XBOX 360 price drop rumors?


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Does anybody have any inside info regarding any 360 price drops? I read about a month ago that rumor had it that the 360 would be dropping in price around February. I dont remember if I read that here or on another gaming site. Anybody on here know anything concrete?
[quote name='psychobuck']Does anybody have any inside info regarding any 360 price drops? I read about a month ago that rumor had it that the 360 would be dropping in price around February. I dont remember if I read that here or on another gaming site. Anybody on here know anything concrete?

I don't think there is anything concrete. I would bet it happens around March when the PS3 supply gets more consistent supply.
I heard June on one of the gaming podcasts (1upyours?). I would be surprised if it happened before then. Other speculation is the price will drop next holiday season when the new version ships. I would'nt hold your breath.
if anything id say holidays... too soon for a drop and they are in great shape

i expect more (free game) offers before any drops
Whenever the new version drops the old one may drop. May not need to since the PS3 isn't selling as well as Sony hopes. Trust me I'm a Sony fanboy but I think they messed up with the PS3.
yea i think it will come when sales start decreasing... which won't happen for awhile.

it may happen when wii's become more available. the ps3 seems to be in stock everywhere but the 360 already has the advantage of being cheaper so it only needs to drop to compete with the wii price point.
well you can it for $100 less in the forms of rebate and giftcard. Remember the Wii is selling very well so MS will have to do something when they get back in stock.
basic business 101: why drop the price when it still sells really, really well for $400?

expect the price to drop around the time the PS3 drops to $400
New version (HDMI port and 120gb hard drive) will be $399 and the old premium will become $299 and the core system will be fazed out.
I'd say sometime in summer is likely. At the moment neither the PS3 or the Wii have any must have exclusives out (Zelda being on the GC) but that should change come summer, to combat this microsoft will probably make a small price cut on the 360.
[quote name='thorbahn3']New version (HDMI port and 120gb hard drive) will be $399 and the old premium will become $299 and the core system will be fazed out.[/QUOTE]

Haha. Fazed, thats awesome.

If you want it bad enough just wait till its around 350 w/ coupon at Depending on your state tax that could be 70-80 dollars off.
[quote name='Scorch']basic business 101: why drop the price when it still sells really, really well for $400?

expect the price to drop around the time the PS3 drops to $400[/QUOTE]

To widen the lead on the Wii and PS3, according to one analyst I heard on TV. The most optimistic one said expect a $100 drop in price.
i am guessing around the time of e3 2k7. And i would guess to about $329 for the premium and $239 for the core. Just random guesses.

is the ps3 really selling that badly? i would guess the pricetag is hurting the sales.
[quote name='Scorch']basic business 101: why drop the price when it still sells really, really well for $400?[/QUOTE]

to steal business from nintendo and sony. Basic business 101. they make their money off of the licensing from the game sales. The actual systems sales are not moneymakers.
Actually, the talk* (disturbingly) now is that Microsoft might be going with more of an Apple-y, iPod approach, i.e., releasing an upgraded version for the same price. So, yes, I think it's safe to say that by the end of 2007, the Premium as we know it will be completely phased out, with the Core** at, oh, $199.99, and the new Premium as the HDMI-enabled, 120 GB HDD-having version for $399.99. This gives them the best of both worlds.

I think Sony has no choice but to price slash sooner than later, but I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo doesn't follow this same approach with the Wii, perhaps eventually cutting its price to $199.99. But they can't be in any hurry after this past holiday season's results.

*--As heard on this week's "1up Yours", or was it the latest "The Hot Spot"?

**--Would they keep the 20GB HDD as a separate item for the Core crowd looking to have value-minded memory? Not likely, as the second-hand market might become flooded with them over time, and they'll want people to have something that is practical for storing HD movies and the like. A 20 GB drive, as we're seeing now, deters that market.
That's bullshit. I will seriously reconsider supporting any of Microsoft's future products if they screw us first gen Xbox 360 owners even MORE by making a box with a port that should have been on in the first place, not to mention a bigger HDD.

It's like a big fuck you to all the people supporting them right now.
I'm guessing we'll see it drop $50, with some kind of cheaper game included, around the end of summer Q3 right after the 65nm microprocessor/ HDMI change.
It's like a big fuck you to all the people supporting them right now.

Yeah, pretty much, except that they see Apple get away with it once every fall and cell phone manufacturers seemingly every other week.

EDIT: I might add that we probably won't see the new version of the 360 until this Fall, so it's a tradeoff of two years of next-gen playtime for the lesser console. The people who really stand to get screwed are those currently holding off for that price drop. Gift card deals and throw-in games look to be the new 'price drops', for at least this console.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']That's bullshit. I will seriously reconsider supporting any of Microsoft's future products if they screw us first gen Xbox 360 owners even MORE by making a box with a port that should have been on in the first place, not to mention a bigger HDD.

It's like a big fuck you to all the people supporting them right now.[/quote]That's the way technology works, bud. I take it you've never bought your own PC before?
2 questions you have to ask yourself...How much is MS making/losing on each console? How well are they selling?

