Xbox One Console Thread (Console is currently in stock as of 12/3 at Amazon)

Yeah, its typical EA though.

Its cool though, I know everyone likes different things. Ive just gotten less and less interested with what EA does lately.

As for games to pick up with the Xbox One at launch: (my opinion of course)

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag: Since 3 was underwhelming (wait for review, maybe a rental)

Battlefield 4: Looks great (purchase at launch)

Call of Duty: Ghosts: Looks like CoD (rental for single player campaign)

Watch Dogs: Looks great (purchase at launch)
I agree with the pick up's, except do we really need to rent CoD to know that the dog is going to die and leave everybody emotionally unstable. (But if you enjoy the campaign definately a rent, but not a buy)
I am extremely happy that it seems that the reign of CoD as the top selling shooter has ended, people used to laugh whenever people bought one of the yearly sports titles when they KNEW they were essentially the same, with some small changes, and with a new one out next year pretty much guarenteed. COD:4, the first modern warfare was freaking AMAZING. But it came out on november 5 of 2007, exactly 6 years before Ghost's releases... So that means (counting 4) we have 7 CoD games in exactly 6 years. There comes a point where you just need to slow down, and/or stop making so damn many.
CoD has a dog... BF4 HAS FREAKING DESTRUCTIBLE SKYSCRAPERS, with functional elevators and multiple level's to fight on.
Assassin's creed is pretty much going the same way, with a new one out year after year, call it AC 4 if you want, but I still think of it as AC 6 considering they had two other "Assassin's creeds" almost right after eachother. If 3 is anything to go by, just wait for it to drop in price.
It will sell well (even if mediocre) if only because it is a launch title, but you will be able to find a used one (Or one on sale) fairly shortly after launch. So I agree with the wait on that.

Regarding Watch Dogs, of COURSE I am buying this at launch (I think everyone will be.)

The immediate exclusives I can't see much desire in. I mean do I really wan't to buy them at launch just because they are launch titles? I know I would definitely wait otherwise.
Ryse seem's to just be Xbox trying to compete with God Of War.
Dead Rising 3 just, I mean it look's nice, but the first two games weren't truly AMAZING if we are being honest. I'm thinking it's grand theft zombie from the looks of it.
Forza 5 I'm not much into racing games, although they are some peoples niche, and is best judged by one of them.
So I'm not really set on the launch exclusives, but Watch Dog's and BF4 are definitely gonna be XB1 for me.

Placed a pre-order in store at Best Buy today, the receipt says day one edition so hopefully that's the one I end up getting but the employee stated that the pre-order list was over 50 already. 

I have a pre-order for the day one on Amazon though just in case Best Buy doesn't get enough to cover pre-orders on launch day.

So forza 5 doesn't have the auction house anymore? If so that sucks. Horizon didnt have it either and I didn't like that since it made it more expensive to buy new cars
I preordered the ultimate Xbox 1 at best buy for $25. It will take on my ultimate challenge to satisfy my need for gaming. Does amazon deliver to parts unknown?? Lol sorry just saw a couple of ultimate warrior matches.
Had it preordered since day one. The big news about the used games and stuff are "meh" in my eyes because I rarely buy used games. I usually get a few games that REALLY interest me and hold on to them for a while.

Speaking of games...

Which game is everyone getting at launch? Haven't done much research but what seems to be the killer app?
I'm getting the games that are specifically made for Xbox 1 like Dead Rising 3, Forza, and possibly Ryse depending on the reviews.

I'm not sure what I'll do about games like COD:Ghosts, Battlefield 4, and Watch Dogs. I'll probably read the reviews and see if there's any advantage to the XB1 versions. I'll probably end up getting them on XB1 though, as I'm trying to finish all the 360/PS3 titles before the new consoles launch so I can move on to the next gen.

I don't get why people are trying to finish off their back log and get rid of their current systems for when the new ones comes out. There is going to be dead periods after the holidays that won't see any new games coming out. Jan-Apr has almost always been dead for new games when a system releases.

