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4 (100%)

Here is a list of all the current and upcoming Xbox Live Marketplace Sales for the US*. This include the Deal of the Week, Family Plan Sale Item, and any other sales or promotions. I have also included the upcoming Xbox Live Arcade releases. Most sales are for one week.* Please feel free to PM or post if you doesn't see anything listed here. Please note: ALL ITEMS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE! and some sales are for GOLD MEMBERS ONLY*. Have fun and enjoy.
(*unless otherwise noted)


Xbox Live Deal of the Week:


11/8 - Legendary Warriors

-Deadliest Warrior: The Game - 400 Microsoft Points - 50% off - Metacritic - Quick Look
-Scott Pilgrim The Game - 400 Microsoft Points - 50% off - Metacritic - Quick Look
-Shinobi - 200 Microsoft Points - 50% off - Metacritic

Avatar Store:
-Deadliest Warrior Samurai Helmet - 80 Microsoft Points - 50% off
-Scott Pilgrim Guitar (Prop) - 120 Microsoft Points - 50% off


Family Gold Pack Deal:
(lasts one week)


Misc Sales:
If a start and end date are not listed. Act fast as these "sales" could end anytime.

-Cat (Pet) - 160 Microsoft Points - 33% off
-Pug Dog (Pet) - 160 Microsoft Points - 33% off

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Guess we're just going to have to wait until the DotW actually goes live to find out what it is this week. I tweeted @AceyBongos but no reply-probably too busy.
[quote name='Chrono Gear']Guess we're just going to have to wait until the DotW actually goes live to find out what it is this week. I tweeted @AceyBongos but no reply-probably too busy.[/QUOTE]

What time do the DoTW deals go live? Anyone know?
[quote name='exileinoblivion']Letdown after letdown, what the fuck is going on over at microsoft.[/QUOTE]

They figured since PSN was down they could slack off for a couple weeks.
Last year we got a huge sale, this year we get a huge fail. Seriously getting annoyed at MS now...
it looks as if MW2 Games On Demand is part of it though? if they knock it down to like $20 (I know, that's not gonna happen lol), but if they did I'd probably bite. The map packs have already been half off and I passed. Have no interest in spending more than $1 or $2 for the MW1 maps, and I already got the gas mask avatar item for free... so this is a huge fail of a dotw, oh well.
So I just noticed that Full House Poker released their summer season of Texas Heat DLC. Anyone got it yet? Does it come with new achievements? I'm kinda done with the game but I would really like to keep my 100% so I might have to start playing again tomorrow night.
[quote name='Exu']Last year we got a huge sale, this year we get a huge fail. Seriously getting annoyed at MS now...[/QUOTE]
Ha, you made a rhyme.

On the bright side Worms isn't really a bad game (though the last one i personally played was Worms 2 on Windows 95/98). They could have just as easily put Raze's Hell on sale as a giant middle finger fuck you.
[quote name='Exu']Last year we got a huge sale, this year we get a huge fail. Seriously getting annoyed at MS now...[/QUOTE]
This is just the Deal of the Week (which is usually crappy, IMO). Any independent sales (like the E3 sale from 2010) may still happen.
well it still shows rock band on UK site, hope it's not the shite MW2 packs & its just a fuck up, although if they put cod classic on sale i would bite on that.

Such potential for a big blowout and selling thousands of games, doubt there would be much, if any interest in them maps
Are the map packs for MW2 actually on sale? When I'm logged in it says already purchased and when I'm logged out it says 1200, presumably because I'm not Xbox Live Gold at that point, so could someone tell me what the price is. Just curious if it's worth harassing my friends to get in on the map packs.
[quote name='thegreek']They figured since PSN was down they could slack off for a couple weeks.[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately there's a good chance that's true. I'd rather it be that than the alternative, which is that they have their heads so far up their asses that they couldn't even organize another sale.
[quote name='Chrono Gear']So I just noticed that Full House Poker released their summer season of Texas Heat DLC. Anyone got it yet? Does it come with new achievements? I'm kinda done with the game but I would really like to keep my 100% so I might have to start playing again tomorrow night.[/QUOTE]

Yes still achievements. Its the same amount and same achievements as the spring pack but just marked summer. I think its 50. Some people have been running into them being glitched on other forums.

