/ Dealtree EZtrade-in programs (trade games for BB gift cards or PayPal)


8 (100%)
So I happened to find a list of their games that they are giving some good money on, I guess to compete with Gamestop. Here is a copy of the list. I dont know if you have to trade in more than 1 game to get the deal, but thought others would be able to chime in with their experience. Of note is the hot shots golf trade in for PS3 (if you were able to get it from the sears clearance).


Added by Io: Note that you can also trade games in using this site:
which is handled by the same processor (Dealtree) used for the Best Buy program. In this case, though, you can get PayPal payments instead of Best Buy gift cards. The trade-in values and processing methods seem to be exactly the same.

I tried looking for the $20 and $30 trade in value games but came up empty, if you want to provide the link so I can add it here, let me know via PM.

UPDATED: since it keeps getting asked

1. Can I take them to a physical store?
Games need to be mailed in. If you try to do an instore trade from the website it will redirect you to mailing it in.

2. How many days do I have to mail it in?
30 days from initiating the trade. Mail it in ASAP as the processing time until you get your money differs and could be a wait.

3. Are trade in quotes locked in or do they get valued at time of processing?
Get your games in fast enough and you will not have to worry about this. But the majority believe that you are locked in as long as it gets there before the 30 days are up.

4. Do games have to be complete?
Case, Manual, and working game are your only options. So yes, full credit if you have everything. But we are not too sure on how they determine scratches affecting playability (if they physically test the game during processing). Just clean all smudges and fingerprints prior to mailing, and if you have deep scratches it is up to you to chance them saying the game does not work.

5. What happens if they say the game is worth less than trade in quote?
You can either accept their valuation or PAY to have your game shipped back to you.
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[quote name='radioactivez0r']All I can tell you so far is that what I marked my games as before submission and what was verified as the value matched up perfectly - when my gift card shows up with the full amount, I'll let you know.[/QUOTE]

if you could honestly that be awesome=

i had my doubts about gazelle and amazon at the begining and that worked out very well, im just hoping this is the same

i just hate the fact that they can quote you a price and then they can dramatically change the price on you-and on top of that if you dont agree/accept their new value you have to pay to have your items shipped back to you. or you wont get them back at all.

i guess im amazon spoiled

but honestly im really hoping this site works out.
[quote name='youenvy']this place looks a bit shady-i really want to trust it but i dont know-

what happens if they screw us over

it says in their rules that the quote and the money they will actually give us can vary substantially-

they can reduce the items that they can/will accept-

that we are responsible for paying for returns-

question ?what does this mean

Please note: Standard ground shipping costs are included when you accept an estimate and generate a prepaid shipping label
also says
4. You are responsible to pay for the cost of shipping the Item to Dealtree's facilities

is money deducted from our trade in to pay for the shipping label??



In my opinion (no experience so take it for what it is worth), this clause is mainly for the electronics that are traded in. You may think your iPod is in excellent condition so the value you are given is based on your assessment. Once they receive and realise it is only in "good" condition, the value you will receive will change.

(At least, that's what I hope it is:D)
[quote name='Interfeci']

One CAG said that 17 game trades went well, but the ones for electronics did not.

Another also posted a blog about trading in his PSP, and that went horrible as well. But three months of fighting got him his full value GC.

I feel like I should trade in some games on the eztradein one. $30 in Paypal for LBP is pretty nice.[/QUOTE]

That's what I felt after reading all of the reviews for this place. Every person that had a huge complaint seemed to be either buying a monitor or selling a Wii.
And I feel a little better. None of the poor reviews for trade ins were with regard to games at all. Trade ins on merchandise other than games is likely handled by another department/company. Trade ins on games are likely handled exclusively by this Hunt Valley location.

The reason I think this is because I asked Gazelle customer service if I would be able to drop off a package at a site instead of shipping since it was right down the street. After I told them it was the Hunt Valley location, they replied that was the game trade in site and they don't accept drop offs, which implies that site only handles games.
Just a note for people undecided, you can send new games to Amazon sealed and they accept them.

[quote name='Velo214']the shipping on this should be less than $10, that's messed up if they charge you $26+ if you want them to ship it back if they don't live up to their estimated tiv. damn i hope this is legit...[/QUOTE]

Where did you see $26?
someone somewhere said that's how much they told him it would cost to ship his item back because they make you pay for shipping to them and back. it says only $10 on the slip so i would think it would only be 20ish, but idk. i hope they just send a gift card back to me :)
[quote name='hqn101']My USPS was like F you no DC receipt for you, next time put our postage zip code if you want us to ship it.[/QUOTE]

This at least makes sense. If you put another zip in (or don't drop it off at your home zip) then the PO that actually handles it doesn't get "credit" for dealing with the package. I'm sure all their funding and resource allotments are based on how much mail the process and if you always use the wrong zip that kind of stiffs them. You might as well mail stuff from where you say you are mailing it ;).