Too lazy to look up the answer to the first question, but I'm sure it's on the net right now.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']That's bullshit. I will seriously reconsider supporting any of Microsoft's future products if they screw us first gen Xbox 360 owners even MORE by making a box with a port that should have been on in the first place, not to mention a bigger HDD.

It's like a big fuck you to all the people supporting them right now.[/quote]
That's exactly why I bought my PS3 right now. No way are they gonna drop the price for at least 2 years considering they're still losing well over $200 on every console sold. So I might as well invest now.
That's the way technology works, bud. I take it you've never bought your own PC before?

That's just it, though: (early adoptor) console owners have always had the trade-off of comfort in knowing that they'd be 'set' for the next half-decade or so with their purchase, even if that meant that PCs would have them eating dust in no time. The PSOne and the slim PS2 weren't really huge 'revisions'. The N64 Expansion pack was totally optional. This is a new mentality for consoles, if it's long been the 'norm' for handhelds.

EDIT: Here's the quote from Jon Davison: "Well, I think what we're gonna see from Sony and Microsoft is, instead of price drops, they're going to keep throwing extra stuff in the box. There's gonna be a $600 box and a $400 box for as long as they can stretch it out, but the perceived 'value' positioning of it is going to be 'Well, now you get a hard drive that's six times the size and HDMI for four hundred bucks."

He then goes on to talk about how Sony could do this in any number of ways, but I happen to think they'll be more aggressive with price cuts first...because they kind of have to. Then again, it is Sony and they are arguably insane.
Thats life, its like with cars they always release the newer and better features for the next model year. I'll still support M$ and Retendo Wii.
I'm new to HDMI and the whole HD thing: I just picked up an HD-enabled LCD screen. Will I notice a big difference in video quality (no surround to speak of, just stereo) between the HDMI and just the normal component video?


Also, does the whole "Not a price drop in the near future" thing mean that right now my best price on a 360 is gonna be the "40 dollars off on a 199.99+ Purchase" coupon for circuit city?
[quote name='dracula']i am guessing around the time of e3 2k7. And i would guess to about $329 for the premium and $239 for the core. Just random guesses.[/QUOTE]
What E3 2007? In case you missed the memo, E3 doesn't exist anymore. ;)

I'm counting on a price drop due to the HDMI 360 coming out. If I could get the current Premium for less than $300 used, that would be awesome.
[quote name='daroga']That's the way technology works, bud. I take it you've never bought your own PC before?[/quote]

That's kinda been the point of buying a gaming system so you didn't have to buy upgrades every 6 fucking months to play the latest games.

Hell I bought a 360 because the computer required to play Oblivion would have cost twice as much.
[quote name='mattfoley7']I read somewhere that MS is now actually making money on every 360 sold but then again I could be wrong.[/quote]

The articles I've read suggest that the 360 now costs microsoft around $75 less than the retail price to make. So after you take into account shipping costs and retail chain profit it's probably a very small profit.
First one I found on google.
[quote name='Seik']I'm new to HDMI and the whole HD thing: I just picked up an HD-enabled LCD screen. Will I notice a big difference in video quality (no surround to speak of, just stereo) between the HDMI and just the normal component video?


Also, does the whole "Not a price drop in the near future" thing mean that right now my best price on a 360 is gonna be the "40 dollars off on a 199.99+ Purchase" coupon for circuit city?[/quote]

about the current price... you can use a 10% off coupon if you are new. you must have a "non-media" item with your order to activate the coupon. you can find the coupon on -- just lick on stores and overstock and click on the 10% off coupon.
[quote name='zionoverfire']The articles I've read suggest that the 360 now costs microsoft around $75 less than the retail price to make. So after you take into account shipping costs and retail chain profit it's probably a very small profit.
First one I found on google.[/quote]

But considering the original Xbox saw red its entire life (i believe), any profit this early on is a plus. And considering MS has BILLIONS of $'s in reserve, i'm sure they wil be willing to break even for a year in order to stay competitive. I'm still expecting them to turn a sizeable profit on the 360 come 2008.
It'll be after they switch to a 65nm process for their chips. The chips will be a lot cheaper, and it will be cheaper to cool them since they don't run as hot. There will be significant cost savings there.

This summer at the absolute earliest. Maybe they throw Europe a bone (a bundle maybe?) in March to counter the PS3 launch there, but thats all until then.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']That's bullshit. I will seriously reconsider supporting any of Microsoft's future products if they screw us first gen Xbox 360 owners even MORE by making a box with a port that should have been on in the first place, not to mention a bigger HDD.

It's like a big fuck you to all the people supporting them right now.[/QUOTE]

I'm not as pissed over this possibility as you, especially after years of being a PC Gamer as well (ya get raped sooooooo bad on that "platform")... but yeah, I agree it's more or less a kick in the face of the early adopters. Wanna know what I think? They oughta send out a coupon, a free game, or SOMETHING to us early adopters of the Premium System (at least) if they release a superior version of the 360.

