What's the Nerdiest/Geekiest thing you've ever done?


20 (100%)
I know that most of us are giant nerds - I mean we sit around talking to strangers about video games in the Internet - if that's not the definition of nerd I don't know what is. Anyway, I bet a lot of you have some great nerd stories and hopefully you would be willing to share...

The nerdiest thing I've ever done is probably when I went trick-or-treating as Optimus Prime when I was in 7th grade. I made the costume myself out of a giant cardboard box. I spent 2 weeks working on it every day after school and it looked damn good. Too bad that most 7th grade boys are interested in girls and sports and when I showed up at school dressed like an idiot - I mean the leader of the Autobots, biatch!!! - everyone laughed at me. Oh well, it was still the best costume ever!!

Runner ups:
1. Building my own arcade machine
2. Waiting on line to see Star Wars Episode II and having Triumph laugh in my general direction
3. Collecting every single Pearl Jam concert for 2000 and 2003 (over 150 shows)

EDIT: Forgot some...

4. Went to my college fraternity haloween party as Luigi and my wife (girlfriend at the time) went as Mario
5. Waited on line at Walmart to buy Zelda:OoT at a midnight launch

Any good nerd stories out there?
Almost setting an EB in Cincy on fire, because they stopped selling new Dreamcast stuff.
--Waiting in line for the 360 for 12 hours in the freezing cold.

--amassing a game collection of over 20 games. (Over 20 is the cut off point from normal to geeky ;) Got up to around 100 at some point)
Going to Walmart at midnight when Star Wars Episode III was released on DVD. Marathoning all three of the LOTR Extended Editions in one day is probably a close second, though.
I'd have loved for Triumph to have taunted me. That's a badge of honor. Unless you were that wizard guy eaiting a Filet O Fish sandwich, then it's just an embarassment.
[quote name='fart_bubble']Going down on a girl and starting to hum the dungeon music from Zelda.[/QUOTE]

Yeah but the fact that you went down on her cancels out humming Zelda music.
[quote name='fart_bubble']Going down on a girl and starting to hum the dungeon music from Zelda.[/quote]

oh man i can't imagine that. if i see that in a porn i'll probably laugh my ass off
[quote name='fart_bubble']Going down on a girl and starting to hum the dungeon music from Zelda.[/QUOTE]

OMG, that is so funny, but I do whistle the zelda theme at both my jobs, but almost no one would know what it is... and this isn't high school and who here really cares about what other people think?

Live this life for your own amuzement!
1. Dressed up as Selphie from FF8 (twice!), Natalya from Goldeneye 007 the N64 game, and Claire Redfield from RE:CV for Halloween.

2. Own a shitload of RPGs, other various games, as well as a ton of manga (this may be the nerdiest, I think it's gotten into the 100s of volumes and it's almost all shojo) and anime.

3. Met one of my best friends when he was the manager of the local Gamestop because I kept going in there, buying games, and talking to him while buying said games. I am a bridesmaid in his wedding this December.

4. Visited said Gamestop so much to buy games that even after my friend left the company, I was offered a job there the day I turned 16 WITHOUT AN INTERVIEW.
I spent an hour this past Saturday as the only child-less adult (aside from the girl I brought with me) in line at Toys R Us to get a frickin Mew for Pokemon Sapphire.

Honorable Mention:

_For my 20th birthday present, my mother gave me the money to get a custom made blue Power Ranger costume -- however, this may be negated by the fact that my girlfriend at the time (kind enough to be my photographer while I was in costume) then proceded to strip me down and do me.

Chicks love the spandex. Apparently.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Imported a Japanese PS2 wrestling game[/QUOTE]

I've imported lots of games and I own a Japanese PS2 and a Japanese GameCube, as well as US ones. You seriously don't have anything nerdier than that? You're on CAG, for Christ's sake.
I once took part in an arguement (on this site) about Star Wars and The Matrix (I think). I think I did the same for an arguement about Metroid and Halo.
Oh yeah, anyone that's older than 15 and competed in that Mario Kart DS comp at EB/GS stores to win that Nintendo chain thing (against a bunch of 10 year olds I assume) - You win.
I placed a Decepticon symbol on the back of my Mazda Protege.

