Borderlands discussion - Is Moxxi hot or not?

[quote name='The3amJunkie']Ok I have googled and everything and I cannot find an answer to my question. Does the new dlc cater to your level or do you have to be 48-50 to survive in the new dlc? I am level 41 so is my buddy can we go and start this dlc given our levels.[/QUOTE]

Are you on playthrough 1 or 2, how high are the levels in your normal game? I have a level 50 Hunter on playthrough 1 from using it with friends and it got leveled, so enemies are only 30-40 at the moment even in the DLC. On my Soldier they were already 51-54 when I made it in to the DLC and I was only level 50, had to go back to the normal game to level up a few levels to stand a chance. I highly suggest killing Flint again, I got a great Boom Stick from him that dealt acid damage, even a level 50 could take on a level 54 with that thing.
Alright, well I "beat it", and it ended up being better than I thought. Spoilers ahead:

The driving bits aren't so bad once you get the Lancer vehicle because it's such a beast, but unfortunately that's not until you're about 1/3 of the way through, give or take.

When you're actually fighting people, the missions are fun. I think when they said this is the "largest DLC yet" they meant in terms of area to explore, but I'd say it's not that long, maybe a bit more than Zombie Island, but not by much.

There is a fuckload of loot in this one which is awesome
(especially that last mission)
. The character-related weapon drops are especially good IMO. I played through it on Playthrough 1 with a level 50, so I can't really comment on difficulty.

Overall though, I still don't feel this one was better than Zombie Island. Something about fighting zombies,
wereskags and loot goons
was much more fun and entertaining than the Lance and midgets in this one. Psycho Midgets are funny, but
bomb-throwing midgets and machine-gun toting midgets
are just annoying.

[quote name='SlimJim0725']So I have been trying to fight the "secret boss". The boss is a pain in the ass and if anyone else has encountered it and had any success, please pm me and let me know. Haven't even really put a dent in the health and wasted about $5 to 6 million respawning with no luck.[/QUOTE]

I haven't fought him yet, but unless you're level 61 (I doubt it), there's probably no way you're going to solo him.
[quote name='4thHorseman']God, now I need to get this game again to play this DLC. Seems like it will be a lot of fun.

And does anyone know the song in the trailer? Is it an actual song or just something created for the trailer? Damn it's catchy.[/QUOTE]

Are you talking about the "No Rest for the Wicked" song? Cage the Elephant, plugged it into Hype Machine and found it, do with that what you will. It's mostly legal.
[quote name='wakawakawa']They have high shields and fairly low health so if you have a good shock weapon you can take down their shields pretty fast. I think they are supposed to be hard, since you can run into lvl 53 ones, when fighting lvl 51 guys. To some extent the DLC starts off as a gear check. I have an awesome orange flame repeater pistol, so anyone weak to fire is really simple for me. The flame resistant guys and bots are much harder and take 3-5 times longer to kill.[/QUOTE]

It's not the actual drones I'm having trouble with, it's destroying the generators from which they are emanating. As soon as I kill two drones, two more emerge - it's like fighting a hydra......or playing "Evil Dead - Hail to the King!" :shock:
[quote name='grundy']It's not the actual drones I'm having trouble with, it's destroying the generators from which they are emanating.[/QUOTE]
I don't think those are destroyable.
[quote name='lolwut?']Alright, well I "beat it", and it ended up being better than I thought. Spoilers ahead:

The driving bits aren't so bad once you get the Lancer vehicle because it's such a beast, but unfortunately that's not until you're about 1/3 of the way through, give or take.

When you're actually fighting people, the missions are fun. I think when they said this is the "largest DLC yet" they meant in terms of area to explore, but I'd say it's not that long, maybe a bit more than Zombie Island, but not by much.

There is a fuckload of loot in this one which is awesome
(especially that last mission)
. The character-related weapon drops are especially good IMO. I played through it on Playthrough 1 with a level 50, so I can't really comment on difficulty.

Overall though, I still don't feel this one was better than Zombie Island. Something about fighting zombies,
wereskags and loot goons
was much more fun and entertaining than the Lance and midgets in this one. Psycho Midgets are funny, but
bomb-throwing midgets and machine-gun toting midgets
are just annoying.

