Xbox One CAG Game Night

Horizon 2 is the Forza to get if you do get it. I can't imagine we'd have half as much fun with F5.

I think Friday starts with some FH2 and then we move onto World of Tanks if everyone's cool with it. Might be a little bit late cause I am visiting family but we will see

Horizon 2 is the Forza to get if you do get it. I can't imagine we'd have half as much fun with F5.

I think Friday starts with some FH2 and then we move onto World of Tanks if everyone's cool with it. Might be a little bit late cause I am visiting family but we will see
Fine by me as I am always on late anyway. Nice to hear we will try some Tanks. I never played the 360 version, so this should be interesting. Plus there are 81 achievements in the game and it is free. Win/win.

Fine by me as I am always on late anyway. Nice to hear we will try some Tanks. I never played the 360 version, so this should be interesting. Plus there are 81 achievements in the game and it is free. Win/win.
Strangely, I have two achievements in WoT XBO showing as "unlocked, done" that I never popped on 360. i got far cry 4.. no dlc..... :'( but i got far cry!! ;) i know there's a separate thread on this...but I'll take any far cry 4 dlc before any lurkers get them.. pm me if ya got em. Best i can do is a 2 day Xbox live code... :/
For anyone who missed last night, here's the bangbus in action.


I would be down to try World of Tanks. Forza Horizon was pretty fun, I would totally be interested in playing that again too.
Wait... Did you guys just drive around in horizon 2 and crash for fun? Omg I might need to grab it then...

I bought FM5 to try my first racing sim, but FH2 seems like the more fun game. I've tried the demo, it seemed like something I'd get into. I may have to get this at some point. Anyone recorded a game clip of the action?

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Wait... Did you guys just drive around in horizon 2 and crash for fun? Omg I might need to grab it then...
We raced a fair amount, but we also played a mode where there was a king (or 2) and everyone had to crash into them to try to become king and whoever was king the longest won
We raced a fair amount, but we also played a mode where there was a king (or 2) and everyone had to crash into them to try to become king and whoever was king the longest won
Is that an actual game mode? Or just a custom "we made this" kinda thing? That mode totally might make me pick it up.

Moving 7 hours south tomorrow!!! Gonna be a long drive. Might be on Friday, doubtful cause of unpacking.

Is that an actual game mode? Or just a custom "we made this" kinda thing? That mode totally might make me pick it up.

Moving 7 hours south tomorrow!!! Gonna be a long drive. Might be on Friday, doubtful cause of unpacking.
Actual game mode.

I think I'm going to miss Friday night. I'll most likely be down in Columbus.

DARBY you following me? Friday night I'm headed out with the family down to Columbus as well. LANCASTER going to the zoo and having a nice family weekend getaway.
You should finally join up, kcobra! It is always a ton of fun. And somehow we have a robust amount of inside/regular jokes already - and we've only been doing this for like a month. This is my favorite crew I've gamed with in years.

Also, I need that livery...
You should finally join up, kcobra! It is always a ton of fun. And somehow we have a robust amount of inside/regular jokes already - and we've only been doing this for like a month. This is my favorite crew I've gamed with in years.

Also, I need that livery...
Still waiting...

I'm going to be absent tonight. I'm in Columbus and my Xbone isn't.

What's the game tonight?I probably won't have it since I only have 3 xbone games but I can probably hop in if MCC goes down after.
Plan as far as I know is to start with Forza Horizon 2 and go from there.

And I now have a wooden Bentley. Saw a John Deere paint job for another car and really wishing I would've picked that up.

Well debating on packing up my 2nd Xbox to bring down for weekend and play tonight after the drive.

Any suggestions to keep her all snug as a bug and no damage happens in transport? Was just going to tuck her in between my clothes and be gentle with my suitcase roller.

All my games are on external hd.
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Gonna be on a little bit late, but I think FH2 is the starting game again. Someone else may need to start up a party before I get there if there's enough people on.

And as for bringing your 2ND Xbox I'd say wrap it up on some clothes and place it somewhere it should be stationary the entire trip
Headed home now. Should be on in a half hour or so

Edit... Never mind. Have to work early in the morning and I'm pretty exhausted, so think I'm gonna have to sit tonight out. Plenty of gaming coming up this week with my fiance gobe
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Last night was fun. A bit smaller than usual, but still a good time. The most intense and fun mode in FH2 is still 'King.'

