Burnout Paradise - Gen. Discussion & Info

I've had more fun just driving around the open world, finding jumps and gates and billboards than alot of other games. The races are tough, the AI competetive.
[quote name='TFN']every 360 game has a customizable soundtrack, SL4IN.[/QUOTE]The universal 360 feature you're referring to isn't so much a "custom soundtrack" per se, as it just shuts off the in-game music and activates the 360's music player. The music just plays in the background, and isn't tied to the in-game actions at all. I assume SL4IN was referring to the few 360 games that implement custom soundtracks the way the original Xbox did.
Are there anymore codes for unlockable cars besides the ones provided a few posts up?[quote name='BustaUppa']The universal 360 feature you're referring to isn't so much a "custom soundtrack" per se, as it just shuts off the in-game music and activates the 360's music player. The music just plays in the background, and isn't tied to the in-game actions at all. I assume SL4IN was referring to the few 360 games that implement custom soundtracks the way the original Xbox did.[/quote]

Yeah, but it also doesn't play during videos, pauses and picks up where you left off when you need to hear something important, and isn't a huge pain in the ass to access.

I agree though, its not a ''custom soundtrack'', as much as it is just a nice media feature that you can use at any point on your 360.
[quote name='TFN']Are there anymore codes for unlockable cars besides the ones provided a few posts up?

Yeah, but it also doesn't play during videos, pauses and picks up where you left off when you need to hear something important, and isn't a huge pain in the ass to access.

I agree though, its not a ''custom soundtrack'', as much as it is just a nice media feature that you can use at any point on your 360.[/QUOTE]'tis a badass feature indeed! btw, as a public service announcement of sorts... for anyone who uses that feature a lot, i HIGHLY recommend getting a remote control of some sort for your 360. You can skip tracks without accessing the guide menu! So now, during a frenzied multiplayer session, I can skip a slow song without interrupting anything. I use the one that came with that Pioneer surround sound system (the one that has a big thread on the Deals forum).
[quote name='CheapyD']I'm very pleasantly suprised by what I've played so far. The demo is not really an accurate representation of what the full version offers. They've done some really neat things with the open world and the online modes. Hell, I even like the new Showtime mode much more than the old Crash mode.[/quote]

Speaking of Showtime mode....i just beat your record on Crawford street. :lol:

I like this game, it is really easy to pick up play and relax and have a good time with. There's no pressure or commitment to go down a linear path, which some people may hate, but I feel like this is one of those games where you can just put it in and relax while you drive around the city.
Jumping from offline to online is so easy, and it is pretty fun to compete in the challenges and races as there is plenty to explore and do.
The lack of menus is both refreshing and annoying depending on how much you rely on them. It took me a good minute to figure out how to save my game. I do like how on the go they made this game where you just drive through and your car is fixed/painted/refueled.
Graphically I was a little dissappointed at first compared to PGR 4, but the slow motion crashes definitely make up for it.
In the end though, once you've played the different types of games, you may find this title becoming repetitive as you'll basically have to do the same thing over and over again to unlock everything.
[quote name='BustaUppa']'tis a badass feature indeed! btw, as a public service announcement of sorts... for anyone who uses that feature a lot, i HIGHLY recommend getting a remote control of some sort for your 360. You can skip tracks without accessing the guide menu! So now, during a frenzied multiplayer session, I can skip a slow song without interrupting anything. I use the one that came with that Pioneer surround sound system (the one that has a big thread on the Deals forum).[/quote]

I thought you could just go to the next song by hitting the right bumper.
Not in game, Wolve.

Atleast I don't think.

Good to see people are giving this game a chance and loving it, because like its been said, the demo just doesn't do it justice.

