Animal Crossing: City Folk - Gen. Discussion and info

[quote name='crazylikeafox11']Matt, Cl-Insanity came to my town last night and hooked me up with a bunch of fruit. I've planted some and it should successfully grow. I'll add you to my friends list though in case you ever want to drop by.[/QUOTE]

Okay, what's your info again? I want to add you, Pam, Violet, punk, and Becca (have I added Becca?). I do play online, but no one is ever on.
i'll come hang out got the new DLC if anyone wants it
Is the DLC just the headgear? I didn't get anything. Also, I had no idea there was a corresponding floor and wall for the ring. Now if only I could find part of the ring to buy.
[quote name='Matt Young']Is the DLC just the headgear? I didn't get anything. Also, I had no idea there was a corresponding floor and wall for the ring. Now if only I could find part of the ring to buy.[/QUOTE]

The headgear was released in Europe.
I just have very limited time to play video games, and after playing AC:CF exclusively for quite a while, I wanted to play other stuff. If I had more time for gaming I'd still be playing, though, as I've really liked AC:CF. The good news is that I haven't completed everything there is to do, so when i come back to it, and I'm sure I will at some point, I'll still have plenty to do.
[quote name='CL-Insanity']Wow... is this thread done?[/QUOTE]

I'm on every day.

I hope someone has good turnip prices tomorrow. I haven't had a week where I got less than 250 Bells per turnip, though I hadn't bought any the last few weeks. This past week, I bought at 93, passed on 131, and now I'm standing to lose a lot.
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And I don't know why it took so long. I'm on almost every day and
night, and fish like crazy when it's raining, and this is the first one.
The bf is not amused, but he's the bug person, and I'm supposed to
be the fish person. I'd love to have a silver rod, but Nook hasn't had
one yet. He did get the silver net, so the bf is happy.

I also have one orange pansy (pretty!), one blue pansy, lots of pink
cosmos, and today found a purple tulip. Some things seem to grow
easier than others. I'd be really mad if my hybrids died while I was
gone from the game for a few days, so before I go on a long trip I
have to run around and pick all of them - they don't die in the
inventory. I suppose when the town is covered I won't be able to
do this, but since I have some colors that are only one-of-each, I
will have to take care of what little I have.

Have only gotten one catfish. One guppy. Fishing is difficult right
now, and I don't know why.
I'm jealous. I've not caught a coelacanth and I generally stay on for much longer than intended fishing when it's raining. I've caught all of those other fish you've mentioned though, so I suppose I'll just have to wait.
I've only ever caught coelacanth when it was winter. Been a long time since I've seen one.

The flowers in my town are slowly being replaced with gold roses since those don't wilt. I'll need more of them though. I wish there were other varieties of flowers you could turn gold. Once all of my flowers are replaced, it won't look as nice without all of the other colors or other types of flowers.

I like the little storyline they have going with the Able Sisters in this game (where an animal will sigh and you ask "what's wrong?" and they tell part of the story). I think it starts off with either Sable or Pelly, then a bunch of other animals in the game will bring it up - Nook, Gracie, Mabel, etc.

EDIT: It's June now! Time to catch a tarantula!! I already have one in my museum from buying it at a flea market in another town, but I still need to catch it to complete my encyclopedia (6 bugs left, and 1 fish).
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does anyone know how and when to catch the new bugs and fish for june? I heard that you can get sharks, but i haven't caught any. I saw a tarantula tonight and almost had a heart attack. I also saw some type of a huge flying bug on trees but I couldn't get one.
The times to catch June bugs & fish should be up on the wiki. I think sharks are 4pm to 9am, while hammerheads are supposed to be all day. I've caught one of each in my town so far. You should see a fin sticking out of the water for both of them. The ocean sunfish also has a fin that sticks out of the water.

I still haven't seen a pondskater at all. They were supposed to be out last month, but I didn't play much during the day in May.

The huge bug on trees is the oak silk moth. You'll probably want to catch a bunch of these and save them for the bug-off since they have pretty big wingspans and can get you enough points to win a bug-off. There's also another bug that's on trees that makes as loud a noise as the oak silk moth when it flies away - that one is the lantern fly.

So far I've only seen two tarantulas and they both went into the water. They're really rare during the times they're supposed to be out.

