Good PS2 RPG Games

Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts II
Suikoden III
Star Ocean Till the End of time
Shadow Hearts Covenant
Xenosaga Episode I

I may be forgetting some but those are all good, def check out FFX and Suikoden III if you havent done so yet those 2 are my favorite ps2 rpg's.
All three Shadow Hearts games are pretty good, the third not as good as the first two though. Also the story of the first two tie together so it's best to buy both although you don't have to. Legaia 2 is a nice one you can probably find for cheap.

Baldur's Gate I/II, XMen Legends I/II/Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Justice League Heroes, Bard's Tale, and Demon Stone are pretty good action RPG's. The .hack series is also pretty good IMO.
Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne. best one on the system in my opinion.
[quote name='majinvegeta-88']FFX
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts II
Suikoden III
Star Ocean Till the End of time
Shadow Hearts Covenant
Xenosaga Episode I[/QUOTE]

Narrowed it down to the good ones for you.

I'd also add Dark Cloud 2, that game was awesome, but it's more of an action game.
[quote name='alongx']Narrowed it down to the good ones for you.

I'd also add Dark Cloud 2, that game was awesome, but it's more of an action game.[/QUOTE]

"Good"? Subjective. I found Kingdom Hearts infinitely more enjoyable than Xenosaga. I'd rather play my video games than watch them, thank you.
Heres my RPG picks. YAY
Final Fantasy XII
Atelier Iris
Rogue Galaxy
Shadow Hearts: Covenant
Valkyrie Profile 2
Odin Sphere

and if you are into this sort of thing
Dragon Warrior VIII is supposedly excellent
Shadow Hearts series (especially 2, best RPG on the ps2 bar none)
FFX (good rpg, a bit overrated though)
Suikoden III
Suikoden V
Odin Sphere
SMT: Nocturne
Dragon Quest VIII
Atelier Iris 1 & 2

Games everything thinks are good that I thought were mediocre:
Rogue Galaxy - awesome battle system, menu and gameplay. The music, and story are complete ass. I stopped on the 7th chapter and never turned back. One of the few rpgs I didn't finish.
Star Ocean TTEOT
Xenosaga series - snore... like watching a movie. If that's your thing, go ahead. Although I've heard 3 is amazing.
[quote name='nyprimus4']Rogue Galaxy[/QUOTE]

Seconded. Pick up this for an action RPG, and DragonQuest VIII for a turn-based RPG (possibly my favorites of the 2 genres so far though I haven't played lots of the other ones mentioned in this thread yet). You're set for well over 100 hours of gaming...
Great thing about PS2 is that it is backwards compatible, so remeber to get those great PSOne games.

And yes, Dragon Quest VIII is excellent
I'd say the Shadow Hearts, Kingdom Hears and SMT series have been great. Otherwise, I wouldn't consider anything to be a good RPG on the PS2.

And yeah, why the hell is this in the deal discussions section? Should it be in the PS2 section?
[quote name='kittycatgirl2k']Heres my RPG picks. YAY
Final Fantasy XII
Atelier Iris
Rogue Galaxy
Shadow Hearts: Covenant
Valkyrie Profile 2
Odin Sphere

and if you are into this sort of thing
Dragon Warrior VIII is supposedly excellent[/QUOTE]

Replace VP2 with Suikoden III, and you have my list of suggestions. Dragon Quest VIII is in the top five on the PS2, easily.
[quote name='Unickuta']Screw PS2 RPGs. Go out and buy Knights of the Old Republic for your PC.[/quote]

I tried to play this game but I kept falling asleep...

seriously... I... fell... a.... sleep....zzzzzzzzz.....
Kingdom Hearts 1 is a good one, more than KH2 IMO. KH2 felt more like an interactive movie. :/

From what I've heard, DQ8 is basically a huge grindfest. Is this true? A friend told me that in order to even beat a boss, you had to be at least 5+ levels ahead.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Kingdom Hearts 1 is a good one, more than KH2 IMO. KH2 felt more like an interactive movie. :/

From what I've heard, DQ8 is basically a huge grindfest. Is this true? A friend told me that in order to even beat a boss, you had to be at least 5+ levels ahead.[/QUOTE]

I think I only had one level session, and it was for about an hour early on in the game--one boss kicked my ass, so I bumped all my characters up a couple levels. Other than that, exploration should be enough to get you through the game without a lot of difficulty. There are a lot of battles, and the game is really long, but I wouldn't consider it a "grindfest."
[quote name='Mr. Beef']
From what I've heard, DQ8 is basically a huge grindfest. Is this true? A friend told me that in order to even beat a boss, you had to be at least 5+ levels ahead.[/quote]

This isn't true at all. The thing is that Dragon Quest games are full of status-enhancing abilities, but unlike other games, they're actually essential to your survival. If you play strategically, you'll never need to grind. The only time I did any grinding was AFTER beating the game, because there's an optional boss that you can fight over and over again, and he gets harder every time. Even then, the game gives you an area full of metal slimes, so you can rack up experience really fast.


