Cant say Im going to the movie theatres anymore


105 (100%)
I downloaded a bootleg of Spiderman 3

I feel guilty because when I wanna see something, I think I owe it to whoever gets the money to pay.

However lately, Im turning away from that.

Movie ticket prices keep going up, and here in Tx its nowhere near what it is on the east coast so I can just imagine.

Im tired of theatres letting people bring in infants to a loud ass movie they dont need to be in. They let the kids cry and dont take them out. I dont wanna miss some of the movie to go bitch to a manager about it because I dont wanna start a 2+ hr movie over to get back to that one spot.

People that get there and see the requests to turn off their phones and dont. People who talk and bicker during a movie. People that come in late, want me and my gf to move down a few seats so their whole crew can fit in one row together....NO, I dont move either, I told them they shoulda got here earlier.

If I could get through a movie with no babies crying, no kids flapping their gums, no people flapping their gums to each other or on a cell phone, I wouldnt mind paying 8.50 a pop. As it is now, Id rather bootleg it except for movies that really do need to be seen in the theatre.

Back when I was watchin X-2 or X-3, cant remember...we sat in the very back. The very last row was roughly 6 seats long, for those in wheel chairs etc so we were in the row in front of that. Granted there was more room and it was much comfy there, I didnt wanna take those seats because they werent intended for me.
Not long after we sat down, some kids in the 15-16 range came and sat in that row. Even before the previews started, they were geeking out on X-Men knowledge. They were wrong on 50% of what they were saying but I shrugged it off. The previews started and every once in awhile I could feel a swinging foot hit my chair. I looked back once and thought that was the end of it. Then about 10 mins into the movie it started again, so I stood up turned around and leaned into my chair and got in the kids face and said if another foot hits my chair or my gf's, Im gonna come back there and use my steel toed boots and kick the crap out of each one of your chairs so you know how it feels. Not another kick the whole movie.

While we went to see Ghost Rider, we were in a diff theatre but essentially 2nd to last row again. Behind us there was a teenage couple. They were fairly quiet but she obviously lost interest in the movie cause every few secs I could hear her giggle. Finally it turned into full blown convos. I had enough and walked down a few feet and leaned into the chair and got within a few inches of their face cause she was sprawled out in his lap and a few other seats and I politely said "some of us are trying to watch a movie, please keep quiet" and thatw as the end of it.

See, its stuff like that that one of these days Ill regret doing but at this point,I think its safe to say I cant miss these people no matter how early or late I go and I just cant enjoy movies anymore at the theatre.

The last straw was the opening day to Pirates 3.

9:45am first showing. There were alot of kids, alot of adults. Everythign was smooth till the previews started and some lady walked in with 2 infants, and 2 toddlers. She went all the way to the back row by us and sat in the corner.
The kids werent quiet, the babies werent quiet and that theatre was WAY too loud for those little ones. To top it off half way through she was pulling off diaper change duty.

No more theatres like I use to. Unless its a must see in theatre movie, its bootleg time or wait till dvd
[quote name='Will']Then about 10 mins into the movie it started again, so I stood up turned around and leaned into my chair and got in the kids face and said if another foot hits my chair or my gf's, Im gonna come back there and use my steel toed boots and kick the crap out of each one of your chairs so you know how it feels. Not another kick the whole movie.

lol, I was reminded of George Costanza.
I hate going to the theater. When we went to see Spiderman 3, this lady right behind us decided it was OK to answer her phone and talk away. One of my friends turned around and said something and it almost turned into a fight with her boyfriend.
You are just realizing this now? I haven't been to the movies since Episode III and I don't plan on ever going back... well, I might be going to see Ratatouille when it comes out because my daughter has never been to the movies and I think she would like it since she loves the other Pixar movies. Anyway, I'm done with the movies - the whole experience is so much more enjoyable in my living room - plus it's cheaper.
[quote name='Will']Unless its a must see in theatre movie, its bootleg time or wait till dvd[/quote]

Unless it is some IMAX thing, there is never a reason to go to a theatre IMO. The only experience I had that was decent in theatres in the last ten years was Event Horizon (because there was like four people in the theatre) and Passion of the Christ (because teenagers and kids don't want to see that).
“Shut your mouths or I’ll shut ’em for ya. And if you think I’m kidding, just try me. Try me! Because I would love it!”