Crap I haven't spent any points in over a month. I was hoping they would do a handful of games for E3 being this week. I'm probably getting Magic 2012 next week if its 800 points which it should be.
Well even though the Map packs are showing up the price is still not on sale yet. Everyone who knows how to do anything at Xbox is at E3 right now I guess:) Well my nephews will be happy. They bought MW2 a month ago and I told them to wait for a sale on the maps...even a 50% they are still a rip considering what you get but at $15 it should be considered some type of fraud.
These maps have been on sale numerous times. Why not put the first Black Ops map pack on sale? Weak, yet again.

edit. BTW, did they ever patch the Fuel rock glitch?
[quote name='gundamb0i']Deal Of the week is, Worms 2: Armageddon[/QUOTE]

That's a weird coincidence, I just started re-playing this game last week. My original save file was corrupted during a RROD and I stopped playing after that. It's a fun game and worth $5 if that ends up being the deal.
Seriously, you guys are expecting so many things to go on sale when we've already had tons of good sales up until recently. They didn't release a game last week, so what? There's been a week where they release 2-3 games at once. There have been several times where they put several items on sale discounted at once as well. Now that there is a drought, everyone wants to whine just let it go already. The MW2 map packs are worth the price if you're going to play the game often.

The E3 sale would give us some expectations as they've done sales for the E3 week before, but not counting on it.
[quote name='intoxicated662']Seriously, you guys are expecting so many things to go on sale when we've already had tons of good sales up until recently. They didn't release a game last week, so what? There's been a week where they release 2-3 games at once. There have been several times where they put several items on sale discounted at once as well. Now that there is a drought, everyone wants to whine just let it go already. The MW2 map packs are worth the price if you're going to play the game often.

The E3 sale would give us some expectations as they've done sales for the E3 week before, but not counting on it.[/QUOTE]

It's because there is no excuse not to have a new game two weeks in a row when Microsoft has countless games that are done stuck in their own little limbo.

These map packs have been on sale before, and yet there is tons of content that hasn't before. Don't try to act all high and mighty, no one here is letting their life get ruined over this. As consumers we have every right to be disappointed considering DOTW is only available to gold members which I might remind you we pay for.
I really want to spend my excess MS points. Sadly, MS must not want them... though in fairness, they have my money already tied up in points.
[quote name='exileinoblivion']It's because there is no excuse not to have a new game two weeks in a row when Microsoft has countless games that are done stuck in their own little limbo.

These map packs have been on sale before, and yet there is tons of content that hasn't before. Don't try to act all high and mighty, no one here is letting their life get ruined over this. As consumers we have every right to be disappointed considering DOTW is only available to gold members which I might remind you we pay for.[/QUOTE]

How do you know they have "countless games" just lying around? Yes, the map packs have been on sale before but they're trying to help build up the hype for mw3 of course :) No one is letting their life get ruined over this? Sure thing, that's why there are complaints and such. You do not have the right to be disappointed with anything, get off your high horse. You are only disappointed when you expect something. DOTW is MW2 content, so yeah it's part of your XBL Gold subscription and they are doing something for you which is the MW2 content which you're not happy with, but others are.
[quote name='exileinoblivion']It's because there is no excuse not to have a new game two weeks in a row when Microsoft has countless games that are done stuck in their own little limbo.

These map packs have been on sale before, and yet there is tons of content that hasn't before. Don't try to act all high and mighty, no one here is letting their life get ruined over this. As consumers we have every right to be disappointed considering DOTW is only available to gold members which I might remind you we pay for.[/QUOTE]

He's not really acting high and mighty, you are with your sense of entitlement. Microsoft doesn't have to give you reduced prices on every single piece of content you want just because you pay reduced prices on their yearly subscription. They make plenty of money without having to put things on sale. Sure it's a perk, but a 2-3 week lapse is no biggie when they put out decent sales week after week during other months.
[quote name='intoxicated662']How do you know they have "countless games" just lying around? [/QUOTE]

Because developers say all the time that their games are finished and awaiting Microsoft's review and release.
[quote name='biledriver']Because developers say all the time that their games are finished and awaiting Microsoft's review and release.[/QUOTE]

