Amazon Warehouse Deals Thread VIII

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Amazon has some great warehouse deals, and most of their used games are in like new condition. Please post specific deals you find via Warehouse deals in this thread. Check latest posts for the newest deals, or click the link below.


Amazon Warehouse Deals Storefront - I usually go here just to check out things.

**All titles are available for FSS with orders over $25**
**There is no guarantee how long these will be in stock, so if you see something, better grab it fast**

Link To Items By Price:

$0-$24 Deals
$25-$49 Deals
$50-$99 Deals
$100-$199 Deals
$200-$499 Deals

Browse Games by Console: (These are somewhat broken now, as Amazon has updated their search system and made it even worse)

:3ds:Nintendo 3DS

PS Vita

:psp:Sony PSP

:360:Xbox 360



Wii U



What is Amazon Warehouse Deals?
Warehouse Deals is part of amazon that has open box, generally like new items.

Is the Amazon Warehouse Deals return policy the same as Amazon's return policy?
Yes, All purchases are eligible for Amazon customer service and 30 day return policy.

I'm using the games sort by console link, and the games will not sort by price properly. What is wrong?
You aren't doing anything wrong, the sort by price feature on Amazon is broken

I'm waiting for a 360, ps3, 3ds, or PS Vita to pop up.. What time do they usually appear?
They can show up any time, the best way to find it is have the item tabbed on your browser, and download an auto refresh app and frequently check it... Sometimes they will not pop up on amazon warehouse deals storefront, you will need to check the "used" section of the item

Why did all the prices of games randomly jump up?
Games on warehouse deals generally go on a cycle. They will get extremely low, great deals.. Then they will jump back up and restart the cycle of falling in price again.

I have a gaming credit and/or an Amazon gift card. Can both of these be applied to Warehouse Deals orders?
Gift cards can be applied to orders made on warehouse deals, however video game credit is only good for items shipped and sold by "", warehouse deals does not count as this.

What was Penny Deals?
In early September of 2011, tons of newer release, more expensive games popped up for 1 penny each. Many CAG members placed orders, expecting them to get cancelled. Some were cancelled, however many CAGS got a large amount of games for a penny each. There has been no confirmation what exactly happened and why these games were sold for a penny.

What condition are products from Warehouse Deals generally in?
Usually, games are re-shrinked wrap and almost in perfect condition. Any game i have personally ever bought has in like new condition. However, some people have reported that games were scratched with stickers on the insert. Consoles are also usually reported in like new or new condition with box damage. Rarely, a console may be missing a key component such as a power brick. Games listed in "acceptable" condition likely have very beaten up cases, or are missing cases, and are in not so great condition, but generally have a working game disc.


Here is an example of a like new handheld (PS Vita) - Thanks Slixshot

Previous Threads:

III: - The penny deals craziness


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There's a bug with it right now, you have to buy it then switch to standard and back to 2 day to get it.

Gotta get some of those $30 PS+ cards on BF so you keep up with the current games and build your PS4 library.
Thanks for that; I was freaking out when it was charging me shipping when I went to purchase something.

There's a bug with it right now, you have to buy it then switch to standard and back to 2 day to get it.

Gotta get some of those $30 PS+ cards on BF so you keep up with the current games and build your PS4 library.
I wonder if amazon changing prime again some awd things show free prime shipping on $35. Cross your fingers cause i bet they are...

Not really. The first one was bad. The sequels are really unimaginative and repetitive. Each one gets more ridiculous.
When I was young, I played Silent Hill. I thought it was bad because it was pretty scary. Now that I'm older, I don't think that anymore. Perhaps you need to get a little more mature before you play again.

There's a lot of people that would argue that the second one is the pinnacle of the horror genre though.

This. Absolutely this.
I don't think so. But that might be because it was so easy. After you figure out that you can prevent the monsters from noticing you by keeping the flashlight and radio off, and then walking up to them and one-shotting them with the Buster Knife, it took all the challenge, and the fear from the game. Not only that, but the monsters and the places were far scarier for me. Especially Dark Silent Hill. The second game completely lacked that.

