CAG Arcade Stick Thread

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Well BB finally shipped my TE stick today. Kind of wish I could justify keeping it but already half modded my HRAP that's not gonna happen. Want my buttons... :p
[quote name='amusedtoe']Well BB finally shipped my TE stick today. Kind of wish I could justify keeping it but already half modded my HRAP that's not gonna happen. Want my buttons... :p[/quote]
Well, there are plenty of people here who would love to pick it up, if you're selling.
Just got my HRAP3 Today :D

anyways are Sanwa buttons more like the buttons on the SE Sf4 Fight stick or are they more like the stock HRAP3s?

i definitely prefer the feel of the SE SF4 stick stock buttons better then these horis.

but the stick is *drools*
SO do I get points or something if Markman's project actually turns out of be a fish taco fightstick?

Man I had a big ass fish burrito for four bucks yesterday, good shit.
[quote name='MarkMan']The SE SF4 stick is closer to Sanwa feel when it comes to buttons...

The old Hori buttons were MUCH better....[/quote]


yeah i def dont like the feel of the 4 bottom buttons the start and select are nice tho!

thanks markman im gonna place my order for the buttons tonight :D
for the HRAP3 is it the

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]8 of these Sanwa [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]OBSF-30 Pushbutton[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]and

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]2 of these OBSF-24 Pushbutton for the start + select?

I also got my HRAP3 in the mail last night and played with it today. Although it takes some getting used to a joystick again after playing SFIV with a pad for a while, this stick feels awesome.

I am going to order some Sanwa buttons from Lizard Lick. Although, the Hori buttons are not that bad to me. I do like how the 24mm ones are flush for the start and select buttons.

Can someone point me in the direction for a tutorial on replacing the buttons, and also for finding and adding custom artwork.. I'd love to put Blanka fighting Yoda on this thing. Also, how hard is it to replace the ball top on the joystick? They are only 3 bucks on Lizard Lick, and I'd like a different color.

I was looking at this "Seimitsu LB-39 Ball Top SKU: LB-39 Bubbletop"

I think this is supposed to work with the Sanwa Stick? They look pretty cool.
Received my HRAP 3 on Wednesday from Amazon, now if they ever send me my T.E. ill be a happy man. Put a Little SFIV COllection Together for some pics since my 360 Copy came in today as well. Now to put in an order of Sanwa parts.

[quote name='controlcommerce']Nice collection. Did you buy a 2nd copy of the collectors edition for the PS3 to keep sealed?[/QUOTE]

Nope DD wouldnt let me cancel it after i ordered my Amazon Copy, ill eventually sell it when i have time to.
You know what's just silly? That the UPS thing in Ohio (Maumee) that stuff leaves from to head here (Detroit) is like an hour and a half from the local distribution center thing. It left there for here 5 hours ago and surely is here already but instead of delivering it Saturday they're going to sit on it until Monday. Hate that they always do this anymore if you didn't upgrade to faster shipping. No one's affordable shipping is FedEx anymore and they were so much better, would deliver things soon as they could.
Does any one know of any other option out for the Wii for a stick besides the one from Hori( which I own ). The HoriWii is not bad, but its not great ether. Was just wondering since I am looking to get a little more out of that console and with up coming release of GG: XX AC +, plus I was thinking about getting Samurai Showdown for the Wii as well.
There will be more Wii sticks coming out.

If you want to use it with GG I suggest either getting a GameCube stick (Soul Calibur II Hori or generic GC Fighting Stick by Hori), I think both of those are way better than the current Wii Hori stick.

Another option is the Tatsunoko Stick or Exar stick, but I really don't like that stick lol.
[quote name='MarkMan']There will be more Wii sticks coming out.

If you want to use it with GG I suggest either getting a GameCube stick (Soul Calibur II Hori or generic GC Fighting Stick by Hori), I think both of those are way better than the current Wii Hori stick.

Another option is the Tatsunoko Stick or Exar stick, but I really don't like that stick lol.[/quote]

Are you guys going to be making one any time soon, or do you new a higher profile game for that? I would love to get the SC II stick, but I can only find one and shipping is $60 which is more than the asking price of the stick, so I will have to think about it. For the Tatsunoko did you mean the Neo Geo stick, cause trying to find one of those now is a slim chance in hell.
You wouldn't want the Neo Geo stick for GGAC +, don't have the right button setup.

So either Exar/Tatsunoko or SC II one if you were to want one.

We're not making any Wii sticks anytime soon.

