Advent Children Where???

[quote name='aw004g']Everyone is sold out!!! I'm going to try Best Buy with a CC ad for the $14.99 pricematch. Aaaaaaaaaaaaarghh[/QUOTE]

Why do you need to pricematch?!?!?
It is the same price at best buy.
[quote name='aw004g']Everyone is sold out!!! I'm going to try Best Buy with a CC ad for the $14.99 pricematch. Aaaaaaaaaaaaarghh[/QUOTE]

i hit bestbuy after work, and was told they sold out in an hour....but....there were not a lot of copies....
I have one on preorder at Gamestop, but I didn't pick it up today. I'll be pissed if they don't have it when I get there and I'll be really ticked if they don't have the bonus disc. And then I'll be really, really ticked if they charge me $24.99 for something that I can get at Circuit City for $14.99 and on their website for $19.99.

Tomorrow should be fun.

I went to Target at 3 this afternoon and he told me they had been sold out for a while. Guess I figured it wouln't be so popular.
Appears to be a shortage of them. My store only received 13 copies, even though it's #1 on Top 20...while I got twice as many Aeon Flux and Matchpoint's...I sold out myself.

I'm glad it's selling well. I feared at the easily available import versions would heavily impact the US release.
After trying both BB and Target I had to resort to the dreaded WalMart. Luckily they had several copies left at $14.87.
I went to the local Best Buy at around 11, and only saw the UMD version (LOL), so instead of inquiring further I just went across the street to Circuit City and got myself a copy.
EB seemed to have a decent amount (maybe 5-10 copies of DVD and UMD). I didn't check BB's shelf since I had it ordered for in-store pick up. I'm surprised it's sold so well. Or stocked so poorly, one of the two.
From what I gather many stores didn't anticipate a very high demand for FFAC so they didn't order many copies. Especially since many stores are trying to advoid having too many copies that they have to return to the studios later.

Personally however I knew there would be a HIGH demand for FFAC. Hell at my store there has been demand for this for MONTHS. Maybe some retailer should have me do the ordering... at least I know what people want. :D
[quote name='Demolition Man']From what I gather many stores didn't anticipate a very high demand for FFAC so they didn't order many copies. Especially since many stores are trying to advoid having too many copies that they have to return to the studios later.

Personally however I knew there would be a HIGH demand for FFAC. Hell at my store there has been demand for this for MONTHS. Maybe some retailer should have me do the ordering... at least I know what people want. :D[/QUOTE]

...and yet Aeon Flux is incredibly easy to find today.
Went to best buy, target, and circuit city and not 1 of them had any copies left. I had no idea a movie could actually be sold out. Is the movie really even worth a purchase?
[quote name='cag1000']saw aeon flux tonight...........uggghhh what a dissapointment....i luved the early 90's mtv FF any better?[/QUOTE]
Tonight was my first time seeing it, and I felt it was worth my $15.

If you're expecting a self-contained well-drawn plot, you will probably be disappointed. If you're looking for a movie that is basically a big shout-out to Final Fantasy fans, then you'll like it. Great fight scenes, decent plot, but without playing the game you would have no clue what is going on (half of the characters aren't even named).

Non-plot spoiler:
The ring-tone was the greatest thing ever. I only heard that music a million times over the course of my childhood.
My mom confirmed rental copies coming into her Safeway- those desperate just to see should try there (kind of unexpected, ya know?)

I'm more annoyed it doesn't come with Last order- aka Crisis Core which is the title given in the trailer for the seperate release. Which has no date in it.

:bomb: :bomb: :bomb: THATS the one I really wanna see... the download I saw had no subtitles...
[quote name='sonderiaom']Dudes and Dudettes, there are tons and tons of copies at your local Costco.[/QUOTE]

how much is costco charging?
[quote name='sonderiaom']Dudes and Dudettes, there are tons and tons of copies at your local Costco.[/QUOTE]

how much is costco charging?

edit: deleted the double post
[quote name='wbc1228']how much is costco charging?[/quote]

Double posted yourself, but we're charging $18.99 it's not too bad when you can return it and buy it at walmart when it's readily findable for $14.99.
I heard it was essentially sold out in my city by 11 this morning. The local Best Buy got 18 copies, and sold out in a matter of minutes. Luckily I had mine preordered at GameStop, and it was even $5.00 less than anticipated (only $19.99 with the bonus DVD).
I had a feeling this would sell, but not sell out. I went to my local CC today around 1pm and they had more than 10 copies there. People were at the store too but it was only me and friend that bought a copy.

