Smallville Rules *Spoilers*

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54 (100%)
premeir is on now
its a bird its a plane reference
og lois lane making cameo
new lois premeiring
lana with a bf
chloe dead

discusss amongst yourselves
[quote name='pimp_daddy_smurf']3 topics? are you retarded?[/quote]

I counted 7, except it looks like this is the only one left now.
[quote name='pimp_daddy_smurf']3 topics? are you retarded?[/quote]

I see like 6 threads. I guess the premiere must really be that good. :eek:
[quote name='Zman310'][quote name='pimp_daddy_smurf']3 topics? are you retarded?[/quote]

I counted 7, except it looks like this is the only one left now.[/quote]

funny knew if those clicks went through u would all get pissy
server went crazy for me for a sec
didnt intend for so many topics
but now u all know that it rules lol :D
now back to the og topic that i know most like to get away from
who else thought the new lois sucks monkey dookie nuts
she doesnt have that special something margot kidder did
she isnt that hot either kinda plain
how can she compete with lana who is smokin ass hot
she was trying to act to hard and somewhat corny
black kryptonite was a nice touch but what is that whole jor el thing wanting clark to be bad doesnt make sense
and where the hell is that bruce wayne cameo that has been promised for 2 seasons now
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']Why the hell would Bruce Wayne be in smallville?[/quote]

Isn't Bruce Wayne the Batman? Smallsvile is about future-Superman, is it not?

That Lois girl is hot, but I still have to see if she really does add anything to the show. Am I the only one who hates the chloe character ? I knew she wasn't dead. The smallville writers don't have the balls to kill a main character, let alone one of the younger ones.
lol, i hate chloe too, but the thing i dont understand is out of nowhere that lady sent by the guy was like here is the black kryptonite im sure you know what to do with it... it seemed like they just pulled another color out their heiny (green,red)
[quote name='ayolykewhoa']Damn, Lana Lang SO HOT! As for the new Lois, I was skeptical at first, but she played the role fine.[/quote]

Lana is hot, but not hot enough to make me watch the show.
[quote name='Moxio'][quote name='Duo_Maxwell']Why the hell would Bruce Wayne be in smallville?[/quote]

Isn't Bruce Wayne the Batman? Smallsvile is about future-Superman, is it not?


yes it was said in interviews with the writers that a young brooding friend of Lex Luthors from prep school when they were younger would come to visit Lex and his name would be Bruce Wayne!!!!
episode 5 this season (i think we r on #3 this coming week) will have an appearance of barry allen as the flash. clark and barry will race to see whose the fastest superhero. If flash doesnt win then they r just catering to their own show.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Green and red are legit colors from the comics, but black was a new one on me.[/quote]

That's because they just pulled it out of their ass as a convient plot device.
as i warned in my previous post in my topic here tonight is the premeir of the flash going on right now.
Flash vs superman comics when they race are very popular not sure if this is the first TV appearance of them together since i dont know if he cameoed in lois and clark or not. if not history right here and the flash is winning so far. now where was that bruce wayne appearance i touched on in a previous post
calling him bart allen

2 creators names combined?

bart sears and someone else maybe?

anyone know old flash creators?

or is this a name in the comics

he also has wally west alias in the show
he probably has the only way this episode can end is with a race. i'll be dissapointed if not. jeff loeb has a hand in the episode i saw the credits in the begining. andyone that knows comics now knows he is a very big writer in the industry right now. amazing they did the flash cameo before the bruce wayne one especially since they talked about the bruce one like 2 years ago and never mentioned this one.
[quote name='cag1000']calling him bart allen

2 creators names combined?

bart sears and someone else maybe?

anyone know old flash creators?

or is this a name in the comics

he also has wally west alias in the show[/quote]

The Bart name may be a hat tip to the Impulse character in more recent comics. IIRC he is a distant descendant of a contemporary Flash.

