90% off Green Tagged Items at TRU (continued...)

Nothing really at mine. Some PSONe multi taps are $1.50 though.
I've gone to my two local TRU and sucked them all dry myself as well as with the help of a friend of mine. I even used this deal to get cheap presents for some family and freinds as well as totally pay off my PSP.
Most are probably picked through but I found stuff mentioned in the previous thread yesterday. Not great finds but let people know if you find stuff. So I think its still needed.
The main thing that I'm finding now are some of the games that aren't marked green-tag, but are part of the sale. There seems to be a trickle of Jak and Daxter's and Xbox Mojo's at my local TRU with the old UPC stickers on them. I even found an Xbox Rocky and a PS2 PK: Out of the shadows with the old sickers. It's probably most useful to list these `stealth' green-tag games. Unfortunately not all of the older Greatest Hits games with the old stickers are on the sale. I tried Crash Bandicoot: Wrath of Cortex, Socom II and Ratchet and Clank and none were on sale. =(

Other than that, there are stil lac ouple good clearance deals. PS2 Hitman 2 is $6.48 and PS2 Ghost Recon: Jungle Storm is $5.48.
was there a complete list of the games and the prices? even though it is dead, untagged games could still be sought after with a master list.
[quote name='CaptPete']The main thing that I'm finding now are some of the games that aren't marked green-tag, but are part of the sale. There seems to be a trickle of Jak and Daxter's and Xbox Mojo's at my local TRU with the old UPC stickers on them. I even found an Xbox Rocky and a PS2 PK: Out of the shadows with the old sickers. It's probably most useful to list these `stealth' green-tag games. Unfortunately not all of the older Greatest Hits games with the old stickers are on the sale. I tried Crash Bandicoot: Wrath of Cortex, Socom II and Ratchet and Clank and none were on sale. =(

Other than that, there are stil lac ouple good clearance deals. PS2 Hitman 2 is $6.48 and PS2 Ghost Recon: Jungle Storm is $5.48.[/quote]

Jungle Storm at my TRU was $12 last time I was there, which was last wednesday or so.
[quote name='Timothyx']was there a complete list of the games and the prices? even though it is dead, untagged games could still be sought after with a master list.[/quote]

There were some lists compiled in a thread here, but note they were YMMV. I found out that most of the games on the list were 90% off but were not green tagged. However some of the games were not so its YMMV.
[quote name='CaptPete']The main thing that I'm finding now are some of the games that aren't marked green-tag, but are part of the sale. There seems to be a trickle of Jak and Daxter's and Xbox Mojo's at my local TRU with the old UPC stickers on them. [/quote]
Mojo is green tagged in system? When you say old UPC is there any extra sticker on the back of the game over the one on the case or was there a reprint of the game? The only thing aside from Jam Packs my TRU has left are 5-6 Mojos but I didn't bother because I thought they were still $9.99.
For the green-tagged Xbox Mojo there's maybe an inch square stick-on tag with the UPC 6 58517 59492 7 on it and were also marked on the front with a $19.99 sticker . The ones that didn't come up as green-tag didn't have the extra sticker on the back and were marked at $9.99 on the front.
[quote name='CaptPete']For the green-tagged Xbox Mojo there's maybe an inch square stick-on tag with the UPC 6 58517 59492 7 on it and were also marked on the front with a $19.99 sticker . The ones that didn't come up as green-tag didn't have the extra sticker on the back and were marked at $9.99 on the front.[/quote]

Generally they come in the SVG distributing packaging too. The plastic "frame" type security cases made so you can't jack the game without a knife and a lot of time.
I could of sworn I saw Walmart was having some green tag sale of some sort. It wasn't advertised anywhere, but when I was there last night there was a crap load of stuff with green labels on them. :lol:
Can anyone confirm whether the Intec s-video switcher with UPC# 804926052996 is supposed to be clearanced? I bought one and it rang up $9.99, non-PROMO.
[quote name='epobirs']I've ended up with four Primals. If anyone near me has too many of another EB-accepted game to trade, get in touch.[/quote]

You can't trade in them anymore? What happened; I thought you were all set.
Found today at Signal Hill, Ca:

Motor Trend Lotus Challenge $2.50
Gamecube Rechargeable Battery Indigo-They had quite a few of these left.

Other than that nothing else left.
[quote name='defiance_17']Went today and picked up:

King of Fighter 2000/2001
Universal Studios (GC)

Other than the DC sports bundles, there isn't much left.[/quote]

I wish I could have found KOF. :(
Stopped by the La Cienega TRU in LA. Had them price check a bunch of games that should've rung up on sale -- Gladius, Ribbit King, etc. -- but the only ones that were green-tag priced were the actual green-tagged PSone games. I bought two copies of Sea Monkeys and one of Oddworld: Abe's Oddyssey for about $3.50 total.
About 96% or so of the goodies are pretty much up and gone in the ToyrUS out there... a few green tag items are left, if you can find/want them... I know I've tripled my PS1 collection of Greatest hits titles, and I've made a killing in non-gaming goodies.(Bikes, battery powerwheels, etc) but if you're looking 'next-gen' stuff... it is drying up.
[quote name='Darkflight']a few green tag items are left, if you can find/want them... I know I've tripled my PS1 collection of Greatest hits titles[/quote]
This stinks. The two TRU stores near me don't have the PS1 Greatest Hits games as part of the sale. They have tons of copies of Syphon Filter 2 & 3 and Legend of Dragoon (among others), but they're still $14.99.
I picked up:

Unreal 2
MOH Rising Sun
Prince of Persia
World Series Baseball 2K3
Arc the Lad
La Pucelle
Primal x4

All for $23 just 2 days ago, from my local TRU.
They are TOTALLY cleaned out now.
As I found out that some guy has a DEAL with them.
He comes in before they open, during a clearance sale, and buys about 90% of the items, for his own online store.