[quote name='h2dk']In my opinion (no experience so take it for what it is worth), this clause is mainly for the electronics that are traded in. You may think your iPod is in excellent condition so the value you are given is based on your assessment. Once they receive and realise it is only in "good" condition, the value you will receive will change.

(At least, that's what I hope it is:D)[/QUOTE]

This is exactly what I thought when I started reading this stuff. Well, I don't want to use Best Buy for very much since I find credit there virtually useless. But I might send a Destroy All Humans Path of Furon there just for kicks...
I'm going to do what Velo did... I'm going in whole hog once I get my games - 6 LBP, 5 ACII and assorted other crap that I won't play (including my NASCAR 09 from K-Mart :) ). What's the worst that can happen? I have to fight them for a while. I'm good at that, anyway. I'll win eventually. So - once my orders get here, off they go!
[quote name='Jeff Stephen']Any ideas as to how one would go about canceling a trade-in? Since I picked up L4D2 for $21 (EA), I think I just may keep it even if I play it mostly on PC.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Blackjacker']If you haven't sent it yet, simply do not send it.[/QUOTE]
You have to let them know.

How To Cancel A Trade-in
To cancel a trade before shipping the item, use the Trade-in Support contact form, include your name and trade-in number, and specify what you want cancelled in your transaction. We will send you an e-mail confirming the cancellation. You may be asked, but not required, to provide a reason for cancelling the trade.

Once we have confirmed receipt of your trade, the transaction cannot be cancelled.
Well I shipped off my first set of games today. Hopefully it goes well; from what I read, most of the bad reviews were from sending in electronics, laptops, and whatnot. I took pictures of every game before I sent them out just in case; usually don't do that, but it doesn't hurt to be safe.

If all goes well, they can have my Darksiders and Dark Void as well. Good luck everyone
[quote name='Velo214']you have to? i thought after 30 days it was like whatev. i mean, i should cancel it, but still...[/QUOTE]

I don't know but I don't see why they require sending them that email through their site. I thought maybe since they require that compared to someone like Amazon who does not that you have to fill it out. I don't know what they could do if you didn't. All I can think of is if you did it tons of times without filling it out they might cancel your account. I dunno, I'd rather just fill it out.
Mailed package at the post office on saturday, returned on my door step tuesday. insufficient postage. frack this, bubble mailer time.

Should I just reprint another mailing form?
[quote name='nakanenui']Mailed package at the post office on saturday, returned on my door step tuesday. insufficient postage. frack this, bubble mailer time.

Should I just reprint another mailing form?[/QUOTE]

Same thing happened to me. It is pretty lame. I used a box to protect it better, but it makes it weigh more, so I guess it didn't qualify for first class.

I just re-printed the label since the post office stamps and writes all over the label asking for more money. It would confuse them if you used the same label I would think.

Hopefully it is fine.
Wow, just curious, how many games were you guys mailing and what weight limit did the package have? I'm using Dealtree, not Best Buy, but they do seem to cut it a little closer than Gazelle. Gazelle pays for 1 lb / game which is plenty even if you use a big box (keeping 10 games under 10 lbs is very easy). But I just sent a single game to Dealtree and the allowance there was just 7 ounces (via first class mail). That pretty much means a small bubble mailer and nothing else.

I have a 3 game trade, though, where they allowed 2 lbs Parcel Post. I can box that one if I don't go overboard on the size.

Is Best Buy cutting it even closer though?
I might be farked as well...just sent a 5 game box to dealtree and just realized I had a 2 lb allowance as well. fuck
2 games in a size 2 bubble mailer, it should be under 13 ounces. Woe to not have the use/need for a digital scale (on Apr 20) haha.
geez, i hope all goes well there too. all of my orders were 4 lbs for 10 games and i put some airpocket packaging in the box my eagames were shipped in. i guess i will find out soon enough. this is why i usually trade in with gamestop, less hassle.
I sent a cardboard box that I got from an purchase and put 6 games on it (360, PS3 and 1 PSP) and had no issues with shipping. I got an email confirmation that everything was received and now I am just waiting for the gift card.
I sent it in a bubble envelope yesterday - does anyone know how long before tracking shows up - or is it when its just delivered.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']13 days after the fact, no gift card at my doorstep. WTF BestBuy?[/QUOTE]

I think thats a bit too fast to expect a gift card at your doorstep. This thread was only started 13 days ago :lol:
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']13 days after the fact, no gift card at my doorstep. WTF BestBuy?[/QUOTE]

