was like in grade 5 then...

Then when I lost 5 years of saved GC files, I kinda shrugged it off in a day or 2. I think games mean much less to me now, I can't seem to get into them like I used to.
This happened a few months ago.

Losing my save from Zelda: Link to the Past(SNES). I know spent about 30-40 hours last year on that game getting everything. Then going back this year to find out the battery died. I know I cussed for five minutes cause of that(and my neighbors probably heard it).
My friend's 10 yr-old sister's original gameboy. Had a bazillion hours logged into Pokemon. I didn't realize that back then, when it says "Are you sure you want to start a new game, will overwrite existing game" it meant that literally. I figured there were multiple games saves. Anyways, to cut a long story short...

I played for 5-10 mins and turned it off. A couple hours later I hear her crying her lungs out. She comes into his room with the GB in her hand and just crying really loud. I realize what happened and I feel incredibly bad. Her brother (my friend) is just sitting there playing EverQuest. She keeps crying, I feel like shit, not sure what to do, when finally he turns towards her and yells "SHUT THE fuck UP SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" LoL what a bastard.
bread's done