Animal Crossing: City Folk - Gen. Discussion and info

It might be just as well; Nintendo WFC keeps booting us all off. I haven't seen it this bad in...well, ever.

Thanks for the DLC, Romeo!

EDIT: Crashed again. I'm just going to leave my gate shut unless someone else needs to sell turnips tonight. Maybe I'll visit somewhere else.
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Happy birthday, Matt!

Tomorrow will probably be my last day playing this game for a while. I'm just going to play it to get my birthday cake and then I'll open up all the presents on the ground in my town.

After that, I'll be calling up Nintendo about my Wii constantly freezing. It doesn't freeze with games only. It froze on me yesterday when I started to write a new Wii message to someone. I really hope they can fix it and keep all of my data.

Does anybody want my flowers?? I'll be taking my hybrids & jacob's ladders to a another town. I'm keeping the gold roses in my town since those don't die. But does anyone want the rest of my flowers? I have tons and since I won't be playing, they're just gonna end up dying anyway.
Happy birthday, Matt!

Miranda, I could flowersit some of those for you. You can always come back for them after your Wii's fixed. Sorry things haven't gotten any better with your Wii.
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I got my birthday cake! Hooray! I'll open up the presents in my town later and maybe later or tomorrow I can drop off some flowers in people's towns.
Wait, you were supposed to get cake and presents on your birthday? I played the game on my birthday and there was nothing special other than Rover commenting that it was my birthday and a notice on the message bored.
[quote name='crazylikeafox11']Wait, you were supposed to get cake and presents on your birthday? I played the game on my birthday and there was nothing special other than Rover commenting that it was my birthday and a notice on the message bored.[/QUOTE]

You have to have a really good friendship with your animals for one of them to meet you at your door to give you a cake. You don't get presents, but they'll mail you letters. The presents I'm talking about were the ones I shot down from balloons and didn't pick up. :p

That's part of the reason why I never let anyone move out, so that I could be sure I'd get a cake. Every time someone new moves in you have to start over from the beginning to be good friends with them.

BTW, turnips are 197 in my town right now.
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Thanks Miranda and Trillian, and happy birthday to you, Miranda!

As for birthday gifts, an animal (Pango) I didn't think my character was very close to showed up with a cake. The rest all mailed cards and wished me a happy birthday when I talked to them, and I got a present/card from "Mom".
[quote name='Miranda']You have to have a really good friendship with your animals for one of them to meet you at your door to give you a cake. You don't get presents, but they'll mail you letters. The presents I'm talking about were the ones I shot down from balloons and didn't pick up. :p

That's part of the reason why I never let anyone move out, so that I could be sure I'd get a cake. Every time someone new moves in you have to start over from the beginning to be good friends with them.

BTW, turnips are 197 in my town right now.[/QUOTE]

Ahhh, so it probably didn't help that I had only been playing the game for less than a week before my birthday came.
Happy belated birthday Matt!
Happy birthday Miranda!

Thanks for the game yesterday Trillian, your town is awesome. I think my wife is going to "remodel" her town now :)
[quote name='crazylikeafox11']Ahhh, so it probably didn't help that I had only been playing the game for less than a week before my birthday came.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's probably why. I set up a character last year when I got the game in December and I made his birthday January 1st and all he got was the greeting from Rover and the 5000 bells from mom and no cake or anyone else acknowledging it was even his birthday.

Thanks, Matt & tkszeto! :)

All of my animals wished me a happy birthday when I talked to them too.
Happy Birthdays all around!!

Miranda, if I had any more room, I would gladly take your flowers. I think I have enough for now. Hopefully your Wii gets fixed without any problems.

Tkszeto, I added you earlier. I should have just done it last night while we were both in Teri's town.

