Borderlands discussion - Is Moxxi hot or not?

Man, at the Lance Depot part at the very end when you go through all the chests for that small amount of time... My friend and I got more giddy then we really should've for that. This DLC is awesome.
[quote name='ChernobylCow']OK, big Giant Bomb fan but Jeff over there reviewed the game saying the only way he'd ever play was as the Soldier and that there wasn't any other way.[/QUOTE]

Which is crazy. I know everyone has their favorites, but the Siren with her high elemental weapons and mods can kick some serious ass. You can run into a bunch of enemies, light them on fire and phasewalk out of battle into cover, regenerating health all while the enemies are losing theirs from the fire/corrosion/shock damage.

[quote name='guinaevere']

Oh snap. What an awesome tip.[/QUOTE]

:lol: No sweat. :)
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Supposedly there is a glitch where there is no timer for the ending of Fort Knoxx. Anybody know how to do it?[/QUOTE]

Sure do, but it requires still having one of the looting missions available (the ones where Marcus lets you go in are the better weapons).
from the Borderlands forums at Gearbox
[quote name='"Venomous72"']Ok I did this last night, as did my friend, and yes it works.

I have been getting a lot of questions about this so I will post these steps.

Any new revelations would be appreciated.
  • 1) Be in the main story line, must be Athena's quest
  • 2) Beat Knoxx
  • 3) Make sure 'Insert Code' is checked off but 'Expose Munitions' IS NOT. (Open the door but do not go down to the elevator at the end of the hall)
  • 4) Watch video: below
  • 5) After you loot, start and then exit (save and exit).
  • 6) Repeat this process
  • 7) When you actually want to beat the mission, 'Expose Munitions' and do the three minute run.
We are still trying to find out if this works with Marcus. I think it does if you avoid the main elevator shaft, but I am not sure.[/quote]

I have not tried it yet.

here is the video:
It doesn't have to be done in Athena's quest, I have seen it done on the Marcus missions which provide higher level weapons and you don't have to watch the General Knoxx video over and over.
Me and a buddy tried to take on Crawmermaz last night and were pummel If anyone has experience beating this beat and wants to help out a fellow CAG let me know. Playing on 360. Thanks.
[quote name='undiegnome']Me and a buddy tried to take on Crawmermaz last night and were pummel If anyone has experience beating this beat and wants to help out a fellow CAG let me know. Playing on 360. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

I have taken him down 3 times now. What level are you trying to take him on as? Even with 3 level 61's we had a tough time with him and one of us had to hang around the ledges near the elevator trying to stay alive while the other 2 took him on.
It's the general knoxx dlc. i can't complete the mission unless i run through the same mission with someone who doesn't have the problem. hopefully i have some weapons that you might want as a payment of helping me out. thanks in advance and my gt is cromico
I'm not sure of the problem you speak of, so this may be out of the realm of possibility but can't you just use a silver account and create a secondary character to do it with on split screen?
thanks corvin, you're correct. but this particular mission unlocks after you've beaten general knoxx dlc. if i were to create another character, i'd have to play with that second character all the way up to that point (about 6-8 hours) of the mission. i'm just hoping someone is at that point where i can join them and their mission and it would be fixed that way.
anyone have the 'Super Marcus Sweep' mission available. Played online with a person with the glitch, now i can't seem to play through this. please help. my gt: cromico

thanks in advance
[quote name='deletion']thanks corvin, you're correct. but this particular mission unlocks after you've beaten general knoxx dlc. if i were to create another character, i'd have to play with that second character all the way up to that point (about 6-8 hours) of the mission. i'm just hoping someone is at that point where i can join them and their mission and it would be fixed that way.[/QUOTE]