I haven't fought him yet, but unless you're level 61 (I doubt it), there's probably no way you're going to solo him.[/QUOTE]

I wasn't soloing him, I had a level 61 soldier, a level 59 hunter, and a level 57 soldier the first attempt. My bro and 2 other people all 61 just beat him, about to run through him again with me now and we are all 61.
Just beat the story, the final boss was pretty cool. Still never found any worthwhile replacements for my trusty old level 48 loadout. I can't wait to get to 61 and challenge Crawmerax.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Just beat the story, the final boss was pretty cool. Still never found any worthwhile replacements for my trusty old level 48 loadout. I can't wait to get to 61 and challenge Crawmerax.[/QUOTE]

Took him down in about 20 minutes tonight when I got home with not too much trouble. Had 3 level 61 characters and a level 58 (who was the one who hid to keep his health from regenerating). Also found a couple of good ways to take him down with not too much trouble, clearing out all the small fry before focusing on him was the most time consuming part of it.
I tried Knoxx on 2nd playthrough with a level 44 character and got destroyed. Spent some time leveling him up to 50, and plan on trying again tonight. Anyone interested in joining me, feel free to send me a friend request.
[quote name='aheineken']I tried Knoxx on 2nd playthrough with a level 44 character and got destroyed. Spent some time leveling him up to 50, and plan on trying again tonight. Anyone interested in joining me, feel free to send me a friend request.[/QUOTE]

What level is Knoxx when you are fighting him? I had 3 level 61 characters fighting him on the second playthrough and he was still a huge pain. Not just because of him, but because the other enemies that come out when you fight him.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']Took him down in about 20 minutes tonight when I got home with not too much trouble. Had 3 level 61 characters and a level 58 (who was the one who hid to keep his health from regenerating). Also found a couple of good ways to take him down with not too much trouble, clearing out all the small fry before focusing on him was the most time consuming part of it.[/QUOTE]
Well feel free to FR me if you're on and looking to do another Crawmerax run, I'd love to group up with someone who's already taken him down.
[quote name='Spybreak8']Ahh I want this so bad but I don't have the points!:bomb:[/QUOTE]

OMFG Customer Support is moronic, I already knew that but shit, I can't add points to my account due to some crap their database has. It says my card isn't authorized but I called the bank before talking to them and they say it is (I got my new card from the bank/same number/last card expired this month). I get all through the step 1, step 2, crap and then the guy tells me that authorization error is automated and they can't do anything! I swore and he goes sir this is your first profanity warning. SO I swore again and hung up! LOL wtf
(I'd go to the store and grab points but that'd be 1hr 30 min total and its a lot of snow outside right now.)
Can anyone gift me 400 Microsoft Points lol, that's all I NEEEDDDD!
[quote name='SlimJim0725']What level is Knoxx when you are fighting him? I had 3 level 61 characters fighting him on the second playthrough and he was still a huge pain. Not just because of him, but because the other enemies that come out when you fight him.[/QUOTE]

I should've been more specific. I was talking about the new DLC in general. I never made it to General. We were getting whooped just in T-bone Junction.
[quote name='aheineken']I should've been more specific. I was talking about the new DLC in general. I never made it to General. We were getting whooped just in T-bone Junction.[/QUOTE]

Go back to the Eridion's and level up to around 54, you shouldn't have too much trouble after that. About to do another run through on the Crawmerax after farming the armory a little bit in a couple different games.
What is the easiest way to level up a character after your first? Trying to level up a Roland now, he's 23 atm, but questing solo just seems way too inefficient for leveling.
[quote name='halfbent']What is the easiest way to level up a character after your first? Trying to level up a Roland now, he's 23 atm, but questing solo just seems way too inefficient for leveling.[/QUOTE]

The quickest way is to join someone else who is 50+ and have them go to end game areas to kill high level enemies while you hide and get the XP.
Leveling up a Siren now, I am having a hard time deciding what my favorite character is. The only one I really dislike is the Berserker, he just seems like such a waste compared to any of the other ones.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']Leveling up a Siren now, I am having a hard time deciding what my favorite character is. The only one I really dislike is the Berserker, he just seems like such a waste compared to any of the other ones.[/QUOTE]


I'm a level 45 (?) Berserker and its stupid fun. I built him out to be just an absolute tank. Back when I was playing BL alot, I pretty much just ran in with either my shotgun or used my Beserk skill and just destroyed everything.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']???