Matt, I still have you as an empty heart on my list. I'm surprised we havn't met up yet.
Hope you had a great birthday Matt and Miranda.
They really do go all out for you in the game, and then do almost nothing for your villagers on their special day :lol:

Miranda, I got my Wii back in 10 days when I sent mine away. Villagers didn't even notice I was gone. Hopefully they can keep your data intact. Let us know what happens.
[quote name='Daisydog']Hope you had a great birthday Matt and Miranda.
They really do go all out for you in the game, and then do almost nothing for your villagers on their special day :lol:

Miranda, I got my Wii back in 10 days when I sent mine away. Villagers didn't even notice I was gone. Hopefully they can keep your data intact. Let us know what happens.[/QUOTE]

LOL, that's so true about animal birthdays. I miss the birthday parties that they had in Wild World.

I haven't sent my Wii in yet. I printed my label, but I have no box to ship it in since someone here got rid of all the boxes I was saving to ship stuff in. :bomb: I didn't get any boxes to open for my birthday since all of my gifts came in envelopes.

So, I'm still playing for now, and surprisingly my Wii hasn't had any problems since August started. Now I don't want to send it in to Nintendo with it working properly the way it has been since they might not find anything wrong with it.
[quote name='prim4444']Happy Birthdays all around!!

Miranda, if I had any more room, I would gladly take your flowers. I think I have enough for now. Hopefully your Wii gets fixed without any problems.

Tkszeto, I added you earlier. I should have just done it last night while we were both in Teri's town.

Matt, I still have you as an empty heart on my list. I'm surprised we havn't met up yet.[/QUOTE]

Any time you want to come visit, let me know. And thanks to those of you who said happy birthday.
OMG, I think I did one of the most "rookie" Animal Crossing mistakes the other day. I was trying to put my turnips on the table and I ate 100 turnips! Both funny and sad at the same time I guess.

If anyone has good turnips prices this week, please let me know. I need a really good price to recoup my late night feeding :)
I'll keep an eye out for you, tkszeto. I'm hoping for good prices this week too; I just bought all the Gracie furniture for this season and I want to recoup some of that. I think I figured out why we kept getting booted off last week: my modem died the next day. So hopefully next time anyone visits they can enjoy it a bit better.
I'll watch my prices as well, but I only had 95 bells offered to me yesterday. tkszeto, what's your info? Did you add me from the spreadsheet?
Speaking of spreadsheet ... has anyone added me that has an open heart? or no heart at all? Let me know. I have committed to playing this game at least a few minutes every day... but I haven't seen anyone in about the last month...
[quote name='Matt Young']I'll watch my prices as well, but I only had 95 bells offered to me yesterday. tkszeto, what's your info? Did you add me from the spreadsheet?[/QUOTE]

Yup I added you.
Here's my info:

FC: 2493-2427-3219
Name: tania
Town: ponchik
Fruit: Apple
I got the ladder shades this week as well. Pretty neat. I wish you could wear hats and glass with your Mii face though.

BTW - Nook is killing me with Turnip prices, down to 41 bells eachs! If someone has more than 100 bells tomorrow please let me know, I'm hoping to at least break even...
I played yesterday and got no ladder shades. Maybe today It's not like I put any head/face accessories on my character, anyway, due to using my Mii.

tkszeto, I added you yesterday and will check on turnip prices this afternoon.

EDIT: 53 bells. :whistle2:\
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[quote name='tkszeto']Thanks Matt, I appreciate it. My turnips are down to 33 bells, so I'd be happy with anything even a little bit higher than that![/QUOTE]

I've got 65 if that helps you any...
[quote name='prim4444']I've got 65 if that helps you any...[/QUOTE]

65 would be great! That would help cut my losses. Are you online now? I'm just loading up my game.
Would anyone be able to spare some coconuts? My gf and I have yet to get a palm tree to grow in our town and haven't seen a coconut wash up in ages. Thanks.
Trillian - If nobody else wants it, I wouldn't mind getting it off you. What do you want in exchange?

SteveGo - I should have some coconuts tomorrow or the day after. If you still need them by then, I can give a couple.
[quote name='Matt Young']I have 4 palm trees, I think. I can share some coconuts.

That'd be great! I can give you bells if you like. My friend code is 4340-1197-7355, let me know how we should proceed. Thanks.
I have like 12 coconut trees. AND I shook them a few days ago. Send info if you want to add me. Always looking for flowers flowers and more flowers!!!
[quote name='tkszeto']Trillian - If nobody else wants it, I wouldn't mind getting it off you. What do you want in exchange?