Greatest TV character ever.
Ive seen this going for a long time, Im just now getting sick of it. Theres no IMAX in my area that caters to big release stuff. The one in austin I think only does the artsy fartsy type like "little fucking fish in a big fucking sea" type stuff.
Yep...I go to the drive-in most of the time due to things like that, plus its cheaper ($5 for 2 movies).

Still, I do like going to the theater, and the thing with someone kicking my chair happens A LOT. One idiot even though it would be okay to put their feet on top of my chair so their shoes were touching my head.

I remember when I went to see Grindhouse and some dumbass kept commenting on EVERYTHING that happened in the movie. Eventually people were telling him to shut up and he left before the 2nd movie started (which ended up sucking anyways).

Oh well.
[quote name='rodeojones903']I hate going to the theater. When we went to see Spiderman 3, this lady right behind us decided it was OK to answer her phone and talk away. One of my friends turned around and said something and it almost turned into a fight with her boyfriend.[/QUOTE]

Thats the kind of thing that Ill eventually run into the way Ive been going lately. I just cant stand it anymore.

Wasnt there a thing about a dad and daughter who went to the movies and someone in front took a cell call and the dad asked them to stop and they didnt so he put his feet up on their chair and when he wouldnt take them down he got stabbed in the foot.

The theatres and movie industry bitch about rising costs and lower takes at the box office and they refuse to pull their heads from their ass to see why its no longer enjoyable to go.

There was somethign I read about a theatre chain? wanting to put in devices that blocked pagers and cell phone signals so people couldnt disrupt the movies but they were told they couldnt do that in case there was a hostage situation and shit like that so people could call out or some BS like that.
I am so, so sick of people bringing their kids to movies inappropriate for their age. I can never get over the stupidity of this. Kids have freaked out at several R-rated films I've been to, but I think the worst had to be when I went to go see Curse of the Golden Flower and some couple brought their toddler child. Yeah, a foreign language movie with people constantly dying violently is not appropriate for a toddler, regardless of whether or not you could get a babysitter. So of course, the kid was crying through the film.

Actually, no, the worst was at Superman Returns (only PG-13, but whatever), when some jerk brought his little girl, and all she did was run up and down the aisle, loudly screaming about everything in the movie. Eventually she started crying when things started getting intense, and of course, her dad never left throughout the entire film. What I don't get is, why can't these people just leave when their kids start freaking out? How do they enjoy anything with their brat wailing next to them?
oh i have my gripe about going to the theaters during opening weekend/opening day. 95% of the time it is mostly loud teenagers or college drunks with nothing better to do. Spiderman 3 was nearly ruined by some fucken drunk college student who kept on saying "fucking...." until some chick said "Shut the fuck up!!" and the guy said in response "You shut the fuck up before I put you in your place bitch".

still I will always go to the movies, maybe not as enthusiactist to see it opening weekend, but enough for me to see it shortly after. Never, NEVER will I pirate a movie.
Well, I take my little sister to the movies...but she likes my kind of movies so she never makes a scene or anything, she likes watching that stuff.

I remember taking her to see Snakes on a Plane. :lol:
[quote name='whoknows']Yep...I go to the drive-in most of the time due to things like that, plus its cheaper ($5 for 2 movies).

Still, I do like going to the theater, and the thing with someone kicking my chair happens A LOT. One idiot even though it would be okay to put their feet on top of my chair so their shoes were touching my head.

I remember when I went to see Grindhouse and some dumbass kept commenting on EVERYTHING that happened in the movie. Eventually people were telling him to shut up and he left before the 2nd movie started (which ended up sucking anyways).

Oh well.[/QUOTE]

Where the hell do you live that there are still drive-ins? Here in California, they've practically all been bull-dozed to make way for shopping centers, and Wal-Marts.

As for going to the cinema, I don't go. Too expensive, and too many assholes that ruin it for you.
I only go to the movie 2 - 3 times a year and usually it's only because I have a free ticket from various offers (mostly from my credit card).

$8.xx for a student ticket is bad enough but adult tickets are close to $10.00. I don't buy snack but $4 for a small soda is ridiculous and makes amuesment parks look cheap in comparison.