Sadly it died a couple months ago and I've yet to find another symbol to put on my cruiser.
Cosplay, doesn't get more nerdy then that. Onicon coming up in Houston this month. I'm doing Usopp (One Piece), Raz (Psychonauts), Commander Keen, and a Habbo. Course, I haven't done it yet, but it's going to happen...in like 2 weeks. ;)

Previous Halloweens I've done Duke Nukem in 5th grade, and 2 years ago I was a male version of the Martyr from Hunter the Reckoning. (Not crossdress, but sort of the same style) In Highschool I did James (Silent Hill 2) and Rick (Splatterhouse) Both were bad, but I did em in spirit, plus it was for costume day only, I didn't put much work into em. Sadly, my Neo one Freshman year was the best.
[quote name='Supercake']Cosplay, doesn't get more nerdy then that. Onicon coming up in Houston this month. I'm doing....and a Habbo.

awesome. are you gonna close the pool? ;)
A friend asked me in Gamestop what kind of game Test Drive Unlimited was. I replied "CARpg". The manager dropped what he was doing and asked me if I just said CARpg. I said yes, he then tells me to fill out an application and we'll call you around season time.

Well, that and playing D&D until wrestling season starts :whistle2:x.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Oh shit, forgot about that. Also, Taiko Drum Master + sex. :lol:[/quote]

I think Taiko would divert too much attention away from the task at hand.

DDR + sex, on the dance pad, would be an accomplishment.
[quote name='Ahadi']A friend asked me in Gamestop what kind of game Test Drive Unlimited was. I replied "CARpg". The manager dropped what he was doing and asked me if I just said CARpg. I said yes, he then tells me to fill out an application and we'll call you around season time.

Well, that and playing D&D until wrestling season starts :whistle2:x.[/quote]


I'm a huge freaking nerd... but a lot of the weird shit I do passes for normal for me, so I seldom make a note of it.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']I think Taiko would divert too much attention away from the task at hand.[/QUOTE] Yeah, it was more of an interruption, in that case. And damn does that menu music get annoying. :lol:
Ah, I got another one.

My friend is a giant Star Trek nerd, and one day when I informed him I was about to pick him up for the carpool, he said something akin to calling me captain. I quickly rigged up a little bit of nerd awesome.

Upon entering the car, I simply stated "Arm photon torpedoes...ENGAGE!", pushed a button on my iPod, and played the sound of a photon torpedo over my car's speakers.

It was made of win.
I'm by no means a cool guy but I felt like a major nerd standing in line waiting for the midnight release of Halo 2. I was surrounded by unkempt D&D and Magic the Gathering types who spent their time arguing about what solar system Greys may have traveled from.

(ok so I made that last part up but thats basically what they were talking about)
1. Was Godzilla for Halloween one year... I was like 10 or something
2. Have over 200 video games
3. Was one of the top Dance Maniax players at Foxwoods casino (my high scores are still in there)
4. Own an arcade machine... that is freakin HUGE...and its in my dining room ionstead of a dining room set. Heh..get alot of shit for that one
5. Held a D&D session at the place I uesd to work at. Wasnt the DM but did participate. Extra geek points for the fact that we used an alternate setting based off the D&D rules that me and another co-worker created. He later got the book published.
6. Waited in line, in the cold, at a frickin Kmart for a Gamecube...and still didnt get one there (located one on launch day at walmart later that morning)
7. competed in a Mario Party tournament at gamestop where they were not allowed to give out the original prizes (nintendo pulled out of sponsering the contest). Instead they gave the winners a frisbee and some chip bag clips (lame - still have them though).
8. Had sex with the Outlaw Star menu music looping in the background - yes it was awesome.
[quote name='javeryh']

2. Waiting on line to see Star Wars Episode II and having Triumph laugh in my general direction

can you be seen clearly on the Triumph dvd???
My license plate is semi-l337 and basically says "Metal Gear".

When one of the guys in my car club (now my boyfriend) stated that he would beat me in any car (even a...gee, I don't know...Yaris?), I promptly challenged him to a game of Halo 2. Note that this was like the second time I've talked to him so it was a...little embarassing once I realized what I had said (he rarely plays games, lol.)

I used to go hang out at EB 2-3 days a week for hours at a time, even while I was still an employee there. Now, I go about once a week for around 3 hours. I think that my "friends" there secretly hate me but for some reason, I automatically go to EB when I have nothing to do.

I used to wake up everyday at 4 AM for the EB morning update (haha, anyone remember those?).

I almost made my custom license plate "Parappa". Oh gosh...thank god I didn't do that, lol.

I used to go and play DDR everyday before class for an hour....without fail. I stopped when it got too expensive (and my friends started to realize that I have no life). I studied step charts in high school while eating lunch.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']I've imported lots of games and I own a Japanese PS2 and a Japanese GameCube, as well as US ones. You seriously don't have anything nerdier than that? You're on CAG, for Christ's sake.[/quote]No, I seriously don't. As an anti-social introvert, I don't get many chances to embarrass myself by being nerdy in public. Plus, I'm more of a sports nerd than anything else, but since I don't take it to obsessionary levels, my nerdom is modest compared to most people.
I got nothing. I guess I'm relatively un-nerdy (as far as 22 year old gamers go).

