Burnout Paradise - Gen. Discussion & Info

Is this hitting PSN as well?

I have both but am anxious to see if there are any differences. Still 90% sure I'm going 360 on this one because of controls though.
Yeah, this will be on PSN when they do their regular mid Thursday update... I'm really excited about this game... I've needed some non-sim racing action! (PGR4 didn't do it for me anyway)
I cannot wait for this. I'll be really tempted to buy the game when it comes out but I still have to finish CoD4, Mass Effect, The Orange Box and Super Mario Galaxy first.
[quote name='javeryh']I cannot wait for this. I'll be really tempted to buy the game when it comes out but I still have to finish CoD4, Mass Effect, The Orange Box and Super Mario Galaxy first.[/quote]

You will need around fourty days, spare time, and a shitload of Jolt Cola.
[quote name='Phorty Ounce']You will need around fourty days, spare time, and a shitload of Jolt Cola.[/QUOTE]

Ooh, that reminds me to buy some Bawls when it hits 30% off.
Can't wait to download this. I've been pumped up on it ever since I could reserve it at EB Games. Now if only I could get my brother-in-law to stop playing Splinter Cell: Double Agent.
Any impressions. I was up till 2am playing Assassin's Creed last night and it was taking forever to DL...Plus I was DL some music on PC so the bandwith was slow...won't be able to try it till tonight.
This game's gonna be fucking awesome. It's the same Burnout gameplay in the larger Midnight Club type world. The E-Brake works really well to get you turned around fast in case you miss a turn, but I'm not so sure about the "Wrecked Cam". It doesn't quite have the visceral feel that past Burnout crashes have. It goes into this slow-mo, up-close cam and while you can see the actual fenders and frames crumple, I think they need to cut back quickly to the crash in real time. Also, it really looks weird to not have a driver in the car. I haven't noticed it in past Burnouts. Looks fucking amazing, though.

This is gonna be one of those games that you're gonna put lots of time into learning the maps. Zipping through gas stations to regain boost was a nice touch.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']This game's gonna be fucking awesome. It's the same Burnout gameplay in the larger Midnight Club type world. The E-Brake works really well to get you turned around fast in case you miss a turn, but I'm not so sure about the "Wrecked Cam". It doesn't quite have the visceral feel that past Burnout crashes have. It goes into this slow-mo, up-close cam and while you can see the actual fenders and frames crumple, I think they need to cut back quickly to the crash in real time. Also, it really looks weird to not have a driver in the car. I haven't noticed it in past Burnouts. Looks fucking amazing, though.

This is gonna be one of those games that you're gonna put lots of time into learning the maps. Zipping through gas stations to regain boost was a nice touch.[/QUOTE]

I agree about the crashes, they aren't as intense as the previous Burnouts. Other than that, it's fucking sweet! The time I spent online reminded me of Midtown Madness and Midnight Club, but better. Maybe we can get a CAG Burnout clan going like the H3 and CoD4ones. It's pretty cool to see your opponents face via LiveCam when you take them down. Definitely a day 1 purchase for me.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Thanks for the impressions, definately jelous of you guys right now....the anticipation is killing me.

Is the demo multiplayer enabled?[/QUOTE]

Online MP is, don't know about offline.
1st day purchase am confirmed

but with the online, do you have to play w/ people on your friends list? Or can you play with anybody?
Just started playing it a few min ago. The crashes are kinda meh so far. But the game looks beautiful. Going back in to try out some events.
well I was gonna d/l it from 360 and PS3 and compare but now with the new policy that silver members can't d/l demos till a week later... guess i'll just try the Ps3 one.

Anyone with XBL gold and a ps3 test the differences?
I wasn't really expecting to like this... and I didn't. The driving feels great, and the graphics are awesome. But the open ended gameplay is not where I wanted Burnout to go. I guess they're trying to make it look realistic or something, but I think this game really needs a giant arrow to tell me where to go. The tiny map and the clicking sound aren't really doing it for me. I guess I feel the series has been EA'd, and it's affecting my potential enjoyment.

I agree about the crashes. I think the problem is that they're just too slow. Also, there may not be enough particles flying around... I'll have to look at it a bit more.
Some crashes are nice, but not near the level of "Oh, shit! Look what just happened" like in past Burnouts. They mute the sounds sometimes and it just doesn't jive at all times with what's going on-screen. So many times, the sounds remind me of just crushing Coke cans.

The open-endedness is also gonna keep me from getting as much into this game as in the past. I like the structured, leveled system of past games. I pick a race and go and I know exactly where I need to go. I know there's a map that shows where all the races are, so I hope there's an option to just jump to a race.

