Anyone else seriously underwhelmed with Nintendo's Press Conference?

[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Not really. If games that you dont care about or arent for you or just bad, were offensive, you would really never get a break from it.[/QUOTE]

:roll: Dude, get off Nintendo's jock.

The man who brought us Mario, Zelda, Pikmin, etc. is now giving us a game where you just randomly swing around the remote and push buttons.

Yes, it is a big FU to the established fans.
[quote name='seanr1221']:roll: Dude, get off Nintendo's jock.

The man who brought us Mario, Zelda, Pikmin, etc. is now giving us a game where you just randomly swing around the remote and push buttons.

Yes, it is a big FU to the established fans.[/quote]
Has he stopped bringing us Mario and Zelda games?

If yes, then that would be a big problem, yes.

If he is doing other stuff on top of that for other audiences, I have no problem.

I'll put it another way:


Super Mario World 8/91
A Link to the Past 4/92
Super Mario Kart 9/92
Star Fox 2/93
Super Metroid 9/94

Nintendo 64:

Super Mario 64 - 11/96
Mario Kart 64 - 2/97
Star Fox 64 - 7/97
Ocarina of Time - 12/98
Smash Bros - 4/99
Majora's Mask - 10/2000


Smash Bros Melee - 12/01
Mario Sunshine - 8/02
Starfox Adventures - 9/02
Windwaker - 3/03
Metroid Prime - 3/03
Double Dash - 11/03
Metroid Prime 2 - 11/04
Twilight Princess - 12/06

Their pattern for core games havent changed, really ever.
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[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Has he stopped bringing us Mario and Zelda games?

If yes, then that would be a big problem, yes.

If he is doing other stuff on top of that for other audiences, I have no problem.

I'll put it another way:


Super Mario World 8/91
A Link to the Past 4/92
Super Mario Kart 9/92
Star Fox 2/93
Super Metroid 9/94

Nintendo 64:

Super Mario 64 - 11/96
Mario Kart 64 - 2/97
Star Fox 64 - 7/97
Ocarina of Time - 12/98
Smash Bros - 4/99
Majora's Mask - 10/2000


Smash Bros Melee - 12/01
Mario Sunshine - 8/02
Starfox Adventures - 9/02
Windwaker - 3/03
Metroid Prime - 3/03
Double Dash - 11/03
Metroid Prime 2 - 11/04
Twilight Princess - 12/06

Their pattern for core games havent changed, really ever.[/QUOTE]

:rofl: yes, I've seen your terrible rebuttal before. Where are the original IPs from Shiggy? Where are the GOOD 3rd party games?
[quote name='guinaevere']You've left out Wave Race (all versions) and 1080.[/QUOTE]

You could also factor in some Kirby to bolster your argument.

1080 reminds me that I'd like to see them start up their sports division again and maybe rework Pennant Chase Baseball to work with Motion+.
[quote name='seanr1221']:rofl: yes, I've seen your terrible rebuttal before. Where are the original IPs from Shiggy? Where are the GOOD 3rd party games?[/QUOTE]

The first one that comes to mind as far as original IPs go is Pikmin, one of my favorite series. We need a new one soon.

Good 3rd party is subjective. I've been pretty entertained by plenty of 3rd party games like NMH, the Sega arcade games, RE, Zack and Wiki, Geometry Wars . . .

Is there more to come? I hope so. I will agree with what I think you're saying: that the E3 presentation was fairly lackluster. Looking forward to Dead Rising though.
Is there something about Nintendo's history that would lead one to expect new IP at anything other than a very slow pace?

I dont personally see the need for new IP. Every other company would kill to have IP that has that kind of staying power. That is to say, they would rather NOT come up with new IP, but they have no choice.

I'm satisfied with the current and future selection of 3rd party games. Unfortunately some of the big named games you are probably thinking of picked the losing camp before the race began.

Now if shooters or online multiplayer are what are good to you, then you definitely have the wrong console.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Is there something about Nintendo's history that would lead one to expect new IP at anything other than a very slow pace?[/quote]I think the issue is that the Nintendo fans were expecting some big title mention. Some sites say that got an unconfirmed confirmation from Shiggy about Icarus and Pikmin. Great, but how about a little more meat on dem bones?