You can also just get a PS2 stick and a Mayflash converter.
dangit, the start button on my TE stopped functioning. now i actually gotta get one of those hex keys or allen wrenches to fiddle with the connection. =(
Awesome, I just finished my wireless joystick. I'l post pics of it tomorrow whenever I get my camera working. Tonight, I'll test the heck out of it.
Hmm... are sticks supposed to wiggle a little when you try moving it slightly in neutral position? If not, then I may be looking at getting a new part already.
[quote name='distgfx']Hmm... are sticks supposed to wiggle a little when you try moving it slightly in neutral position? [/quote]Yeah it's normal.
[quote name='distgfx']Hmm... are sticks supposed to wiggle a little when you try moving it slightly in neutral position? If not, then I may be looking at getting a new part already.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, that's just the dead zone. Basically there's space between the stick and the microswitches. I don't think there are sticks without a dead zone.
Probably been asked before, but I didn't see an answer and the search was apparently too vague to give me a good answer...

Is there anyone on CAG that is really fantastic at making sticks? And, out of those people, is there anyone that would be willing to build one for another person?

I could certainly not afford to buy one now, but I would love to buy one sometime in the future with really nice parts and sexy artwork.

Living in Japan means I don't have a garage like I did back in the US, so I don't have any kind of tools aside from the standard screwdrivers and such making a DIY stick nigh impossible. LOL
Dv8, is there any reason you don't want to just mod an existing stick? I bet Hori sticks are cheaper over there and Sanwa and Seimitsu parts are probably affordable too.
[quote name='dv8mad']Probably been asked before, but I didn't see an answer and the search was apparently too vague to give me a good answer...

Is there anyone on CAG that is really fantastic at making sticks? And, out of those people, is there anyone that would be willing to build one for another person?

I could certainly not afford to buy one now, but I would love to buy one sometime in the future with really nice parts and sexy artwork.

Living in Japan means I don't have a garage like I did back in the US, so I don't have any kind of tools aside from the standard screwdrivers and such making a DIY stick nigh impossible. LOL[/quote]

You can do it yourself. Read this blog for all the info and links.
[quote name='distgfx']Hmm... are sticks supposed to wiggle a little when you try moving it slightly in neutral position? If not, then I may be looking at getting a new part already.[/quote]

My shit ass Hori stick has a huge dead zone. The LS-33 has no dead zone what so ever, and I love it. Seimitsu ftw.

[quote name='rmb']You can do it yourself. Read this blog for all the info and links.[/quote]

If you spring for a painted or premium Norris and on PS3 a Cthulhu board its a peice of cake. You wouldn't need to do any drilling, painting, or soldering. Basically just drop in buttons, screw in a joystick, print a picture, and crimp some wires and your good to go.
[quote name='rmb']You can do it yourself. Read this blog for all the info and links.[/quote]

If you spring for a painted or premium Norris and on PS3 a Cthulhu board its a peice of cake. You wouldn't need to do any drilling, painting, or soldering. Basically just drop in buttons, screw in a joystick, print a picture, and crimp some wires and your good to go.
[quote name='eastx']Dv8, is there any reason you don't want to just mod an existing stick? I bet Hori sticks are cheaper over there and Sanwa and Seimitsu parts are probably affordable too.[/QUOTE]

I think this is the more efficient and cheapest way to go. Hell I bet he could buy a already decked out joystick for under $100.

Look at Markman's arcade stick rankings list, decide which one you want and price check them at shops.
Well, my stick is completed and I think I did a decent job. Of course the wiring could be improved, but who the hell is going to look at that.

I'm really digging the feel of Seimitsu components as opposed to Sanwa.
Hmm, it depends. To get to the point where I was proficient at stick as opposed to pad, it was probably about a month. Now I can't do anything on pad.
[quote name='option.iv']Well, my stick is completed and I think I did a decent job. Of course the wiring could be improved, but who the hell is going to look at that.

I'm really digging the feel of Seimitsu components as opposed to Sanwa.[/quote]

That stick is sooo nice. It looks fantastic.
Yeah Best Buy finally shipped my TE stick arriving this Thursday...So i really haven't been keeping up with the problems of this stick...All i remember was that some people got their stuff scratched up upon arrival...I just heard mostly the SE stick were the problem ones but really i haven't been keeping up...Can someone give me rundown on what to look out for? Are these TE sticks 2nd shipments?
With just an hour,black electrical tape, legos and a glue gun, I was able to make the wiring more bearable to look at.

I think I can finally feel at ease with this project and call it finished.
I would have tried to make the charging cable sit flush with the front of the case, then use another cable to connect it to the ps3 ;)

Really nice though.

I hope mine can look that good.
Thanks for the info guys. I guess I may try to find one and some parts on my own. I think I still have to get someone to do the artwork for me and ship it though.
[quote name='Jest']I would have tried to make the charging cable sit flush with the front of the case, then use another cable to connect it to the ps3 ;)

Really nice though.

I hope mine can look that good.[/QUOTE]
You know, I thought about that. In order to do so, I'd have to drill a large hole. Knowing my luck, I'd prolly break it in half. So I unforunately avoided that route. If I had any carpenter skills though, I'd for sure go for that.
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