Anime & Manga Steals and Deals (Rightstuf, Amazon, DD...etc)


74 (100%)
 Anime Steals and Deals

**It is highly recommended you check the latest posts in this thread as they will often have the most up to date deals. I will attempt to reflect these sales in the OP, but always check the latest posts.**


Rightstuf runs studio sales every week, sometimes even twice a week. These range from anime, manga, and even artbooks. Prices are decent, and Rightstuf has amazing customer service. I highly recommend them for that alone.

You can save an additional 10% off a majority of their items (Including preorders) by buying their Got Anime membership


Amazon tends to offer lower everyday prices on their anime, and often run sales on Funimation items routinely. Keep track on your favorites or check your daily deal's for a possible 5% off of some based off your history on Amazon. 

(Also, I'd also recommend to check out Amazon's top 100 deals in Anime Bluray/DVD as they tend to show what's popular, or what is on sale.)   (Blu Ray) (DVD)

DVDPlanet / Deep Discount

Known by many for their bad customer service, they often make up for it with their lower prices on a lot of their items. This and they routinely run sales specifically for anime.

I highly suggest when you order from them to only order in stock items, and not ones that are backordered. Save yourself the displeasure of having to deal with the headaches. And patience is a must with these sites.


Maybe you will find something here on our own forums! We have a thread dedicated specifically to Anime and Manga for sale from fellow Cags.

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In terms of pure skill, probably Amuro, Kamille, Master Asia, Wufei, or Athrun Zala. And I would have a hard time picking against Amuro, especially in Nu Gundam.
Heero Yuy for best Gundam pilot. But best overall mobile suit pilot in any Gundam universe? Hands down Char Aznable, no contest. Char can take out a Gundam with a half-finished prototype suit -- even when only the head of his mobile suit is all that's left. 

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Heero Yuy for best Gundam pilot. But best overall mobile suit pilot in any Gundam universe? Hands down Char Aznable, no contest. Char can take out a Gundam with a half-finished prototype suit -- even when only the head of his mobile suit is all that's left.
Agree w/ Char. Char is amazing and one of the best villains in anime history

Char is an above average pilot, but Amuro far surpassed him in the last quarter of the original series and Kamille, Scirocco, and Haman are all better pilots by the end of Zeta. And once Nu Gundam was completed, Char got spanked badly.

I would argue Full Frontal is a better pilot than OG Char.
Obviously the best pilot is Shinn Asuka. We need that teenage angst. :lol: Jk
i think that is one of the worst aspects of gundam in general the one teenage pilot who pulls a shinji and the whole "i don't want to do it" then does it and ends up massacring an entire fleet of zeon soldiers.

Erm, Shinn signed up for ZAFT. His problem (well, one of them) was going too far in his battles. He followed the "if you're not with me, you're against me" mantra.
Erm, Shinn signed up for ZAFT. His problem (well, one of them) was going too far in his battles. He followed the "if you're not with me, you're against me" mantra.
i was just talking in general about gundam. wing is the best example of the teenage angst and seed to an extent although i haven't watched enough to determine how far.

i just quoted olengie for the sake of commenting on the teens piloting the mechs

All this Gundam Wing talk is disgusting lol jk ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Gundam Wing and DBZ were my first anime series growing up. Yeah I'm not that old. Old school toonami days in the afternoons and uncut episodes at night.

That and the original FMA which aired on the Adult Swim block in my end of CA. Staying up all night for the latest episode but not telling the parentals because AS was "bad" and "not for kids"

On another note if there is anything I really want for Christmas other than days off from school and or work is the Gundam Zeta collection with the figurines.

Char is an above average pilot, but Amuro far surpassed him in the last quarter of the original series and Kamille, Scirocco, and Haman are all better pilots by the end of Zeta. And once Nu Gundam was completed, Char got spanked badly.

I would argue Full Frontal is a better pilot than OG Char.
I'll have to disagree on this one. Scirocco and Haman both had far more advanced mobile suits in Zeta than Char did, which were their main advantages in combat. As for Amuro, it was really his Nu Gundam that tipped the scales against Char. If they were all going at it with equally powered mobile suits, I'm of the opinion that the Red Comet would likely prevail. It seems Char is almost always piloting an inferior suit compared to his main rival's overpowered one (a Gundam, the Qubely, etc), yet he's often able to hold his own, a testament to his skills.