I don't think so. But that might be because it was so easy. After you figure out that you can prevent the monsters from noticing you by keeping the flashlight and radio off, and then walking up to them and one-shotting them with the Buster Knife, it took all the challenge, and the fear from the game. Not only that, but the monsters and the places were far scarier for me. Especially Dark Silent Hill. The second game completely lacked that.
I don't think it's about the mechanics of the game, which have never been particularly remarkable but more about the story and atmosphere the game created.

when did amazon move from UPS shipping to Post office shipping. all of my prime items just got shipped post office
Happens from time to time. If it's straight USPS will still likely be two days, if it's that stupid effing FedEx Smartpost then it will probably be five or more.

I hope they did. My mailman is great. UPS on the other hand doesn't show until around 7-8pm and rarely even rings the doorbell.
While UPS seems to be the most consistent still I certainly don't mind getting stuff from Prestige or USPS as much now. Long as it shows up on the day it's supposed to (which has been the one hit and miss part) they've both improved considerably in the last three months and both deliver before noon.

I hope they did. My mailman is great. UPS on the other hand doesn't show until around 7-8pm and rarely even rings the doorbell.
I hopes so too. Every time I get an order from UPS, I end up having to call for another delivery or drive somewhere to pick it up. They just have no idea where my house is. There are 30 houses in my town, how hard can it be?

UPS is just as efficient as USPS here haha.

Amazon ships with USPS only when I order some days like friday.

I'm assuming its cheaper?

I live in front of a park, and still nothing has really been stolen.


when did amazon move from UPS shipping to Post office shipping. all of my prime items just got shipped post office
UPS actually lost there account with Amazon at the moment so don't be surprised to see more stuff showing up through USPS. Seems those complaints about most people getting damaged packages finally caught up to them. Hopefully they will fix things soon enough and rework an agreement.
UPS actually lost there account with Amazon at the moment so don't be surprised to see more stuff showing up through USPS. Seems those complaints about most people getting damaged packages finally caught up to them. Hopefully they will fix things soon enough and rework an agreement.
If they could hold off on getting UPS back until after Nov 15th, that'd be great. Then I could have my ps4 about 9 hours earlier. :)
If they could hold off on getting UPS back until after Nov 15th, that'd be great. Then I could have my ps4 about 9 hours earlier. :)
It terrifies me that my PS4 could be coming via Prestige though...

UPS actually lost there account with Amazon at the moment so don't be surprised to see more stuff showing up through USPS. Seems those complaints about most people getting damaged packages finally caught up to them. Hopefully they will fix things soon enough and rework an agreement.

Source on that? Google's not giving me anything.

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UPS actually lost there account with Amazon at the moment so don't be surprised to see more stuff showing up through USPS. Seems those complaints about most people getting damaged packages finally caught up to them. Hopefully they will fix things soon enough and rework an agreement.
That's weird. Doesn't UPS handle Amazon's logistics?


Dreamcast Console (A) 45.41

That's weird. Doesn't UPS handle Amazon's logistics?
I think this guy is just gossiping. No where on the internet hints towards Amazon cutting out UPS. I just put in a return with amazon because I got some defective items and UPS is supposed to be picking up the package on Monday.

Proof is myself working at a UPS hub.
Thats more of gossip man. Thats not proof at all. If Amazon was cutting ties with UPS it would be something drastic and would be making news on the internet. They might be cutting ties with certain areas but, I can guarentee you thats not every where.

UPS actually lost there account with Amazon at the moment so don't be surprised to see more stuff showing up through USPS. Seems those complaints about most people getting damaged packages finally caught up to them. Hopefully they will fix things soon enough and rework an agreement.
I just inspected a facility that paints UPS trucks (facility is owned and operated by UPS) a few weeks ago and they were telling me of the big surge of work they are about to have just to keep up with the demand from Amazon. Sounds like this is more wishful thinking from over worked UPS employees.

Plus if there was any shred of truth to this UPS stock would be plummeting.

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Freight contracts run out all the time and get renegotiated/renewed its not national news even if it's Amazon. 