Dragon Quest VIII is my favorite game, so I recommend that! Also, Xenosaga 3 is different from 1 and 2, because it's actually a really good game.
[quote name='brandonabley']This isn't true at all. The thing is that Dragon Quest games are full of status-enhancing abilities, but unlike other games, they're actually essential to your survival. If you play strategically, you'll never need to grind. The only time I did any grinding was AFTER beating the game, because there's an optional boss that you can fight over and over again, and he gets harder every time. Even then, the game gives you an area full of metal slimes, so you can rack up experience really fast.


Dragon Quest VIII is my favorite game, so I recommend that! Also, Xenosaga 3 is different from 1 and 2, because it's actually a really good game.[/QUOTE]
Agreed about Xeno 3. That game is pretty fast paced for a turn based RPG. Also when you get into a battle there is no loading screen, you are immediatley at the battle screen.

Still, the story is still convoluted and over halfway through the game I still didn't understand anything they were talking about :lol:

As far as DQ8, when I had it I definitely found myself level grinding quite a bit. Wasn't too bad though since the battles didn't take very long if you had a weapon like the boomerang that attacked all enemies at once.
I don't normally play RPGs or stick with them for very long, but Dragon Quest really impressed me. I can't recommend this one highly enough. It's also going for really cheap most places.

I'm coming from a Nintendo world. What, if any, are good PS2 games akin to Legend of Zelda series on the GC/GB/GBC/GBA/DS/Wii? I'm partial to 2D, but 3D is OK too.
[quote name='crunchewy']I'm coming from a Nintendo world. What, if any, are good PS2 games akin to Legend of Zelda series on the GC/GB/GBC/GBA/DS/Wii? I'm partial to 2D, but 3D is OK too.[/quote]Well, if you haven't played Tales of Symphonia on the GC, then now's your chance to do it on the PS2. Kingdom Hearts is also a great game if you're a fan of the whole Zelda method of playing, since there's no turn-based anything in it. It's hack/slash/cry over Kairi/lawl at Goofy/use Squeenix spells/get confused at whatever Donald says.

Oh, and thanks for the DQ8 stuff. One of my roommates owns it, and I've been contemplating borrowing it for a while. Same with FFX, but I'm still not too sure about that one. Any comments on that game?
FFX is a must play, first "next-gen" rpg. i liked DQ8 better though.

Dark Cloud 2 is kind of like Zelda and is a very good game.

i remember reading a review for DQ8 where they said something like, "you play it because you want to hear the characters talk" and that is so true. great game.
DQ8 is indeed awesome. I also liked Suikoden III. I've got such a backlog of RPGs that I need to get to, I probably will kick the bucket long before I finish them all. ;)
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Well, if you haven't played Tales of Symphonia on the GC, then now's your chance to do it on the PS2. [/QUOTE]
Tales of Symphonia PS2 is only in Japan.
Tales of Symphonia is Japan only for the PS2 but you can always get Legendia or Abyss.

I'd Final Fantasy X was the best RPG for the PS2. I loved the battle system. Being able to switch out players during battles made much more sense than the standard RPG format of picking 3 or 4 people and sticking with them for a battle. It feels more like an actual battle with people coming from all angles to finish off a boss.
my fav rpgs for the ps2 so far have been

Kingdom Hearts
Dark Cloud 2
Grandia Xtreme(guilty pleasure story and characters sucked but the battle system + dungeons were fun)
the first shadow hearts(another guilty pleasure - game wasn't that great but I loved the story + atmosphere. Sequels didn't really recapture it)
These are the top 5 RPGs on the PS2 in my opinion.
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
Odin Sphere
Shadow Hearts
Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana
[quote name='shimrion']These are the top 5 RPGs on the PS2 in my opinion.
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
Odin Sphere
Shadow Hearts
Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana[/QUOTE]

Did you mean Shadow Hearts: Covenant? The original showed what it really means to be mediocre. And Odin Sphere is as much an RPG as River City Ransom.
[quote name='crunchewy']I'm coming from a Nintendo world. What, if any, are good PS2 games akin to Legend of Zelda series on the GC/GB/GBC/GBA/DS/Wii? I'm partial to 2D, but 3D is OK too.[/QUOTE]
Play Okami. It's pretty much Zelda plus a good battle system.
[quote name='Unickuta']Screw PS2 RPGs. Go out and buy Knights of the Old Republic for your PC.[/QUOTE]

i prefer that game on the xbox.. its backward compatable.. and way cheap at EB used..

but for PS2 ones..

