Xbox 360 HD-DVD Player now $179 with 5 free HD-DVDs

People are buying blu-ray because there is no other use for the PS3 that cost them 600 smackers, LOL. Is this really the place to debate this though?
[quote name='MemphisGun']I never saw what was "so good" about the HD-DVD player. Seems over-priced. but i don't really know what im talking about. so call me and idiot if you like.[/quote]
You're right, you don't know what you're talking about. $180 for a HD-DVD player is extremely cheap (if you don't factor in the price of the 360 to start with).

On an unrelated note... does the 360 HD-DVD player play and upscale normal DVD's or would I still have to play normal DVD"s through the 360 if I got a drive?
[quote name='SpecTrE3353']On an unrelated note... does the 360 HD-DVD player play and upscale normal DVD's or would I still have to play normal DVD"s through the 360 if I got a drive?[/QUOTE]

If I remember right, it only upscales normal DVDs if you use the VGA cord.
[quote name='nonggame']I don't get it , why do people still buying HD-DVD. Come on people. Ble-Ray is the winning format. Don't waste your money on HD-DVD. With the recent news , Target and BJ will only sell Blu-Ray disk and player... , oh well your money buy whatever you want ^__^;[/quote]Someone got their panties in a bunch too early. Target is NOT going to carry only Blu-Ray.

Enjoy! :applause:
[quote name='nonggame']Target and BJ will only sell Blu-Ray disk and player... , oh well your money buy whatever you want ^__^;[/QUOTE]
Dear God, please don't tell me you're that gullible.

The only people who said Target will be carrying Blu-Ray exclusively was SONY, and, as you can expect from sony, it turned out to be a big fat lie.

Seriously, man. Target selling Blu-Ray disks exclusively? Are you going senile?????
Can we focus on the deal here people ? Mods Hello ?

Can someone find me a better deal on this then the listed 180 price tag ?

Even if HD-DVD does die out it's going to be a while and your only out 180 bucks.
I don't see target pulling HD movies off the display. :) There selection on both formats is limited to like 8 movies at least around here so I would not even think of going there to get a HD movie unless it was cheap.
Sony is PAYING Target for an endcap. Its NOT big news. The AVS board went nuts over this 'huge' announcement, when all that is happening is a fucking endcap. Wow. Microsoft did the same thing with the Zune and that did not sell very well.

And for the idiots who say 'well, Target contacted Sony about the display', yeah, Target does that to just about EVERYONE to see if they want to buy space.
[quote name='nonggame']I don't get it , why do people still buying HD-DVD. Come on people. Ble-Ray is the winning format. Don't waste your money on HD-DVD. With the recent news , Target and BJ will only sell Blu-Ray disk and player... , oh well your money buy whatever you want ^__^;[/quote]

be gone ignorant 1
[quote name='MemphisGun']I never saw what was "so good" about the HD-DVD player. Seems over-priced. but i don't really know what im talking about. so call me and idiot if you like.[/quote]'

not over priced at all and its a great addition to the hd home theatre...

its a no brainer to own one since its so cheap.. and the quality is superb

i cant believe people on here are bitching about the price....even at $200 it was a steal
Whoa...this thread got outta hand...

Anyone know if purchasing a HD DVD add-on right now, applies to the 5 free HD DVD's or do we have to wait till the date it drops in price?
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Whoa...this thread got outta hand...

Anyone know if purchasing a HD DVD add-on right now, applies to the 5 free HD DVD's or do we have to wait till the date it drops in price?[/quote]

Yes, Blu Ray fanboys once again attacking HD-DVD threads...

To answer your question, you have to wait to buy the add-on until August 1st in order to get the movies.
Can anyone compare the quality to one of the other standalone players? Does it output 1080p? If you have an elite, can you get sound via HDMI, or are you stuck w/ optical?

I want to add an HD-DVD player and this is definitely the cheapest option, but i'm willing to wait for one of the standalones to drop in price if this one is crippled.
[quote name='getmyrunon']Can anyone compare the quality to one of the other standalone players? Does it output 1080p? If you have an elite, can you get sound via HDMI, or are you stuck w/ optical?

I want to add an HD-DVD player and this is definitely the cheapest option, but i'm willing to wait for one of the standalones to drop in price if this one is crippled.[/quote]

With an elite you have the option of sound through hdmi or optical.. i use the optical

It also does 1080p
[quote name='Liquid 2']So we get to choose 5 movies from a selection of 15? Anyone know what those 15 are?[/QUOTE]


Why not actually read this thread? The link is posted a few times.
So are they going to update the rebate form on Aug 1 to show the Xbox drive as a qualified player for the rebate? I wanted to buy the player and 300 on the 31st, but if I have to wait an extra day to get the 5 freebies, then i'll wait.
[quote name='Sporadic']If anybody wants 4 of my 5 free movies (I'm keeping Casablanca) from the HD-A2 deal, PM me. I need money for the Kubrick movies that are coming.

I haven't sent it off yet so I can get whatever movies you want and I'll mail them out as soon as I get them.

Pick one from each category.