If they still have any...which I'm not sure. The one I went to was in covina, ca.
[quote name='BIG5']Why buy when you can... rent?[/quote]
Same reason why people buy video games instead of renting...
Couple of my friends went out today and finally got a copy on their fourth location, Wal-mart of all places. o_o

They said the Best Buy they tried only received 17 copies and were gone in two hours. :)
[quote name='SinnerChrno']Couple of my friends went out today and finally got a copy on their fourth location, Wal-mart of all places. o_o

They said the Best Buy they tried only received 17 copies and were gone in two hours. :)[/QUOTE]

About the same here, but when the whole chicagoland area Best Buys sell out, it's a problem. I have a gift card from Nov. just for this movie, so I 'm not gonna buy it anywhere else.
The BestBuy I went to had one copy left and I got it for my brother. It's the bestbuy in Grapevine Texas, home to the Gamestop headquarter.

Seems like most of you guys only go to Walmart as a last resort. I went there to get a copy for myself and there were like 20 or 30 copies. They were $17 and I had them pricematch it.

After I got my two copies I made two more stops at a Gamestop and an EBgames. My friend wanted FF:AC and the bonus disc. I knew there was a slim chance of getting AC and the bonus disc for him but I thought I'd give it a try. All I did was ask the guys at GS and EB if there might be a chance of them having any extras left after all the preorders are sold. They all gave me an attitude.

Now I know that they have a ton of those "bonus disc" because I was in there a week ago when they received the discs. They had a bonus disc for every copy of AC. I know most are reserve, but they had extras to sell to people without a reserve. They told me "if you didn't reserve one then you're not getting one".

The thing is, I saw that they had like two boxes full of FF:AC and bonus discs behind the counter. Seemed like no one came in to pick up their reserve because Gamestop and EBgames' price is a rip-off.

Anyway, what a bunch of jerks. I hate gamestop and ebgames with a passion.
Got my copy right before wal mart closed, closes at 10pm, right when i walked in, went to the back at electronics, picked up the dvd, along with 13 other random people who got ti at the last second lol, we cleared what was left of the advent children dvds , got that and brain age, chatted with some of the fans who got it while waiting in line, picked up a slurpee , hot dog, and nachos from 7-11, and headed home.

Pretty good day.
lol.. I got the pissy attitude from the GameStop employees here too.. i was thinking I'd pay the extra $5 for the bonus disc.. but I got the " YOU CANT HAVE IT IF YOU DIDN'T PREORDER" like i was some kinda inferior being for not pre-ordering a fucking movie. I went to circuit city and got my copy, I've watched it twice.. it rocks.
They're selling it for $19.99 here bundled with TSW. There's pleeeeeeeeenty of copies left, too. I don't think anyone bought it here.
I grabbed my local BB's last copy yesterday at lunch, and the girl who found it for me said they only got in 10 copies and that's all anyone had been asking for since they opened. She actually pulled a copy they had on hold for someone for me (I didn't know BB held movies...). She said the guy had said he wanted either the dvd or umd, so "maybe he'll be happy w/ the umd." :p

I watched it last night and loved it. I was unsure about it in the beginning, because it starts out fairly hard to follow, but once it gets going and things start falling into place it's excellent. I'm hoping the brisk sales of the dvd help encourage S-E to do the damn remake already!
The Best Buy I went to sold out of the DVD but had plenty of the PSP...Go Figure. They did tell me that they were expecting a shipment overnight. Stay Tuned!
because aeon flux sucks (the movie at least, haven't seen the anime)

More like Aeon Sux>

Anyway, I'm just going to Walmart first. 15 bucks is a pretty good price, and I have no vindetta against the store, just a lot of the freaks that live in the town that it is in. The only other thing that is within my vicinity is EBgames, and the guy there is annoying.
He looks like the Andre from Final Fight, just shorter. Same haircut and everything.
damn, this is awful news to hear... I wont be home/able to go to a store till friday, so I better be able to get my advent children by then. Hopefully that ovvernight rumor is true.
[quote name='Rags']because aeon flux sucks (the movie at least, haven't seen the anime)

More like Aeon Sux>

Anyway, I'm just going to Walmart first. 15 bucks is a pretty good price, and I have no vindetta against the store, just a lot of the freaks that live in the town that it is in. The only other thing that is within my vicinity is EBgames, and the guy there is annoying.
He looks like the Andre from Final Fight, just shorter. Same haircut and everything.[/QUOTE]

anychance you live in wisconsin? Becaue there is a guy at eb that is exactly how you describe him, as well as being right next to a walmart.
anychance you live in wisconsin? Becaue there is a guy at eb that is exactly how you describe him, as well as being right next to a walmart.

Nope, Indiana.
Must be a guaranteed job if you look like Andre.

Anyway, I just went to Walmart(left work for a few mintutes) and FF:AC is $20 there, not $15. I figured it would be 15 because it's new. There were probably about 20 of them there still.
bread's done