I was one of the first at my local Gamestop (even if the sales guy worked hella hard to get me to reserve a PS4) and set for Amazon as well. I'm saving money up every pay and will have that lump sum ready in November. I received an email from Amazon about a November 27th delivery date, I'm glad I've given some notice. I know Ghosts and Forza will be launch titles for me, I want to get at least 1 or 2 more as well. And a headset, I don't need people's foul language flying out my TV and into my living room. lol
read on ign that amazon is just making an educated guess on that date, still nothing official

I don't get why people are trying to finish off their back log and get rid of their current systems for when the new ones comes out. There is going to be dead periods after the holidays that won't see any new games coming out. Jan-Apr has almost always been dead for new games when a system releases.
The longer you wait the less your stuff will be worth. As we approach closer to launch, places like GameStop, will have less incentive to pay you more for your current gen games and console. They will have plenty of people, bringing inventory into their stores, so why pay us more for our junk when they don't have to.

Has anyone gotten squaretrade with their xbox one's? if so do they charge you right there and start the warranty before the release date?

Also I got the email from amazon saying I will get the day one edition on release day (I know the release date is wrong), Does that mean that not all day one editions will be delivered on release day?

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Has anyone gotten squaretrade with their xbox one's? if so do they charge you right there and start the warranty before the release date?

Also I got the email from amazon saying I will get the day one edition on release day (I know the release date is wrong), Does that mean that not all day one editions will be delivered on release day?
You are charged right away. They will start the warranty at purchase. Once console is released, you have to call and have the warranty adjusted. Warranty is adjusted to the ship date.
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You are charged right away. They will start the warranty at purchase. Once console is released, you have to call and have the warranty adjusted. Warranty is adjusted to the ship date.
so i bought one last night(seperate from my xbox one preorder)....all i need to do is call when the xbox one is released and tell them to apply it to my xbox one console and theyll adjust then???

Faulty hardware is a great reason to NOT buy anything at launch.  

And to be fair, Microsoft has been making non-RROD hardware for more than the last couple years.  It at least appears that they learned their lesson with that.

Haha. I was reading one of multientertainment aspects of the Xbox One is the ability to transfer seemlessly from TV program/movie to game. I've been able to do that since the Atari. Some things don't need to be so complicated.
I can as well, however, try showing your non tech wife how to do it on a remote with 60+ buttons and expect her to remember. Now complicate it by having multiple TV's (one in the living room, one in the bedroom) both with different remotes and different input buttons.

Same situation, but with your 55+ year old Mom.

Yeah, suffice it to say, it's not fun. My mother just dosent watch DVD's/Bluerays unless my dad's home.

You have to remember, not everyone lives in a tech world. Something as simple as saying "Xbox HBO" then "Xbox DVD" is pretty epic to some people.

There was some interesting commentary about matchmaking that brought up just why they included the ability to swap between games and TV/movies.  Something I learned was that say you had an older game that doesn't see much traffic and you want to find a match.  That could take a long time and meanwhile you'd be just sitting waiting, so enter live swapping and you get the picture.  It's an interesting concept to say the least, but for someone like me that doesn't do lobby MP on consoles it would be a wash.

The more people discover what the system is capable of and report on it, the more interesting the X1 gets.  M$ really did an awful job communicating the possibilities and came off as parental telling us what's best.

Amazon is doing warranty extensions for the Xbox One through SquareTrade right now.



Does anyone know how much the geek squad warrantys are at Best Buy stores? i might swicth my pre order over to best buys. I called my best buy and they didnt know what the plans price would be. I asked him to make a guess based off how much they usaully cost and he said maybe $99 for 2 years, if it really is that exspensive for just 2 years id mis well keep my Toys R Us pre order since thay have a 3 year plan for $119

Amazon is doing warranty extensions for the Xbox One through SquareTrade right now.


Walmart is by far the best place to pre order from online that ive seen. They still have launch editions, and there warranty is only $44 for 3 years. Amazon only offers 2 years of coverage around the same time.

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There was some interesting commentary about matchmaking that brought up just why they included the ability to swap between games and TV/movies. Something I learned was that say you had an older game that doesn't see much traffic and you want to find a match. That could take a long time and meanwhile you'd be just sitting waiting, so enter live swapping and you get the picture. It's an interesting concept to say the least, but for someone like me that doesn't do lobby MP on consoles it would be a wash.