Hoping for some Hardline this week. I played until 1am the other night w/ randoms. Would be an even better time with the CAG crew...
Last night was fun. A bit smaller than usual, but still a good time. The most intense and fun mode in FH2 is still 'King.'

Hoping for some Hardline this week. I played until 1am the other night w/ randoms. Would be an even better time with the CAG crew...
Even if Hardline loses this week I'm still down to play in the off nights. I'm gonna play so many games this week

Also anyone here want a code for the Episode Duscae demo? Not really into those sorts of games and would rather give it to one of you guys than trade it to a random
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If it loses, yes, let's do Hardline on an 'unofficial' night then. Lookin forward to it.

(I'll be on in a few hours playing CoD AW for the double XP weekend if anybody is around.)

If it loses, yes, let's do Hardline on an 'unofficial' night then. Lookin forward to it.

(I'll be on in a few hours playing CoD AW for the double XP weekend if anybody is around.)
Gonna try to watch the Rousey fight on Kodi but once I have it set up I may play til the main fight is on

Edit. Kodi wasn't working. But right after we played the Rousey fight was up on twitch and I got to watch her knock some other chick out in like 30 seconds
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You guys are having too much fun, & I've been missing it. Either I busy that day, or in some cases I don't have that particular game yet. I am planning on getting EA Access, so that will help. I have to wait till FH2 is on sale again.

I had to much fun at Zoo with family and other activities. Hope everyone had a blast. I am going to be playing tonight so with that said.

Anyone that is on at 10:30pm eastern and wants to play some Cod AW Zombies, GTA Heist or FH2. Hit me up. [Feeling the 4 player vibe of zombies if enough CAG on, would be fun. We stream it.]
Battlefield 3 isn't BC yet :/

I'll be there for the first hour or so tomorrow night. Have to get up early Tuesday for work.
good call Darby, you always catch my fuck ups. And I think the last time you said you were gonna be off early you ended up playing like another 2 more hours

I had to much fun at Zoo with family and other activities. Hope everyone had a blast. I am going to be playing tonight so with that said.

Anyone that is on at 10:30pm eastern and wants to play some Cod AW Zombies, GTA Heist or FH2. Hit me up. [Feeling the 4 player vibe of zombies if enough CAG on, would be fun. We stream it.]
I may be on if i can stay awake, but with double xp weekend it might be better to play the VS modes. me and Champloo played for a few hours last night and I went from a level 1 to like 17 I think

VVVV see kids, this is what happen when you quote and multiquote at the same time

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Im getting on in 10 minutes for the rest of the night until bedtime.

Had to finish doing some chores and get the kiddies in bed!!!

See you on Student if your on when I turn on the BOX!

Looks like Hardline in lead, one game I Do not own, so I'll happily be in party and play titanfall later or whatever 2nd game. See you tonight.
Looks like Hardline in lead, one game I Do not own, so I'll happily be in party and play titanfall later or whatever 2nd game. See you tonight.
Do you even EA access bro?

Really though if you have ea access you get a 10hr trial for the online. Even if your skeptical of ea access you should at least try for a month, easily the best value in gaming.
I will probably not be able to make it tonight. I also do not have Hardline. Might pick it up eventually. 

Is anyone getting Gears? I haven't preordered it yet. It seems like it would be a good game night game.

Pretty sure ill be grabbing Gears. Got a lot of friends who are crazy hyped for it. That said, I really wanna wait on a sale lol. My inner CAG. Maybe ill try and track down some Post Cereal boxes.

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Looks like we will be doing some Heist, Bloody Money and Hotwire tonite in BF Hardline.

(If Titanfall pulls in a late victory again, I might sit this one out - I kinda need a break from that game. Feels like we've played that a bunch already.)
I added those of you who added me. I voted for Hardline earlier since I haven't played that yet with friends. That or Titanfall would be cool. But if the CAG team starts playing the NHL 16 beta, I'll be switching to that. It's only up for a couple more days and I haven't gotten to try it once.
bread's done