90% off Green Tagged Items at TRU

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1 (100%)
This just came in on the intranet this afternoon. Starting tomorrow (2-9), all green tagged items will now be reduced 90%.

Odds are, there isn't much good stuff left...but what IS left will be $1-4, so some of that junk might be worth looking into.
[quote name='MorPhiend'][quote name='WhipSmartBanky'][quote name='MorPhiend'][quote name='Snake2715']Eternal Darkness for N64

wow I want that.[/quote]

Do you think if I picked it up for $1 that it would ever become rare/valuable?

*waits for WSBs reply...*[/quote]

Yes, because only a million were made so if you don't open them for ten years you will be rich.

Sorry I'm late...[/quote]

I forgot I had even posted that! Thanks, I needed a laugh. :wink:[/quote]

Anytime! :lol:
I found a couple of the $2.50 Intec XBOX controllers, the scanned for $2.50 on the price scanner outside the R Zone. But when I tried to purchase them they were still showing $24.95 on the R Zone computer. I'm going to try going in early tommorrow and sneaking the controllers out of the R Zone and try paying for them at the front register to see if them come up for $2.50.
The guy that checked me out at my TRU said that some woman bought 200+ games, cleaning out every green tag video game... He then went on to say that the woman tried to go to walmart and return them. He even said that it might have worked, that is if a TRU employee hadn't been making a return at the same time. He said that she got BUSTED... The guy said that she didn't even take off all of the TRU stickers... Now for the "?"... What kind of dumbass would take 200+ games to a walmart, with the stickers from TRU still attached, and try to "return" them for full price... ???

"Ughhh... I bought 200+ games yesterday for xbox and ughhhhhh... I just remembered that I don't have an xbox."
[quote name='cyberlian']The guy that checked me out at my TRU said that some woman bought 200+ games, cleaning out every green tag video game... He then went on to say that the woman tried to go to walmart and return them. He even said that it might have worked, that is if a TRU employee hadn't been making a return at the same time. He said that she got BUSTED... The guy said that she didn't even take off all of the TRU stickers... Now for the "?"... What kind of dumbass would take 200+ games to a walmart, with the stickers from TRU still attached, and try to "return" them for full price... ???

"Ughhh... I bought 200+ games yesterday for xbox and ughhhhhh... I just remembered that I don't have an xbox."[/quote]

slidecage's mom?
[quote name='cyberlian']The guy that checked me out at my TRU said that some woman bought 200+ games, cleaning out every green tag video game... He then went on to say that the woman tried to go to walmart and return them. He even said that it might have worked, that is if a TRU employee hadn't been making a return at the same time. He said that she got BUSTED... The guy said that she didn't even take off all of the TRU stickers... Now for the "?"... What kind of dumbass would take 200+ games to a walmart, with the stickers from TRU still attached, and try to "return" them for full price... ???

"Ughhh... I bought 200+ games yesterday for xbox and ughhhhhh... I just remembered that I don't have an xbox."[/quote]

I'd bet on someone from fatwallet who hasn't played a videogame before in her life, sad this is that's she's probably done similar things before and gotten away with it. Walmart employes arenn't always the brightest of people.
[quote name='jbroush99'][quote name='cyberlian']The guy that checked me out at my TRU said that some woman bought 200+ games, cleaning out every green tag video game... He then went on to say that the woman tried to go to walmart and return them. He even said that it might have worked, that is if a TRU employee hadn't been making a return at the same time. He said that she got BUSTED... The guy said that she didn't even take off all of the TRU stickers... Now for the "?"... What kind of dumbass would take 200+ games to a walmart, with the stickers from TRU still attached, and try to "return" them for full price... ???

"Ughhh... I bought 200+ games yesterday for xbox and ughhhhhh... I just remembered that I don't have an xbox."[/quote]

slidecage's mom?[/quote]

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

on a serious note, you know now they're going to pull their returns policy now because of that
[quote name='outlawz42'][quote name='Scorch']Walked over there today after Target (was low on gas and walking is good for ya), they were cleaned out except for accessories and strategy guides. Not that they had much to begin with. I firmly believe I had the best score from this TRU, clocking in at a $5 LCD screen, three talknet mics, Fatal Frame for $3.99, two King of Fighters 00/01, and a few other misc. items. Even Drake was gone.

Thanks, TRU![/quote]

You wouldn't be willing to trade an extra copy of that fatal frame for a DOA3 would you?[/quote]

no. it's not an extra copy.

[quote name='jbroush99'][quote name='cyberlian']The guy that checked me out at my TRU said that some woman bought 200+ games, cleaning out every green tag video game... He then went on to say that the woman tried to go to walmart and return them. He even said that it might have worked, that is if a TRU employee hadn't been making a return at the same time. He said that she got BUSTED... The guy said that she didn't even take off all of the TRU stickers... Now for the "?"... What kind of dumbass would take 200+ games to a walmart, with the stickers from TRU still attached, and try to "return" them for full price... ???