Dragon Quest VIII was/is a great game.. great graphics amazing music.. the only thing i can say against it was that the early part of the game was kind of dull with just leveling up leveling up leveling up.. but the story is pretty good and kind of original.

I liked the Champions of Norrath games.. its pretty much just hack and slash action but its really good in customization of characters.. I hear people still play Everquest adventures on the PS2.. although I don't know of any other good MMORPGs that are on consoles that people still actually play..

i liked the Baulder's Gate Dark Alliance games. had more story then the champions games but I think the Champions game was better in the random dungeons and random items..

DemonStone was terrible.. Wild Arms 4 was pretty good, although the graphics kinda stink, but it is a cool game.. i only played the first .hack game and I really didn't like it.. I wish it was more intereactive as a "offline" MMORPG I still think there is plenty of design space for a MMORPG that is both online and offline and is only 1 player. .. especially with NPCs..

anyways.. I haven't played the FF games but i didn't like the XII demo from Dragon Quest.. I also didn't like the Digital Devil Saga too much.. it was cool but I just didn't like it..

EDIT: people mentioned the Grindfest of DQ8.. i said level up level up level up.. but it was never like grinding.. per sa.. like world of warcraft.. but actually you can learn spells later on to "scare lesser enemies away".. which makes the fetch quests a lot easier to handle.. as you don't really need to fight those early enemies on the first 2 continents that much.. there world is so beautiful that sometimes the "battles" get in the way of just exploring the rich and great landscaped world .. i'd spend hours just wondering around finding the treasure chests sailing the boat around.. and just enjoying what the game really has to offer.. people mention the metal slimes.. but they are so hard to kill.. i'm not "agile" enough yet to kill them.. so they aren't the "easiest" thing in the world to defeat.. but it is possible.
i really enjoyed Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance (until it froze on me).. awesome game. im still playing the 2nd one cause i recently just found a disc only copy, that is much better than the first and theres that 2player trick to get money.

also loved Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana. one of the best in my rpg book, i dont play very much rpgs but this one got me hooked.

Odin Sphere is another favorite.. the visuals are stunning, the characters are amazing, and the story just eats you up until its sundown.

Theres also Final Fantasy X.. very memorable game, i'd replay that game if i had the time.

im probably also going to try DQ8 since everyone here likes it.. does anybody know if Atelier Iris 2 or Phantom Brave is any good?
wow this site is slowly sliding into the message board we all know and love.. Your on the net there are a million resources to tell you what is good and what not. And what ever happened to people making thier own decisions? When people are getting to lazy to move a mouse and type in some letters we are all doomed......
[quote name='Unickuta']Screw PS2 RPGs. Go out and buy Knights of the Old Republic for your PC.[/quote]

I love KOTOR I & II but 360 is lackin on the rpg side of things. So i might put out for the new lower priced ps3.
I am the only person who doesn't enjoy Shadow Hearts Covenant... I think the first game is more fun.

Check out Radiata stories if you want a game that rivals Zelda in atmosphere/art direction.

Dark Cloud 2 would probably be right up your alley as well.
[quote name='willardhaven']I am the only person who doesn't enjoy Shadow Hearts Covenant... I think the first game is more fun.


You're not even the first person in this thread with that opinion.

start w/ dragon quest 8. its very simple and has a very good storyline. you would love it. After that, try shadow hearts 1, 2, and new world and final fantasy 10 and 12.
Random thoughts on a few PS2 RPGs mentioned in the thread that I've played:

Radiata Stories having individual, non-generic NPCs with their own schedules, wandering around the map/city was pretty cool. It reminded me of Ultima VII for the PC, where most NPCs were unique and also had individual schedules. The story, however, was fairly cliche. Also, the replay-hook, choosing to ally yourself with either the human or non-human faction was a good idea, but the non-human side's story felt rushed and incomplete.

Star Ocean: Til the End of Time (from the same studio as Radiata) had great atmosphere, but I felt a little cheated at how the game's setting was described as a crazy-large interstellar universe, but the bulk of the story only takes place on 1-2 planets. I loved the real-time combat, though, and never got tired of the gladitorial/battle-arena parts.