Hell, give us $20 in marketplace points at least. No, give us $50! =)
Their 'promotion' for early adopters will be the right to sell your old system on eBay to make a couple hundred bucks towards the superior version that they know that you'll be powerless to resist...'cause you're an early adopter.
[quote name='ig88vsbobafett']With how bad the PS3 is selling it woulnt say we will see a price drop any time soon[/quote]

I don't think MS should be worried about PS3 but the Wii is selling like hotcakes at a lower costs. MS could lower the price to make it look more appeal when compared to the Wii.

Anyway, I don't think MS will lower the price. They will release a new version with HDMI, new cooler chip, and a quiet DVD drive and keep the costs the same. That way, they can produce a spike in sales without having to cut the price of the system.
[quote name='jm2u']Haha. Fazed, thats awesome.

If you want it bad enough just wait till its around 350 w/ coupon at Depending on your state tax that could be 70-80 dollars off.[/QUOTE]

Even funnier since at CES they indicated there were no plans for the HDMI port.
[quote name='zionoverfire']That's kinda been the point of buying a gaming system so you didn't have to buy upgrades every 6 fucking months to play the latest games.

Hell I bought a 360 because the computer required to play Oblivion would have cost twice as much.[/quote]If they were drastically changing things I would understand, but an HDMI port (shouild it ever actually come out to a retail model) and a bigger harddrive is not going to make your current system any less able to play 360 games. It's nothing more than the slim PS2, or better yet, a DS Lite with better screens.

If the next Xbox were to hit 2 years after the 360, then that would be reason to complain.
You all need to quit whining and being dramatic. The 360 revision will only have differences of a larger HD, and a smaller CPU size. Heating for the most part is irrelevant since Microsoft's 2nd batch of 360's that came out mid February. The larger HD WILL be offered as an upgrade that can be purchased separately. HDMI will NOT be included in the future revision. There's no point to an HDMI cable at all. All games are built for 720p on the Xbox360. The 360 supports 1080p over VGA/DVI and 90% of all HDTV's out there have an unused vga/dvi port. I'd rather it take my VGA port any day to free up the few HDMI ports for my sound system and dvd player. Until HDMI 1.3 comes out, there is going to be virtually no difference in quality (disregarding the highly unlikely signal degradation) between HDMI and VGA.

Anyone who is waiting for the release, is just shooting themselves in the foot for not enjoying the games that are currently present. With all the price cuts and an estimated 100$ retail value for the 120gb hd, you'll end up paying the exact same price now for a "fall revision" if you bought your system now with 360 premiums going for $300.

And to the idiot that said the ps slim wasn't a major revision. Hello, it LOST its ethernet adapter. The ps2 alone went through 3 revisions. How do I know? because I had to replace mine every 18-24 months due to the disc read crapping out.

So much crying over nothing is really ridiculous.
Maybe Christmas, but at Christmas they have Halo 3 so why drop it? If anything they should bundle Halo 3 with a $400 console. The Wii is so much lower unless they drop the Xbox 360 to $300 (for the good one) I don't see the point. Unless Sony tries a last ditch thing and lower the PS3 to $400 I don't see any price drop.
[quote name='Seik']I'm new to HDMI and the whole HD thing: I just picked up an HD-enabled LCD screen. Will I notice a big difference in video quality (no surround to speak of, just stereo) between the HDMI and just the normal component video?


Also, does the whole "Not a price drop in the near future" thing mean that right now my best price on a 360 is gonna be the "40 dollars off on a 199.99+ Purchase" coupon for circuit city?[/quote]'

No you won't. I have a Sony 52" XBR3 HD TV (considered the best LCD TV on the market according to CNET) as well as the 360 and PS3. There are no differences in terms of quality. It's all smoke and mirrors trying to get you to upgrade your whole system. The only benefit of HDMI is that it simplifies cabling. With one cable you'll be able to get both sound & video connected. However, once HDMI 1.3 is released, HDMI will offer a slightly improved performance/quality over component/vga. However, BOTH devices (ex: the TV AND the 360) will need to meet HDMI 1.3 standards.

HDMI was not meant to upgrade a/v standards. It was the creation of the movie/music industry to force Digital Rights Management (DRM) into our living room. HDMI exists only to prevent digital copying of Movies & Music. Until we see HDMI 1.3, there is no advantage in terms of visual quality.

Most LCD TV's these days come with VGA/DVI. If you're anal about possible signal degradation (which rarely ever happens; basically its only theoretical unless you live in a house full of super power magnets and electrical lines), then use your TV's VGA/DVI input to connect to your 360.
[quote name='David85']Maybe Christmas, but at Christmas they have Halo 3 so why drop it? If anything they should bundle Halo 3 with a $400 console. The Wii is so much lower unless they drop the Xbox 360 to $300 (for the good one) I don't see the point. Unless Sony tries a last ditch thing and lower the PS3 to $400 I don't see any price drop.[/quote]

I agree. MS will only lower the price point for its 360 as a response to a possible but highly unlikely PS3 price drop. Whatever happens, the nail in Sony's PS3's coffin has already been nailed in.
bread's done