If they really wanted to push things they could have brought in John Wesley Shipp to play the kid's father.
[quote name='cag1000'][quote name='Moxio'][quote name='Duo_Maxwell']Why the hell would Bruce Wayne be in smallville?[/quote]

Isn't Bruce Wayne the Batman? Smallsvile is about future-Superman, is it not?


yes it was said in interviews with the writers that a young brooding friend of Lex Luthors from prep school when they were younger would come to visit Lex and his name would be Bruce Wayne!!!![/quote]

The show originally pitched was to be about Bruce Wayne before he decides to become Batman. He is determined to be some form of vigilante but the idea of wearing a masked costume isn't there yet. (The bat through the window hasn't happened yet.) Part of the proposal was to have Bruce meet a young Clark Kent, that they would have a rivalry going with each being ignorant of the other's special nature.

The network execs liked the young pre-Superman Clark Kent idea and asked for that to be developed instead. The guy behind the Bruce Wayne concept hated the idea and has nothing to do with Smallville even though he receives payments as a co-creator.
just what i said ended with the race
flash kicked his ass
i think its to show that superman hasnt fully come into his powers yet and when he actually becomes superman shit will be different
Well, they're conviently picking up and dropping continuity as they see fit. I just hope they don't really screw up the superman mythos by trying to go and retcon Superman so that all of this "Smallville" stuff becomes canon.
Flash will always beat Superman in a race. He's the fastest man alive and in the comics I believe he can move at the speed of light.
[quote name='epobirs']
The Bart name may be a hat tip to the Impulse character in more recent comics. IIRC he is a distant descendant of a contemporary Flash.

If they really wanted to push things they could have brought in John Wesley Shipp to play the kid's father.[/quote]

HAHAHA. that'd been cool but they mishmoshed the flash's origin. they didnt really give any details aside from "there was an accident and a big flash" then to have him carrying IDs with 3 differnt flashes names and call him Bart after the current "kid flash" formerly Impulse and then use that "I'm form the future" line on Chloe maxed out the cheese meter for me so there's no clear definition on him outside of the 'He'll probably be back someday' type of thing.

With this series they've drasticaly ignored the cannon. There's no way the could totally retcon the story in the comics without a full on ZeroCrisisHour catastophe to change it enough. at most they could introduce a "Chloe" into the comic but thats about it.

I've heard the "Young Bruce Wayne" stories and technically they may even try it at some point. Heck I predicted several possible cameos in th first season like GL, prehaps a young wonder wo--er girl? Bruce would be an EASY choice.
eh, i've tried to get into smallville, but my strong dislike of superman has tainted me to it. Besides the fact i get a very strong buffy vibe from the show, and while i'm a big fan of buffy, the writing just isn't as good. It also doesn't have a cute blonde and red-head as 2 of the leads...
The first season and a half used the same Monster of the Week format as Buffy did which probably helps contribute to that vibe(that and all the highschool buisness, soon to be college buisness by next season). But I suspect when they were getting ready to loose Buffy they figured they would need a show that matched the feel to keep people on the channel... now it's a little less about mutant freaks (although they still get a few) since they've started building up more of a chracter driven system (though most of it revolves around Lana...)
[quote name='ElfAngel7']eh, i've tried to get into smallville, but my strong dislike of superman has tainted me to it. Besides the fact i get a very strong buffy vibe from the show, and while i'm a big fan of buffy, the writing just isn't as good. It also doesn't have a cute blonde and red-head as 2 of the leads...[/quote]

Don't forget about Eliza Dushku. I'd take her over Alyson Hannigan any day of the week.
Smallville's lame. The Superman cartoon's a ton better. Even Justice League which stars him for 5 secs a show is better, and that has a retarded ripoff of robinhood and some guy with no face, walking around in a trench coat talking about hospitals.
[quote name='dcfox'][quote name='ElfAngel7']eh, i've tried to get into smallville, but my strong dislike of superman has tainted me to it. Besides the fact i get a very strong buffy vibe from the show, and while i'm a big fan of buffy, the writing just isn't as good. It also doesn't have a cute blonde and red-head as 2 of the leads...[/quote]

Don't forget about Eliza Dushku. I'd take her over Alyson Hannigan any day of the week.[/quote]

I had an FHM calendar up for 2 years I think, on the same month. All because of Alyson.
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