I'm always after Nintendo items, but I'm not really worried about getting anything in exchange. I just thought someone might like it, since I won't be needing it. Do you want me to send it in a letter? My times on AC are going to be erratic for a few days; family stuff.
[quote name='SteveGo']That'd be great! I can give you bells if you like. My friend code is 4340-1197-7355, let me know how we should proceed. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, forgot to check the thread till now. I can be on tonight if you want. Did you get my info from the spreadsheet? If not, I'll have to look it up for you. Oh, and no bells required.
[quote name='Trillian']I'm always after Nintendo items, but I'm not really worried about getting anything in exchange. I just thought someone might like it, since I won't be needing it. Do you want me to send it in a letter? My times on AC are going to be erratic for a few days; family stuff.[/QUOTE]

Do you mean Nintendo items like Starman and Fireflower? Or Nintendo sent items like the dolphin model?

You can send it in a letter if you want, or if you are going to be online anytime around 10:00 or so in the evenings, that's when we are normaly online.
[quote name='Matt Young']Sorry, forgot to check the thread till now. I can be on tonight if you want. Did you get my info from the spreadsheet? If not, I'll have to look it up for you. Oh, and no bells required.[/QUOTE]

I don't have the spreadsheet, so I'll need your info. Did you want me to come to your town then?
Oh, there was a link in the thread, but I'll get my info for you.

FC: 2149-4106-1381
Town name: MoVal
Character name: Matt

I can go to your town, or you can come to mine. I'll be getting on at some point this afternoon or evening. Let me know when you're available.
One of Janet's rooms is in my HRA this week... did that lock you out of your house decorating it like that, or is that your basement?

[quote name='Matt Young']Oh, there was a link in the thread, but I'll get my info for you.

FC: 2149-4106-1381
Town name: MoVal
Character name: Matt

I can go to your town, or you can come to mine. I'll be getting on at some point this afternoon or evening. Let me know when you're available.[/QUOTE]

Thanks matt for letting me have some of your coconuts. hopefully one will grow into a palm tree and I can get the corresponding beetles.
Damn, oemor, I wish I had seen that. I haven't gotten anything over 125, and it's the first week I've bought turnips in a while.

[quote name='SteveGo']Thanks matt for letting me have some of your coconuts. hopefully one will grow into a palm tree and I can get the corresponding beetles.[/QUOTE]

They should grow just fine if you plant them on the beach.
[quote name='oemor']anybody need to sell their turnips my Nook's are buying at 478 for the rest of the night[/QUOTE]

D'oh, I wish I saw your post earlier! I was actually playing around that time as well. Ph well, here's to hoping my Nook has some good prices tonight, I lost quite a lot last week on turnips. Would have lost a ton more if it weren't for Matt.

Trillian - I got the ship deck, thanks! I'll keep my eyes out for Nintendo items for you.
No problem, tkszeto. If I get any more duplicates of rare items, I'll post 'em here. Sorry I couldn't bring them over to you myself; I've had some family emergencies this week, so my play times are erratic.
Cool, the bug off is today, it's my first one so I'm off to catch some rare bugs!

Did anyone else get a letter from Nintendo today? I got a Hopscotch Floor today!

I think my Nook hates me. Yesterday turnips going for 60 bells, today 55 bells... If anyone has anything better I need to cut my losses again. That two weeks in a row now I'm losing money on turnips.
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Thanks for checking prim4444.

BTW - I just checked my Nook and the prices went up to 134 Bells for turnips! If anyone needs to sell, let me know.
[quote name='tkszeto']Cool, the bug off is today, it's my first one so I'm off to catch some rare bugs!

Did anyone else get a letter from Nintendo today? I got a Hopscotch Floor today!

I think my Nook hates me. Yesterday turnips going for 60 bells, today 55 bells... If anyone has anything better I need to cut my losses again. That two weeks in a row now I'm losing money on turnips.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for reminding me about the bug-off! I have a few oak silk moths in storage for just such an occasion.

I'll check my turnip prices when I get on. I sold for 115 yesterday.
bread's done