Okay, I gotcha. I just started Knoxx so I wasn't sure how far along you were talking.
[quote name='grundy']Maybe I haven't found one yet, but there are outposts in this DLC, right? Because I'm really getting tired of always having to start way back in the T-Bone Junction every time I play[/QUOTE]

oh man, you don't know how annoying this is, i hate having to start all the way from tbone junction. pain in the ass. other than that though, i love the new dlc.
It was the same way with Dr. Ned. There must be something to do with the way the game is coded that only allows one entry/exit point to a DLC area. Otherwise I can't figure out why they wouldn't put more fast-travel stations in such a huge area.
[quote name='Corvin']Okay, I gotcha. I just started Knoxx so I wasn't sure how far along you were talking.[/QUOTE]

no worries corvin. great dlc though. let me know if you want to play online sometimes. thanks for showing me this thread. gt: cromico
[quote name='The3amJunkie']Ok I have googled and everything and I cannot find an answer to my question. Does the new dlc cater to your level or do you have to be 48-50 to survive in the new dlc? I am level 41 so is my buddy can we go and start this dlc given our levels.[/QUOTE]

hey i started the dlc exactly around 41 and had no trouble with the new dlc. the enemies cater to what level you are currently at. so no need to wait until you hit 48-50, go for it. well worth it.
for those that have mad moxxi's dlc, is it worth buying just for the bank? i heard you can store tons of weapons there and come back and get them anytime, is that correct? or is it just weapons you get during the matches?
You can store up to 42 items, IIRC. It starts at 12 and you have to buy more slots, like the ammo storage upgrades. You can store any weapon or item you have and come back for them anytime.

I wouldn't get the DLC just for the bank, since it only doubles your backpack, it's not unlimited storage. It's worth the price if you actually want to do the tournaments though.
I dont think the Knoxx DLC changes with your lvl. I went there night before last and the enemy's were all lvl 51-ish. I was lvl 44 and couldnt get a single kill.
Thanks ryu. that helps, yea i was thinking it was an unlimited bank that you get right off the back. i think i'm good with the slots that i have already.
The level that the Knoxx guys are depends on which Playthrough you're on. The DLC is designed to be "post-game" for the specific playthrough.

So if you're going there on Playthrough 1 the game is assuming that you've finished Playthrough 1 and the enemies are in their high 30s.

If you're in Playthrough 2 again it assumes you've finished Playthough 2 and have hit the (old) level cap of 50. So the enemies start at level 51+

So if you're 41 and you wanna play Knoxx you can either go to Playthrough 1 and fight low enemies or level up to 50 and get into the Playthrough 2 version.

Regarding Mad Moxxi, it's not exactly worth buying JUST for the bank. Especially since you can create a bank mule character by copying your save game to a memory card, or using a level 1 character to store your stuff. Moxxi is worth it for some fun arena combat, and the 2 additional skill points you can get from finishing the "Prove Yourself" quests on Playthough 1 and 2.
[quote name='Weepingwillow']you can create a bank mule character by copying your save game to a memory card, or using a level 1 character to store your stuff. [/QUOTE]

i really appreciate the info. i never even thought of this. the game just got even better. thanks!!
So, I gave up on this game a while back but I'm interested in starting up again. Problem is I'm not that interested in grinding from 29 to 50. Anyone want to help me boost up a couple of levels?
[quote name='ZForce915']So, I gave up on this game a while back but I'm interested in starting up again. Problem is I'm not that interested in grinding from 29 to 50. Anyone want to help me boost up a couple of levels?[/QUOTE]

haven't played online too much, but willing to help out. add me, if i see you online, i'll have you join in.

gt: cromico
[quote name='deletion']haven't played online too much, but willing to help out. add me, if i see you online, i'll have you join in.

gt: cromico[/QUOTE]

Cool. I assume you've got a level 50 character? I'm playing as a solider class, not that it matters because I won't be able to touch any of the enemies...:D
[quote name='ZForce915']Cool. I assume you've got a level 50 character? I'm playing as a solider class, not that it matters because I won't be able to touch any of the enemies...:D[/QUOTE]

i've never did any level boosting, so i'm not sure how it works. i've got 3 more levels for my soldier before i hit 50. i'll let you know when i hit 50, does it make it faster to boost if i'm a 50?
[quote name='deletion']i've never did any level boosting, so i'm not sure how it works. i've got 3 more levels for my soldier before i hit 50. i'll let you know when i hit 50, does it make it faster to boost if i'm a 50?[/QUOTE]