I'm guessing eBay.
FAQing jerkoff!!!

I hate those hoarding dickwads.

Then, I find out I can't trade my Primals in at EB.

[quote name='drone8888']I picked up:

Unreal 2
MOH Rising Sun
Prince of Persia
World Series Baseball 2K3
Arc the Lad
La Pucelle
Primal x4

All for $23 just 2 days ago, from my local TRU.
They are TOTALLY cleaned out now.
As I found out that some guy has a DEAL with them.
He comes in before they open, during a clearance sale, and buys about 90% of the items, for his own online store.

I'm guessing eBay.
FAQing jerkoff!!!

I hate those hoarding dickwads.

Then, I find out I can't trade my Primals in at EB.


you are from delaware? which TRU is this?

I went to the one near the Christiana Mall a week ago and they were cleaned out then. There is a bloke that goes in before they open? that is hoarder x 20.
[quote name='flaprabbit']Found today at Signal Hill, Ca:

Motor Trend Lotus Challenge $2.50
Gamecube Rechargeable Battery Indigo-They had quite a few of these left.

Other than that nothing else left.[/quote]

I mentioned that in the last thread.
[quote name='drone8888']As I found out that some guy has a DEAL with them.
He comes in before they open, during a clearance sale, and buys about 90% of the items, for his own online store.

I'm guessing eBay.
FAQing jerkoff!!![/quote]
That has to be against some policy, or something. Stores usually say "no vendors, please" or "no resellers, please," don't they? Of course, I don't understand how all that works, so I can't speak, I suppose. But that's just rediculous.

Oh, and how much was Rising Sun, and what system?

I'm still holding out that something new will surface in this sale...that, or I'll just have to wait for the next Big Huge Sale that'll probably happen about 2 and a half months from now (there seems to be a pattern, no?). :)
[quote name='drone8888']

Then, I find out I can't trade my Primals in at EB.


I just traded in a Primal today, with bonus.
I don't know if anybody mentioned it already, but Toejam & Earl 3 for Xbox is a "stealth" green tag. I bought two for $5 each. If you're nice enough to the cashier they'll usually have no problem checking a stack of games for you (just yield for people that are actually waiting behind you on line). I've found many a stealth green tag this way. Another one was Soldier of Fortune for PS2 $3 (I didn't even know this game existed).
[quote name='Fire'][quote name='epobirs']I've ended up with four Primals. If anyone near me has too many of another EB-accepted game to trade, get in touch.[/quote]

You can't trade in them anymore? What happened; I thought you were all set.[/quote]

I cannot do a trade-in consisting of two of the same item. If someone else has four of the same item and we trade two to each other, we then each have two pairs of games that can be traded in and everyone is happy.
[quote name='epobirs']I've ended up with four Primals. If anyone near me has too many of another EB-accepted game to trade, get in touch.[/quote]

If you have a Wherehouse near you, they will give you $10 each for the Primals, and you can trade in 2 at a time.
Still managed to find some items:

Fullerton, Ca
Robotech Battlecry Xbox $2
Mojo Xbox $1

La Mirada, Ca
Xbox Advanced AV pack $2
Music Maker $1

Fullerton store also had PSone LCD screens for $15.98. That's the lowest I've seen so far in Socal. I also got Fatal Frame 2 PS2 for $12.98 at the La Mirada store.
Just got a cool GC aluminum case with memory card, controller, ext cord., etc for $10 (normally $50, not a green tag item). Also scored a few xbox system link cable (crossover cable) for $0.75. There is some stuff left at TRU.

I didn't have my game list to check the games unmarked, but the ones I was familiar were gone.
[quote name='drone8888']I picked up:

Unreal 2
MOH Rising Sun
Prince of Persia
World Series Baseball 2K3
Arc the Lad
La Pucelle
Primal x4

All for $23 just 2 days ago, from my local TRU.
They are TOTALLY cleaned out now.
As I found out that some guy has a DEAL with them.
He comes in before they open, during a clearance sale, and buys about 90% of the items, for his own online store.

I'm guessing eBay.
FAQing jerkoff!!!

I hate those hoarding dickwads.

Then, I find out I can't trade my Primals in at EB.


Wait a sec, La Pucelle is Green Tagged? I paid 20 bucks for that! Anyone know if I can bring it in and get money back? I bought it two or three weeks ago. thanks
[quote name='Zmonkay'] Anyone know if I can bring it in and get money back? I bought it two or three weeks ago. thanks[/quote]

Call. And. Ask.
bread's done