Nintendo has done silly stuff at e3s before. Pacman, anyone? But at least Pacman wasn't the headliner.

Now if shooters or online multiplayer are what are good to you, then you definitely have the wrong console.
That goes without saying.

The issue here are the nintendo fans who feel less than appreciated. They've stuck with a company for a long time, but this conference was aimed at the non-gamer wii audience and that's a finger in the eye to their core consumer.
In that case, those core consumers need to get over themselves when Nintendo decides to court the new expanded base. The userbase shouldnt feel bad since the new software that isnt relevant to them is not coming at the expense of their traditional software.

We keep up with the news and can get our announcements through more traditional channels. We dont need an hour long flashy show.
I still think the worst thing is Wii Music. I mean they are asking us, with a straight face mind you, to shell out $50 for a piece of software that literally consists of button mashing and remote flailing to emulate shitty music. There is no skill involved. No timing involved. Just mashing. WTF.
If they would have announced Mario RPG for the VC that would have made me 100 times more excited than anything else they said at the conference.
[quote name='gareman']If they would have announced Mario RPG for the VC that would have made me 100 times more excited than anything else they said at the conference.[/QUOTE]

Hey that's a good point - Did they mention ANYTHING about Virtual Console or WiiWare?!

I remember the launch of WiiWare being such a huge deal a few months back and yet Nintendo didn't feel the need to bring it up at e3?
I don't even want to mention it until it's over for fear of overhyped expectations, but there is a Nintendo developer's conference in an hour. Rumor is they're going to discuss Pikmin 3, but I'm predicting a collaboration with Ubisoft on Wii Petz. Or just Wii Music/Animal Crossing in-depth. The latter of which I would be okay with if it dug into WiiSpeak.
Pac Man Vs would have made this conference better; that's how bad it was to me.

Animal Crossing will be fun. It looks terrible, but I didn't expect much.

There was nothing for DS, which was probably the biggest disappointment to me.

I was worried earlier in the year when I realized that less than a year into a new Nintendo console we had almost every major franchise already released. I would have at least liked to have seen a new franchise for "core" gamers or something for WiiWare. And most of all I wanted something for Wii storage so I can actually start buying games again.
[quote name='PawnTakesKing']Yep, Animal Crossing is really the only thing on my radar, and even then there's not a whole lot of evidence that they've tried to make it any different from the Gamecube or DS incarnations.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='SNAKE EYES EX']
Animal Crossing will be fun. It looks terrible, but I didn't expect much. [/QUOTE]

I think Animal Crossing looks just fine (visually) - there's a definite improvement in graphics over the last 2. But I am worried about what Pawn says above. It doesn't look like they've added much. I thought a must-have for any Wii AC was a Wifi-accessible common area where you could find fish/bugs/etc that couldn't be found in your town. And these could change over time with seasons/etc (keeping the game fresh since it does get stale after a while in the older versions). They could keep it family friendly by either making them single-player (but you would be getting the items from Nintendo's servers) or disabling chat in those free-for-all common areas. Anyway, something along those lines would be nice. It looks like all they've done is move some of the stores from the town to this new "city", and added a few more and that's it. My kids will love it and I'm sure I'll play it quite a bit (probably more than any 360 title coming out this Fall) but I was hoping for more.
The way I see it, E3 is no longer the grand show it used to be; it's all about making a good presentation to investors and the mainstream press, not about wowing gamers. The lackluster presentations from Microsoft, Sony, and Capcom (hoo boy) all speak to that. None of the stuff they showed at E3 interest me, but as long as Nintendo's "core"-oriented games (Tenchu 4, Fatal Frame, Wario Land, etc.) continue to get developed, I don't really care.

As for Wii Music, I see it as an audio equivalent of Mario Paint. You're not trying to get a high score, you're just kicking back and getting in touch with your inner creativity (albeit without the hassle of learning about music composition). Not sure if it's for me, but at least it's different from what everyone else is doing.

