Animal Crossing: City Folk - Gen. Discussion and info

[quote name='Matt Young']I just bought 700 turnips, so please let me know if any of you have decent prices this week![/QUOTE]

I'll make sure I let you know if I get any good prices.
Joan was selling turnips for 90 Bells, so I bought... a lot :bouncy:
Thank you for the DLC, Romeo!

I'll keep an eye out for you guys on turnips this week. And since Pascal's given me another duplicate, anybody want a helm?
[quote name='Trillian']Thank you for the DLC, Romeo!

I'll keep an eye out for you guys on turnips this week. And since Pascal's given me another duplicate, anybody want a helm?[/QUOTE]

If nobody has asked you for the Helm yet, I'll take it! I've got some Nintendo items if you need them - Starman, Fireflower and Coin.

BTW - What's this DLC everyone is talking about?
[quote name='tkszeto']If nobody has asked you for the Helm yet, I'll take it! I've got some Nintendo items if you need them - Starman, Fireflower and Coin.

BTW - What's this DLC everyone is talking about?[/QUOTE]

Eggplant cow from Japan, also a GameCube dresser from Europe.
[quote name='tkszeto']If nobody has asked you for the Helm yet, I'll take it! I've got some Nintendo items if you need them - Starman, Fireflower and Coin.

BTW - What's this DLC everyone is talking about?[/QUOTE]

Sure, I'll send it along tomorrow, since I'm usually on during the day on Friday (no work for me on Friday, so I'm on earlier). I've already got those Nintendo items, thanks. Did you get an Eggplant Cow? I can send one of those to you, too.

Hey, Miranda, do you want a couple of golden roses? I'm not crazy about them, myself

I'm hoping for some good turnip prices tomorrow; I'll post here if I get something good.
[quote name='Trillian']Sure, I'll send it along tomorrow, since I'm usually on during the day on Friday (no work for me on Friday, so I'm on earlier). I've already got those Nintendo items, thanks. Did you get an Eggplant Cow? I can send one of those to you, too.

Hey, Miranda, do you want a couple of golden roses? I'm not crazy about them, myself

I'm hoping for some good turnip prices tomorrow; I'll post here if I get something good.[/QUOTE]

I didn't get an Eggplant Cow, would love one if you wouldn't mind :bouncy:

My Turnip prices are 64 Bells today. I should have sold them when they were 97 this morning... D'oh. Here's to hoping I get a nice spike tomorrow morning or evening. I'll post here if I get anything good.

Edit - I've got the day off today so we'll probably be online today.
[quote name='Matt Young']I didn't even get to check my turnip prices tonight. By the way, how do I get golden flowers to bloom?[/QUOTE]

You have to water a wilted black rose with the gold water can.
[quote name='Trillian']Whoo! Turnips selling for 406 in my town. Anybody feel like selling some turnips?[/QUOTE]

D'oh, I wish I had waited! I sold mine this morning for 168 Bells.

BTW - Thanks for the eggplant cow! Do you need a Brick Block or Mushroom Mural wallpaper?
The Brick Block would be awesome; I'm working on a Mario Theme and I don't have that one yet.

Can I get a Gamecube dresser from anyone? I'd be happy to pay for it.
[quote name='Trillian']The Brick Block would be awesome; I'm working on a Mario Theme and I don't have that one yet.

Can I get a Gamecube dresser from anyone? I'd be happy to pay for it.[/QUOTE]

That's the pink one, right? Or is it the blue one? I can never remember what is on the three colors.
[quote name='Trillian']The Brick Block would be awesome; I'm working on a Mario Theme and I don't have that one yet.

Can I get a Gamecube dresser from anyone? I'd be happy to pay for it.[/QUOTE]

No problems!

Are you going to be online tonight? I realized that I forgot to sell 100 turnips so I wouldn't mind taking advantage of your Nook's prices. I can drop the Brick Block off as well.

If not, I can send it in the mail.
[quote name='Trillian']The Brick Block would be awesome; I'm working on a Mario Theme and I don't have that one yet.

Can I get a Gamecube dresser from anyone? I'd be happy to pay for it.[/QUOTE]

I have it if you or anyone else still needs one. Also any other DLC stuff, just let me know and I can order them for you.
Alrighty, I'm going to open my gate now. Nook's closes in 30 minutes. Sorry to open so late; had to go see a sick friend.