I'm a level 45 (?) Berserker and its stupid fun. I built him out to be just an absolute tank. Back when I was playing BL alot, I pretty much just ran in with either my shotgun or used my Beserk skill and just destroyed everything.[/QUOTE]

I have heard a lot of people love the Berseker, I just can not get into that character at all. All his mods and skills seem like trash compared to the other characters IMO. Other than mods for the Siren, I love the mods and skills for all of the characters. I haven't really seen a mod that helps too much with the Siren helping the team (like scavenge and rare items with the Hunter or health/shield regeneration, ammo regeneration, or experience mods with the soldier).
[quote name='SlimJim0725']I have heard a lot of people love the Berseker, I just can not get into that character at all. All his mods and skills seem like trash compared to the other characters IMO. Other than mods for the Siren, I love the mods and skills for all of the characters. I haven't really seen a mod that helps too much with the Siren helping the team (like scavenge and rare items with the Hunter or health/shield regeneration, ammo regeneration, or experience mods with the soldier).[/QUOTE]

I play Siren and have mods that give team bonuses to shields, shield regen, elemental resistance, damage, cooldown, and find rare items.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']I have heard a lot of people love the Berseker, I just can not get into that character at all. All his mods and skills seem like trash compared to the other characters IMO. Other than mods for the Siren, I love the mods and skills for all of the characters. I haven't really seen a mod that helps too much with the Siren helping the team (like scavenge and rare items with the Hunter or health/shield regeneration, ammo regeneration, or experience mods with the soldier).[/QUOTE]

I don't know where you're getting that idea at all. The berserker is great. He's super-strong and has many useful skills.
[quote name='bs000']I play Siren and have mods that give team bonuses to shields, shield regen, elemental resistance, damage, cooldown, and find rare items.[/QUOTE]

Yep. I have a 42% Shield increase one (found a 43% in a machine, but exited out to check my inventory, went back to the machine and it was gone. :() That's clearly the best, but the cooldown one can be helpful.
OMG I was finally able to add points with my card that didn't work before. WOooo downloading now, I can't wait to play! This is a payoff to shoveling soo much snow.^^
That's what I figured for leveling, will just have to hope I can find some decent random groups. :)

My main is a Berserker too, really enjoy him. He feels a little underpowered for damaged when paired up with a Siren tho, as she gets most of the killing blows so my buffs don't stay up nearly as much. When they're up tho, Shotgun Lawnmower.
[quote name='bs000']I play Siren and have mods that give team bonuses to shields, shield regen, elemental resistance, damage, cooldown, and find rare items.[/QUOTE]

I just started leveling up the Siren, so I hadn't seen any mods that were too great for her yet. Got my Siren up to 52, my Hunter is at 53, and my Soldier is at 61.

I wasn't really trying to bash on the Berserker, I just didn't see anything that I cared for and especially against these newer enemies the run in and try to blow them away tactic doesn't seem to work nearly as well. It may have been my friend using the Berserker that didn't know how to level him and use him right, so he seemed like a let down since he was dropping all the time while our 2 Soldiers and our Hunter were taking basically everything down.

Edit: Also, once I get some real free time I don't mind power leveling people and/or helping out on difficult areas. This game has been a ton of fun and a really nice break from MW2, so just send me a pm if you are looking to play sometime. I will add people ASAP, just been pulling all nighters since I have crazy schedules at work.
I can't believe it's 1.6gb for Knoxx. But I bought it and Borderlands yesterday. If anybody wants to go through second playthrough for Knoxx send me a invite!!
I haven't really used the Berserker that much, but from what I've seen, he's basically just a Tank. I don't know if he has the ability to add skills or mods that help the team, but from what I've seen (and the Berserker users I've played with), he doesn't.

Soldiers are great because they can regen ammo and health for the whole squad, and provide turrets. Sirens can be BEASTS, and at the very least, they can daze the fuck out of enemies to help the rest of the team take them down.

I personally use the Hunter, and my mod is based on healing the team. I know I can also improve everyone's accuracy. I also use skills to give the team EXP boosts, and my Bloodwig to increase loot drops and daze enemies.

