Xbox One Console Thread (Console is currently in stock as of 12/3 at Amazon)

Here is the offscreen footage from PAX demo for Dead Rising 3. It looks better than what they were showing at E3.

Only in Europe though. Hope they eventually extend it to NA, or even a different game bundled which would be better for me since I'm not too big on Fifa haha.

They might do another 180 but Major Nelson is saying no right now.

Ah well. I believe they usually get screwed over on console prices after the currency conversion anyway though so it's more fair to them to get a game included I guess.

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Here is the offscreen footage from PAX demo for Dead Rising 3. It looks better than what they were showing at E3.
By far the best launch title this holiday hands down. Cant wait to play this in coop!

Holy crap, DR3 looks better and better every time I see new footage.  I've been thinking lately about cancelling my console preorder on Amazon (money is tight, huge current-gen backlog, etc) but I don't think I can wait to play that game.

Does that even look next gen?
Looks on launch titles are usaully not to diffrent then previous gen, people pointed out the same exact things like this when 360 released. But now its night and day compariong 360 to xbox original. Biggiest things people will notice is better loading/ framerates. Considering how horrindous the load times are on dead rising 1 and 2. Having it streamed right off the harddrive is gonna make things much smoother. (Every xbox one game installs in the background to the harddrive when you insert it.) This game does seem more next gen then people think tho, seemed to handle all the extra polish very well on top of the streaming world.

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Regardless, the game looks great and it continually climbs my list of most anticipated launch titles. The gameplay itself looks fantastic. I'm glad they strayed away from the mall scene and have a wider open area.

One of the things that annoyed me with DR1 and 2 was the time limit. I just felt rushed as if I had no time to properly explore everything. Hopefully they do away with it.

Saying DR3 doesn't look next gen is laughable really. No loading screens. Zombies everywhere. Combine weapons and items on the fly. Hilarious.
"Does that even look next gen?"

Show me a game that puts that much stuff on screen at once in this gen.

People said the EXACT SAME THING about screenshots of the first Dead Rising.   "That looks like last generation."

Then you see how much stuff is on screen at once, and you realize there's no way in hell it could run on a last-generation machine.

Saying DR3 doesn't look next gen is laughable really. No loading screens. Zombies everywhere. Combine weapons and items on the fly. Hilarious.
you know what really got me? the clarity and detail and movement of the storefront windows looking in to the store through the glass. something about that feels like it doesn't happen now and suddenly made me pay attention to little details.
One of the things that annoyed me with DR1 and 2 was the time limit. I just felt rushed as if I had no time to properly explore everything. Hopefully they do away with it.
I agree. That combined with how quickly items broke kinda made me quit playing the first one. Never bothered with the 2nd,

Looks good.

I want to see some NBA gameplay. That'll say a lot for me.
2k14 is a definite for me.. already have it preordered on 360 and Xbox one...

cant wait to see gameplay.. Hopefully they have a next gen engine in place... or it'll just be a prettier looking version. (like pc version)

you know what really got me? the clarity and detail and movement of the storefront windows looking in to the store through the glass. something about that feels like it doesn't happen now and suddenly made me pay attention to little details.
The little details are coming in more, and more. That's what I love in addition to the larger ones is the smaller details that make the game pop.

I agree. That combined with how quickly items broke kinda made me quit playing the first one. Never bothered with the 2nd,

The time limit is gone
The time limit is gone
Honestly that may make me purchase the game. It looks fun as hell. Won't likely be a Day One purchase for me as I'll be busy with Battlefield and Forza. Hopefully I can pick it up a few months down the road for $30 or so.

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You'll likely be able to get it for around $30 within 6 months or so. Same for any of the games on either system.
I'm betting that Ryse will be the first one to hit $20 or less. I'm also debating on cancelling my Forza preorder since that series, and most racing games, have a history of dropping in price pretty quick.

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You guys think first year games will drop the fast?

Only game I recall dropping fast on the 360 was Prey. Shit hit $20 a few months after launch.

I'm betting that Ryse will be the first one to hit $20 or less. I'm also debating on cancelling my Forza preorder since that series, and most racing games, have a history of dropping in price pretty quick.
Besides the bf forza horizon sale, the games seem to keep their value. I rarely saw Forza 4 on sale.. could just be me though.

Theres also alot of value in the games.. been putting hours into Horizon and really liking it. Should of played more sooner.

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I was going to get Forza but Need For Speed Rivals took the cake for me and I don't have any need for 2 racing games at launch. I want to play as a cop and chase people down who are racing.

I dunno if you consider 6 months fast or not?
Dunno year one titles seem to hold their value for awhile.

I think maybe 25% of the titles will drop in 6 months, most awhile after that.

Either way I'm hoping for drops to $20 10 months after release, but I think it will be harder till both systems are out at least two years. The Wii U had some pretty steep drops six months after release but the Wii U didn't exactly fly off shelves either.

I was going to get Forza but Need For Speed Rivals took the cake for me and I don't have any need for 2 racing games at launch. I want to play as a cop and chase people down who are racing.
i honestly have not looked to much into that game... but saying as EA said that the PC version should look even better, I can always play on PC. Trying to focus on console exclusive games.

Regarding price drops, yeah, Ryse and DR3 will probably be $39.99 by January and $20 by July.  Hell, you can very probably save $20 simply by waiting 3 weeks after the release of Call of Duty every year and finding it on sale over Black Friday weekend.