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only need 2 more singles of gundam seed. 10 and 7. saw a listing on not sure if it'll include the insert though while the other more expensive listings do. *sigh*

edit; was able to find a cheap listing on amazon that includes everything for vol 10. subsequently i won a 5 dollar amazon gift card. so for 5 bucks i was able to get vol 10. luckily i found 5 bucks earlier in an old pair of shorts so that was paid off.

now to find vol 7 or negotiate a lower price for it. everywhere i look its above 15 dollars which defeats the purpose of even buying the singles since 20 bucks would net me the collection 2 albeit perhaps a bootleg. 

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I'll have to disagree on this one. Scirocco and Haman both had far more advanced mobile suits in Zeta than Char did, which were their main advantages in combat. As for Amuro, it was really his Nu Gundam that tipped the scales against Char. If they were all going at it with equally powered mobile suits, I'm of the opinion that the Red Comet would likely prevail. It seems Char is almost always piloting an inferior suit compared to his main rival's overpowered one (a Gundam, the Qubely, etc), yet he's often able to hold his own, a testament to his skills.
It's not just the MS, all 4 (and Lalah) are canonically stronger Newtypes than Char, whose Newtype potential is average at best. Amuro makes Nu Gundam overpowered, not the other way around.
Hey guys, I love discussion and all when it comes to anime and manga, but if you want to discuss the finer etiquette of anime, or want to discuss anything in more detail, please use the anime & manga thread in the off topic discussion area

This is a deals & steals section after all :)
Are people actually posting there again? That thread was dead on the vine for about a year.

Edit: Weird, apparently the threads we followed from the old version of CAG didn't carry over to the new version. It says that I'm following that thread, but I haven't received any notifications since the switchover

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Does anyone know if it would be easy to remove a library sticker from something? Or has anyone bought a copy of something w/ library sticker on it 

If it's on the disc, you're kind of SOL on that as you're likely going to pull the data off of it. Though if it's a small ring sticker on the very center you might be able to take that off somehow.
the disk bar codes are usually pretty easy to get off i think, the insert ones suck and the inner ring one i just leave alone.

If it's on the disc, you're kind of SOL on that as you're likely going to pull the data off of it. Though if it's a small ring sticker on the very center you might be able to take that off somehow.
Not on the disc thankfully

from the case, insert or disk?

Although if it is on the actual insert I may just leave it for the sake of not pulling it off and ripping it. hard to come by a copy of vol 7 at a good price. i'm so desperate ill take a library copy

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Gundam Wing and DBZ were my first anime series growing up. Yeah I'm not that old. Old school toonami days in the afternoons and uncut episodes at night.

That and the original FMA which aired on the Adult Swim block in my end of CA. Staying up all night for the latest episode but not telling the parentals because AS was "bad" and "not for kids"
They were mine too. I didnt even have cable back then. Watched them all via vhs from my video rental store. But after watching the rest of the series, Wing is just got painful to watch for me. So much filler and such a slow pace.

Not on the disc thankfully


Although if it is on the actual insert I may just leave it for the sake of not pulling it off and ripping it. hard to come by a copy of vol 7 at a good price. i'm so desperate ill take a library copy
You know if you would just wait around you can get a cheap vol 7. Why not just wait until next year for the re-releases? They might even be on bluray.

They were mine too. I didnt even have cable back then. Watched them all via vhs from my video rental store. But after watching the rest of the series, Wing is just got painful to watch for me. So much filler and such a slow pace.

You know if you would just wait around you can get a cheap vol 7. Why not just wait until next year for the re-releases? They might even be on bluray.
seed is not getting a blu ray release as far as i know. its only the original, reconguista, and turn a and zz. i have all of them as of now. so 7 is all that remains. so why not just collect it.

seed is not getting a blu ray release as far as i know. its only the original, reconguista, and turn a and zz. i have all of them as of now. so 7 is all that remains. so why not just collect it.
Unless Bandai Japan is putting them out, none of those are coming to Blu-ray in America. Nozomi doesn't do Blu-ray.
seed is not getting a blu ray release as far as i know. its only the original, reconguista, and turn a and zz. i have all of them as of now. so 7 is all that remains. so why not just collect it.
Not right away of course, but its coming. They aren't just going to open the Gundam flood gates all at once.