"Ughhh... I bought 200+ games yesterday for xbox and ughhhhhh... I just remembered that I don't have an xbox."

slidecage's mom?[/quote][/quote]

Beat me to it. :(
[quote name='cyberlian']The guy that checked me out at my TRU said that some woman bought 200+ games, cleaning out every green tag video game... He then went on to say that the woman tried to go to walmart and return them. He even said that it might have worked, that is if a TRU employee hadn't been making a return at the same time. He said that she got BUSTED... The guy said that she didn't even take off all of the TRU stickers... Now for the "?"... What kind of dumbass would take 200+ games to a walmart, with the stickers from TRU still attached, and try to "return" them for full price... ???

"Ughhh... I bought 200+ games yesterday for xbox and ughhhhhh... I just remembered that I don't have an xbox."[/quote]

wow... what a stupid bitch trying to rip off wal-mart.

Well i went another TRU for the 4th time and i found some copies of music maker so i picked it up.
It looks like this deal is slowing down, a remember the day it was first opened (the topic), like, 30 pages came and went so fast.

I managed to get 6 trade-in bait games from TRU, and two games to keep for less than 20 bucks. I wish I could have found more, but I was happy with my haul.
I happened to stop by my TRU and noticed that there were 3 official sony playstation dvd remotes green stickered at $14.99 each. Needless to say, I scooped all 3 up and paid $1.50 each. The next day I went back and there were more, but, no green stickers. I guess I had been lucky at the time to pick up on their mistake. I'll be picking up mechassault 2 with them.
They are probably still 90% off. Just becuase it doesn't have a green sticker doesn't necessarily mean it isn't part of the sale.

Also, how do you plan to get MA2 with 3 DVD remotes?
Heck, everybody knows DVD remotes are rare/valuable, right? If he keeps them sealed for ten years, he'll be rich (or he could just get MechAssault 2 today).
I tried to get some more trade-in bait yesterday...

Anyone in Columbus OH - the Sawmill store has absolutely nothing left. A handful of N64 games and some strategy guides.
[quote name='peloquin17']what 64 games? im still looking for a few.

id be willing to paypal you if you can pick me up some.[/quote]

Last time I was there, there was a new (but opened) Resident Evil 2, plenty of Perfect Darks, and some wrestling games. I can't remember much else, but other than the RE2, nothing noteworthy.
The old PS2 dvd remotes with the infrared receiver are green tag. The new remotes for the new PS2s that don't come with the infrared receiver are full price.
[quote name='help1'][quote name='Vnt'][quote name='CaptPete']There were two guys loading up the back of a pickup truck with huge bags of stuff at one of them when I got there. I was about to swear at them and tell them what jerks they were when I noticed a sign that said something about Toy Donations... Glad that I waited a little bit on that one. =)[/quote]

Haha close one there[/quote]

if you did do that, would you buy toys for the donation as a token of apology?[/quote]

I certainly would have apologized and asked what I could do to help out! I would have bought some toys for them.
[quote name='shipwreck'][quote name='peloquin17']what 64 games? im still looking for a few.

id be willing to paypal you if you can pick me up some.[/quote]

Last time I was there, there was a new (but opened) Resident Evil 2, plenty of Perfect Darks, and some wrestling games. I can't remember much else, but other than the RE2, nothing noteworthy.[/quote]

eh. the RE2 sparks some interest, but i'd rather have it sealed.
[quote name='peloquin17']eh. the RE2 sparks some interest, but i'd rather have it sealed.[/quote]

For $5 or less, I certainly would pick it up. It beats my cart only used copy any day of the week.
Alright, now I've just about seen it all. Just witnessed an EB employee carrying in bags full of sealed TRU games to his own store to use for the "trade in 5 get 1 game free" promotion. The funniest part was him telling me that he was doing that and about getting more. Guess that message about not accepting multiples never got passed down from corporate!
[quote name='rarebucky']Alright, now I've just about seen it all. Just witnessed an EB employee carrying in bags full of sealed TRU games to his own store to use for the "trade in 5 get 1 game free" promotion. The funniest part was him telling me that he was doing that and about getting more. Guess that message about not accepting multiples never got passed down from corporate![/quote]

he's going to get fired for that.
[quote name='oper00'][quote name='jbroush99'][quote name='cyberlian']The guy that checked me out at my TRU said that some woman bought 200+ games, cleaning out every green tag video game... He then went on to say that the woman tried to go to walmart and return them. He even said that it might have worked, that is if a TRU employee hadn't been making a return at the same time. He said that she got BUSTED... The guy said that she didn't even take off all of the TRU stickers... Now for the "?"... What kind of dumbass would take 200+ games to a walmart, with the stickers from TRU still attached, and try to "return" them for full price... ???