I'd rather wait for it to come out on DVD and rent it for half the price of 1 ticket or buy it when it is on clearance.
NEVER see movies on premiere day unless you have to. Wait a couple weeks and go see an early show, generally (here in texas as well) I will be one of MAYBE 5 other people in the theatre.
[quote name='hohez']NEVER see movies on premiere day unless you have to. Wait a couple weeks and go see an early show, generally (here in texas) I will be one of MAYBE 5 other people in the theatre.[/quote]

Same advice here.
I can't remember the last time I've been in a movie theater with more than 20 other people.

I like it quiet.
[quote name='hohez']NEVER see movies on premiere day unless you have to. Wait a couple weeks and go see an early show, generally (here in texas) I will be one of MAYBE 5 other people in the theatre.[/QUOTE]I dunno, premieres are part of the reason I still ever check out movies in the theater. Sure, there's a lot of idiots because there's more people in general, but some movie viewing experiences are just better with a crowd. (Snakes on a Plane is a good example.)
[quote name='Will']Ive seen this going for a long time, Im just now getting sick of it. Theres no IMAX in my area that caters to big release stuff. The one in austin I think only does the artsy fartsy type like "little fucking fish in a big fucking sea" type stuff.[/QUOTE]
Are you talking about the Drafthouse? That place is what theaters should be like, in order to stay alive in the DVD/HD era.
When I went to see Knocked Up, some fucking whore brought her NEWBORN with her. Thankfully the baby miraculously stopped crying about 10 minutes into the movie. Seriously though, that whore of a mother had NO consideration for anyone else in the theater by bringing a newborn into an R-rated movie.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']I dunno, premieres are part of the reason I still ever check out movies in the theater. Sure, there's a lot of idiots because there's more people in general, but some movie viewing experiences are just better with a crowd. (Snakes on a Plane is a good example.)[/quote]

I agree, that's exactly why I saw spidey 3 at midnight. But generally i'd much rather have some nice quiet.
[quote name='hohez']I agree, that's exactly why I saw spidey 3 at midnight. But generally i'd much rather have some nice quiet.[/QUOTE]
Seeing Spiderman 3 at midnight was awesome. People were laughing at the campy parts. Seemed like everyone recognized Bruce Campbell and were beeing extra excited at that part.

Fun except the fucker putting their feet on my chair.
I would pay $15 for a movie because I imaging most people wouldn't. In NYC they charge $12+ per person no matter what age. Oh, you brought your 3 kids? That's $48 for the four of you, before tax. Enjoy the show.

Years ago, I worked in a movie theater while in college. I caught a husband & wife making a bootleg copy of Batman Returns on opening night. Swear to god, movie is sold out, not an empty seat in the place, and she's shining a flashlight up at the screen while hubby is video taping it. I asked them to step out in the lobby, where the husband yelled at me for "embarrassing" him in front of the whole audience. He wanted phone numbers of corporate, my name, my managers' name, etc. We made him put the camera in his car (I wanted to call the cops, the theater manager wouldn't).

The end result was corporate sent him apology for his bad experience at our theater and gave him free movie tickets.
Originally Posted by Will
Then about 10 mins into the movie it started again, so I stood up turned around and leaned into my chair and got in the kids face and said if another foot hits my chair or my gf's, Im gonna come back there and use my steel toed boots and kick the crap out of each one of your chairs so you know how it feels. Not another kick the whole movie.

your lucky that they didnt get up and get the manager. THey could of called the cops on your for making a threat to beat them up.

When i went to see 28 weeks later there was this old man sitting around 10 chairs down from me (in the same row) eating popcorn louder then the movie was. I dont know if they worked there or came in from another movie cause he never came into the place until an hour after the movie started

IF comcast has their way you may start to see movies the same day they come out in your living room. downside is the cost

40 to 60 bucks per movie
[quote name='slidecage']Quote:
Originally Posted by Will
Then about 10 mins into the movie it started again, so I stood up turned around and leaned into my chair and got in the kids face and said if another foot hits my chair or my gf's, Im gonna come back there and use my steel toed boots and kick the crap out of each one of your chairs so you know how it feels. Not another kick the whole movie.

your lucky that they didnt get up and get the manager. THey could of called the cops on your for making a threat to beat them up.

