WTB/WTT: PS1 RPGS H: VR, consoles, handhelds

I have the Metal Gear 4 Saga DVD (Volume 2) as well as the artbook. I also have the Metal Gear Solid 3 Saga DVD (Volume 1) Both factory sealed. As well as the MGS3 LE Strategy Guide, also factory sealed :) CML

You been away for 4 month!!!!

Your list did not change much though i must say (at least I didn't notice much dif)
Interested in a couple of things....DWVII, Eternal Sonata PS3 and possibly a couple guides. Let me know if anything on my list interests you.

Hey, well, I do see a few items I'm interested in, but I want to say two quick things!

First off, it's the MW2 Hardened Edition and the NVG from the Presitge Edition. Pretty much, I can put it all back in the box and it'll be like an open copy of the Prestige Edition. Confused? Haha, I hope not.


Is this the MGS3 guide you want? http://www.amazon.com/Metal-Gear-So...ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1265687600&sr=8-1-catcorr

Or the Subsistence one?

And, are you at all interested in this?


Let me know on either of those two items, and if not, then we can possibly see if we can strike up a deal!
yep, i could've sworn i had another one that was given to me as a gift, but it was prob stolen by my cousin or something
bread's done