Again, just from what I've seen, it seems like the Berserker is just there to punch people in the face.
[quote name='lolwut?']I haven't really used the Berserker that much, but from what I've seen, he's basically just a Tank. I don't know if he has the ability to add skills or mods that help the team, but from what I've seen (and the Berserker users I've played with), he doesn't.

Soldiers are great because they can regen ammo and health for the whole squad, and provide turrets. Sirens can be BEASTS, and at the very least, they can daze the fuck out of enemies to help the rest of the team take them down.

I personally use the Hunter, and my mod is based on healing the team. I know I can also improve everyone's accuracy. I also use skills to give the team EXP boosts, and my Bloodwig to increase loot drops and daze enemies.

Again, just from what I've seen, it seems like the Berserker is just there to punch people in the face.[/QUOTE]

That is the way I have felt about him and that really isn't the best thing for at least the DLC enemies. I am sure he takes plenty of damage, but he has to basically be right in their face in order to do anything and when enemies hit 56+ they aren't exactly easy to take down regardless of who you are.
[quote name='halfbent']He feels a little underpowered for damaged when paired up with a Siren tho, as she gets most of the killing blows so my buffs don't stay up nearly as much.[/QUOTE]How? My Siren was definitely out-classing Roland up until about two-thirds of the way through the Second Play through. But once we started hitting the higher level enemies and we were in our level 40's, I can barely ever get the final kill with her.

I can do decent damage with her SMGs, and I can trash some shields with her Phase Walk. But my brother has Roland's turret as a serious kill-stealer. While I'm reloading or switching weapons, the turret gets the kill. And again, the phase walk does minimal health damage on any shielded enemy.

It gets a little frustrating seeing Roland continually have that red ring around him, and I can't get final kill for the life of me. Argh.
Not sure, I'm not playing her. I just know that once we got close to the cap (when it was 50) especially against the Lance-types, she was really outdamaging me. I don't feel like I do a lot of damage normally with Brick, but once I get a kill in, and have the increased dmg/shot speed I can empty 6 shotgun shells in a second or two. That's where I feel most of my damage comes from. :)
Well, the Siren does huge elemental damage if you know how to use her mods and abilities. You can do all sorts of damage with the phasewalk and then SMG the crap out of everyone. I phasewalk in and daze, shock, corrode, and set them bitches on fire. Then with the phoenix ability once I kill one enemy they catch on fire and I'm on fire, so if they even touch me they just start draining health like it's going out of style. Add in a grenade and my 4x incendiary SMG's and most normal enemies don't stand much of a chance. It's when I deviate from this that I end up dying.

Oh, and by the way the Eridian version of the shotgun when your eridian weapons are built up, kicks ass so hard that I literally just run up to enemies give them one shot to the head and watch them fry. Can't wait to get that skill up to where my SMG's are. Makes me wish I had been using those guns sooner.
Wow I'm having a hard time with these lv 51 Atlus Marines lol. That and I must have died three times or more just on the highway from those damn drones! Well this is a really big difference from headshoting zombies with flame elemental damage shotgun lol. Beat Dr Ned and thought it was a good ending to a great little expansion, I liked the humor and story.
[quote name='Redeema']I phasewalk in and daze, shock, corrode, and set them bitches on fire.[/QUOTE]
Ah, does daze work well? I have no points on the daze ability, as it sounded fairly useless. I'll try redoing her tree later and play around with that.
[quote name='Ichigo1993']The midgets jumping out of the compartments scared me to death the first time....[/QUOTE]

Me too! It was fucking hilarious though.
[quote name='guinaevere']Ah, does daze work well? I have no points on the daze ability, as it sounded fairly useless. I'll try redoing her tree later and play around with that.[/QUOTE]

Daze works fine as long as you give it more than a point you should be good. If you add the skill that corrodes with melee you could have the whole range of everything when you phasewalk. Daze (ability), corrosion (from melee), shock (ability), fire (phoenix), explosion (mod). I can do this and pretty much watch low level enemies die.