"Ughhh... I bought 200+ games yesterday for xbox and ughhhhhh... I just remembered that I don't have an xbox."[/quote]

slidecage's mom?[/quote]

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: [/quote]
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
[quote name='MaxBiaggi3'][quote name='peloquin17']eh. the RE2 sparks some interest, but i'd rather have it sealed.[/quote]

For $5 or less, I certainly would pick it up. It beats my cart only used copy any day of the week.[/quote]

I wish we had RE2s. We only have a couple of stacks of WM2000 and I already have that (bought it the day it was released, man that was good game...)
[quote name='MorPhiend'][quote name='MaxBiaggi3'][quote name='peloquin17']eh. the RE2 sparks some interest, but i'd rather have it sealed.[/quote]

For $5 or less, I certainly would pick it up. It beats my cart only used copy any day of the week.[/quote]

I wish we had RE2s. We only have a couple of stacks of WM2000 and I already have that (bought it the day it was released, man that was good game...)[/quote]

i was lucky enough to grab a copy of pokemon puzzle league. that game is like crack.

other than that, all the TRUs i went to had TONS of perfect dark.

oh, and one had an open copy of NBA courtside that looked like it was kicked across the parking lot.
[quote name='Nirvanaguy777']Bought ten copies of primal today, traded them all in at ebgames, no problems, made 55.00 for the 16.50 I spent.[/quote]

congrats, want to take the train to the bronx and grab me an re3
[quote name='peloquin17'][quote name='MorPhiend'][quote name='MaxBiaggi3'][quote name='peloquin17']eh. the RE2 sparks some interest, but i'd rather have it sealed.[/quote]

For $5 or less, I certainly would pick it up. It beats my cart only used copy any day of the week.[/quote]

I wish we had RE2s. We only have a couple of stacks of WM2000 and I already have that (bought it the day it was released, man that was good game...)[/quote]

i was lucky enough to grab a copy of pokemon puzzle league. that game is like crack.

other than that, all the TRUs i went to had TONS of perfect dark.

oh, and one had an open copy of NBA courtside that looked like it was kicked across the parking lot.[/quote]

:cry: I have wanted PPL 4-evar! :cry: :cry: :cry:
[quote name='tubtub']The old PS2 dvd remotes with the infrared receiver are green tag. The new remotes for the new PS2s that don't come with the infrared receiver are full price.[/quote]

I'm going to have to check on these. I still have one of these for my PS2 but seems to almost be going caput. It would be nice if I found one.
I drove about 30 minutes to another TRU today. It was actually worth it. I found an official Microsoft Advanced AV pack for $2.
I think I did pretty well today.

PS2 - Primal $1.50, Sledstorm $1, Mad Maestro $1, PP Girls RR $1, Baldurs Gate: DA $1, Mojo $1

XBOX - Backyard Wrestling $2, Rayman Arena $1

GBA - Virtual Tennis $1 (must have been a return)

Not bad. I'll run off to EB tonight.
Found out today that the reason I couldn't find the green tagged mountain bikes at my TRU was because the lady in the Rzone closet, same one that refused to give me Jak and Daxter for 99 cents, bought all 4 of them. It's bad enough when she won't look for a game in the back when I blatantly see it through the glass and there aren't tickets on the floor, but the weave headed beotch has some Fat Wallet tendancies to boot.

It seems that somehow my store keeps getting restocked with some craptaculars. although somebody cleaned out all the Primal's. There goes my hopes for an FYE tradein for an AC/DC or Led Zep boxed set
[quote name='MorPhiend'][quote name='oper00'][quote name='jbroush99'][quote name='cyberlian']The guy that checked me out at my TRU said that some woman bought 200+ games, cleaning out every green tag video game... He then went on to say that the woman tried to go to walmart and return them. He even said that it might have worked, that is if a TRU employee hadn't been making a return at the same time. He said that she got BUSTED... The guy said that she didn't even take off all of the TRU stickers... Now for the "?"... What kind of dumbass would take 200+ games to a walmart, with the stickers from TRU still attached, and try to "return" them for full price... ???