I just inspected a facility that paints UPS trucks (facility is owned and operated by UPS) a few weeks ago and they were telling me of the big surge of work they are about to have just to keep up with the demand from Amazon. Sounds like this is more wishful thinking from over worked UPS employees.

Plus if there was any shred of truth to this UPS stock would be plummeting.

If they were losing merchandise with Amazon I dont think theyd hire

The company today announced plans to hire 55,000 seasonal employees to deal with increased volume on the 26 days between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Freight contracts run out all the time and get renegotiated/renewed its not national news even if it's Amazon.
Well with the scale of UPS and Amazon if it was to the point where they weren't going to be doing business until things were sorted out then it would be since even a couple weeks would have millions in potential ramifications. I would imagine if a contract is being renegotiated then they have temporary terms under which they're operating together.

Thats more of gossip man. Thats not proof at all. If Amazon was cutting ties with UPS it would be something drastic and would be making news on the internet. They might be cutting ties with certain areas but, I can guarentee you thats not every where.
Proof for him if he heard right but not us. I do know companies change plans alot so who knows. UPS rocks USPS sucks here bunch of postaling lazy nobs lol

As long as they dont switch to fedex Im good.

But yea, if Amazon was stopping using ups period, it would be in the news.

Sounds like some worker scuttlebutt. 

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I think this guy is just gossiping. No where on the internet hints towards Amazon cutting out UPS. I just put in a return with amazon because I got some defective items and UPS is supposed to be picking up the package on Monday.
Why would I gossip for. The decreased volume of work we are receiving now compared to last 3 years I've been here at this time is very substantial. I used to work in the area in the building where the small packages are sorted. The fact I got reassigned to a different area in the building says it all due to decreasing volume for the small types of packages
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If they were losing merchandise with Amazon I dont think theyd hire
The company today announced plans to hire 55,000 seasonal employees to deal with increased volume on the 26 days between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Ok but do you think Amazon is the only thing UPS handles a lot of volume for. There are certain companies that uses UPS just for the holiday period due to the amount of work they expect and to actually push out the work quicker then usual and be very ahead of the scheduled delivery dates. Do some of y'all not notice that packages seem to arrive from them faster during the holiday period then any other time during the year. I figured that would be rocket science for y'all.
Take it for what it's worth, but I have multiple family members who work at the USPS and they were just recently talking about the Amazon contract they snlped from UPS.  It's supposed to have a big effect on their volume (they're all mail carriers).  Didn't ask about the extent of the contract or when it goes into effect though.  So there might be some truth to this information, although I couldn't find any further details on the interwebz...

Well with the scale of UPS and Amazon if it was to the point where they weren't going to be doing business until things were sorted out then it would be since even a couple weeks would have millions in potential ramifications. I would imagine if a contract is being renegotiated then they have temporary terms under which they're operating together.
They are certainly doing business still I just got a UPS Amazon package on Thursday but a negotiation isn't going to make national news I agree if they severed ties completely that might pop up somewhere since that is probably one of their largest accounts. Most of the time when I've worked for warehouses with contract pricing if it runs out the discount stops and you pay a higher rate until the new contract is in place. But going into the holidays no way Amazon hasn't secured shipping logistics. Anyway this is way off subject and derailed enough.

Oh yeah, as much as UPS needs Amazon and Amazon needs good prices from UPS I'm sure they have some sort of short term deal in place for these in between periods.
So we have a guy working at a hub and another who's aunt, 2nd cousin and possibly nephew were talking about it. But no major news source has anything. Which lets be honest it would be HUGE news and if it was true with sources coming from either UPS (is a huge company with lots of people who could leak it to a non message board called CAG) where they would do damage control or USPS bragging publicly.

So I would like to post my source: Halloween night a neighbors Sister in laws Mother said she works for DHL but has a buddy working for UPS and part times at USPS overnight said yes this rumor is 100% true.
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So I would like to post my source: Halloween night a neighbors Sister in laws Mother said she works for DHL but has a buddy working for UPS and part times at USPS overnight said yes this rumor is 100% true.
Weird. I have the exact same source.

There is no way UPS would lose the Amazon account. Too much volume to just give up and with the increased min for fsss they have better revenue from non prime members. If there was any legit changes, it would have broken on all the financial news.

