Your Favorite movies which no one had ever heard of

Iron Monkey - can't go wrong with any of Donnie Yen's movies. He's in the movie Hero, he actioned choreographed The Princess Blade (which I saw mentioned earlier). Simply superb, if you get into the whole Hong Kong action scene.
Iron Monkey 2 is also very good. It was never a major release in America, so it didn't get the beauty treatment that the first did, but the fight scenes are still gorgeous.
One I forgot:

Surf Ninjas- Much like ET was the high point for Reese's Pieces, this is the high point for the Game Gear. May only be relatively unknown because my friends are trying to forget it, but I love it. Admittedly, that might just be because of nostalgia.

"What's this, I was playing Shinobi!"
---Nicolas Cowan (while you can clearly see the game is Columns)
[quote name='AdamInPlaidum']One I forgot:

Surf Ninjas- Much like ET was the high point for Reese's Pieces, this is the high point for the Game Gear. May only be relatively unknown because my friends are trying to forget it, but I love it. Admittedly, that might just be because of nostalgia.

"What's this, I was playing Shinobi!"
---Nicolas Cowan (while you can clearly see the game is Columns)[/quote]

ahhahahah surf ninjas ahhahah

best movie ever right there. i saw that gem in theaters and it scarred me for life.
I read the posts and one of my favorites growing up, The Monster Squad, has already been mentioned. But another one I liked a lot when I was little was a movie called Big Man on Campus. It was about a hunchback that lived in a tower on the UCLA campus, and what happens when someone finds him. I haven't seen it in several years, but I used to love that movie so much because it was so damn funny.
Well the thing about this is... that if a movie it is good someone will naturaly hear of it. So I can guess that you mean movies that you thikn alot of people don't know about. But I'm seeing alot of movies that had been nominated for various awards, or are commonly known as classics. So the only thing left is to talk about movies that are not very well known amoung the general public. Now that I can do but most of them are known as classics it's just your average person on the street woudn't of seen them so... here's a few.

The Seventh Seal
8 1/2
(That other Nolan movie) The Following
(various Kurosawa movies)
(various John Woo movies)
Time and Tide

Another problem with this is that a great deal of these are cult classics, now you may not find alot of people who like the cult classic you like (on the street or whatever) but most people who share forums share the same interests so have also seen the same cult classic you like and probably like it themselves. So, it's actually quite hard to do to find a good movie no ones ever heard of.
bread's done