"Ughhh... I bought 200+ games yesterday for xbox and ughhhhhh... I just remembered that I don't have an xbox."[/quote]

slidecage's mom?[/quote]

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: [/quote]
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:[/quote]

Most likely the spring from which he sprung, AKA the Dark Pit Of All Evil.
[quote name='EddieBelfour'][quote name='Nirvanaguy777']Bought ten copies of primal today, traded them all in at ebgames, no problems, made 55.00 for the 16.50 I spent.[/quote]

congrats, want to take the train to the bronx and grab me an re3[/quote]

aww man i could never find that many primals. the most primals i found were 3 :cry:
[quote name='2poor'][quote name='EddieBelfour'][quote name='Nirvanaguy777']Bought ten copies of primal today, traded them all in at ebgames, no problems, made 55.00 for the 16.50 I spent.[/quote]

congrats, want to take the train to the bronx and grab me an re3[/quote]

aww man i could never find that many primals. the most primals i found were 3 :cry:[/quote]

One TRU near me had literally over a hundred Primals, I think I ended up with about 12 or 13 after 3 trips, on my last trip one of the sales people was begging me to take more primals to get them off their hands, I took about 4 each time and left tons behind for others.
Hawthorne CA TRU on oceangate is the WORST store I have ever seen. Talk about drity, no assitance, ghetto azz stores. They had nothing, nada, zilch on sale. Couldnt find a damn green tag item, nor did any associates offer any help. I know why I never shop at TRU and this experience has convinced me that I will be very happy when TRU goes down the S H I T T E R.

When the green tag sale started I went in and either someone cleaned out the entire store or this store doesnt get any restock. Congrats to those who have gotten great deals at their TRUs. At least I can deal at EB/GS/GR. Wish I had an FYE with their ridiculous trade in values.

Hey dracula, hows the selection at the culver TRU?
[quote name='kingofny187']did anybody use this deal to get a cheaper psp. if so pm me and we can make a deal[/quote]

I did, but i really have no idea what sort of "deal" you're wanting to make... :?:
[quote name='fragmanslayer']Hawthorne CA TRU on oceangate is the WORST store I have ever seen. Talk about drity, no assitance, ghetto azz stores. They had nothing, nada, zilch on sale. Couldnt find a damn green tag item, nor did any associates offer any help. I know why I never shop at TRU and this experience has convinced me that I will be very happy when TRU goes down the S H I T T E R.

When the green tag sale started I went in and either someone cleaned out the entire store or this store doesnt get any restock. Congrats to those who have gotten great deals at their TRUs. At least I can deal at EB/GS/GR. Wish I had an FYE with their ridiculous trade in values.

Hey dracula, hows the selection at the culver TRU?[/quote]
it's jus a california thing man,

I went to Mission Viejo, Santa Ana, Tustin, and Lancaster.

u aint gonna find anything
[quote name='fragmanslayer']Hawthorne CA TRU on oceangate is the WORST store I have ever seen. Talk about drity, no assitance, ghetto azz stores. They had nothing, nada, zilch on sale. Couldnt find a damn green tag item, nor did any associates offer any help. I know why I never shop at TRU and this experience has convinced me that I will be very happy when TRU goes down the S H I T T E R.

When the green tag sale started I went in and either someone cleaned out the entire store or this store doesnt get any restock. Congrats to those who have gotten great deals at their TRUs. At least I can deal at EB/GS/GR. Wish I had an FYE with their ridiculous trade in values.

Hey dracula, hows the selection at the culver TRU?[/quote]

I work at the Culver City TRU...it's clean. I'm sure you missed stuff in Hawthorne, it's a really crappy store and I'm sure stuff was not labeled. I might head down there in a day or two to scope out any games they didn't tag.
if a game was $5 before 90% off, and it is a green tagged game, would that mean i can buy it for 50 cents? the game was R:racing revolution
I found a bunch of the games people listed, like Kengo, Mojo, and Mad Maestro, but when I asked the cashier to scan them for me, she just said they were $10 each, without actually scanning. I asked her again nicely, and the harpy just ignored me. Can anyone confirm the prices? This is the Times Square TRU, by the way (no customer scanning stations, and no green tags).
[quote name='spin03']if a game was $5 before 90% off, and it is a green tagged game, would that mean i can buy it for 50 cents? the game was R:racing revolution[/quote]
Yes. $5 - 90% = $0.50

[quote name='salmonaxxx']I found a bunch of the games people listed, like Kengo, Mojo, and Mad Maestro, but when I asked the cashier to scan them for me, she just said they were $10 each, without actually scanning. I asked her again nicely, and the harpy just ignored me. Can anyone confirm the prices? This is the Times Square TRU, by the way (no customer scanning stations, and no green tags).[/quote]
It's truly YMMV. Some versions have different UPC codes than others. Some are 'Value' games while others are just regular. A lot of the cheap titles are still in the $10-$20 range at my store. But your best bet is to try again with a more reasonable cashier. And maybe just let them ring it all up first, and then tell them you don't want them if they're full price.
[quote name='salmonaxxx']I found a bunch of the games people listed, like Kengo, Mojo, and Mad Maestro, but when I asked the cashier to scan them for me, she just said they were $10 each, without actually scanning. I asked her again nicely, and the harpy just ignored me. Can anyone confirm the prices? This is the Times Square TRU, by the way (no customer scanning stations, and no green tags).[/quote]

i was at times square on monday and i dont remember seeing those 3 games.
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