I like to watch.
Maybe I haven't found one yet, but there are outposts in this DLC, right? Because I'm really getting tired of always having to start way back in the T-Bone Junction every time I play
[quote name='grundy']Maybe I haven't found one yet, but there are outposts in this DLC, right? Because I'm really getting tired of always having to start way back in the T-Bone Junction every time I play[/QUOTE]

Nope, I have been through it on 4 different playthroughs now and haven't seen it once... Really wish a new patch would come out to fix this at some point.
Cravin, Darktower and I kept doing that Round mission in Fort Knoxx. I tell you, GREAT way to farm money lol. Stayed up till about 3:30 in the morning playing with them. Was fun as hell and got some AWESOME Mods and weapons out of it. Almost hitting Level 58 also! Second playthrough is just brutal!!
Beat Crawmerax again, he seemed a lot more difficult lately due to all of the little minions of his respawning over and over again. The first 2 times I took him down they stopped respawning... Oh well, I had so many second winds off of them it was crazy and it helped the low level in the group level up 5 times.

If anyone starts getting to higher levels and needs to power level, Crawmerax is the way to go if you have anyone who can take down the smaller ones.
OK, big Giant Bomb fan but Jeff over there reviewed the game saying the only way he'd ever play was as the Soldier and that there wasn't any other way. It seems weird that he'd skew it like that but whatever.
I assume all of the characters are pretty much equally viable? According to the Borderland stats it seems that by percentage players are for the most part playing each class equally.

I probably couldn't get to this game in a while...any bets on a GOTY edition w/DLC ala fallout 3 GOTY?
Wow I've been gathering brains this entire time and then I get the quest to collect 10 and it says I've collected 0/10. F U!

This is my current build for my soldier and I play solo so it's worked out pretty well (just started to add Grit due to Atlus Heavy Soldiers). (spoiler to save space)
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[quote name='Redeema']Daze works fine as long as you give it more than a point you should be good. If you add the skill that corrodes with melee you could have the whole range of everything when you phasewalk. Daze (ability), corrosion (from melee), shock (ability), fire (phoenix), explosion (mod). I can do this and pretty much watch low level enemies die.

I like to watch.[/QUOTE]
Ha! To correct myself, I've had all the elements maxed out, with the exception of Phoenix, which I only had at one point. I added a second point last night when I noticed her tree was different than I thought it was, and now she's a killing machine. I was watching the numbers last night and was all, "daaaang!"

[quote name='Corvin']Daze works great on Spiderants. Daze their ass and run around and kick some abdomen ass.[/QUOTE]Oh snap. What an awesome tip.
[quote name='ChernobylCow']OK, big Giant Bomb fan but Jeff over there reviewed the game saying the only way he'd ever play was as the Soldier and that there wasn't any other way. It seems weird that he'd skew it like that but whatever.
I assume all of the characters are pretty much equally viable? According to the Borderland stats it seems that by percentage players are for the most part playing each class equally.

I probably couldn't get to this game in a while...any bets on a GOTY edition w/DLC ala fallout 3 GOTY?[/QUOTE]

I would be willing to bet on a GOTY version at some point for this game, they seem to be following fallout with releasing the content for the first 2 dlc's on disc as it is. Also, the Soldier is still my favorite class, but that is due to him being the most all around character of any of them and the fact that he has the ability to have ammo regeneration (not just to one weapon), health regeneration, shield regeneration, and has a turret which is far more useful IMO than any other special abilities. I will say that I really enjoy the Hunter and the Siren characters as well though and if I set him up right, I am sure the Berserker could be good as well.
[quote name='ChernobylCow']OK, big Giant Bomb fan but Jeff over there reviewed the game saying the only way he'd ever play was as the Soldier and that there wasn't any other way. It seems weird that he'd skew it like that but whatever.
I assume all of the characters are pretty much equally viable? According to the Borderland stats it seems that by percentage players are for the most part playing each class equally.

I probably couldn't get to this game in a while...any bets on a GOTY edition w/DLC ala fallout 3 GOTY?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, he's been saying that every chance he's had to talk about Borderland's classes.

Just pick the one you think sounds coolest and go for it.

I have a level 45 Berserker and a level 26 or so Soldier. I actually found the Soldier pretty boring to play as, though he is very much the most self-sufficient class of any of them ie. health regen, turret, ammo regen.

But the Berserker's skill is just fun to use...running into a mass of enemies and pounding them to death.
bread's done