Face it: Nintendo's E3 was intended for lure third-party companies to jump on the boat. As for all the casual games, well how many soccer moms and casual gamers are actually going to WATCH E3? Casual gamers don't hype up games: they'll read the flyers and the newspapers, find an interesting game, then maybe do some research before going out and buying it. Why do you think shovelware still sells? Because of casual gamers: they see a license like Spongebob or High School Musical and they buy it. It works the same with Toys R Us: action figures, dolls, colouring books: they all depend on the licensing and the brand rather than the quality.
[quote name='Gameboy415']I was appalled by this conference. Mind you I live in Japan so I had to stay up until 2AM on a work night to watch it. *argh*

The snowboarding game looks meh, I'm not that into Animal Crossing (I owned both previous releases but gave up on/gave away both games), I could care less about GTA on ANY console, and WiiMusic looks just plain sad. :cry:

Throughout the entire WiiMusic "performance" I kept saying to myself "This CANNOT be it. They HAVE TO announce something big after this. I did NOT stay up for THIS!!!"

Honestly, wtf is Nintendo's 1st Party line-up for the rest of the year??
Here's what I can think of off the top of my head:

-Wario Land Shake
-Super Mario Sluggers
-Fatal Frame 4 (but when's the US release? All I know is that I'm getting the Japan version in 2 weeks! :D )
-Animal Crossing? (if it's not delayed like almost every other big release)

-Pokemon Ranger 2
-Kirby Super Star Ultra

Some good/great stuff, sure. But is that it? :shock:
If not at E3 when will they announce their new games??
Tokyo Game Show isn't until OCTOBER this year and that's pretty late to announce big holiday games...

C'mon Nintendo, throw us a fucking bone!![/QUOTE]

They didn't mention Kirby, Wario, or Sluggers at all, did they?

Anyway, looking at this:

In regard to a new New Super Mario Bros. for DS, Miyamoto tried to throw us off guard with trickery about not being able to announce unfinished projects. "That team is also working hard," he said. "The thing that's difficult is that, as you know, the way we handle our announcement is we work on product and once the product is at a state where we feel it's ready to show to people, then that's when we're willing to talk about it. Which is why it's difficult for me to talk about different projects in interviews. I have a lot of different teams and those teams are all at different points in their experiments or development, so it's typically once they've finalized something that we're able to talk about it. But for me to go into too much detail would be a little bit irresponsible in an interview. All that I can say is that that team is also working."

Any thoughts?
[quote name='cochesecochese']Miyamato: "We're making Pikmin"


To me, him announcing that is the equivalent to saying Zelda or Mario are "currently in progress." We all know they are developing it. I hope this announcement calms people down.

Overall, I thought their E3 showing this year was okay. Everyone on the internet is making it sound like armaggedon. I've been following E3s since Gamecube's announcement and there's a general pattern: good year then bad but maybe 2 good conferences in a row. They can't always please everyone.

Don't forget, the Wii and DS still have plenty of games to be excited about. I personally can't wait for Wii Sports Resort, Fatal Frame IV, Samba de Amigo, Rhythm Heaven, and Fire Emblem DS. BTW, I'm still surprised that an annual Mario Party game didn't show up.
I am a long time nintendo fanboy...I owned everything by them except virtual boy, and anyone who played one of those should completely understand that. I'm really considering selling my wii. I feel like the novelty is wearing off. I loved twilight princess, galaxy, metroid and RE:UC, but I feel everything else was kind of "meh." This press conference certainly didn't help. I love call of duty, but i have a 360 for that kind of stuff. And the fact that I'll have to pony up at least another $10 per controler for "true 1:1" really pisses me off. I feel like ninendo's really dropping the ball on this one and hamming it up for the little kids.
So now that the dust has settled here's what I'll be picking up this year:

Sam & Max
Samba de Amigo
Deadly Creatures
Animal Crossing
Wario Shake
Wii microphone or Logitech keyboard
Little King Story
[quote name='Gameboy415']Hey that's a good point - Did they mention ANYTHING about Virtual Console or WiiWare?!

Donkey Kong 3 is coming out ;)
[quote name='bigdaddy']The problem is they pleased no one.[/quote]

That's not true, they please soccer moms.