Yes, but there is a process to go through and so many games waiting to come out all at once. But MS isn't going to release them all at once, they spread them out which is why sometimes we get 1 game, no games or 3 games released all at once so it varies. You gotta remember that MS is doing avatar items, gamerpics, themes, promotions and so much that they can't do it all at one time. Also, you're the majority in a minority if you're complaining about MS not releasing a new arcade game but to each their own. I've got a backlog and i'm saving my points in a sense for a good deal so i'll wait it out. :bouncy:
[quote name='gotdott']He's not really acting high and mighty, you are with your sense of entitlement. Microsoft doesn't have to give you reduced prices on every single piece of content you want just because you pay reduced prices on their yearly subscription. They make plenty of money without having to put things on sale. Sure it's a perk, but a 2-3 week lapse is no biggie when they put out decent sales week after week during other months.[/QUOTE]

I don't have a sense of entitlement. I don't believe I am owed what I want when I want it. But as a subscriber to the service I do believe I have the right to be disappointed with what's given to me. I see absolutely no harm in voicing my dismay with this weeks lack of new game and weak offering of a dotw.
So what are the sale price on the MW2 map packs? They're still showing full price for me, even when I'm logged in.
Dotw is now live via xbox 360 dashboard. Everything is 50% off (Mw2 map packs are 600 ms points each, cod 4 variety map pack is 400 ms points, mw2 gas mask avatar item is 120 ms points) oh and cod 4 god is $19.99

Price drops for June are: Polar Panic 400 ms points and Aqua 400 ms points (both were 800 ms points originally)
[quote name='intoxicated662']Dotw is now live via xbox 360 dashboard. Everything is 50% off (Mw2 map packs are 600 ms points each, cod 4 variety map pack is 400 ms points, mw2 gas mask avatar item is 120 ms points) oh and cod 4 god is $19.99

Price drops for June are: Polar Panic 400 ms points and Aqua 400 ms points (both were 800 ms points originally)[/QUOTE]

Both are pretty fun and have also been on sale for those prices in the past.
Mw2 is still verry active online so not a bad buy. Will last at least until the release of mw3 and possibly beyond if mw3 doesn't turn out well.
[quote name='exileinoblivion']I don't have a sense of entitlement. I don't believe I am owed what I want when I want it. But as a subscriber to the service I do believe I have the right to be disappointed with what's given to me. I see absolutely no harm in voicing my dismay with this weeks lack of new game and weak offering of a dotw.[/QUOTE]

This. As a paying customer typically eager to spend my money/points I do have a right to be disappointed by three weeks of sales where I have had little interest (even if I am a little glad I've had time to bank some points). And I think there is also some validity in people who are a little annoyed by the lack of new XBLA games; if Microsoft either has nothing to publish on the service for 2 weeks or are simply to busy to do so because of stuff like avatar props/clothing and promotions, than they are doing a pretty crappy job of running their service. I don't necessarily think that to be the case, but that is a pretty week argument for a service that makes millions on subscriptions alone every year. They can afford to hire more than one person to do all that stuff I imagine. :lol:

Unrelated, but was anyone else wholly unimpressed with Microsoft's press conference this year? After killing it for the last 2 this one just seemed like an extended Kinect infomercial. Can't believe the summer of arcade line-up and the news on Cloud Storage came in an email after the event.
[quote name='BudzMcGee']This. As a paying customer typically eager to spend my money/points I do have a right to be disappointed by three weeks of sales where I have had little interest (even if I am a little glad I've had time to bank some points). And I think there is also some validity in people who are a little annoyed by the lack of new XBLA games; if Microsoft either has nothing to publish on the service for 2 weeks or are simply to busy to do so because of stuff like avatar props/clothing and promotions, than they are doing a pretty crappy job of running their service. I don't necessarily think that to be the case, but that is a pretty week argument for a service that makes millions on subscriptions alone every year. They can afford to hire more than one person to do all that stuff I imagine. :lol:

Unrelated, but was anyone else wholly unimpressed with Microsoft's press conference this year? After killing it for the last 2 this one just seemed like an extended Kinect infomercial. Can't believe the summer of arcade line-up and the news on Cloud Storage came in an email after the event.[/QUOTE]

Maybe it's just me, but this summer of arcade line up seems like the worst yet, unless I'm missing something.
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