WOW!!! Customer Service is NOT Dead!! Game Crazy Related


26 (100%)
Wow. After my incident posted below, I emailed the GC website CS address. This weekend I received BOTH an email response AND a phone call from the intial location I received my trade-in credit (Store #1) apologizing for the mix-up.

Store #1 told me next time I'm in a GC, have that store call Store #1 right away. They would then place my store credit onto a gift card and read the card # to the other location for my use.

Guys, I am flabbergasted. In an age where CS is dying, for GC to do this is truly inspiring. :applause::applause:

So from here on out, my "Gamestore" of choice is GC, without a doubt.:bouncy:

[quote name='manthing']Is it store specific? I traded some things in to a GC in another state a few months back, and was concerned that they didn't give a card/slip. I asked and was told that my credit was "in the system" and would be able to use it at stores in my area.

Fast-forward to today: I'm trying to pick up "New SMB" for the DS with my credit. The clerk finds no record of my credit. He then tells me credit is store specific unless you put it on a card.

So what the fuck is the policy on store credit?[/quote]
The only time I've gotten store credit from GC, they put it on a card so I didn't have to use it at that store (what they told me). So I assume it's "in the system" at that store only.
Yeah, credit for Gamecrazy is store specific. They're not supposed to put it on a gift card, but they still do it sometimes if you ask nicely. Also, I think the credit expires after 12 months, but I'm not sure about that.
had the same thing happen. I argued with the guy for a few minutes about how he was wrong, but he insisted, so I told him to put it on a card. then he told me if I wanted it on a card they could only put $5 on one. then he took 20 minutes to put credit on it because he had no clue what he was doing.

god, the gamecrazy in madison sucks so bad. (all the other ones i've been to have been great to me though)
gamecrazy store credit is good for six months (but that is not always held to a standard). I never have a problem putting the store credit on a gift card for people who are shopping at other locations. Also, I am willing to sell a gift card over the phone to another location to make sure the customer can still use their store credit. Some of the other locations in other districts are really strict though and won't do that.
Hmm... their gift cards better not expire after 6 months. They told me (before deciding to put it on a card) that it would be there whenever I needed it, no time limit.

I've probably had mine close to a year, only spent a few bucks out of the $20 or so on a special order
[quote name='Warner1281']Yeah, credit for Gamecrazy is store specific. They're not supposed to put it on a gift card, but they still do it sometimes if you ask nicely. Also, I think the credit expires after 12 months, but I'm not sure about that.[/QUOTE]

Also, if you put the credit on a gift card, it's no longer "credit" but money so you have to pay sales tax when later using it. What you're really doing is using the credit at the original store to purchase a gift card.
Credit is supposed to expire in the system after six months. On a card I think it applies to the laws of your state (it's illegal in CA to expire any credit on any giftcard, so I wouldn't know about anywhere else).
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