When i went to see 28 weeks later there was this old man sitting around 10 chairs down from me (in the same row) eating popcorn louder then the movie was. I dont know if they worked there or came in from another movie cause he never came into the place until an hour after the movie started

IF comcast has their way you may start to see movies the same day they come out in your living room. downside is the cost

40 to 60 bucks per movie[/QUOTE]

40 to 60 bucks a movie?

Ha. Ha. No one in their right mind should pay that.
[quote name='Haggar']
The end result was corporate sent him apology for his bad experience at our theater and gave him free movie tickets.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Moxio']40 to 60 bucks a movie?

Ha. Ha. No one in their right mind should pay that.[/QUOTE]

People pay that much to pay-per-view sporting events, so it is feasible. I would pay $60 for all my friends and myself to be able to watch a movie the first day its released in the comfort of my home on my home theater. We do the same thing for boxing matches all the time. Just split the cost between everyone and avoid the horrible experience that is the movie theater. Now you can pop your own $0.50 popcorn and drink whatever you want.
[quote name='rodeojones903']People pay that much to pay-per-view sporting events, so it is feasible. I would pay $60 for all my friends and myself to be able to watch a movie the first day its released in the comfort of my home on my home theater. We do the same thing for boxing matches all the time. Just split the cost between everyone and avoid the horrible experience that is the movie theater. Now you can pop your own $0.50 popcorn and drink *gasp* beer.[/QUOTE]

I still don't find $60 a good price.

Then again, I don't find paying that much for sporting events a good deal. :lol:
[quote name='Dead of Knight']wtf?[/QUOTE]

Well, the customer is always right. That's the golden rule for Big Corporate.
I got a tug-job during Hot Fuzz. The theatre was empty and the movie was awesome as well. That was the best time I had at a cinema in a LONG time(awkward phrasing).
I agree with OP 1,000,000%.

I HATE HATE HATE going to the movies, especially since I have a high quality home theater. To hell with the movie theaters - even if I don't buy or download a bootleg even before a movie comes out in a theater, I'd MUCH rather wait and spend at most $15 on a brand new DVD (or less than $10 at the first price drop) or even BRD/HD-DVD than the $20 + just for 2 tickets. Then if you want any sort of snacks, you're talking another $10-20 easy.


No thanks, I'll just get the product one way or another - that way I can watch it on a huge screen in the comfort of my home as many times as I want, rewind, pause, drink, eat, whatever. No loudmouth assholes just begging for a bitch slapping, no whiny brats or teenage punks, no cell phones, no fat asses spilling over into my seat with their extra blubber, no nasty sticky seats.

God it was so different going to the movies as a kid...
Reality's Fringe;2987957 said:
I got a tug-job during Hot Fuzz. The theatre was empty and the movie was awesome as well. That was the best time I had at a cinema in a LONG time.

Yeah but it was the WORST time i had at a cinema in a LONG time.
[quote name='Jek Porkins']Are you talking about the Drafthouse? That place is what theaters should be like, in order to stay alive in the DVD/HD era.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure he's talking about the Bob Bullock IMAX. They only show those damn educational surfing and avalanche type movies. The Drafthouse is indeed what all theaters should be.
Maybe if you had a decent screen would $60 work. Not for me or my friends.

Anyway, here's what I do. I have a friend that works at a promotion company for most of the studios. I get in to all the sneak previews and sit in the roped off press area. This cuts down enormously on all the shit you normally have to put up with. Then, Harkins theaters has a shirt each year you can buy for $20. As long as you wear the shirt when you go they'll give you a free regular size popcorn. If you go at least 6 times it pays for itself. So all I end up paying is $3 for water since I don't drink soda. If I did I could buy their collector cup and then get $1 refills.

Moral is make friends with someone who promotes movies so you get in for free and before it premieres.