[quote name='Wolve11']
Graphically I was a little dissappointed at first compared to PGR 4, but the slow motion crashes definitely make up for it.
In the end though, once you've played the different types of games, you may find this title becoming repetitive as you'll basically have to do the same thing over and over again to unlock everything. [/quote]

Word up. Some of the jumps you make and end up clipping something else sending you into a series of flips, spins, rolls is awesome. The nice camera angles you get sometimes while wrecking is awesome, too. The repetitiveness comes with pretty much every game you play that has unlockables.
I've driven around for hours and had to have gone to every intersection at least three times and still have only found 104/120 events. I would have thought there'd be an "event locations guide" out by now so I can see the ones I'm missing.
Spent a couple hours in Paradise City last night. Let me preface and say(again) I hated the demo. The demo seemed to take everything that was great about Burnout and toss it out the window. The full game is a little better, but not much.
Is it fun? Yes. Is it Burnout? No.

  • Having to look at a compass at the top of the screen, the map in the bottom corner of the screen and keep track of your car at 175mph+ is annoying as hell. Keeping track of all that basically negates going top speed and/or driving on the wrong side of the road. If you look away to the map/compass you're going to wreck.
  • Color palette. :censored: Looks like Gears of War with cars. It's supposed to be a sunny city and it's named Paradise City for fucks sake. Why don't colors pop? Grayscale is the palette which makes things very drab. From the cityscape down to your paint job, everything is so muted.
  • selecting events. Not a fan at all. Not only would 'retry' option be nice, but basically a way to play similar events in succession. I was having a blast with Road Rage and want to keep playing RR, so I pull up to the next light for an event, nope this is a race, drive on to the next light, oh great a Burning Lap, maybe it's around the corner, nope another race that I can't race with my current car. Very annoying. Give me the option to hop around the map to areas I've already driven if a menu structure is out of the question. Test Drive: Unlimited did a great job of this. This is especially annoying when you are up in the hills which has very few stop lights/events. You get off track and have to drive all the way back.
  • the map is tiny compared to Test Drive. To drive around the island in TD would take more than an hour. I've already done multiple races in Burnout that span the city and you can navigate to the other side of the map in a mater of minutes. It's different in the windy hills but for the most part it seems rather small. It is dense though with lots of back roads and cut-throughs.
  • Showtime mode is a very weak imposter for Crash mode. I only did it once and racked up a half million points and was already over it. I'll probably only mess with it for achievements
  • The developers want you to invest in this 'real' open world that they've forced into the franchise yet there is no progression of time in the game. No sunsets, no cool sunrises and no night driving.
  • Having to pause in the middle of a race to see where to go? Very poor design.
  • The pick-up and play feel of the franchise is gone. It is no longer simple to boot up a quick race or event for a few minutes.

  • Criterion nailed open world driving. It is more fun dicking around the city looking for billboards than doing actual racing. That's bad when your franchise is built on racing. If you dug searching for Orbs in Crackdown you will dig searching for gates and billboards in Paradise. You see them hovering above your head and you have to search for a proper ramp to hit them. A couple of times I found myself wanting to get out of my car to explore. Again, that's bad for a racing franchise.
  • I'm actually digging the gas stations, repair shop, paint shop and junk yard design. Makes it interesting making the most of a game mode while you are doing it. Imagine your car about ready to blow during a Road Rage, just hit a repair shop to last a little longer. Same with racing and getting full boost from hitting a gas station.
  • Unlocking cars - something that sounded bad on paper is actually pretty fun. When you unlock one, it opens the car up on the island. You have to find it and take it down before you can add it to your garage. I've found about 6 but everytime they drive past you at some point letting you know they are there. So they aren't just roaming on the opposite side of the map to where you will never find them.
  • Traffic checking being removed. It was fun in Revenge, but going without is definitely more challenging and fun.

