Xbox-> Hitman Contracts & Fight Club $5, Goldeneye & LOTR: 3rd Age $10 new at EB

Still showing as 100 left. Great find. Fun game to play for 10 minute bursts! Remember to be extra cheap by adding a .99 used title (PS1 controller for me!) and using saver/pplay15.
[quote name='kev']Remember to be extra cheap by adding a .99 used title (PS1 controller for me!) and using saver/pplay15.[/QUOTE]

Seriously, do regular members of CAG really need to be reminded to "be extra cheap" in their gaming-related purchases? Is such a reminder necessary?
[quote name='MaxBiaggi2']Seriously, do regular members of CAG really need to be reminded to "be extra cheap" in their gaming-related purchases? Is such a reminder necessary?[/QUOTE]

who said the reminder was for regular members?
[quote name='Santurio']I shouldn't................but I have to.[/QUOTE]

Same here, I can't help it. I have to buy cheap games.

Hello, my name is Patrick and I have a problem, lol.

I picked up Hitman and FightClub with the .99 cent college slam for PS for the Saver shipping. Sweet!!
Not to cross threads but for people that want to check out Hitman this is a good deal. If you don't like it then you can sell it back to FYE for $7.50.

Also NBA Live 2004 is a good deal for $5.00 since you can sell it back to FYE for $9.00!
[quote name='optimolife']hey none of you are getting it that bad of a game??[/QUOTE]

I was going to get it, but I really wanted the DS version, so I passed it up now. Otherwise for $10, it cant be that bad. After all, I did just get Fight Club :)
Fight Club is the WORST game EVER!!!!!!! Even for $5 I don't think it's worth it. I rented it once and played it for 2 minutes.
[quote name='optimolife']Fight Club is the WORST game EVER!!!!!!! Even for $5 I don't think it's worth it. I rented it once and played it for 2 minutes.[/QUOTE]

lol, that doesn't sound to good. But for $5 we can't help ourselves no matter how bad some may think it is. Getting it for $5 for some reason makes all these games seem better when we get them.
[quote name='optimolife']Fight Club is the WORST game EVER!!!!!!! Even for $5 I don't think it's worth it. I rented it once and played it for 2 minutes.[/QUOTE]

I'd get it just to beat the hell out of Fred Durst.
[quote name='optimolife']Fight Club is the WORST game EVER!!!!!!! Even for $5 I don't think it's worth it. I rented it once and played it for 2 minutes.[/QUOTE]

Well I'm sure you can make a lot of accurate comments about a game you play for 2 minutes.
Got XB Exhibition 5, Fight Club, LOTR Third Age, Hitman Contracts, and threw in a Tommy Lasorda Genesis catridge for free shipping.

Thanks OP.
[quote name='optimolife']hey none of you are getting it that bad of a game??[/QUOTE]

If it was $5 I would've gotten it. I just don't really like most FPS games, especially ones where the character can't jump.
[quote name='mmn']If it was $5 I would've gotten it. I just don't really like most FPS games, especially ones where the character can't jump.[/QUOTE]

and the aiming is totally fuck up. That game really is horrible. Hitman and Thrid age on the other hand are great deals to bad I already got them.
I'm in for Fight Club, and I picked up 95$ worth of cheap used trade in fodder at the same time :)

GR you had better watch out :)
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Well I'm sure you can make a lot of accurate comments about a game you play for 2 minutes.[/QUOTE]

Sure can. Read the reviews, average of 40% or so...gave the game a shot, put it in for 2 minutes and saw how horrible it was.

The reviews, along with my short experience, was all I needed to confirm that this game is craptacular. You may like it though, Mr. Unorignal man.
This bites! I never get lucky with great deals like this. I put 3rd Age in my cart and went straight to checkout and while it was loading someone else got the last copy. I lost out on the deal by half a freaking second! It's just not fair! Just once I would like to get one of these deals that are sold out before noon.
[quote name='Strider Turbulence']It will probablly come back in stock today. Or check B&M, I think it's $4.99 there.[/QUOTE]

argh, just went to get paper mario, i should have had them scan it then =/
bread's done