I miss Traffic Takedowns as well.
this game really has impressed me. the online play is really fun and completely unexpected. i wasn't sold on this one, but the demo has convinced me..
of course, i've never played a burnout game, so take that for what it's worth.
I havn't tried the online racing yet, but I kinda miss just doing events instead of driving around like someone on a sugar high. I hate that there is no arrow, you go fast as it is and the fact that it is so open, doesn't help that.

I found this to be more like Tony Hawk, in that you drive around and are like oh hey look a ramp.

The fact is that I liked the previous version more, I wouldn't mind having both the free roaming and structured events where I can just select a map point and go to it and do that event.

The thing I never liked, and don't know if they changed it in this version, but Road Rage online was never like it was in offline. I enjoyed it so much more offline.

We will have to wait and see, but honestly, I think people would have been happy with a true next gen version of Burnout instead of free roam driving. Hopefully they take their time and take some feedback. They are pretty locked on that January date, if they need to... delay it.
Initial impressions weren't good. I like the open world, but what the fuck, man.. you get me used to doing takedowns and shit by ramming into the back of people, I get so hooked on Revenge and doing takedowns, and now it's taken away again!? FFS, if I can't crash into people from behind and have them go flying, I don't know if I want this game. I love Revenge and that style so more more than the Takedown/Paradise type of gameplay.

The crashes were sick though.
le sigh, CokeCola said it best. The games been EA'd. It's turning into NFS, not Burnout. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy the NFS games (didn't like the most recent one though), but that's not Burnout. I never played the first two Burnouts, so maybe it's a return to form, but if it is, I apparently didn't miss much. Going fast as hell in an open world? not gonna work well. "Oh, shit, that was my turn back there..."
I totally agree. I played for 15 minutes and couldn't take anymore of it. The nav system is aweful, the crashes remind of the Fight Night Round 3 slow-mo knockout sequences, which got old after a few times.

The thing I really liked about the Burnout series, besides the intense crashes, was the ability to pick it up, play a few rounds if you don't have much time. Now, with this new system, it seems like picking it up for a few minutes will be next to impossible.

It feels to me like a cross between NFS and TD:U. I definitely won't be picking this one up until it really drops in price.
Well, this is depressing. I'm about to go play the demo and came here to check out everyone's "OH MAN I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS GAME"s before I started.

Oh well.
You know what sucks even worse? Since it's EA and they have control of their online servers, they'll probably end support for Burnout Revenge on the 360 in favor of having more servers for Paradise.
never played burnout before but the demo was kinda annoying when i couldnt find any jumps or anything for the stunt route

reading all these posts about previous burnouts makes me want to pick up burnout revenge or were there any previous ones that were better
[quote name='Nelo Ice']never played burnout before but the demo was kinda annoying when i couldnt find any jumps or anything for the trick routes

reading all these posts about previous burnouts makes me want to pick up burnout revenge or were there any previous ones that were beter[/QUOTE]

3 was the pinnacle of Burnout

Its on the BC list now and can be found for cheap so get that.
[quote name='Nelo Ice']never played burnout before but the demo was kinda annoying when i couldnt find any jumps or anything for the trick routes

reading all these posts about previous burnouts makes me want to pick up burnout revenge or were there any previous ones that were beter[/QUOTE]

For me, Burnout 3: Takedown is the pinnacle of the Burnout series. It's just a great all around game. Has this arcade atmosphere to it, hard to explain.

After trying Paradise, I am extremely disappointed.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']3 was the pinnacle of Burnout

Its on the BC list now and can be found for cheap so get that.[/QUOTE]

I had that typed up like 10 minutes before I posted it, looks like we thought the same thing, haha.
After playing for a while, Im not liking it. I loved every Burnout till Revenge, which I hated. And so far this is totally meh. I agree about the open world not being the right fit for a Burnout game. I liked moving right from event to event. Driving all around the place was fun for like 20 minutes.

Also, what happened to the crash junctions? Those were always my favorite part of Burnout games. They nerfed them in Revenge, and I cant even get a 3 car or more crash going in this demo.

This went from a day one purchase to a $20 Amazon DOTD. :cry:
[quote name='Puffa469']Also, what happened to the crash junctions?[/quote]Every intersection gives you the possibility of being a crash junction! (Or some bullshit PR like that.)