Did you get confirmation at least from their website?
In case no one has noticed this yet, you're probably better off using dealtree ( It's the same exact trade-in company and values, except you get paid in paypal instead of Best Buy gift cards. Also apparently Gazelle is using dealtree to handle their trade-ins now according io (or at least io has evidence of that), and people are having good luck there, so hopefully my trade-in will go smoothly. I'd much rather have paypal then to be locked into buying stuff at Best Buy.
[quote name='crunchewy'] Also apparently Gazelle is using dealtree to handle their trade-ins now according io (or at least io has evidence of that), and people are having good luck there, so hopefully my trade-in will go smoothly.[/QUOTE]

My evidence is that you send the games to the same address with Best Buy/Dealtree/Gazelle. Well, I don't have first-hand evidence of the Best Buy address because I haven't traded directly with them, but the Dealtree ones say "Best Buy Video Games Trade-In Center, 10957 McCormick Rd, Hunt Valley, MD 21031-1401" and I assume the Best Buy one will be the same as that.

Gazelle's address for game trade-ins is "Gazelle #(your trade-in ID), 10957 McCormick Rd, Hunt Valley, MD 21031-1401"

dan - It's up to you if you want to send them all at once or split them up. We really can't make that call for you. If you want to spread the risk of loss then split them up but that requires you to get more boxes and pack them up separately. It is certainly easier just to send them all at once. People like to bag on the USPS but I've been mailing stuff (I mean beyond letters ;)) for years and have never really had a loss that I can blame solely on them (sometimes things "disappear" at the other end but I think that is usually a case misplacement or theft of mail at the end of the chain). Other than that, I'm not really sure what you are asking, especially with this part: "ima use a box please help".
[quote name='io']My evidence is that you send the games to the same address with Best Buy/Dealtree/Gazelle. Well, I don't have first-hand evidence of the Best Buy address because I haven't traded directly with them, but the Dealtree ones say "Best Buy Video Games Trade-In Center, 10957 McCormick Rd, Hunt Valley, MD 21031-1401" and I assume the Best Buy one will be the same as that.

Gazelle's address for game trade-ins is "Gazelle #(your trade-in ID), 10957 McCormick Rd, Hunt Valley, MD 21031-1401"

dan - It's up to you if you want to send them all at once or split them up. We really can't make that call for you. If you want to spread the risk of loss then split them up but that requires you to get more boxes and pack them up separately. It is certainly easier just to send them all at once. Other than that, I'm not really sure what you are asking, especially with this part: "ima use a box please help".[/QUOTE]

lol i want to send them all at once but people were talking about recieving their package back due to weighing too much tjanks for responding :)
I sent one game in last Thursday (first class) in a bubble mailer. It was delivered Saturday and as if 8pm Wednesday, still is in "Waiting to Receive". Is three plus days to receive normal? Amazon's usually much faster but some of those BB TIVs can't be beat.
Just use a box, Dan. Pack any gaps with newspaper or bubble wrap or something else to pad the games while they're in transit.

Unfortunately, my game shipment is still listed as 'waiting to receive' on DealTree's site on, even though it was delivered on the 17th to them. They must have Speedy Gonzalez's lethargic cousin processing the damned games(either that or everyone who sent in 20 billion copies of Little Big Planet and other games) for it to take so long for a four game lot to get processed.

Then again, it would appear that DealTree does the processing for quite a few sites/stores, so that may explain the wait time.

I just hope they're not as shady as NorAm that processes the Amazon trades and reseals games traded in and sells them as new.
[quote name='dansoccerball']lol i want to send them all at once but people were talking about recieving their package back due to weighing too much tjanks for responding :)[/QUOTE]

Ah, well, then you should have asked about that ;).

In that case, all you can do is see what weight allowance they give you (it will be on the label) and make sure you don't go over that. It seems Best Buy/Dealtree like to cut it a bit close relative to Gazelle (which allows 1 pound/game - way more than needed) or Amazon (which pays according to the actual weight calculated by UPS). So just try not to use a box that is too big and weigh it at the PO if you don't have a scale at home. If you are over by so much as an ounce it couild be sent back to you though most likely it would have to be significantly over for them to bother (more than 1/2 lb or so, probably - just a guess there).
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Just use a box, Dan. Pack any gaps with newspaper or bubble wrap or something else to pad the games while they're in transit.

Unfortunately, my game shipment is still listed as 'waiting to receive' on DealTree's site on, even though it was delivered on the 17th to them. They must have Speedy Gonzalez's lethargic cousin processing the damned games(either that or everyone who sent in 20 billion copies of Little Big Planet and other games) for it to take so long for a four game lot to get processed.

Then again, it would appear that DealTree does the processing for quite a few sites/stores, so that may explain the wait time.