Don't do cosplay, don't go to conventions, don't collect manga/comics/action figures, never played Magic/D&D or anything of that ilk, never seen any Star Trek movies or TV episodes, only time I ever lined up for a game or a console was for the Xbox 360, I don't import much and I am able to set the controller down at regular intervals to engage in sex without a controller, drum, or guitar in my hands. I guess the nerdiest thing about me is my gamerscore.
[quote name='vietgurl']I used to wake up everyday at 4 AM for the EB morning update (haha, anyone remember those?).[/quote]I won't win anything for doing the same thing at the same time, but in a different time zone.
7:00 AM for the win.

Anyway, I play the Keytar. That should win me some awards.

I used to GameShark my Pokemon so I could beat my friends.

Waited for Halo 2 at midnight.

Can play and beat any song on Guitar Hero with both the guitar AND a PS2 controller.

Play Doom online in my college's computer lab.

90% of my MP3 player's HDD is filled with videogame music, some of which I ripped and converted myself.

I paid $22 to play a Wii and not listen to crappy bands.
Eh, I guess the geekiest thing I've done is waited 10 hours in the Layaway department at Wal Mart for a 360. I also turned down $300 or Vikings season tickets, because I didn't wanna trade my Silver premium ticket for a pukey Green core ticket.

I plan on doing the same thing for the PS3, only this time, I'm only in it for the money. I figure the PS3 could pay off my car bills AND get me a free Wii.

One other thing. Is it nerdy to have a Quickman Action Figure on your PC subwoofer? Is it even geekier that he's standing next to a Count Chocula bobblehead.
At this point in my life it feels like I have done so many nerdy things, that things that might strike others are particularily nerdy, seem mundane to me. Here are some highlights:

I've won 4 Pokemon TCG City Championships and I use one of the bags I won as a school bag (I attend College). I also wear a hat with a bunch of Pokemon pins.

I skipped school to see the first Pokemon Movie.

I have over 730 games.

In August when I wore my Donkey Kong shirt, I would inform complete strangers who would comment on the shirt that it was the 25th anniversary of the game.

I wear in public a Super Don Quix-ote (look it up) shirt I made.

I went as Dilbert to a Halloween party 2 years ago.

In High School, during Business Law, my friend and I linked up are Game Boys, during class, to play Motocross Maniacs.
Was in CAL for CS/went to one of those lan places in the mall.

Thank God I stopped playing games seriously.
Let's see I don't collect anything other then games and I only like some Japanese stuff so I don't really have some really nerdy things but lots of little ones like,
Being exteremly sad and almost crying when I couldn't get SW Battlefront 2 on launch day, Watching all of the seasons of Red VS blue in a row, twice, in a row. Playing Halo 2 for 8 hours a day for the first week I got it. Having over a hundred games on just the PS 1, PC and Xbox alone.

Well that is all I can think of for now but I have had other moments before.
[quote name='Z-Saber']

I used to GameShark my Pokemon so I could beat my friends.


That reminds me, i bought a Gameshark ($35) JUST so i could unlock Mew in Pokemon... How sad.
I also used to collect Pokemon and Digimon cards and play the game against a friend. Never went to any tournaments though.
I currently have about 10 wallscrolls/posters in one of my rooms, all videogame related.

Nothing terribly embarrassing, probably because i unfortunately care too much about what others think.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Eh, I guess the geekiest thing I've done is waited 10 hours in the Layaway department at Wal Mart for a 360. I also turned down $300 or Vikings season tickets, because I didn't wanna trade my Silver premium ticket for a pukey Green core ticket.

I plan on doing the same thing for the PS3, only this time, I'm only in it for the money. I figure the PS3 could pay off my car bills AND get me a free Wii.

One other thing. Is it nerdy to have a Quickman Action Figure on your PC subwoofer? Is it even geekier that he's standing next to a Count Chocula bobblehead.[/QUOTE]

There we go. I knew you had it in you.
My friends are quite a bit geekier than me. I went over to my one friend's bar the other night and he's at a table with three other friends playing Munchkin. A bunch of them were also hardcore into Magic The Gathering a couple years ago.

As for me, the geekiest thing I think I've ever done is start the Wombat Liberation Army. :D
Okay, I just remembered a pretty bad one.

Last year for Halloween me and a friend of mine went trick o treating as The Thing(me) and Batman(him). Now let me paint the picture of what people saw: two 17 year olds, one of which is 6'2 220 lbs with a 320 bench press(him) and other 5'7 275 lbs with a 225 lb bench press(me). Bunch of bastard parents last year, "how old are you guys?!". fuck them. That made me lose all faith in Halloween.
bread's done