EDIT: Nook's is closed now.
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[quote name='Kilraven']That's the pink one, right? Or is it the blue one? I can never remember what is on the three colors.[/QUOTE]

I'm talking about the purple one that was a DLC in Europe recently, but is there a blue or pink one?
[quote name='Trillian']I'm talking about the purple one that was a DLC in Europe recently, but is there a blue or pink one?[/QUOTE]

I think Kilraven was referring to the "pink box" piece of furniture and not the DLC. The pink box has a GameCube in it:


I'd love to get the GameCube dresser DLC that Europe got. I haven't played since last Wednesday, so I don't know if anyone already sent it to me. I'll have to check.
I just got this game again. Reeally missed it, so bought it again. Started a new town, since I didn't like living in "Ghetto."

Anyways, I spent about 45 minutes or so playing it, so I have my friend code. Feel free to add me, since I'm just starting. :)

Name: John
FC: 2579-2167-3729
Town: The Town
Let me know if you add me and I'll add you too.
Is it raining in anyone's town? If so, are you willing to open your gates so I can come hunt Rainbow Stags? xP Ironically, my town is called Rain, yet it almost never rains...

Also, I have a question; I recently time-traveled to December 31st, 2035 on my AC game just to see what would happen. When I did, there was a notice put up saying that my Nook 'n' Go would be remodeled on January 1st. When I time-traveled to December 31st, 2035, I went to 11:59 PM. That means that while I was there, there was a New Years celebration. Then, when I restarted AC, I went to set my date back to the correct one, and it was set on January 1st, 2000. I'm guessing 2035 was the latest you could achieve and then it starts over. So, I went ahead and skipped forward another 9 1/2 years to get to the current date. But, my Nook 'n' Go is still in it's Nook-'n'-Go state, and hasn't remodeled. I'm wondering why it hasn't yet, and how I can fix it. Should I just go ahead and skip back to January 1st, 2000 and then skip forward to the current date? Would that fix it? Thanks.

It fixed itself, so no assistance needed! Thanks, though!
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So, my kids finally fired this game back up for the first time since Nintendo wiped our Wii's memoery clean several months back. I didn't have the heart to get back into it after all the work we did (which I will warn you can go up in smoke at a moment's notice with the flaky internal memory).

They started a new town and we're stuck with the lamest of fruits (cherries). I'd like to get the others and maybe do the turnip thing. I'll have to get my new code though since the one in the OP isn't valid any more I suppose. Sigh - we were doing so well there for a while. The nice thing about picking it back up so much later is that all the bugs and fish are completely different since we last played in January.
[quote name='io']So, my kids finally fired this game back up for the first time since Nintendo wiped our Wii's memoery clean several months back. I didn't have the heart to get back into it after all the work we did (which I will warn you can go up in smoke at a moment's notice with the flaky internal memory).

They started a new town and we're stuck with the lamest of fruits (cherries). I'd like to get the others and maybe do the turnip thing. I'll have to get my new code though since the one in the OP isn't valid any more I suppose. Sigh - we were doing so well there for a while. The nice thing about picking it back up so much later is that all the bugs and fish are completely different since we last played in January.[/QUOTE]

If you would like, I can let you into my town and you can pick a few Apples, Oranges, and Coconuts. I have each of them. I'm working on planting flowers and trees ATM, so don't expect my town to be beautiful, 'cause it ain't. I've only been playing about 2 weeks. xD
I can share some fruit and stuff, myself.

I'm not buying turnips this week. The last 2 times I did, I lost a lot of money. This past week, turnip prices never got above what I paid (96 bells) and I ended up having to sell yesterday for 33 bells each. I had bought 500.
Hi if anyone wouldn't mind adding either myself of my wife, so we could get some different fruit for our town or if you could mail us some that would work too. Just let me know by Pm, thanks.
Me-Slurmz FC:0904-1629-4668 Chooma(my wife) FC:4683-7690-4609
Town: LakaLaka
Fruit: Peaches
[quote name='io']So, my kids finally fired this game back up for the first time since Nintendo wiped our Wii's memoery clean several months back. I didn't have the heart to get back into it after all the work we did (which I will warn you can go up in smoke at a moment's notice with the flaky internal memory).[/QUOTE]
PSA for everyone: Learn how to back up your Wii memory. Seriously.

Since you're a pretty cool guy, (you moderate forums and doesn't afraid of anything) I'll break my months long abscence from AC:CF to give you whatever you want. Maybe your kids completed a furniture set before and now they'd like it again, or you don't feel like paying off your houses again.

The reason I returned here today was to give a proposal: One year anniversary celebrations for ACCF.