The higher level you are, the faster I get to that level since the enemies you'll be fighting will be worth more XP. It definitely doesn't matter that you are 50, at 47 you're almost 20 levels higher. I'll probably gain 5-10 levels with you in a matter of 30 minutes I bet!
[quote name='ZForce915']The higher level you are, the faster I get to that level since the enemies you'll be fighting will be worth more XP. It definitely doesn't matter that you are 50, at 47 you're almost 20 levels higher. I'll probably gain 5-10 levels with you in a matter of 30 minutes I bet![/QUOTE]

i'm usually on after 6pm so if you're up for it, just add me.
[quote name='ZForce915']The higher level you are, the faster I get to that level since the enemies you'll be fighting will be worth more XP. It definitely doesn't matter that you are 50, at 47 you're almost 20 levels higher. I'll probably gain 5-10 levels with you in a matter of 30 minutes I bet![/QUOTE]

What time do you usually play? I can help (have 2 level 61's and a 50 something), but my work schedule is all over the place. Tonight is my 1 day off this week and I can probably only do it for a little while if it is soon, but you could easily jump 10 or so levels in no time at all.
Holy Crap! I played this game single player when it came out, and liked it, but figured I could wait on it. Finally got back into this game, and been playing online.
OH MY GOSH! I freakin love it, it's so simplistic and fun. If anyone wants to play, I'm level 20 Hunter.

Gamertag is MYL0R
(it is a zero, not an "o")
played with a few random good guys last nite and had a blast. did a lvl 64 cramerax run and was able to level up twice with a lot of goodies that I'm not able to use yet. but did manage to max out my money. which is great. looking to do hopefully do some more cramerx runs again.
If anyone needs to do the Circle of Duty quest in the Knoxx DLC, let me know. I was with a group last night, and one weak link kept preventing us from beating the final round. I have a level 61 hunter and can hold my own.
I'm up for the last two rounds of Circle of Duty, level 61 Siren. Probably be playing FF13 all night tonight though, provided UPS treats me kind.
[quote name='halfbent']Your money won't actually max out, you keep collecting even tho the reels stay at 999999999[/QUOTE]

well that's good to know. does it just keep on counting up? is there even a max? be nice if they could fix this. it's so minor though.
yeah, it keeps track of whatever you are over 10mil. so if you hit 15 mil, it will still say 9999999, but when you buy stuff/respawn, you won't see a dip in money
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I'm up for the last two rounds of Circle of Duty, level 61 Siren. Probably be playing FF13 all night tonight though, provided UPS treats me kind.[/QUOTE]

Same here. Installing Disc 1 to the hard drive as I type this. I'll send you a friend request anyway.
[quote name='halfbent']Your money won't actually max out, you keep collecting even tho the reels stay at 999999999[/QUOTE]

Yeah I thought I had maxed out as well but then when I bought something, after buying something else and the number didn't move, it went down lol.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Wow, no love for helping me out with underdome?? I keep getting to like Wave 4 of Round 5 and I die, get's me so dang mad!![/QUOTE]

Once I get it I will be glad to help out, but I am waiting for the disc version that has this and Zombie Island. Underdome is near impossible to do with 2 people let alone by yourself, they don't adjust the amount of enemies for how many people are in there.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']Once I get it I will be glad to help out, but I am waiting for the disc version that has this and Zombie Island. Underdome is near impossible to do with 2 people let alone by yourself, they don't adjust the amount of enemies for how many people are in there.[/QUOTE]

Also waiting for the disc and I'll be glad to help then.
I've been playing this game like it's the only game I own for pretty much the last 24 hours straight, stopping only to sleep and go to work (which is where I'm at now). I'm doing a run through on single player, but I plan to get the DLC and play co-op for a second playthrough, so if there's anyone interested in that, send me a FR and just put CAG or just kinda say something here in the thread and I'll add you.
bread's done