I'm currently playing Kingdom Hearts 2 and the story is maddeningly juvenile, but what did I expect given the Disney content? I played the original years ago, but the combat feels very familiar, and I have a few gripes about the menu system (those extra commands have to be accessed with the d-pad which is inconvenient to do while running around the screen with the left analog stick). I mostly agree with whoever mentioned here or in an other thread that there isn't enough differentiation to merit playing both titles.

Dark Cloud is one of the few RPGs I never finished, or came within 5% of completing, because I reached the point where the monotony inherent to most games of the genre wasn't offset by any sense of accomplishment or pleasure. I skipped the sequel.

I found the first Atelier Iris to be rather charming, and kept playing due to the recipe and collection elements of the game rather than the combat or story. I have the sequel, but haven't played it yet.

I have little interest in the Xenosaga and dot.Hack series because of the criticisms I've heard (more movie than game of the former and mediocrity of the latter).

It's ironic that I'm so critical of these games' stories and yet part of the reason why I have the Shin Megami Tensei, Suikoden, Final Fantasy (starting with 9), and Shadow Hearts series sitting unplayed on my shelf is because I want to play them in chronological order to "get the full experience", but I've heard Persona 1 and Koudelka are a bitch to get through. Setting oneself up for disappointment, indeed.
[quote name='dfg']Also, the replay-hook, choosing to ally yourself with either the human or non-human faction was a good idea, but the non-human side's story felt rushed and incomplete.[/QUOTE]
Interesting. I've only every played the non-human part. I'll have to get around to replaying. Radiata Stories is one of my favorite PS2 RPG's.

[quote name='dfg']Dark Cloud is one of the few RPGs I never finished, or came within 5% of completing, because I reached the point where the monotony inherent to most games of the genre wasn't offset by any sense of accomplishment or pleasure. I skipped the sequel.[/QUOTE]
It's a pretty universal opinion that Dark Cloud 2 is much better than the first one.

[quote name='dfg']I have little interest in the Xenosaga and dot.Hack series because of the criticisms I've heard (more movie than game of the former and mediocrity of the latter).[/QUOTE]
Xenosaga was great, but .Hack is indeed mediocre. (I've just played the first game of the series on both).

[quote name='dfg']I've heard Persona 1 and Koudelka are a bitch to get through. Setting oneself up for disappointment, indeed.[/QUOTE]
Koudelka was fairly short and easy for an RPG. That said, it's also one of my favorite PS1 RPG's.
[quote name='oremites']Interesting. I've only every played the non-human part. I'll have to get around to replaying. Radiata Stories is one of my favorite PS2 RPG's.

It's a pretty universal opinion that Dark Cloud 2 is much better than the first one.

Xenosaga was great, but .Hack is indeed mediocre. (I've just played the first game of the series on both).

Koudelka was fairly short and easy for an RPG. That said, it's also one of my favorite PS1 RPG's.[/quote]

Thanks for your thoughts.

Now that I think about it, my criticism of the non-human path of Radiata Stories revolves more around the NPCs you recruit. In the human path, the requirements seemed to make more sense, were a bit more involved, and the characters themselves had a bit more personality. What I remember of the non-human path was "here's a bunch of goblins in the same room—now they're on your team".

I may have to try out Dark Cloud 2 for myself, then.

In relation to Xenosaga, I played Xenogears on and off for a while and was enjoying it but then finally gave up on it somewhere in the middle of the game. I'm not sure what that bodes for my potential interest in Xenosaga.

What's kept me away from starting Koudelka is that I've heard the load times and snail-paced combat make playing the game a chore.
I'm going to go against everyone and say don't play Dark Cloud 2.

The story isn't anything special, gameplay is pretty good, but my real complaint with the game is the main character. He is really really really annoying. Almost every fucking thing he says ends with "I didn't know how great this adventure would be" or "this adventure was going to be amazing" or something like that.

I will however say play Rogue Galaxy. It's like Dark Cloud 2, but A LOT better.
[quote name='dfg']
In relation to Xenosaga, I played Xenogears on and off for a while and was enjoying it but then finally gave up on it somewhere in the middle of the game. I'm not sure what that bodes for my potential interest in Xenosaga.

What's kept me away from starting Koudelka is that I've heard the load times and snail-paced combat make playing the game a chore.[/QUOTE]
Xenosaga - I didn't try playing Xenogears until after I had played Xenosaga. It never really grabbed me, so I finally gave up on it as well.

Koudelka - I don't remember load times being an issue at all. I played it on a PS2, if that makes a difference. The combat was adequate - I can understand if people didn't like it. The atmosphere and story are the things I remember best.
bread's done