Amazon Warehouse Deals Thread IX

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Amazon has some great warehouse deals, and most of their used games are in like new condition. Please post specific deals you find via Warehouse deals in this thread. Check latest posts for the newest deals, or click the link below.


Amazon Warehouse Deals Storefront - I usually go here just to check out things.

**All titles are available for FSS with orders over $25**
**There is no guarantee how long these will be in stock, so if you see something, better grab it fast**

Link To Items By Price:

$0-$24 Deals
$25-$49 Deals
$50-$99 Deals
$100-$199 Deals
$200-$499 Deals

Browse Games by Console: (These are somewhat broken now, as Amazon has updated their search system and made it even worse)

:3ds:Nintendo 3DS

PS Vita

:psp:Sony PSP

:360:Xbox 360



Wii U



What is Amazon Warehouse Deals?
Warehouse Deals is part of amazon that has open box, generally like new items.

Is the Amazon Warehouse Deals return policy the same as Amazon's return policy?
Yes, All purchases are eligible for Amazon customer service and 30 day return policy.

I'm using the games sort by console link, and the games will not sort by price properly. What is wrong?
You aren't doing anything wrong, the sort by price feature on Amazon is broken

I'm waiting for a 360, ps3, 3ds, or PS Vita to pop up.. What time do they usually appear?
They can show up any time, the best way to find it is have the item tabbed on your browser, and download an auto refresh app and frequently check it... Sometimes they will not pop up on amazon warehouse deals storefront, you will need to check the "used" section of the item

Why did all the prices of games randomly jump up?
Games on warehouse deals generally go on a cycle. They will get extremely low, great deals.. Then they will jump back up and restart the cycle of falling in price again.

I have a gaming credit and/or an Amazon gift card. Can both of these be applied to Warehouse Deals orders?
Gift cards can be applied to orders made on warehouse deals, however video game credit is only good for items shipped and sold by "", warehouse deals does not count as this.

What was Penny Deals?
In early September of 2011, tons of newer release, more expensive games popped up for 1 penny each. Many CAG members placed orders, expecting them to get cancelled. Some were cancelled, however many CAGS got a large amount of games for a penny each. There has been no confirmation what exactly happened and why these games were sold for a penny.

What condition are products from Warehouse Deals generally in?
Usually, games are re-shrinked wrap and almost in perfect condition. Any game i have personally ever bought has in like new condition. However, some people have reported that games were scratched with stickers on the insert. Consoles are also usually reported in like new or new condition with box damage. Rarely, a console may be missing a key component such as a power brick. Games listed in "acceptable" condition likely have very beaten up cases, or are missing cases, and are in not so great condition, but generally have a working game disc.


Here is an example of a like new handheld (PS Vita) - Thanks Slixshot

Previous Threads:

III: - The penny deals craziness



You frustrated, bra.
Just add him to your block list. I did.

Naw, AWD are items shipped via Amazon (easily spotted with by the Prime shipping). That XBone is from some third-party seller. As someone else stated, that particular seller is most likely a scammer.

I have an excellent ps3 version I would sell for less then they keep going for on AWD. Only reason I don't want it is because my wife ended up wanting the 360 version so we bought that after the fact, and no one takes the ps3 version for trade in for some reason....

Received my LN copy of ACIV and Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite's case has a huge dent in the middle of the case. You can hear a popping sound when you try to push it back into place so I'm a little mad.

Anyway to apply promotional credit to an existing order?

Also what happens to the promotional credit if that order is canceled?

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That's a huge haul. But if I were you I'd try and take it easy on the AWD orders. If you're not a profitable customer for them I wouldn't be shocked if you got the ban hammer. And I'm not trying to single you out, this goes for everyone who orders a ton of shit from AWD. I hope you guys are at least throwin Amazon a few bones with a regular-priced item every now and then.
I thought the general understanding was that it required being a "difficult customer" that complains often and unnecessarily for unjustified discounts that will put you on the Amazon "Naughty" List. I also think that having a very high ratio of returns to purchases will get your name on it. Once you're there, I think it's a very short hop, skip, and jump away from being banned though.

Is this about right or am I working on antiquated information?

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Buying a ton from AWD has nothing to do with anything any more than if you bought a ton from anyone else that sells on Amazon.  If you return a ton of stuff and complain about it constantly that's another thing.

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Buying a ton from AWD has nothing to do with anything anymore than if you bought a ton from anyone else that sells on Amazon. If you return a ton of stuff and complain about it constantly that's another thing.
Thanks Eldrich!

I have a ps3 now :D waiting for symphonia

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Hello again, I've been trying to learn your ways and noticed you guys always mentioning a dinger. I'm curious, what does that mean? 

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-1 on the backlog. Gonna start either Bayonetta, MIrror's Edge, or Lost Odyssey next I think.
All great games. I would do Bayonetta or Mirror's Edge first since those are shorter and incredibly sweet experiences. Losy Odyssey is awesome but way crazy long. Personally Mirror's Edge is one of my all time favorites and if you want something exciting and beautiful but with a break from the non-stop shooting it's the way to go.

Hello again, I've been trying to learn your ways and noticed you guys always mentioning a dinger. I'm curious, what does that mean?

