Xbox-> Hitman Contracts & Fight Club $5, Goldeneye & LOTR: 3rd Age $10 new at EB

[quote name='mmn']Does anyone know if Fight Club, Hitman, or LOTR Third Age are on the exclusion list?[/QUOTE]

LOTR is PO, not sure about Hitman Contracts and Fight Club.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Fight Club is still too expensive for my tastes. :D[/QUOTE]

It could be free, and I still wouldn't take it. They'd have to pay me to take that game from them. So when the "Fight Club for Free, plus $20 voucher" deal comes along, then I'll take it.
[quote name='redgopher']It could be free, and I still wouldn't take it. They'd have to pay me to take that game from them. So when the "Fight Club for Free, plus $20 voucher" deal comes along, then I'll take it.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. I put one in my cart this morning then went "What the hell am I thinking?!!" and promptly removed it. I'd rather go buy me a sandwich with the cash than drop 5 bones for the five minutes worth of Fight Club novelty.
[quote name='redgopher']It could be free, and I still wouldn't take it.[/QUOTE]

Now that's just plain silly. If they gave it to you free, you could trade it in somewhere else and make a few bucks in the process (or save it for one of the bonus trade-in deals). I guess you like looking a gift horse in the mouth.
Finally got in on some 47 action. There's 18 copies of Hitman 3 left, act now!

Picked up H3, Wild 9 and Warhawk for PS1. Might as well play for the original before the PS3 remake/sequel comes out. And Wild 9, well, torturing aliens is fun. :)
Does anyone know if Hitman Contracts for XBOX flopped or something? I just can't believe this game is going for $5 (and still in stock while FIGHT CLUB can't say in stock) unless they have tons of excess inventory.
[quote name='Strider Turbulence']Does anyone know if Hitman Contracts for XBOX flopped or something? I just can't believe this game is going for $5 (and still in stock while FIGHT CLUB can't say in stock) unless they have tons of excess inventory.[/QUOTE]

It certainly didn't "flop," but it undersold versus expectations by a LOT. I remember when the game launched and my store received about 50 copies, and sold about 4.

Considering the game received an average of 77% on and a 76% from Gamespot (both for XB), it's well worth the $5.

Come to think of it, all of the recent Eidos entries undersold: Thief: Deadly Shadows, Hitman: Contracts, Deus Ex: Invisible War, and Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness came out to (initially) favorable reviews and then slowly sank into obscurity.

Unless Tomb Raider: Legends does well, Eidos is going the way of Acclaim.
Hitman 2 was new to the console scene and did quite well. Contracts was a little rushed, I think, and didn't offer much new. I suspect that Edios was trying to cash in. When it came out, it offered dated graphics and gameplay next to releases like Prince of Persia and Ninja Gaiden.

So they probably produced a ton of Contracts copies in anticipation of success and weren't able to sell them all, so now we're seeing the dumping. Worked on me. $5 is impossible to pass up. :)
Yeah, Contracts was like an expansion pack to Hitman2, still it was one of the best games I've ever played.

On another note, it looks like EB might be out of Fight Club copies for a while. The rest of my order shipped while it's still in limbo along with those Genesis and NES games I've ordered weeks ago.
[quote name='videodrone']Thanks for the heads up OP. I picked up two Rouge Agents, one for me and one for a gift. :)[/QUOTE]
LOL! Is that where you go around and paint 007's face? ;)
[quote name='runciter']LOL! Is that where you go around and paint 007's face? ;)[/QUOTE]

:applause: That's funny, I grew up on the ROGUE River...but everybody mispells it.
My $5 Hitman came today via FedEX! . . . I got free shipping by picking up a $4 copy of Aqua Aqua (crappy game? I liked it as Wetrix on the N64 and always wanted to give it a try on PS2).

Anyway, $10 for two games and 2 day shipping! EB is pretty crazy.
[quote name='psiufoxx2']It certainly didn't "flop," but it undersold versus expectations by a LOT. I remember when the game launched and my store received about 50 copies, and sold about 4.

Considering the game received an average of 77% on and a 76% from Gamespot (both for XB), it's well worth the $5.

Come to think of it, all of the recent Eidos entries undersold: Thief: Deadly Shadows, Hitman: Contracts, Deus Ex: Invisible War, and Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness came out to (initially) favorable reviews and then slowly sank into obscurity.

Unless Tomb Raider: Legends does well, Eidos is going the way of Acclaim.[/QUOTE]
They've been bought by SCi, so them going out of business won't happen anytime soon.
Ended up getting Fight Club today by FedEx, a day earlier than expected. So 3 ganes in 1 day and the final game in 2 days. Not bad for free Saver shipping!
Didn't realize that the deal online only, so I went into the local EB today expecting the same prices. The clerk working was cool enough to price match Rouge Agent for me though, so I got it for $10! So I got that and Hitman Contracts for $15. Sweet deal.

Now I'm off to see if Rouge Agent is really as bad as everyone says it is.
bread's done