I started completely redoing my whole town. I'm gonna be chopping down a bunch of trees soon.
Thanks for the info! I saw the fin sticking out of the ocean and thought it was a shark. Turned out to be the ocean sunfish. lol I got a dorado today. I need the gar, arrowana, tarantula and the oak silk moth. I'm terrible with the flying bugs. My timing is bad.
So far, all six tarantulas I've seen have appeared near the water and either fell in it or disappeared. It makes me not like my forked river that much anymore since that means there's more water for the tarantulas to show up nearby. It's too bad they're not as easy to find as they were in Wild World. It takes a long time to find another one after you've seen one, at least for me.
That doesn't sound like the tarantulas in Texas :lol: I've seen about 7 of them and all but one chased and bit me. It doesn't look like it's possible to turn around and swing the net while being chased.
Everything's bigger in Texas!

Janet, you are the #1 subject of gossip amongst animals in my town. They'll occasionally bring up Matt from Phoenix or Willie from KoCoZ, but 80% of the time it's, "Janet from Texas is a huge night owl" or "Janet from Texas is a real Bell-pincher!"
[quote name='Matt Young']Everything's bigger in Texas!

Janet, you are the #1 subject of gossip amongst animals in my town. They'll occasionally bring up Matt from Phoenix or Willie from KoCoZ, but 80% of the time it's, "Janet from Texas is a huge night owl" or "Janet from Texas is a real Bell-pincher!"[/QUOTE]
Matt and Willie are also popular in my town. I wonder what determines that since they rarely mention other people.

[quote name='Miranda']
The huge bug on trees is the oak silk moth. You'll probably want to catch a bunch of these and save them for the bug-off since they have pretty big wingspans and can get you enough points to win a bug-off. [/QUOTE]
That's a good tip. Thanks Miranda. Any luck with the pondskater? My town was the opposite, I couldn't find the diving beetle until June. Though pondskaters seem more common after 4pm.
My animals keep mentioning people I haven't seen in a long time. But most of the time they talk about DSturbia and trying to compete to be a better town than them. LOL. They also mention the convenience store in Nintendo a lot. And they talk about how much of a "bloom bud" Robert is.

I haven't seen the pondskater yet. I'll try after 4 pm. I mostly try during the day before then. At least I have until September to catch one.

Another bug you might want to save for the bug-off is a birdwing butterfly. I think those are worth the most points.

Time to get back to my tarantula hunting!

EDIT: We should be getting Flag Day DLC soon (June 14th). I wonder what it's gonna be.
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My animals have been pestering me the last few days about greetings and catchprases... They have been buying bugs and fish off me like crazy though, almost double Nook's prices.

I think the tarantula's in my town are afraid of flowers and gyroids... It's the only reason I can come up with as to why I havn't seen any yet.
I finally caught a pond skater today - saw it floating around after 4 pm. Thanks for the tip, Janet!

The only things I have left to catch are: tarantula, scorpion, walking leaf, and arapaima.
I decided to break this out today... as I always think the game is more fun in the summer because there are more cool things to catch.

However... this doesn't feel true with the Wii version? It seems like there are hardly any fish or bugs out... and I don;t mean species, I mean the number that are out at any given time. I have literally seen 4 bugs in the last HOUR (while running around looking for them). Likewise, very few fish, and even less that are worth catching. I remember things being a lot more plentiful in Wild World.

Am I imagining things, or have others observed this, as well? This is becoming tedious and boring a lot quicker than it used to...
[quote name='PleasantOne']I decided to break this out today... as I always think the game is more fun in the summer because there are more cool things to catch.

However... this doesn't feel true with the Wii version? It seems like there are hardly any fish or bugs out... and I don;t mean species, I mean the number that are out at any given time. I have literally seen 4 bugs in the last HOUR (while running around looking for them). Likewise, very few fish, and even less that are worth catching. I remember things being a lot more plentiful in Wild World.

Am I imagining things, or have others observed this, as well? This is becoming tedious and boring a lot quicker than it used to...[/QUOTE]

This game definitely is more fun during the summer since there's a lot more to catch. Nintendo should release the next game during summer instead of making it an end of the year holiday release.

I feel the same way about the occurrence of fish and bugs in the game - especially for ones that are considered "rare" - it's like they're so rare that you barely ever see them at all, which makes it annoying when you see something and don't catch it. I could probably turn on my AC:WW town right now and find at least two tarantulas in 30 mins - but in AC:CF you're lucky if you even see more than three of them in one night (during the whole 9 hours they're out).