That CAG that was looking for ramps and stunt routes. The only decent place I could fine was down by the beach. It's below street level so you have to drop down to the beach. There's a couple off-set ramps to do barrel rolls and ramps up and down to get some air.
Hmmm.... am I the only one who really liked the demo? I think the new additions of the gas station, the paint shop and the junk yard are really cool. Also, I think once I get to know the landmarks and where things are as well as adjust to the speed it will really be fun. I can't get used to no traffic checking though - it's one feature I definitely miss. My only gripe is that the art style seemed a little "grey" but maybe that was on purpose for just this one little part of the town.
I also felt kind of disappointed. The open world thing takes away some of the immediate urgency that works for the Burnout series. I think I prefer just going through the tracks for this type of game.
Wow. I thought I would be alone. I only spent about 15 minutes in it and wasn't blown away... yet. Kinda hard to careen down the opposite side of the street at top speed and look at a tiny ass map on the bottom corner of the screen without wrecking.

Wasn't too impressed with the wrecks either compared to Revenge. The windshield shattering into a million pieces was impressive though. I've owned every Burnout and this is just not Burnout. Burnout was a pick up and play franchise. Knock a few races out or crash junctions and be done. Paradise feels the exact opposite.

I might have to rebuy Revenge now. :(
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Every intersection gives you the possibility of being a crash junction! (Or some bullshit PR like that.)

That CAG that was looking for ramps and stunt routes. The only decent place I could fine was down by the beach. It's below street level so you have to drop down to the beach. There's a couple off-set ramps to do barrel rolls and ramps up and down to get some air.[/quote]

There was also a train-track that I found that kinda cut thru the map that had some good jumps on it.
Tried the demo last night, love the graphics, love the speed, love the controls, hate the open world....ugh. This definately feels like Burnout: Most Wanted...which isn't horrible if I was looking for a NFS game. Also when you win a race, there's no totals screen, how many take downs...what medal you received...damage caused....etc.

With that said, I've been looking forward to this game for the longest time, haven't had a good arcade racer since Most Wanted and Burnout Revenge, but this will have to do till Midnight Club LA, I'll pick up my pre-order in January and see how it goes.
I actually liked it a lot although I wasn't a super super fan of the previous Burnouts (enjoyed them, but not purchase material for me). This is what was missing in TDU for me, activities. The perfect open world car enthusiast game for me would be the city and shenanigans of Burnout Paradise + realism and graphics of GT5 + TDU's lifestyle, dealerships, interiors, GPS and attention to detail to city with little repeition, combined with Forza's part and exterior customisation. Oh and absolutely NOTHING from Need for Speed LOL. That would be the next MMO I would pay for really.

The e-brake is a little too effective which makes it harder to drift but overall I am digging the easy arcade handling ,the slow mo detail with physics crashes are great and overall I had a lot of fun discovering all the little secrets and specialty areas of the city i.e. parking garage, train station, beach etc. In two hours the city hooked me activity wise far better than TDU altho like most Burnout games.. it is a quick blast but would get old quickly.

Personally I preferred Takedown over Revenge. I really didn't like the traffic checking of Revenge, that killed the Outrun ish arcade feel that Takedown had for me and turned it into something like a kiddy GTA type game. I'm surprised to see the reactions here, I thought most people would have liked it as much as I did but I can understand that if you were a Burnout fan because it was a quick fix game then this wasn't it for you. Criterion did a great job of reaching out to new fans or people on the fence like me, but probably lost some old ones. Well in any case, it'll be great if this price drops soon :)

This is nearly a day one purchase for me, the first in the series but.. if most of people feel the same way you guys do, a quicker price drop will be fine in my book:)
[quote name='ananag112']Yeah...I don't like this. It feels too much like Need for Speed.[/quote]

I felt the same way. I only played it for 10-15 minutes last night. I'll give it more time tonight and give it a fair chance.

I'm not sure I wanted another Revenge (on-line play kicked arse!), but it does seem a little NFS-ish.
I need to put more time into it, but it seems ok to me. Every fucking light I tried to start a race at was "locked in demo," which I think will put many people off. I do like that this one feels slower; Revenge burned my eyes after a while of playing.
Way too slow. Too NFS. I hate the open, go-anywhere world. That's not what Burnout is about.

Very disappointed with the demo.

This gamer is going to stick with Burnout Revenge.

The game feels very polished even in demo form, but as far as I'm concerned it's like polishing dog shit. Dog shit just isn't my cup of tea. Maybe some gamers like dog shit, but personally I like Burnout, and that's what I expected from Burnout Paradise; not dogshit.

Too bad.
bread's done