Apollo 13, Seabiscuit, The Chronicles Of Riddick

Four Brothers, Tomb Raider, Sky Captain & The World Of Tomorrow

The Rundown, Blazing Saddles, U2: Rattle And Hum

U-571, The Perfect Storm, We Were Soldiers

- edit


Do you want to get rid of all 4 to one person or will you break it up? I have interest in Four Brothers.
[quote name='doubledown']Do you want to get rid of all 4 to one person or will you break it up? I have interest in Four Brothers.[/QUOTE]

All 4, unfortunately.
[quote name='doubledown']Do you want to get rid of all 4 to one person or will you break it up? I have interest in Four Brothers.[/QUOTE]

I'm hoping to do all four but honestly as long as all four go, I don't care about mailing to multiple people.
im going to buy one. for that price & 5 free movies. + kong. i can't wait till the 1st. i do have a question, my hdtv isn't 1080p, but it does 720p & 1080i, if i use the hd drive, i'll still be able to see it in high def tru 720p or 1080i , right? im have a brain fart. sorry thanks in advance
[quote name='fullhavok']im going to buy one. for that price & 5 free movies. + kong. i can't wait till the 1st. i do have a question, my hdtv isn't 1080p, but it does 720p & 1080i, if i use the hd drive, i'll still be able to see it in high def tru 720p or 1080i , right? im have a brain fart. sorry thanks in advance[/quote]

Yeah, you shouldn't have any problems. My TV has the same HD settings and it looks spectacular.
[quote name='Sporadic']If anybody wants 4 of my 5 free movies (I'm keeping Casablanca) from the HD-A2 deal, PM me. I need money for the Kubrick movies that are coming.

I haven't sent it off yet so I can get whatever movies you want and I'll mail them out as soon as I get them.

Pick one from each category.


Blazing Saddles, U2: Rattle And Hum

The Perfect Storm

If your willing to split and sell four brothers to someone I have not decided on blazzing saddles or U2 due to another member not knowing if he is going to get one. But other than that I can make a deal with ya :) I should know what his plans are around the first. LMK
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Yeah, you shouldn't have any problems. My TV has the same HD settings and it looks spectacular.[/QUOTE]

SWEET!!! i can't wait!!! i skipped seeing heroes, till it came out on dvd, so know i'm going to get it for HD dvd. i can't wait till the 1st to buy one.(HDplayer)!!

p.s. thanks LinkinPrime.
Just to reaffirm for my own ease of mind. I had bought an elite like 2 months ago and was curious if the HDMI that is now with that fixes the complaints of when the HD-DVD drive first came out? I'm pretty sure that it does but I want to confirm as I'm still fairly new to the videophile/HD game. I have a 720p HDTV but I'm probably upgrading the video games to a 1080p one in a few months and want to at least confirm this fixes the first complaints with the HD DVD drive.

If it does, that makes this a really fantastic deal, even if it doesn't I'm still leaning towards scooping up. Thanks for clearing up my bit of confusion!
[quote name='AHiddenLink']Just to reaffirm for my own ease of mind. I had bought an elite like 2 months ago and was curious if the HDMI that is now with that fixes the complaints of when the HD-DVD drive first came out? I'm pretty sure that it does but I want to confirm as I'm still fairly new to the videophile/HD game. I have a 720p HDTV but I'm probably upgrading the video games to a 1080p one in a few months and want to at least confirm this fixes the first complaints with the HD DVD drive.

If it does, that makes this a really fantastic deal, even if it doesn't I'm still leaning towards scooping up. Thanks for clearing up my bit of confusion![/QUOTE]

My Elite + 360 HD DVD drive looks just has good as my A2.
I know there are certain issues with certain discs (The Docu. movies), it seems to play most movies right away. Fast loading.
Best Buy's online store is listing the player as 149.99 at the moment. Is this a screw up or some kind of deal?
[quote name='Mirow']Best Buy's online store is listing the player as 149.99 at the moment. Is this a screw up or some kind of deal?[/QUOTE]

I believe BestBuy is just running a deal right now. $149.99 plus 5 free movies is damn tempting.
[quote name='valor19']I believe BestBuy is just running a deal right now. $149.99 plus 5 free movies is damn tempting.[/quote]

That only lasted for an hour or so, deal died.
Just got this for 149.99 at my local best buy. The displayed price was 149.99, but it rang up at 179.99. They made a quick change after I pointed it out.
Same here. The sticker on shelf for the 360 HD-DVD at my Best Buy said $149.99, but it also rang up $179.99. They gave it to me for $149.99 though.
Would Circuit City pricematch a Best Buy receipt? I have the feeling it would be complicated explaining to CC "yea it rings up 179 but the sticker says 149 and they'll give it to you for that"
The $150 price point at Best Buy was a screw up from corporate. Corporate had the price point of $150 in the system, so stores that printed out their signs early had the $150 price point. However, a message was sent to the action center to alert media folks (my wife included) that the $150 price point was an error and to correct it to $180 right away. The sheet she had was labelled $150, but when she scanned for corporate, it came up $180. The price for all stores should be back to $180 in the system, so unless your media department is too lazy to remove the incorrect signage (as with Kelso's situation)'ll be hard to get it for $150.
YMMV but Wal-Mart's in the STL area are selling the HD-DVD drive for just under $170 so you may be able to save an additional $10.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Target still has it for $199.99 wonder why they haven't dropped it yet.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure Lumberg will ask them if they got that memo
Are all stores giving away the 5 free HD-DVD's too like where you send in some shit and they send them to you? I have some credit at GameCrazy that I wouldn't mind spending on an HD-DVD player.
[quote name='RiCeBo1']Are all stores giving away the 5 free HD-DVD's too like where you send in some shit and they send them to you? I have some credit at GameCrazy that I wouldn't mind spending on an HD-DVD player.[/QUOTE]


Just sold my 360 add-on last night for $150 to someone.
bread's done