Something that's a new product but has something superficially wrong with it. So it's maybe a return that wasn't used but the seal was broken or something with damaged packaging from transit or the warehouse but is otherwise funtionally new.

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All great games. I would do Bayonetta or Mirror's Edge first since those are shorter and incredibly sweet experiences. Losy Odyssey is awesome but way crazy long. Personally Mirror's Edge is one of my all time favorites and if you want something exciting and beautiful but with a break from the non-stop shooting it's the way to go.
Thanks, I've always been interested in Mirror's Edge ever since I heard about it a couple years ago, but I was never able to find it for the right price until recently. I think I'll try it out some tonight.

Thanks, I've always been interested in Mirror's Edge ever since I heard about it a couple years ago, but I was never able to find it for the right price until recently. I think I'll try it out some tonight.
It's one of the best and most overlooked games of the last generation. It's beautiful, stylish, completely different from anything else and only around 6 hours. I'm just glad they finally confirmed the sequel last year.

Lulz. I wasn't expecting a brand new bundle. This isn't my first AWD rodeo by a long shot.

Selling it as a bundle and not having anything bundled with it is a little sketch. Also considering the system still had the previous owners PSN account information input in it when I turned it on -- now that, my friend, is lulz.

I've purchased (A) graded PS3 bundles that included everything advertised, and most of them have come as dingers. Can't win 'em all, I guess. ;)
That's what you call a scam. I would never let a company swindle me with false advertisement. Not everyone is happy with just a system when they pay extra for the bundled one.

There's a good reason this hasn't been sniped yet... <_<
The condition of the case and everything, or some other thing related to the game itself? I actually skipped over the sequels for Black and White, I just know that the main Pokemon games tend to hold their value.

There's a good reason this hasn't been sniped yet... <_<
Well it was when it showed up during the one true restock but I cancelled it tonight when I realized it was no longer on the Pokeflip.

I can't believe that right now they're selling Monster Hunter 3U for 3DS for 50 cents less than new. :rofl:

Edit- Weird, after I looked at it and posted that the Amazon listing for $31.99 is completely gone.

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The condition of the case and everything, or some other thing related to the game itself? I actually skipped over the sequels for Black and White, I just know that the main Pokemon games tend to hold their value.
No, nothing pertaining to the game itself--if you're interested in playing it, go right ahead.

I was talking about how it used to be a viable flip to trade to GS, but now it isn't anymore.

No, nothing pertaining to the game itself--if you're interested in playing it, go right ahead.

I was talking about how it used to be a viable flip to trade to GS, but now it isn't anymore.
People on Craigslist like to buy my Pokemon games.

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I have to agree with some of the comments recently about Far Cry 3 and Mirror's Edge.

Far Cry 3 was my 2nd favorite single player game that I completed last year, only behind Last of Us. I like that it does a great job of keeping you entertained and busy with extra side missions without over bearing you. It also has good controls and a pretty good story to boot. I logged alot of hours into it without getting bored. Vaas was a damn good bad guy that you love to hate too. The mission with the marijuana field (won't throw any spoilers down) was one of my most memorable gaming experiences last year. I think I paid 17.99 used for it and it was well worth that.

Mirror's Edge was a game that I played a few years ago because it was recommended by a reputable friend. I had my reservations going into it but after playing it for a hour or so, I was hooked. There isn't another game i've ever played out there like it and it is done very well. The platforming is crisp, you can cover a huge area in a small amount of time and when you are being chased it can get intense. Then after you finish the game you can go back and do time trial runs which extends the life of the game as well. I definitely recommend checking it out if you can pick it up for cheap (which you can).
Thanks, I've always been interested in Mirror's Edge ever since I heard about it a couple years ago, but I was never able to find it for the right price until recently. I think I'll try it out some tonight.
No, you will not try it out tonight. You will wait around like the rest of us and try to catch a cheap game or the white whale of AWD that is a $35 Vita or a $40 Xbox360. Only once 5am rolls around and your hunt has been fruitless will you retreat back to your bed and completely regret staying up so late.

And so it is written.
No, you will not try it out tonight. You will wait around like the rest of us and try to catch a cheap game or the white whale of AWD that is a $35 Vita or a $40 Xbox360. Only once 5am rolls around and your hunt has been fruitless will you retreat back to your bed and completely regret staying up so late.

And so it is written.
Don't got prime tho so I don't even worry about AWD yet!!!!! Honestly don't even know why I'm on this thread lolol

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I ordered 2 $43 Acceptables of the Starwars PSP bundles (for my kids) and they came last night. Both came in plain white boxes with bubble wrap inside. 

They both looked used, but no major wear and tear.

The first one came with the system and the Starwars Battlefront UMD, but nothing else (no charger, headphones, etc.). When I turned it on, there were some cloudy areas on the sides of the screen, but nothing major.

The second one came with just the system and the charger, nothing else. I turned it on and it looked fine.

I already have a bunch of PSP stuff from the one I used to have that was stolen and my kids are young enough to not care about any cosmetic issues so it worked out pretty well. 

I saw that this morning. I'm trying to figure out what the msrp price was for the vita in the uk, because amazon uk has base vitas for about 150 euros, bundles for 170, and the article claims the slim will be a cheaper option at 180.
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