July has a lot more bugs than June, especially the ones you find at night on trees. June introduces a few of them, but they're hard to find.

Overall, I think Nintendo kind of dropped the ball with this game, and I made sure they knew I was dissatisfied with it when I took my Club Nintendo survey for it. As much as I play this game, it's still not really the AC I was hoping for.
Finally got back on last night--first time in like a month. Played with my brother's girlfriend.

Does anyone have an extra cool globe? She wanted mine and I know you can't buy it in your catalog but I couldn't remember how I got it. Wait, was that for earth day? Anywho, if anyone has a spare, let me know.
[quote name='crazylikeafox11']Finally got back on last night--first time in like a month. Played with my brother's girlfriend.

Does anyone have an extra cool globe? She wanted mine and I know you can't buy it in your catalog but I couldn't remember how I got it. Wait, was that for earth day? Anywho, if anyone has a spare, let me know.[/QUOTE]

I think I may have a few extra laying around. I will have to double check when I get on later.
[quote name='prim4444']I think I may have a few extra laying around. I will have to double check when I get on later.[/QUOTE]

Cool, just let me know when you find out. I'll pay you for one.
[quote name='crazylikeafox11']Cool, just let me know when you find out. I'll pay you for one.[/QUOTE]

Got one for you. Don't need anything for it. I'll be able to open my gate anytime the rest of the day, just let me know when it's good for you. My info if you need it.
[quote name='prim4444']Got one for you. Don't need anything for it. I'll be able to open my gate anytime the rest of the day, just let me know when it's good for you. My info if you need it.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. I won't be able to get on until 5:30-6:00 CST. (So like an hour and a half to two hours after this post.)
Today-well, technically yesterday now- was disappointing. The store had a 50% off sale, but all the items except for one were items I already owned, and I just bought the game in mid-March. Also, Nook was paying 548 bells per turnip. I didn't get to buy turnips this week, and I didn't get on the game till 8:45 P.M., giving me no time to alert others of the great price.
I've seen at least one every night. A total of about 17 or 18 so far, but still haven't caught one.

Last night, right as I was about to get my net out, *splash*, into the water it went again. Sigh. Too bad I can't get rid of all the water in my town. And sometimes it just disappears once it goes behind something.

I wonder if they'll appear more often next month when you have both scorpions and tarantulas to deal with.
I'm new to this version of Animal Crossing, and so far so good. My friend code is: 0560-4342-3744. Teri from Mysidia. Anybody wanna let me raid their fruit trees? :D
Bump! I'd still like to trade FCs with anyone. I'd really like to find someone's Nook's selling a slingshot, since my Nook seems determined not to.
[quote name='Trillian']Bump! I'd still like to trade FCs with anyone. I'd really like to find someone's Nook's selling a slingshot, since my Nook seems determined not to.[/QUOTE]

I'll be happy to add you. My info is in my sig. Only thing is that I will not be able to play (I might be on tonight) soon since I will be out of town for over a week. When I get back though, I will definitely be on at night a bit so I can restore my town and finish catching those last few bugs and fish I need this month.

On a side note I saw my first tarantula the other night and he bite me, bastard.
[quote name='Trillian']I'm new to this version of Animal Crossing, and so far so good. My friend code is: 0560-4342-3744. Teri from Mysidia. Anybody wanna let me raid their fruit trees? :D[/QUOTE]

I probably won't be on tonight, but might be tomorrow, especially if you say you'll be on. (I'm normally on after 5:30 cst.)

My friend info is in the google spreadsheet.

Oh and my Nook's is whatever the two story one is now. Last couple of days he's had a slingshot.
I'm looking to add some more friends, too. I only have 5. My info is in the spreadsheet. Nook always has slingshots in my store, I think. I have all the fruit, too, thanks to generous CAGs.
Tarantula get!


WOOHOO!!! Two more bugs for me (scorpion + walking leaf) and my bug page will be complete!

This is the technique I used:

- headphones (actually, PC speakers plugged into my TV and headphones plugged into those since I don't have an extension cable to make my cords longer)
- slowly walking through your town with your net out; it'll only bite you if you make quick movements (like swinging your net and missing or walking fast/running)

Like this:

and this (scorpion video, but same technique):

You can hear what you're supposed to be listening for if you turn up the volume and wear headphones while watching those videos.
I am going to recommit myself to playing this game on Saturday. Anyone who wants to add me... my info is below and I should be playing for at least an hour a day... probably in the mornings...
bread's done