Yakuza 4 for $39.99 - Amazon DotD

Definitely want this game, but playing through the 3rd one has made me realize that I'm not paying more than $30.
[quote name='AwRy108']Definitely want this game, but playing through the 3rd one has made me realize that I'm not paying more than $30.[/QUOTE]

agreed $30 is my price point.
Wow, this game was amazing. I got it 40 on release day and played 70 hours of it. Traded it in for 38, but been wanting to pick it up again, but i can wait. Still tons to do in this game. Got all trophies but ExHard mode, so I think I can wait til it's 20ish. I'v been buying too many good sega games (Bayonetta, Vanquish) and then they hit 20 before the year ends and I never even replay them cuz I'm battleing backlog.
Great Great Game tho. Like an RPG but hardcore Japanese. only subtitles tho, so if you don't like to read... the plot was awesome tho and so was the battle mechanics. minigames are meh
[quote name='2DMention']This. I'm hoping it'll drop to $15 like 3 did at Kmart or something.[/QUOTE]

that took years though...
Sega has a history of quick drops, but this game has sooo~ much content. I think I'm satisfied tho, but i really want it, lol.
no arguments there on the lack of content in yak4, btw anyone noticed they're using the Yakuza engine on that new game sega is developing?...binary something
[quote name='Velo214']Sega has a history of quick drops, but this game has sooo~ much content. I think I'm satisfied tho, but i really want it, lol.[/QUOTE]

Yeah there is enough content for 3 or 4 games in there. The nice thing is that you can more or less choose what content you want to take advantage of. Great game.
We wanted to drop a quick note to all of the guys & gals that bought our Video Game DotD on Amazon today..

We've seen people wishing it was lower - well, we do too! We wish we could drop it lower - but at this time as there is no price drop on this currently we are clearing some inventory - this is the best price we could offer on it.. Especially with that pesky Amazon commission... This game just came out in March - we don't anticipate an official drop until Q4, if even then...

Either way, we'll keep you posted on more deals as we will have some more shortly..

Just follow us on Twitter @bgvgames or like us on Facebook (Big Game Vendor) - regardless - the update that we do on any deals with be listed on our official areas (Twitter & Facebook) then right on CAG!

Thanks again for the business, and we sincerely hope you enjoy the game and enjoyed the deal..
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Gonna have to agree with the Big Game vendor guy here...I remember Yakuza 3 took months to drop from $50 to a reasonable price. It came out in March 2010 and the price didn't change much until last December.

If you want Yakuza 4, $39.99 is probably the best price you can get until November/December 2011.
Out of the series, is this the best game to get for a Yakuza newbie like me? Story-wise, will I miss anything if I skip the previous ones?
Would've gotten one if price was a bit lower like $25-30, especially since backlog is mile long. Probably be $20 by holiday time.
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