Many, many people played Animal Crossing when it came out, but the real time gaming can become very demanding. What happens every AC game for me (and I welcome it) is I have loads of fun paying off my house and chilling around the town/city, eventually it becomes a bore.

So you go back to your town months later, thinking it'll be just like old times, but it's not. The magic is gone. The animals hate you. Your house is paid off. The stalk market is all but worthless, you have long since lost the need for money.

So maybe if every now and then, we rounded up the old players for shennanigans around the town, we could squeeze more playtime out of this game. Strell, lilboo, etc. probably haven't played since March or earlier.

And Io/any other mod, could I be the OP of this thread? (unless someone more active with AC wants to) I know Filler was okay with it when he left AC.
Playing the crap out of Animal Crossing GC lately (with my GF). Ugh, so much fun. I plan on switching to the Wii version when we both move in together. A few questions:

1. You can still have two people in one town correct on one Wii?
2. How is it without the grid system and the rolling globe like area? Seems annoying...
3. Is there any game like AC (where two people can play) that has farming in it as well? I want a game like Harvest Moon, but with a 24 hour clock and the ability to have two farms in the same town (so my gf could have on as well). I'm guessing the answer is NO... but, maybe someone has a clue.

I got the dresser. I am trying to play this game again. Would ANYONE whom has deleted me please let me know. I haven't seen a gate open in weeks, and I have opened my gate for hours with no one coming through. Have I been banned and no one has told me?
Looks like I might have to start all over again from scratch in this game... updates on my Wii repair here:

I really hope that they somehow transferred my data over to the Wii that they're sending to me, but I doubt it. Quick turnaround time, yes, but I really wish they would've at least tried to fix my Wii instead of sending me a different one.

I hope my town isn't gone. :whistle2:(
[quote name='Miranda']Looks like I might have to start all over again from scratch in this game... updates on my Wii repair here:
I hope my town isn't gone. :whistle2:([/QUOTE]
[quote name='Doomed']PSA for everyone: Learn how to back up your Wii memory. Seriously.[/QUOTE]

I extend my offer previously given to io to you as well.
[quote name='CL-Insanity']I haven't seen a gate open in weeks, and I have opened my gate for hours with no one coming through.[/QUOTE]

I haven't seen a gate open in months! CAG's don't play AC:CF anymore? : /
I just got my replacement Wii from Nintendo today. My AC save is still there!

And, nice! I just got the GameCube dresser from Pete. I thought I missed out on it since it was past the dates to get it.
[quote name='Beccaree']Miranda, did you get the other items like the picnic basket and the pile of leaves?[/QUOTE]

I got the picnic basket a few months ago from Labor Day in another town.

I think Pete might deliver the pile of leaves to me soon.

All this might not matter anyway because the game won't let me go online anymore. I get error code 60000. After looking up that code, the only way people got rid of the error was by deleting their AC save and starting over.:cry:

I think the reason I'm getting the error is because my friend code was assigned to me on my old Wii and that code is tied to my old system. So when I try to connect with my replacement Wii, it can't because it's trying to use wifi settings that came from a different Wii.

I wish that Nintendo made it like the DS version, where if you played your game on a different DS, it would just give you a brand new friend code to go online with. Too bad that's not the case for the Wii version.

Before deleting my whole town, I'll try to finish up Nook's chores with my 4th character to see if it'll give me a friend code and let me go online without getting that 60000 error. If it lets that character go online, then at least I know I can just make a new character instead of starting a new town & my whole museum collection again from scratch.

I'm curious if it'll still let me send/receive mail. I think I'll try mailing some letters to people too.
I think I'm finally getting tired of this game. It's been by far my most played Wii game; in fact, I have 3 unopened games from when I purchased the system back in March. It's just that, after 6 and a half months, it feels like I've done everything there is to do, yet I still can't get my environment ratings above "It's not a passing grade, but it's not a failing grade, either. I'd give it a D+, or a C- on a good day."
[quote name='Matt Young']When are you usually on?[/QUOTE]

I was going to ask this too. It's been a while since I've logged on. Seems like I'll get one a few days and then not get back on for a month and repeat the process. I need to set a reminder on my phone to get on on Wednesday night so I can get the ghost lamp and have all my weeds removed. I'm sure they're piling up.
I want this game, but I don't have enough Goozex points to get it, as I'm soon to get Kingdom Hearts DS too. If it could go down 50 points, I can get AC Wii...
[quote name='CL-Insanity']I am sporadic... it could be at anytime...[/QUOTE]

Well if you ever want to schedule a time, let me know.

Also, how do I get my town/environment rating above D+/C-?
bread's done