I think us and Anderson Cooper are the only ones not impressed with Nintendo right now. But Anderson Cooper is an Xbot; after all his show is Anderson Cooper 360.
[quote name='SNAKE EYES EX']That's not true, they please soccer moms.

No soccer mom or casual audience ever take a look at E3 or even be interested. The audience they're trying to appeal to aren't even looking I'll bet.
didnt reggie promise an e3 to cater to the "core gamer?" What the fuck happened????

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[quote name='ddp72984']didnt reggie promise an e3 to cater to the "core gamer?" What the fuck happened????

WHY REGGIE WHY?????[/quote]

"He came out and said "Wasn't GTA DS and AC hardcore enough?"

Which lead many to think that he is now working for Sony because only they would be that dumb.
[quote name='bigdaddy']"He came out and said "Wasn't GTA DS and AC hardcore enough?"

Which lead many to think that he is now working for Sony because only they would be that dumb.[/quote]

It must be difficult not being able to afford a PS3, huh?

If Atlus hadn't quit E3 we might've had a decent conference from Nintendo, or at least just some hopeful information. You know, with something original and fun like Trauma Center was.
Ugg, I had to get all of my info about the Nintendo's press conference via the blog sites and CAG. Besides AC, which looks just like the DS version, I was extremely underwhelmed.

Glad to hear Pikman is in the works, but when the heck is that going to be done?
Idk but hey if Star Wars Force Unleashed is as good as the previewer people are saying it is, I might be set for a long time. Then the Light Saber game too. Personally I am waiting for another great game to take advantage of the Wii Board. Hopefully Shawn White's Snowboarding game will be great, but I don't have high hopes.
[quote name='ddp72984']didnt reggie promise an e3 to cater to the "core gamer?" What the fuck happened????

WHY REGGIE WHY?????[/quote]

No, what he said months before E3 is that they'll announce a game that everyone will want to buy for Christmas. If Wii Music or Animal Crossing was that game, he really doesn't know what people want.

No offense to the people that like AC, but it's not everyone's type of game.
[quote name='tangytangerine']
No offense to the people that like AC, but it's not everyone's type of game.[/QUOTE]
However, they're going to be selling it to a whole new audience.

I'm no AC fan myself, but I've seen first-hand what AC can do to people who dig on the "make my little world look perfect and shiny/need bells, bells, bells" vibe. It GETS THEM HIGH, BABY. :bomb:

To make matters worse she thinks the press conference was OK, and when asked about serious matters she clearly doesn't give a shit about us.

I love her answer to the storage problem, well in my house we don't give a shit about the quality of games, we just delete them. I don't know about you but there is NO way in fucking hell I am getting rid of Super Mario Bros 3, Super Metroid, Gunstar Heroes, Sin and Punishment, Startropics. It doesn't matter if I play them or not it is important I have them on the system, because those are amazing games, and they need to be there to show off and well if people ask if I have those I can say they are on my Wii, not they are not there, I need to redowload them and look like an idiot.
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I was very disappointed. There was little that intrigued me. Sure Wii Sports: Resort will be fun, but it will also be quite shallow.

My favorite press conference was Microsoft's. Even though they talked a lot about expanding their audience to the casual, they still showed off lots of solid hardcore games.
[quote name='AmigoOne']No soccer mom or casual audience ever take a look at E3 or even be interested. The audience they're trying to appeal to aren't even looking I'll bet.[/QUOTE]
Of course not -- they'll read about it in USA Today and the New York Times, who were there.

[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']To make matters worse she thinks the press conference was OK, and when asked about serious matters she clearly doesn't give a shit about us.[/QUOTE]
"Nintendo fans were looking for more franchise, core games from you guys. What happened?"
The better the Wii sells the more angry I seem to get about their press conference. I suppose it's good that the gaming market is "broadening" but Nintendo's software offerings are absolute crap.
I hate how Nintendo shows off the Wii on HDTV's at all these press conferences and yet the Wii can't even output a HD signal.

Yeah, this press conference was horrible for core gaming fans, but non-gaming media outlets loved it. I saw quite a few news channels talking about Wii Music in a positive way. I bet Wii Music will be sold out this holiday season.
bread's done