Your prefered game retailer


CAG Veteran
Vote in the poll for your prefered game retailer (excluding online) and your reasons for your preference, if the poll doesn't have your favored retailer, post about it and why you like it (your experiences.)

In fact, post your worst retailer here too and what other retails you would like to see in your area.

Obviously I left out Gamestop/EB, because it doesnt seem like anyone is actually prefering them, but if you do like them, post a reply about your good experiences. lol
Whatever's got the best deal in the Sunday paper. I think it's usually Circuit City for the stuff I've bought in the past.

And of course, if I'm looking for something used, EB/GS.
i just PM CC stuff at Best Buy, so i dont buy from CC anymore unless it is clearance. CC firing so many people because they "made too much money" is a place i would rather not give my business to.
[quote name='neocisco']The cheapest one, of course.[/quote]

There is more to retail than just the price though. Some stores offers better service like coverage of used games and even extra services like disc and console repair.
I try to support my locally owned game shops as much as I can if I'm looking for a new release or something I can't find a deal on. I'll go to the chain stores if they have deals or clearance, but not much else.
Simply from the number of receipts I've got, I have to say Toys R Us. I've picked up a ridiculous number of cheap games there, thanks to all the sales listed on CAG.
I shop from all of the listed retailers...
but as of right now - I would have to say TRU (from xmas/january sales) & circuit city (spring clearances) seem to be taking my $$ haha.
I voted for Circuit City but I go to my local independent store more and TRU just as much. I think for the most part most don't have an alliance to any one retailer. Like neocisco said, we go where the cheapest games are.
Where is Amazon on the list? When I grow up to become rich and famous :)D), I will endorse Amazon for free...that is how much I love them. My dollar always goes to the store where I can get a game the cheapest but their prices, shipping speed, and customer service kick ass.
I try to buy stuff from Best Buy when I buy new stuff just because of my Reward Zone card and coupons, but usually my employee discount at GameStop is better.
I don't really have one as I buy where a game's the cheapest but CC is probably the one store where I've bought a majority of my games from.
I try and support my local game stores as much as possible, but most definitely thanks to the clearance pricing, Kmart has managed to snag most of my money recently.

However, I did vote for other, as I have dropped close to $100-150 in my one local shop in a single shot before, whereas Kmart was 15 shots at $2-5 each.
Nowadays, since getting back into gaming, I support the local gameshops. Sometimes I go to Gamestop if they have a good deal on a new game or they still have some rare game new and shrinkwrapped.

I dunno if it's me, but it seems that the bigger retailers are usually sold out or don't have much during good sales. This might be a function of living in NYC though..
Like a couple of people stated "where I can get the best price." Most recently I would say that Best Buy because of their clearance priced games have taken most of my money.

I buy used games at EB/GameStop because the local stores have games that are in great shape.

One store that will never get my business is Game Crazy. I do not like how their employees treat their customers, the condition of 99% of their games, and most importantly because of an incident I had with them taking a game I reserved and claiming that it was defective.
I put Department store, last year it looks like kmart got most of my money because of the clearances lol. But it can vary:

I actually like walmart because they do not badger customers into buying extra things and the electronics dept. is stocked with many staff close at hand. 90 day return policy on video game hardware, can't find that anywhere else for free, and also they take almost anything back as long as you keep the reciept! And you will never have to worry about buying new games as used there, or have to worry about re-shrinkwrapped games. Kmart and target's electronic dept's are staffed very poorly, and the only time I will go out of my way to track down an employee is for those kmart clearance games.... lol.

I will forever avoid best buy because their entire principle is to sell you items at an amazing markup and to get as much out of you as possible while in the store by having employees hassle you when you are just trying to buy an item and leave the store as fast as possible. I do not like to be hassled to buy extra things I do not need while shopping. Yes I reallize this is the fault of management and not the front end employees.

The Ebgames by my house is very good, but I usually go there for preorders only though, and the very very occasional used game (maybe like 2-3 games a year).

Gamecrazy is horrid because the one time I went to one they tried to hire me, so I will NEVER set foot inside their stores again, plus they are not very close to me so this makes avoiding them easy. They are also 100 times worse at badgering the customers to buy extras and to sign up for the mvp card than ebgames will ever be, at least for the store closest to my house, where I do not seem to have a problem with getting asked to buy extra's at all. Their employees are just downright annoying, and act exactly like that training video that was posted on the internet.
Circuit City by far since they have the best clearance deals overall. Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 for $5, you can't beat that.
bread's done