Animal Crossing: City Folk - Gen. Discussion and info

[quote name='Matt Young']I would gladly take that off your hands, Janet. I don't even know how to get one, myself.[/QUOTE]
OK Matt, I'll mail it to you the next chance I get. You'll love it, it really makes a difference when fishing in the river.

Nook occasionally sells the silver slingshot, net, and rod in his shop. I've been playing since day one and this is only the second time he's had a silver rod.
Wow. I got the game in Mid-March, and I'd been wondering why the silver items weren't showing up. didn't know they were so rare. Thankfully, I did get the golden shovel as a gift, and the silver slingshot was in a gift box that I knocked down with my original slingshot.

I'd imagine a silver rod would have helped me catch a coelecanth, or whatever those huge fish in the river are that take your bait and leave. The little bastards are impossible to reel in.

Thank you very much for your generosity. Not sure how much time you have since you said you'd prefer to give that to someone who you could mail it to, but I'm on just about every night around 7-8 Pacific time if you ever want to visit MoVal.
I have a silver net. Only silver item ever in my store. Anyone get the new fish or bugs today? I caught the napolean fish. It's so ugly. lol
The highest I've had was 111 yesterday, after 430-something last week. I'm rarely ever awake early enough on Sundays to buy turnips anyway.

I'll check when I get on the game in probably a couple hours and I will let you know if I have good prices. If you hear nothing from me, that means Nook's being a cheapskate as usual.
421 Bells per turnip in my town right now. That price is good until midnight Pacific time.

My gate is open. I'm not sure how long I can keep it open since my Wii has been freezing a lot on me lately. I think I might have to reformat my memory (since I got those "system memory corrupt" messages a few months ago). I don't really want to do that though since I'd have to start all over again with my wifi enabled games.

EDIT: just froze on me again! Restarting my Wii now.

EDIT 2: froze again. This is getting to be a PITA, so I'm not gonna turn my Wii on again unless someone wants me to open up my gate.
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Your store is open till midnight? I know the earlier ones were open later, but I thought they closed at 10, maybe 11. I have the biggest one that closes at 9.

But Nook was offering a paltry 80 Bells per turnip in my own. Sorry Trillian.
[quote name='Matt Young']Your store is open till midnight? I know the earlier ones were open later, but I thought they closed at 10, maybe 11. I have the biggest one that closes at 9.

My store (Nook N Go) is open until 1 AM, but the turnip prices are only good until midnight, after that it changes.

I'm playing other games now to see what else my Wii freezes on. So far Boom Blox did too. Played a little bit of Smash, but it hasn't frozen on me yet... oops, spoke too soon, that just froze too. Looks like it's probably every game. :whistle2:(
That really sucks Miranda. :( I would ask to sneak in for a few, but it sounds like your Wii's got major issues. Sorry. And Matt; thanks for checking for me. :) Although, if Nook's prices keep up the way they have, I'd settle for the 80. :( Like I said, I think Nook hates me.

EDIT: I hopped on for a few; has anybody else seen the new DLC? :D
I'll turn my Wii on again and open up my gate and see what the new DLC is.

My Wii didn't freeze on me when I tried playing Zelda, but I wasn't doing much in the game except warping all over the place.

EDIT: My gate is open again! You have less than 25 minutes left to sell turnips.

EDIT 2: Gate is closed now. Thanks for stopping by, Teri!

My Wii has been working great for about an hour now. I wonder if it'll last long enough for me to do some scorpion hunting tonight.
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Well I turn on my wii to play some animal crossing and i get my Hot Dog Hat from Nintendo for 4th of July but no Latter Shades kinda bittersweet about that.

The Hot Dog is funny. What's also funny is nintendo has the latter shades still up on the site :lol:
I got the hot dog hat too, to bad i gotta wait til next month to buy the hot dog shirt at gracie's.

Also my town last night was filled with tarantula's & scorpions & I finally got to donate them to the museum. I caught 3 tarantula's & 2 scorpions within a hour & also saw 1 go in the water. The walk slow method worked wonders.
grr! I didn't get a hotdog hat. I have the wiiconnect turned on.

edit.. finally got it tonight. Love it! :applause:
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Just got this game yesterday (Blockbuster/GR B1G1 sale; Complete copy), but didn't start until today. Did pretty good on my first day:
- Got the Fishing Rod, Shovel, and Watering Can. Still need an axe, bug net, and slingshot.
- Made a bunch of money and put a lot of stuff in the museum by fishing, paid off the first loan, and deposited 100,000 bells into the bank for the prizes tomorrow.
- Caught two Coelacanths, donated one to the museum and sold the other.
- Got the invitation to Redd's store, bought a (forged) painting.
- About to go to K.K. Slider's show.