I just hope they're not as shady as NorAm that processes the Amazon trades and reseals games traded in and sells them as new.[/QUOTE]

ty lol im going to send in a few sabeteours like 5 xbox360 and 5 ps3
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']
I just hope they're not as shady as NorAm that processes the Amazon trades and reseals games traded in and sells them as new.[/QUOTE]

Say what you want about NorAm but they have been processing my trades last week and this week within 0-1 days (either day of receipt or the next AM at the latest).
im pretty slow. i just read my delivery confirmation receipt and it has the expected date of delivery and the exact size of your package(lol). im at 3lbs 1.7oz, 3lbs 2.6 oz, n 3lbs 8.4oz. All of them were packs of 10 in the ea box with bubblewrap n newspaper wads, so im fine. :) i think i mite just return my 2 saboteurs i got with a $10 code off and just forfeit my code. i dont wanna ship anymore til these work out... altho $16 extra would be nice...
[quote name='io']Ah, well, then you should have asked about that ;).

In that case, all you can do is see what weight allowance they give you (it will be on the label) and make sure you don't go over that. It seems Best Buy/Dealtree like to cut it a bit close relative to Gazelle (which allows 1 pound/game - way more than needed) or Amazon (which pays according to the actual weight calculated by UPS). So just try not to use a box that is too big and weigh it at the PO if you don't have a scale at home. If you are over by so much as an ounce it couild be sent back to you though most likely it would have to be significantly over for them to bother (more than 1/2 lb or so, probably - just a guess there).[/QUOTE]

i have 4lbs for 10 games should i split them up?
[quote name='io']Say what you want about NorAm but they have been processing my trades last week and this week within 0-1 days (either day of receipt or the next AM at the latest).[/QUOTE]

I've never used the Amazon(or BB's)trade program and if it wasn't for the insane TIV's($30 for LBP when it sells for $30 new)I would've kept it that way.

But it was a choice between using DealTree and getting $30 for a game I may or may not buy the GOTY edition of with the trade credit and basically even swap for $30+ in DLC I didn't have on the old version.....or get a meager $4 plus trade in bonus bump at Gamestop.:roll:

Easy choice for me, though I hated the idea of having to mail out my games and anxiously wait till they're processed.:cry:
that's what i hate, is the waiting. and thinking they may not even come through. say what you will about gamestop but when you know how to do their deals right then you do well, and you leave with credit on your card immediately. this send in and hope we give you what we promised to give you unless we dont like it enough then you pay us extra or we hold your games ransom irks me. this will hopefully turn out perfect, but probly my first and last time. too much stress. i know send n forget...but i cant not stress when i have $$$ floating through the mail system.
[quote name='dansoccerball']i have 4lbs for 10 games should i split them up?[/QUOTE]

I just weighed 10 random games on my scale and they came up to 2 1/2 lbs or so. Assuming you can keep the box and padding material under 1 1/2 you should be able to get them in one box.

[quote name='jumpercable']sorry if I'm noobing it up here, but can I just drop the package off in my mailbox, or do I acutally have to drop it off at the post office?[/QUOTE]

I think for anything over 1 lb you have to go in and hand it to them.
[quote name='Velo214']that's what i hate, is the waiting. and thinking they may not even come through. say what you will about gamestop but when you know how to do their deals right then you do well, and you leave with credit on your card immediately. this send in and hope we give you what we promised to give you unless we dont like it enough then you pay us extra or we hold your games ransom irks me. this will hopefully turn out perfect, but probly my first and last time. too much stress. i know send n forget...but i cant not stress when i have $$$ floating through the mail system.[/QUOTE]

Me too. I'll try it once and if I get what they said I'd get I might consider doing it another time.

And jumpercable, I just handed the package off to a guy taking a binload of mail out to the mail truck at my local post office. It was either that or wait in a loooooooooooong line(cuz it was April 14th or so when I mailed them)for them to just say that I only had to drop it off and that was it.
[quote name='io']
I think for anything over 1 lb you have to go in and hand it to them.[/QUOTE]

According to the signs on the drop boxes and in the PO it is 13 oz.
thanks guys. I guess I'll hand it to them, to be on the safe side. I mean, it's the post office, not like there's going to be any lines with people in it. What, people still use snail mail :p
[quote name='jumpercable']thanks guys. I guess I'll hand it to them, to be on the safe side. I mean, it's the post office, not like there's going to be any lines with people in it. What, people still use snail mail :p[/QUOTE]

The day prior to tax day the line was out the friggin' door when I was there to mail out my game package. Lucky for me the guy loading the truck just yelled over to the lady working the lone register open and asked if I needed to have the package scanned. Unfortunately, due to just handing it off like that I didn't get any 'acceptance' scan and had to wait about 16 hours for it to show up in the ssystem.:cry:

VERY nerve wracking.
bread's done