In the end, take the open world driving of GTA and throw in the Orbs of Crackdown and you have Paradise. This is all fun, but it's not Burnout, it's GTA with Orbs. If you are looking for a sequel to Burnout: Revenge I'd recommend Flatout: Ultimate Carnage over Paradise. If you are looking for a sequel to Test Drive: Unlimited than grab Paradise.
The more you play the less reliant you'll be on the map. I don't even look at it anymore. There's probably only about 12 routes they use for racing. Also, I don't get why people complain about the lack of a retry option... just driving around and hitting jumps or trying to get long boost combos is awesome. And Corvin... the colors certainly pop on my TV (Samsung LCD via HDMI). Not sure why you're having that problem. And I would argue that the "pick up and play" factor is even better this time around due to the fun of just driving around.

About 10 hours in and I really only have two criticisms:

- Lack of split-screen. Seriously, wtf? Burnout was one of the few games I could get my girlfriend to play with me.
- Showtime really is stupid. The whole attraction of the crash mode for me was the puzzle element and that is not a factor in Showtime at all.
Does anyone want to get an 8 man room going tonight with the likes of me, zewone, MusicNoteless, and JimmieMac? We'll be going for the Burnout Skills achievement, as well. It will most likely be in the late night (i.e. 11pm central time)
Im not racing games gamer but Im loving this game. It been mostly all I been playing for the last 3 days.
[quote name='Aleman'] And Corvin... the colors certainly pop on my TV (Samsung LCD via HDMI). Not sure why you're having that problem. And I would argue that the "pick up and play" factor is even better this time around due to the fun of just driving around.[/QUOTE]

Pop in Revenge and then pop in Paradise, the color palettes are night and day. One's bright and vivid and the other is drab and dull.

But whatever, it's a minor complaint in a laundry list of them.
So far I've found 108 out of 120......I haven't gone and went around looking for them just yet though...I wonder if they are secret ones you can only get after a certain license.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']WTF!? Can you make your own videos or did the Burnout Team make that?

EDIT: NVM I see you can make your own msg.

I got the game coming from GF hopefully today or tomorrow, did cancel my preorder though.[/quote]I thought you hated the new setup of the game?
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I thought you hated the new setup of the game?[/quote]
Based on the demo yes, that's why I canceled my pre-order...though that doesn't change the fact that I haven't played a decent racer since the NFS:MW and Burnout: Revenge. I'll give it a shot but at this point even if I like it, I won't buy it.
[quote name='Corvin']
In the end, take the open world driving of GTA and throw in the Orbs of Crackdown and you have Paradise.[/quote]

Hmmm... I'll Pass then.
Is it just me or is this game fucking beyond frustrating?

fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!!!!!!!!

This game was designed to piss me off. Why the hell does Criterion want the traffic cars to always be in the right time and place to make me crash. This game is ridiculous. Oh and yes I do need a retry.
anyone have the vision cam for this game?
wonderin if its worth picking up or not for the license and mugshots

well thats if i can get it for $40 still...and i decide to pick up burnout :lol:
i picked up the game for about $34 dollars @ bestbuy after the 10% coupon and $20 reward zone certificate. I only played a few hours but I really hate the in race navigation. I have pause the game and bring up the map in order to figure out which streets to take.
few smashes short of having all 400. and I still have so much to do since I've barely touched the events. Loving this game.
I got this game from GameFly yesterday, I must say that even though my expectations were low, I was very pleased by the final result.

I do agree with Cheapy, too. The demo does this game no justice. For anyone who is on the fence about buying it, go rent the full version.

Still a little frustrating about having to pop open the map each time in order to find out where the hell I'm going. However, I'm just going on the fly with where I'm going, especially online, to get the job done. It'll take some time to memorize everything, but I'm willing to take the time out on that.

Otherwise, I'm pleased with the end result. Fun, fast and furious. Great little pickup and play game and hopefully the online community flourishes for some fresh challenges as time goes by.
This game is very good. I just realized that my son and I spent about 5 hours playing it (we take turns). He was jumping up and down the whole time.
Game is fun as an open world, do whatever you feel like game, but I miss the way the races used to be, I hate the compass and the little guide at the bottom right. It would be a great game for the $30 mark. Showtime mode is addictingly fun...though I do miss the offline multiplayer...the aftertouch takedowns.