Unless Bandai Japan is putting them out, none of those are coming to Blu-ray in America. Nozomi doesn't do Blu-ray.
Rightstuf only has a distribution deal. Sunrise has full control of how things are going to release.

seed is not getting a blu ray release as far as i know. its only the original, reconguista, and turn a and zz. i have all of them as of now. so 7 is all that remains. so why not just collect it.
How can you have all of them? ZZ and Turn-A never got commercial releases outside of Japan. Unless you picked up some of the bootlegs or an import edition, there is no way to have those series on your shelf. I've seen the translations on some of those bootlegs, they aren't very good. And the import editions would be prohibitively expensive.

Personally, I'm hoping Right-Stuf's Gundam releases sell well. I would like to see a more niche, speciality house like them get their hands on some more hard-to-find series. I'm crossing my fingers for some Macross releases.

Macros has too many hurdles to jump, not the least of which is Harmony Gold.
Yes, it's always been problematic bringing the series Westward in the past. We've only ever gotten a release of the original Macross series on DVD, and the Macross Plus OVA. At the same time, Right-Stuf's publishing label Lucky Penny is starting to reach into more main-stream series like Gundam. A year ago it looked like no one would have been able to get some of the unreleased Gundam series over here without shelling out for all of Gundam. It inspires hope that other hard-to-get big-name series like Macross might also make the leap. (eventually)

How can you have all of them? ZZ and Turn-A never got commercial releases outside of Japan. Unless you picked up some of the bootlegs or an import edition, there is no way to have those series on your shelf. I've seen the translations on some of those bootlegs, they aren't very good. And the import editions would be prohibitively expensive.

Personally, I'm hoping Right-Stuf's Gundam releases sell well. I would like to see a more niche, speciality house like them get their hands on some more hard-to-find series. I'm crossing my fingers for some Macross releases.
All of SEED if you didn't read the previous posts. I have only Vol 7 left so why not get it.

I'm not getting bootlegs or paying important fees. I'll wait for ZZ and Turn A. So excited for Reconguista though

I too am waiting for RightStuf. I think Rightstuf and Sunrise can make all of us heartbroken people happy

Yes, it's always been problematic bringing the series Westward in the past. We've only ever gotten a release of the original Macross series on DVD, and the Macross Plus OVA. At the same time, Right-Stuf's publishing label Lucky Penny is starting to reach into more main-stream series like Gundam. A year ago it looked like no one would have been able to get some of the unreleased Gundam series over here without shelling out for all of Gundam. It inspires hope that other hard-to-get big-name series like Macross might also make the leap. (eventually)
That's only going to happen whenever the Macross rights expire(whenever the hell that is) or if Harmony Gold goes under.

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How can you have all of them? ZZ and Turn-A never got commercial releases outside of Japan. Unless you picked up some of the bootlegs or an import edition, there is no way to have those series on your shelf. I've seen the translations on some of those bootlegs, they aren't very good.
The Turn-A translations are pretty bad. There are ZZ ones out there that are very watchable.

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Still waitin for Time of Eve to ship. 

Time of Eve Standard Edition


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I wanted to buy it from Best Buy while it's on sale, but I have scoured the bloody store, and I just cannot find it anywhere. It says online that it's available at that one, so I don't know what the hell the problem is.

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I wanted to buy it from Best Buy while it's on sale, but I have scoured the bloody store, and I just cannot find it anywhere. It says online that it's available at that one, so I don't know what the hell the problem is.
Should have either put in an online pick up in store order or asked someone to scour for you. 9/10 times the movies are in the back so you won't find them anyway or in the new releases wedged between just about everything else that comes out this week.

On another note the sticker is on the outside case and there is an inner ring disc as well. Seems easy enough to pull off or not bother with. I just want the vol to collect. I'll stream it online

Their stickers are surprisingly easy to get off. Just carefully pull up a corner, carefully peel it off, and potentially use a tiny bit of goo gone. 

Their stickers are surprisingly easy to get off. Just carefully pull up a corner, carefully peel it off, and potentially use a tiny bit of goo gone.
the picture looks so easy for me to take off. gonna put in an order.

Edit: now i finally own all of SEED. another collection complete. *score*

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the picture looks so easy for me to take off. gonna put in an order.

Edit: now i finally own all of SEED. another collection complete. *score*
I need to get around to watching Seed. It's the only Gundam series that's in English that I've yet to watch--excluding Unicorn. Between it, Destiny, and the movie, there is an ass load of content there.

bread's done