Edit: 3DS owners with screen protectors, how is the touch responsiveness and what product do you use?

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i had wwe 2k14 on release day arrive and it came by fedex smartpost and i just purchsed a new charge cable for ps3 gamepad and did free two day shipping and it's coming by fedex smartpost. 

So we have a guy working at a hub and another who's aunt, 2nd cousin and possibly nephew were talking about it. But no major news source has anything. Which lets be honest it would be HUGE news and if it was true with sources coming from either UPS (is a huge company with lots of people who could leak it to a non message board called CAG) where they would do damage control or USPS bragging publicly.

So I would like to post my source: Halloween night a neighbors Sister in laws Mother said she works for DHL but has a buddy working for UPS and part times at USPS overnight said yes this rumor is 100% true.
. It's just rumor, but I find it odd that people can't entertain that it's even a possibility. Companies and stores switch shipping partners all the time, and I can't recall it ever being at the top of Brian Williams' newscast. If it didn't affect anything (things still arriving when they should) I wouldn't even expect Amazon to ever make a statement if they were to change, now or in the future.
. It's just rumor, but I find it odd that people can't entertain that it's even a possibility. Companies and stores switch shipping partners all the time, and I can't recall it ever being at the top of Brian Williams' newscast. If it didn't affect anything (things still arriving when they should) I wouldn't even expect Amazon to ever make a statement if they were to change, now or in the future.
Amazon ships a huge volume with UPS. If they suddenly lost a majority of that business, UPS stock would definitely take a dive. It obviously wouldn't be on Brian Williams broadcast, but it would definitely hit the financial sites as well as CNBC and other business segments of news channels.

And I don't think Fedex is as reliable as UPS for 2 day shipping which is something that customers that pay for it or prime would notice. That is why I doubt some USPS "grunts" would here about this before it leaked to some investment firms and moved stock prices.

. It's just rumor, but I find it odd that people can't entertain that it's even a possibility. Companies and stores switch shipping partners all the time, and I can't recall it ever being at the top of Brian Williams' newscast. If it didn't affect anything (things still arriving when they should) I wouldn't even expect Amazon to ever make a statement if they were to change, now or in the future.
Amazon is the worlds largest online retailer. If they dumped UPS, it would be a big business deal that would be found somewhere on the internet. I don't recall anyone expecting it to be on the Nightly News, just a simple Google search.

So we have a guy working at a hub and another who's aunt, 2nd cousin and possibly nephew were talking about it. But no major news source has anything. Which lets be honest it would be HUGE news and if it was true with sources coming from either UPS (is a huge company with lots of people who could leak it to a non message board called CAG) where they would do damage control or USPS bragging publicly.

So I would like to post my source: Halloween night a neighbors Sister in laws Mother said she works for DHL but has a buddy working for UPS and part times at USPS overnight said yes this rumor is 100% true.
Sounds legit!

Amazon is the worlds largest online retailer. If they dumped UPS, it would be a big business deal that would be found somewhere on the internet. I don't recall anyone expecting it to be on the Nightly News, just a simple Google search.
They obviously haven't dumped UPS since items are being shipped by UPS currently. However it's neither outside the realm of possibility, nor news worthy, for even Amazon to be sending some of their items via other shippers, rather than sticking nearly wholly with UPS. Perhaps they get a better deal with USPS, or maybe it's a contract negotiation tool, or perhaps it's complete made up rumor. I don't know for sure, and neither does anyone else in the thread, I imagine.
They obviously haven't dumped UPS since items are being shipped by UPS currently. However it's neither outside the realm of possibility, nor news worthy, for even Amazon to be sending some of their items via other shippers, rather than sticking nearly wholly with UPS. Perhaps they get a better deal with USPS, or maybe it's a contract negotiation tool, or perhaps it's complete made up rumor. I don't know for sure, and neither does anyone else in the thread, I imagine.
We didn't mention rumors though. And again, Amazon ships a large volume through UPS, switching to USPS would be a big deal and would be a political tool that would stay in the news cycle with the USPS bleeding money, and a coup for Fedex if they get the shifted volume from UPS.

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