BTW: When you unlock the bestbuy, gamestop...etc. cars, where do you go to select them? I can't find them at the junkyard.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']BTW: When you unlock the bestbuy, gamestop...etc. cars, where do you go to select them? I can't find them at the junkyard.[/quote]

These can only be played ONLINE until you get a Class A or Burnout license, at which time you can use them offline.
[quote name='SynGamer']These can only be played ONLINE until you get a Class A or Burnout license, at which time you can use them offline.[/quote]


What about the steel wheels code, I could have sworn I heard that it was reusable...anyone want to share? Can steel wheels be played offline without an A or Burnout licence?
At first I hated the game but I'm slowly starting to like it now. Love how you can go online with freeburn and just drive around trying to crash into other people without having to race. Some how relaxing.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Thanks.

What about the steel wheels code, I could have sworn I heard that it was reusable...anyone want to share? Can steel wheels be played offline without an A or Burnout licence?[/quote]

G23X 5K8Q GX2V 04B1

Add it WITH the spaces. I entered the code but never tried to actually get it at the junk yard so not sure if it can be used offline. I'll post next time i play.
[quote name='TheRock88']At first I hated the game but I'm slowly starting to like it now. Love how you can go online with freeburn and just drive around trying to crash into other people without having to race. Some how relaxing.[/quote]

A friend and i did that with the demo...had fun trying to pull off a double barrel roll down by the beach. Never pulled it off but it was fun trying without having to reload a race or settings or any of that shit.

I did however pull off the double barrel roll in the retail game with the hyperion or w/e it's called. Did it down by the beach (same as the demo area) and it was great. You have to get A LOT of speed and use the boost the entire time. Unlocked the daredevil achievement i believe :D
You can't use the Steel Sheels car offline until you get the vurnout License.

Plus, the Gamestop car is awesome for barrel rolls.
[quote name='Razzuel']Ugh where the hell are these last 5 smashes...[/QUOTE]
in the menu, you can find out the general vicinity of where you are missing them. you may have already noticed it, but i figured i'd say it anyhow.
Yeah I knew that but thanks anyway...

Awesome I just found my last smash in Downtown Paradise....on accident. Ok now I need one in Palm Bay Heights, one in Silver Lake, and two in White Mountain.
[quote name='Razzuel']Yeah I knew that but thanks anyway...

Awesome I just found my last smash in Downtown Paradise....on accident. Ok now I need one in Palm Bay Heights, one in Silver Lake, and two in White Mountain.[/QUOTE]
tops of the parking structures?
[quote name='bigdsinferno']tops of the parking structures?[/quote]
Actually it was leading into a construction site, it looked like I missed it because on the other side was another smash leading back into the construction site but there were two ways to go. I must of not went on the right side.

Just found my last smash in Silver Lake, it was in the tunnel leading away from Palm Bay Heights that runs parallel to the train tracks.

Just found my last two smashes in White Mountain.

Woo hoo! I found all the smashes!

That last one was on the left side of a pathway on the east side of Palm Bay Heights.

Just found all Super Jumps as well, oh yeah!
[quote name='Wolve11']I still haven't figured out how to power park yet or where to do the 360 flat spin.[/quote]You power park by first getting up to a decent speed then letting off the gas while holding X (sending the car into an E-Brake spin) and try to steer the car inbetween two parked cars. The goal is to get the tires perfectly inside the white line on the road. The easiest place to do this is on Casey Pass because the cars are parked up against a wall that will stop you in place (which will get you the 100%).

After leaving Casey Pass, the Lone Peak Quarry is immediately northwest of that location - just up the street. Go there and hit the ramp that drops into the mine for an easy 360+ degree spin.
I need this game!

I never understood the hate it was getting. Love freedom done correctly in my games, the type of games that rarely ever get old.
bread's done