I have always wanted to open my own theater just so I can tell parents to leave their kid at home. I may lose thier business but I think once others hear about it they'll come flocking. Also, post someone in the actual theater to prevent issues like kicking, talking, etc. Switch out the person for each showing so the workers aren't watching the same movie 3 times a day.
I'm still hoping that one of the theaters around here will have the balls to incorporate a rule: no-one under the age of 16 is allowed in. Period.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']When I went to see Knocked Up, some fucking whore brought her NEWBORN with her. Thankfully the baby miraculously stopped crying about 10 minutes into the movie. Seriously though, that whore of a mother had NO consideration for anyone else in the theater by bringing a newborn into an R-rated movie.[/quote]

I have found that mothers don't have consideration for anyone at almost anytime when their child is involved. Public breastfeeding proves that.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I have found that mothers don't have consideration for anyone at almost anytime when their child is involved. Public breastfeeding proves that.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Haggar']Well, the customer is always right. That's the golden rule for Big Corporate.[/QUOTE]While the situation kinda makes me sad, major kudos to you for making him stop. I really wish theaters would do more about jerks being disruptive at the movies.
[quote name='javeryh']You are just realizing this now? I haven't been to the movies since Episode III and I don't plan on ever going back... well, I might be going to see Ratatouille when it comes out because my daughter has never been to the movies and I think she would like it since she loves the other Pixar movies. Anyway, I'm done with the movies - the whole experience is so much more enjoyable in my living room - plus it's cheaper.[/QUOTE]

This is far as I need to read.

One DVD, in the comfort of my own home, is a cheaper and better experience for everyone involved - when I finally go to HD DVD or Blu-Ray, well, the experience at home will be completely superior to that of the movie theater.

I'm debating taking my free ticket for Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer and throwing it in the garbage - either that, or see it two weeks from opening so no one cares anymore.

Yes, movie theaters are that bad I won't even see a movie for free anymore.

The people that bitch that movies are so horrible, yet still pay money on a daily basis to go see these movies, well, cmon now, vote with your dollars, if "seeing a movie premiere with a crowd" is that big of a deal, invite some people over to kick your couch and talk on their cell phone when you buy the DVD the day it comes out.
I fucking hate theaters. The biggest mistake I made recently was going to Spiderman 3 in the morning when there were kids out of school. Unimaginably bad. And honestly, movies look much better on a nice TV and sound a hell of a lot better on a nice sound system... there's really no reason for me to go to a theater other than to see a movie before it's out on DVD.
[quote name='AshesofWake']i only try and see low budget indie/foreign flicks in theaters. works out pretty good.[/quote]

That's it.

You gotta see something that the lowest common denominator couldn't care less about.

My experience at The Passion of The Christ = excellent

My experience at The Hulk = :bomb:
Since having a kid seven years ago, I've been to the movies a whole two times. Not counting the times I went with him to a kids' film and left because he apparently hates movie theatres.

Honestly, I haven't missed it. There are so many movies (and games, for that matter) that take forever to come out that delaying the experience by six months or so doesn't make any difference.

The hardest was waiting for Spirited Away to come to DVD. Everything else? Pfah. Easy.

I honestly don't know what people are thinking anymore. I would never dream of bringing my kid (who is now 7) to a PG, much less R film, yet I know many otherwise sane parents who have done so. I don't get it.

Apart from the kids thing, I don't think people are ruder now -- the most egregious movie etiquette I can remember happening around me was all over ten years ago -- but they have more avenues now (i.e. cellphones) that give them the opportunity. Or the excuse.
The Alamo Draft House had the cry baby matinee at one point, not sure if they still do.

Ditto on the Imax being the history museum POS.
There have been two instances of me getting up and leaving to get a manager. Both times I said I wanted my money back and Ill be doing to another theatre. Both times I got my money and free tickets if I went back.

Once was the Metropolitan on Stassney. Dont remember the movie but a couple came in with two toddlers. They were running up and down the isle making noise. I got my gf and we left and reported them saying it was unfair for us to have to sit through it again to get back to where we were and enjoy the rest. The manager went in and got the couple and their kids while in front of us saying that because they couldnt/wouldnt control their kids, this pair of patrons lost out on their movie experience. I smiled and walked off.

Another one was while we were watching The Cell. Yes, The was cool looking from the preview ok?

About 15 mins into the movie a small crowd comes waddling up to the back row and trudges towards the middle. Never mind the fact their pudding of an ass rolled over the arms of the seats into the area of others, but they took a call and was telling the other person what was going on. I told my gf to start leaving and as she was ahead of me and away from them, I stood up and told them thanks for not shutting the fuck up and ruining the movie for everyone else. of course I was called a racist cracka and I need to mind my own business but what else was I to expect?
That's why I usually wait a few weeks for the new blockbusters. Then the theaters are almost empty and it's like having your own private showing.
bread's done