FC: 0818-1742-1752
Name: Zero
Town: Crescent
Fruit: Oranges
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[quote name='Matt Young']You play this game now, 7th?[/QUOTE]

Not really i got it when it came out but havent played it in like 5-6 months. I turned it on to see some fireworks and maybe get a statue from the mayor but nothing.
Yeah, I've had this game since it came out and haven't put too much time into it. Last time I played was Christmas. :lol:

I'm going to get back into it shortly though.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Not really i got it when it came out but havent played it in like 5-6 months. I turned it on to see some fireworks and maybe get a statue from the mayor but nothing.[/QUOTE]

I don't think the holiday is in the game due to it being solely American. Since the NTSC game is sold in Canada as well, they probably didn't want any country-specific holidays.

And wow, Cao Cao... First day and 2 coelacanths? I haven't even caught 1.

Congratulations, Miranda, on catching all fish!
2 Coelas on your first day? That's awesome. Hey, you're welcome to come to my town and raid my fruit trees and Nook's, if you feel like it.

And Miranda, I'm jealous. :)
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[quote name='Matt Young']I don't think the holiday is in the game due to it being solely American. Since the NTSC game is sold in Canada as well, they probably didn't want any country-specific holidays.[/QUOTE]

I could have sworn the GC version of animal crossings had 4th of july fireworks. Unless im getting that mixed up with new years eve.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I could have sworn the GC version of animal crossings had 4th of july fireworks. Unless im getting that mixed up with new years eve.[/QUOTE]

Yes, they did have 4th of July fireworks in the GC version, but they took it out of the sequels I think for the reason Matt mentioned.
Congrats Miranda! So how does the gold fishing rod compare to the silver one?
And is your game still freezing? I got the corrupt memory message before but it appeared to be caused by my SD card. I play without one now.
Romeo, good job on the Mega Man Blanca face. I left it alone so it wouldn't get messed up.
I still haven't caught any new fish with the silver rod (thanks again, though; I suck at fishing) but after leaving the museum last night, I saw my 2nd ever tarantula and caught it, no problem. I then donated it, of course.
I have yet to see the tarantula this month. I was lucky enough to catch the scorpion at 7:01 on the 1st. Just happened to be outside of Nook's while I was walking out. Finally able to get on today during the only hour the grasshopper is available and it's raining... I might have to wait until next month to catch it. Other than that, I've got all the other fish and bugs this month.

I have a flower charm this month by the way if anyone wants to take advantage of it.
Finally caught a scorpion and in the ocean, no less. I ran towards it as it went into the water and swung my net. Still can't believe I got it.
[quote name='Kilraven']Finally caught a scorpion and in the ocean, no less. I ran towards it as it went into the water and swung my net. Still can't believe I got it.[/QUOTE]

Wow, that's really lucky!

No scorpion for me yet. It rained the first few days at night this month, so they weren't out. I haven't really looked for one until last night and tonight. So far I've only seen two, but didn't catch either of them. I heard what could've been a third one, but then also heard the sound of it splashing into the ocean before I could even see it.

I also have the flower charm this month. It's an easy one. Just mail a letter when you visit my town.
If anyone's Nook is buying turnips around or above 100 bells, let me know. The Nook's Cranny in my town will be closed tomorrow for remodeling.
I'll check on prices for you tomorrow, though someone else may be of help earlier than I.

After waiting forever and a day to see another tarantula after missing the first one, I was taking the short walk from my beachfront home to Nook's store, and there was a scorpion bustling about th flower garden. Caught it on my first try. now I've gotten the tarantula and scorpion within a short period of time, and I am happy.
My turnip prices are going down after a small spike this week... they'll probably be around 70 tomorrow. I didn't post because it was nothing too high (123 on Thursday night).







And... WTF catch one yourself! :p (I still said yes to getting one for her)


I only said yes because I have a bunch of tarantulas in my house. And I've been seeing a lot more tarantulas than scorpions this month.

And... the truth comes out about Romeo from Nintendo...


HER?! SHE?!?!
It's rained in MoVal many times (unlike the real thing) but today was the first time in nearly 4 months of playing that I've experienced an actual storm with lightning and/or thunder. I didn't know that happened in this game.
[quote name='Matt Young']I'll check on prices for you tomorrow, though someone else may be of help earlier than I.[/QUOTE]

As it stands now, with Nook's closed for remodeling and all, I'd be willing to go with any price so I can recoup some of the turnip investment.
I think Nook was offering 75-80 per turnip. My store's open for another hour and a half. If you give me your info (mine's in the spreadsheet) I can go turn on the system and leave it idling while I watch UFC 100.
No problem. One of the big fights is about to start, so I'll have to wait till after it ends, which will be no more than 15-20 minutes at the very most. That should still give you plenty of time.

Also, I doubt there's anything worth buying in the store, but feel free to buy anything you might want.
Thanks Matt, I was able to sell my turnips at 95 bells per turnip, so I was able to recoup most of my money. I was also able to buy the two tools (Axe and Slingshot) I was missing from Nook's, along with buying some other stuff (Two flower seed bags, Carpets/Wallpapers, and an Aloe furniture). On another note, I left two oranges from my town in the Town Hall's recycling bin, if you want them.
Thanks. I have all the fruit, but I appreciate the gesture. Do you need any kind of fruit?

Also, any time you may need more axes, I can send you some.
bread's done