The more people discover what the system is capable of and report on it, the more interesting the X1 gets. M$ really did an awful job communicating the possibilities and came off as parental telling us what's best.
Phones > Television for curing a few minutes of boredom.

Does anyone know how much the geek squad warrantys are at Best Buy stores? i might swicth my pre order over to best buys. I called my best buy and they didnt know what the plans price would be. I asked him to make a guess based off how much they usaully cost and he said maybe $99 for 2 years, if it really is that exspensive for just 2 years id mis well keep my Toys R Us pre order since thay have a 3 year plan for $119

Walmart is by far the best place to pre order from online that ive seen. They still have launch editions, and there warranty is only $44 for 3 years. Amazon only offers 2 years of coverage around the same time.
Amazon offers 3 years as well. $99 is pretty close for BB. Wii U 2 year warranties are $80. It will either be $89 or $99. You could always just wait and buy the warranty directly from squaretrade on Black Friday. They will have a good coupon.

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No money down and you can cancel online with a couple of clicks.
Cool. I threw down my pre-order. I'm so glad that they made the DRM changes to the system. Now I can again own all 3 consoles and play all the games I want :D

I'm a bit confused about their warranty policy, though. Can I just pick one up whenever?

Amazon offers 3 years as well. $99 is pretty close for BB. Wii U 2 year warranties are $80. It will either be $89 or $99. You could always just wait and buy the warranty directly from squaretrade on Black Friday. They will have a good coupon.
Hmm where is amazons 3 year plan?

I know Amazon doesn't charge you until the product ships, but if I place an order can I add gift cards throughout the year until launch to cut down on that cost or does that need to be done all at once? I know I'll have trades later in the summer for GS where I'll probably be getting Kindle cards, but don't want to miss out on launch theoretically since Day One Editions are still around.

Im curious.... would it be possible to buy my console at Toys R Us and then buy this online for it?
I think so, but it's not necessary. Their warranties are not tied to the product receipt like Best Buy or Walmart. Just buy the warranty directly from Squaretrade within 30 days of purchase. There are 30% off coupons every couple of days. No real advantage in buying it from Amazon unless you want to use credit.

I know Amazon doesn't charge you until the product ships, but if I place an order can I add gift cards throughout the year until launch to cut down on that cost or does that need to be done all at once? I know I'll have trades later in the summer for GS where I'll probably be getting Kindle cards, but don't want to miss out on launch theoretically since Day One Editions are still around.
You can do either. I would just save up the cards and apply them all at once. Just go into your order and select the change payment. It will let you apply credit.

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Does anyone know if Gamestop is offering a warranty and if so how much does it cost?
As of right now, we can not add warranty until time of pick up (release date). Considering the price of warranty depends on price of the system, it'd be safe to assume it's probably gonna be $49.99+ for 1 year. It's usually 10% of the console cost.

Warranty claims are usually covered by the 1 year manufacturer warranty anyways so I personally don't think its worth the price. Obviously its riskier with new technology but most issues will arise within the first year of use.
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Warranty claims are usually covered by the 1 year manufacturer warranty anyways so I personally don't think its worth the price. Obviously its riskier with new technology but most issues will arise within the first year of use.
Couple that with double warranty on certain credit cards and it makes it even less useful.
THe extra content in the Day One editions of the games is not special at all, just some bonus cars or outfits from what I remember, like five basic things.  

The headset and play and charge kit will probably be $20 each.

If you have a credit card that doubles the warranty, it means you're paying $90 for the 3rd and 4th year of coverage. Might be good for peace of mind but not a particularly value conscious move.
What are your guys thoughts.. Will they be hot ticket item for christmas or will there be ship loads of them
Even Wii U Deluxe units were hard to find at release, and for a few months on my east coast side.

I'd pre-order this if you want one. Flipping wise I'm unsure, XBox Day One editions might be hard to find.

Anywhere you can still preorder this for a day one edition? 

Edit: It looks like amazon has it, but anyone know if B and M stores are still offering?

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bread's done