This isn't just true of launch games, it's true of all games.  In fact, it's true of the hobby in general:  The longer you wait, the less you tend to pay.

The thing is, though, if you're buying a new console, you gotta buy some stuff to play on it.  I've read claims of people who are supposedly buying a PS3 and will get by with the free demo of Driveclub and the old PC f2p games that are being given away with it, but....really?  Seriously?  That's like buying a new Ferrari and then driving it through the parking lot all day. 

DriveClub isn't really a demo. It's been confirmed it's the full game missing a few tracks, and cars. You can still get all the trophies/achievements. 

Hell, you can very probably save $20 simply by waiting 3 weeks after the release of Call of Duty every year and finding it on sale over Black Friday weekend.
As a CoD player, I don't think there are ever big BF deals on CoD games. This is the one series that sells fine without any deals. (Might be different this year though given the tepid pre-order numbers and with next gen vs. current gen thrown into the mix...)

As a CoD player, I don't think there are ever big BF deals on CoD games. This is the one series that sells fine without any deals. (Might be different this year though given the tepid pre-order numbers and with next gen vs. current gen thrown into the mix...)
I hardly ever see the games brand new drop below $35-40. Unless you count a B1G1 or something like that.

Last year, Black Ops 2 was all over the place on Black Friday weekend for $39.99.  They don't 'need' sales, but they do it anyway to help grow the frenzy.  The truly hardcore CoD players all preorder the game and own it day one so they don't get left behind when it comes to learning new maps.  $20 is cheap if it means being able to play on a level field instead of getting owned for a month or two while you figure things out.

Hell, I got three October releases from last year over BF weekend for under $30:  Forza Horizon, Dishonored, and XCOM.  The Last of Us came out at the end of May and less than 90 days later can readily be found for $39.99 new.  Game prices tend to drop very, very quickly....which is why a website like this is so darn useful.

And I feel very comfortable calling DriveClub an extended demo.  You will only get some of the cars and some of the tracks.  It is highly likely you will not be given the best tracks and the fastest cars and will have to purchase the entire game if you wish to be competitive in online events. 

Same with Killer Instinct.  You can learn Jago and play with Jago, but if you want the whole experience, it's $20 for the full roster, $40 for all costumes and the retro arcade game.

And I feel very comfortable calling DriveClub an extended demo. You will only get some of the cars and some of the tracks. It is highly likely you will not be given the best tracks and the fastest cars and will have to purchase the entire game if you wish to be competitive in online events.

Same with Killer Instinct. You can learn Jago and play with Jago, but if you want the whole experience, it's $20 for the full roster, $40 for all costumes and the retro arcade game.
I think both will be fine. DriveClub recently said there's enough of the game for free that you can Platinum trophy it without spending extra. And if you want to upgrade to the full digital version. you can for cheaper they said. Hopefully KI will have full achievements with the free version. Funny I have never been a big KI fan, but when I was younger, my go to was Jago!....and Glacius.

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Last year, Black Ops 2 was all over the place on Black Friday weekend for $39.99. They don't 'need' sales, but they do it anyway to help grow the frenzy. The truly hardcore CoD players all preorder the game and own it day one so they don't get left behind when it comes to learning new maps. $20 is cheap if it means being able to play on a level field instead of getting owned for a month or two while you figure things out.

Hell, I got three October releases from last year over BF weekend for under $30: Forza Horizon, Dishonored, and XCOM. The Last of Us came out at the end of May and less than 90 days later can readily be found for $39.99 new. Game prices tend to drop very, very quickly....which is why a website like this is so darn useful.
I'm pretty sure black ops 2 didn't go on sale until Christmas.
Regardless, the game looks great and it continually climbs my list of most anticipated launch titles. The gameplay itself looks fantastic. I'm glad they strayed away from the mall scene and have a wider open area.

One of the things that annoyed me with DR1 and 2 was the time limit. I just felt rushed as if I had no time to properly explore everything. Hopefully they do away with it.
The time limit and the forced schedule, where you have to be at certain places by a certain time, are what kept me from finishing DR1 and from buying DR2 (I downloaded it when they made it the free game on games with gold, but have yet to try it out)

The time limit is gone, so you can explore to your heart's content in DR3, but they do also have a mode with the time limits and schedule in it, for people that prefer the game that way. I think it's called Nightmare Mode. I will not be subjecting myself to that, but for those who prefer the punishing original style, it's cool that they included it.

And I feel very comfortable calling DriveClub an extended demo. You will only get some of the cars and some of the tracks. It is highly likely you will not be given the best tracks and the fastest cars and will have to purchase the entire game if you wish to be competitive in online events.

Same with Killer Instinct. You can learn Jago and play with Jago, but if you want the whole experience, it's $20 for the full roster, $40 for all costumes and the retro arcade game.
it sounds like its exactly the same thing as the forza 4 essentials edition. In no way is it a demo, when you can complete the whole game and earn a platinum.

Plus it sounds like they want to DLC it to death just like forza as well, so either way you'd probably have to buy a car pack anyways if you felt you needed the highest end to be "competitive online".

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is overclocking safe nowadays? I remember in my old PC gaming days that it was a risky practice to the computer.

Perfectly safe given the amount of overclock. A .15 overclock is nothing.
bread's done